Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση
[blocks in formation]

them in promoting its order and pros-|| to the elders, the state of the church, perity, and giving effect to the word and especially, if any cases occur, and ordinances of the gospel. There which require their animadversion, are many things necessary to be done or the discipline and correction of the in and about the church, which pas-church. They should likewise detors have no time to do, unless they vise and forward plans of charity and neglect some of the more important usefulness, and encourage and aid in duties of their office. All these de- promoting the great schemes of bevolve on the deacons, and other offi- nevolent enterprise, which are now cers of the church, if there are oth- in progress, and which aim at the ers, who are to take the oversight subjugation of the world to the obeand management of them, very much dience of Christ. into their own hands. It is not easy to enumerate all the duties incumbent on them, in their spiritual relation to the church, since they very much grow out of circumstances, and the several situations and neighborhoods where they reside. Their general obligations, to do all they can, for the aid of the ministry, for the edification of the body, and the furtherance of the gospel, are obvious. And in descending to particulars, it may be justly said, that deacons ought especially to watch over the several members of the church, and give them a word of counsel, of instruc

"From this brief and imperfect enumeration of the duties of deacons, it is easy to see, that they ought to be young and efficient men, humbly and sincerely devoted to the cause. They ought to be stationed, as under watchmen and guides to the flock. And never may we expect that Zion will arise and shine in the beauties of holiness, and be terrible to her enemies, as an army with banners, until she is marshalled and led forward by ther captains of tens, as well as of hundreds and thousands."

A. B.

SATURDAY, MAY 1, 1830.

tion, of encouragement, of warning, Lutheran Magazine. or reproof, as occasion may require. They should be able and ready to enlighten the ignorant-to direct inThe Atonement.-The communiquirers to warn backsliders-to encourage the desponding-to comfort cation we have inserted under this the mourners- -to visit the widow and head, relates to a subject of great imfatherless in their afflictions to visit portance, upon which, the language and pray with the sick and dying, of our church, is very strong and exwhen required-and to see that the children of the church be duly go- plicit. In the Third Article of the verned and instructed. They should Augsburgh Confession, we are taught, also be examples and leaders to the" that God the Son, who is true God flock-preside and assist in the more and Man; truly suffered, was cruciprivate religious meetings of chris-fied, dead and buried—that he was a ́ tians, and take a leading and active part in all occasional meetings of the sacrifice, not only for original sin, but brethren and of the church, for bu- also for all other sins, and reconciled siness, for conference, or prayer.- the wrath of God." And in the 4th They should also keep a watchful Article, under the head of Justificaeye upon the conduct of the brethtion, it is asserted, "that we obtain ren, and see whether it be such as becometh the gospel. They should forgiveness of sin, and become rightnotice the wants and dangers of the||eous before God, through grace, for body, and from time to time, report Christ's sake, by faith-if we be

lieve that Christ suffered for us, and ||nication from a travelling corresponthat, for his sake, sins are forgiven,||dent, who has given us a very interand righteousness and eternal life | esting description of several Luthergranted unto us." This language is an clergymen and congregations, easily comprehended, and cannot be which he visited. It affords us great misunderstood. Other parts of the satisfaction, to hear of the success Confession, establishing the same and prosperity of various portions principle, might here be introduced; of our Church, where the gospel is but we deem the above extracts suf- preached in its purity, and its divine ficient to shew, that the doctrine of influence displayed, in the character the Atonement, as stated by the wri- of its hearers. Such intelligence is ter of the communication, was consi- always highly gratifying, and cannot dered by our protestant forefathers, fail to interest the minds of all true as a fundamental doctrine of the Lutherans, who love their church, church, necessary to be believed by and rejoice in the salvation of souls. all, who are desirous of obtaining We hope that our correspondent may the forgiveness of their sins. continue to favor us with his comWe have heard people say, that munications, and endeavor to collect this doctrine is incomprehensible; such further information, as he may and that, therefore, they cannot be- deem interesting to the readers of the lieve it. But, as well might they ||Magazine. disbelieve the union of body and soul

Church Officers.-The welfare of

-as well might they doubt the evidence of their senses, and deny the every christian congregation, depends reality of the numberless phenome-in a great measure, upon the characna, which daily occur in the natural ter and conduct of its ruling officers. world. For many of those wonder- They should, therefore, be carefully ful exhibitions of the power and wis-and judiciously selected. No man should be chosen to fill the office of dom of God, which we constantly Elder observe around us, surpass our limitor Deacon, in the church, who ed comprehension. And if our ina- does not, in his daily walk and conbility to comprehend an object, con-versation, exhibit satisfactory evidenstitutes a sufficient reason for us to ces of christian piety. believe, that such object does not church officers, are too important, to exist—then we must be ignorant of what we know we see, what we do not see and hear, what we do not hear: For the operations of the mind, and the impressions produced on the senses, are often so mysterious, that they cannot be fully explained.

The duties of

be regarded with that carelessness
and indifference, which we see but
They are ap-
too often manifested.
pointed to watch over the spiritual
interests of the congregation, and en-
deavor to promote its welfare, by a
faithful and conscientious perform-
ance of their duty. They should
take a deep interest in whatever con-

Correspondence. We invite the cerns religion, and the salvation of attention of our readers, to a commu-souls.

In the excellent and compre

Statistics of Religious Denominations in the U. S.


hensive language of our Liturgy-selves, and take no interest in the (6 They are to take care, that all salvation of others. They are sethings are done decently, and in or- lected, not for their piety and faithder;' that the service of God's house ful attendance on the ordinances of be performed in a manner corres-God's house, but for the purpose of ponding with the importance of this leading them to the church: And object, and the purity and simplicity when they are thus selected, they nevof the gospel; that the necessary in-er consider the duties which they have struction, consolation, and excite- been chosen to fulfil. They care ment to the practice of godliness and nothing for the interests of the church virtue, be afforded to the young and the old; and that christian morals be cultivated and preserved among the members of the congregation."

-and whenever the minister proposes any measures for promoting the welfare of the congregation, they are the first to throw obstacles in his They are required to exhibit an ex- way. Instead of assisting and enample, deserving the imitation of all couraging him, in the performance of who may come within the reach of his official duties, they oppose him their influence. They are bound to in his work, and often seek to de“admonish and warn open offend-stroy his influence with those, who ers," and, if necessary, exercise their are ready to adhere to him. Such authority against those, who reject officers are a reproach to any congreevery virtuous admonition, and are gregation. No church can prosper determined to persevere in their evil under their direction. All real chrisways. These duties, every church tians are disgusted with their conofficer is solemnly bound to perform. duct; and God will at last withdraw But how seldom are they realized his blessing from a congregation, There are, indeed, but few elders where such glaring abuses are sufand deacons, whose characters and fered to exist. These remarks were conduct shew, that they have a real- suggested by an article "On the izing sense of the solemn and impor-Duty of Deacons," which we have tant duties of their station. How far published in this number, and rethese observations may apply to commend to the serious attention of church officers generally, we will our readers. not undertake to say. We know, however, from personal observation, that in our church, this is a serious evil. We know, that in some of our congregations, the people are altogether too careless in the selection, and too regardless of the character and conduct, of their church officers.Men are chosen to fill these high and Quarterly Register and Journal of the American Education Society. It responsible stations, who are a disappears to have been compiled from grace to the christian profession-the most authentic sources which are men, who have no religion them-accessible:




The following summary view of the religious denominations in the United States, is collected from a detailed article on the subject, contained in the last number of the

11. Mennonites.-In 1824, minis

1. Orthodox Congregationalists.-| Principally within the six Northeast-ters 250; members 30,000. ern or New-England States, in each 12. Tunkers.-Principally in the of which there is a General Confer- Western States. Churches 40; comence, Association, or Convention.municants 3,000. [Estimated.] Associations or Conferences, 66; mi- 13. Free-Will Baptists.-Princinisters, 800; vacant churches, 250; pally in New-England. Ministers communicants, 120,000. [Docu- 300; churches 370; communicants ments not complete.] 16,000 [Estimated.]

2. Presbyterians.—In the Middle, 14. Christian Society.-In most of Southern, and Western States. Sy- the states. Ministers 300; memnods 19; presbyteries 92; ordained bers 30,000. [Estimated.] ministers 1392; licentiates 205; churches 2070; communicants 162,816.

15. Emancipators.-Principally in Kentucky. Ministers 10; commu[Estimated.]

3. Reformed Dutch Church.-Prin-nicants 400. cipally in the states of New-York, 16. Free-Communion Baptists.— New-Jersey and Pennsylvania. Sy- In the state of New-York. Minisnods 2; classes 16; pastors 150;ters 30; communicants 3,500. [Eslicentiates 7; churches 185; vacant timated.]

144; communicants 11,713.

17. United Brethren.-Principally

4. Protestant Episcopal Church.-in Pennsylvania and North Carolina. Principally in the Atlantic States, In 1828, ministers 23; congregabut scattered through most of the tions 23; communicants 2,000; memothers. Dioceses 15; bishops 10; |bers 6,000.


ministers 528. 18. Quakers or Friends.-Princi5. German Reformed Church-pally in the Atlantic States. Principally in the Middle States and Ohio. Synods 2; classes 8; ordained ministers 120; candidates 10; congregations 500. [Doc. deficient.]

6. Evangelical Lutheran Church. Principally in the Middle States. In 1828, about 200 ministers, and 800 congregations.

7. Methodist Episcopal Church.In all the states. Bishops 4; conferences 17; travelling preachers 1,697; superannuated 120; members 447,743.

bers 150,000; of whom 56,026 are Hicksites, 28,904 orthodox, and the others not known.

19. Cumberland Presbyterians.In the states bordering on the Mississippi river. Synod 1; several presbyteries; increase last year about 3,500.

-20. Unitarians.--Principally in Massachusetts. Churches 160. (Estimated.]

21. Swedenborgians.-Principally in the Eastern and Middle States. Ministers 29; regular societies in 28 towns.

8. Calvinistic Baptists.—In all the states. Associations 224; churches 4,285; ministers 2,857; communicants 292,862. [Documents not all 22. Shakers.-Principally in New of 1829.1 England and New-York. Societies 9. Seventh-Day Baptists.-Prin-16; preachers 45; members 5,400. cipally in Rhode-Island. Ministers 23. Universalists.-Principally in 30; communicants 3,000. [Esti- the Middle and Eastern States.mated.] Preachers 150; societies 300. [Es

10. Six-Principle Baptists.-Prin-timated.] cipally in Rhode-Island and New- 24. Roman Catholics.—Archbishop York. In 1828, about 25 churches, 1; bishops 10 or 12; numbers estiand 1,700 members. mated at 500,000.

Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Ohio.

From the (Maryland) Evangelical Lutheran




Melsheimer, Manning, Fast, Smith,
Kugler, Schaeffer, Huet, Reinhart,
Schneider, Schuh, Rothacker, Gru-
ber and Zerfass.

The minutes of the Synod of Ohio Much local business was transacthave just come to hand, and, in or- ed during Monday and Tuesday.der to furnish our readers with a sy-Many petitions for ministers, and senopsis, we shall defer to another veral reports of brethren who had number, a part of the matter we had missionated, were read. It was stated, already prepared for the press. We that in many districts, every encoudo hope, that the Secretaries of the ragement is given for ministers of our different Synods, will endeavor to Zion, and that many circumstances transmit to us the minutes, without prove, that flourishing congregations delay, as it is highly important, that could be organized, where at this our people should be put in posses- time our people have no pastor, and sion of the transactions of our differ- seldom an opportunity, to hear any ent Synods, as early as possible. minister of the gospel.


veniences, for want of our catechisms and hymn books. One brother stated, that he could not for three years, attend to the catechization of the

This Synod convened in Trinity Our brethren in Ohio, evince great week, A. D. 1829, at Lancaster, zeal for the cause of Christ. Fairfield county. On Saturday pre-erto, they labored under many inconviously, the services preparatory to the administration of the Lord's Supper were performed, after a discourse by Rev. Fast, from Acts 3. 19. At early candle light, Rev. Kug-youth, as no catechisms could be had. ler preached, text, 1 Peter v, 5. On Sunday, discourses were delivered in both the German and English language, by Rev. Messrs. Wagenhals, A. Henkel, Heinecke and Č. Henkel. Mr. Heinecke delivered the pastoral sermon, from Acts xx, 28.

Measures will be taken to prevent the recurrence of such a state of

things. A preacher of the United Brethren, made application for admission into our church, with the determination to study theology, under the superintendence and direction of a minister of this Synod. He was accordingly received, as he has such qualifications, which will render him useful.

after be admitted into this Synod, Every young man, who shall here

The Lord's Supper was administered to the members of the Synod, and to a considerable number of the laity. Great solemnity prevailed, and cause was given to believe, that many felt the presence of the Lord. On Monday, the Synod was con-must, according to a resolution adopstituted, by singing a hymn, and ted unanimously, first serve two or prayer. After the roll was called, three months, as a missionary, before the officers for the ensuing year were we hope, will be pursued by other he can be stationed. This course, elected, viz: Synods, until our missionary system shall be more perfect.

Rev. A. Henkel, President.

(6 H. Heinecke, Secretary. The parochial reports for the last (( Kemmerer, Treasurer. year, though deficient, as those of all The names of the clerical mem- our Synods have hitherto been, are bers of the Synod are, Rev. Steck, nevertheless, satisfactory. There Stough, Weygandt, Leist, Reaman, were 2046 baptisms, 708 were conEspich, Steck jun. A. Henkel, Kem-firmed, 7387 partook of the Lord's mere, Schweitzer, Barth, Heinecke, Supper, and 63 schools are under the C. Henkel, Mechling, Wagenhals, Synod.

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