Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

neighbourhood of Calamata, owing to the progress of caprification, which is practised almost throughout the archipelago. There are two kinds of fig-trees, the wild and the domestic, both of which bear fruit; but that of the latter falls before it is ripe, if precautions be not taken to prevent it. When the wild figs are ripe, which is in the months of June and July, they are gathered and fastened by strings to the domestic fig-trees; soon afterwards small gnats proceed from the wild figs, and introduce themselves, by what is called the eye of the fruit, into the still green figs of the domestic tree. This is called caprification, which process gives to the fruit great sweetness. The insect which conduces to the maturity of the fruit transforms itself into a worm; to prevent its hatching, the figs are placed in an oven, or kept in jars hermetically closed. The olive-tree seems to belong peculiarly to the Morea, it shoots and multiplies every where, though in a wild state; and there are still the remains of woods and forests of these trees. Under the government of the Venetians, the Morea furnished an immense quantity of oil, the best of which is now chiefly produced in Corinth, Napoli di Romania, and the district of Maïna. Although in other parts the olives are not cultivated with equal care, the harvest is always abundant.

It is different with regard to the silk: mulberry trees do not fail, or rather would not fail were they to establish plantations; but there is a great mortality amongst the silkworms, which the Greeks attribute to sorcerers, instead of their own want of precaution: in the Morea 100 pounds of balls only yield from seven to eight pounds of silk. Neither is the Morea in itз present state a wine country: vines are abundant; but with the exception of that of Misitra, and St. George in Corinthia, the wine is common, and in order to preserve it they mix it with resin, or even with turpentine, which renders it bitter. The Corinthian grape, which is the sort particularly cultivated by the husbandmen of the Morea, appears to have been transplanted from the isle of Naxos, and to thrive best in a dry and flinty soil which prevails in the peninsula. The vintage for these grapes is at the end of July and during the whole of the mouth of August: a very good wine is extracted from them, but, as they yield but little, they are principally dried for exportation. It is chiefly along the gulf of Corinth, and in the Ionian isles bordering on the Morea, that vineyards of this kind are found: they have succeeded to the plantations of tobacco, with which the Morea was formerly filled, and the quantity of Corinthian raisins which is generally exported in time of peace is valued at 6,000,000 or 8,000,000 of pounds. The cotton of the peninsula may vie in fineness and whiteness with that of Salonica and Smyrna flax grows spontaneously in all parts of the Morea, but hemp fails there.

Argos, Messenia, and Arcadia, are capable of feeding great numbers of cattle, and the pastoral productions would enrich the inhabitants, had not the race of domestic animals greatly degenerated; the wool of the sheep also, which is naturally long and silky, would, if treated with

suitable care, equal that of the Merino breed. Navarin and Napoli di Romania exported great quantities of it not long since. The butter, though excellent when fresh, will not keep, from a defect in the preparation. They export a quantity of raw hides, and acorns.

Plains covered with rosemary, thyme, wild thyme, mint, wild fennel, and other aromatic plants, furnish the bees with materials for excellent honey and wax; which, however, the people neglect to purify, and sell it in its coarse state. Many other vegetables would grow here in abundance, were the inhabitants to bestow more attention on them: it seems even certain, that the sugar-cane would succeed very well in some parts of the Morea.

Planes, carob-trees, cypresses, mastich-trees, kermes-oaks, pines and firs, together with laurels, roses, and myrtles, grow near the towns and in the deserts of the Morea: the large pines furnish excellent wood for building; those of Elis might be employed in the construction of men of war. The resinous wood of the Morea produces much tar, pitch, and turpentine, and slips of it, lighted, supply the place of lamps to the cottagers. They extract a kind of aromatic oil from the berries of the laurel, which is efficacious in the cure of rheumatism and sprains. Another kind of oil is obtained from the pistachio: and the Moreans have more than once in time of famine mixed the ground root of the arum maculatum with their bread. With the rhus cotinus, which the Greeks call chrysoxulon or golden wood, the Moreans dye an orange color: the fruit serves to season their dishes. The agnus castus, which grows on the borders of rivulets, furnishes them with osiers. It may be supposed from the state of agriculture, that farming is at a very low ebb in the Morea; notwithstanding which they very well understand the conducting of water even to the distance of some leagues, though there is still much improvement required in that as well as in other branches of husbandry. The manufacturing interest is not more flourishing: necessity has taught the Moreans to manufacture many articles, such as cotton, leather, felt, and even in some places they fabricate silks, gauzes, stuffs, &c.; but for other merchandise they are dependent on foreign nations. It is to be remarked however that the Moreans, though but indifferent manufacturers, are excellent merchants: they have abolished all the foreign houses in their ports and engrossed the whole of the commerce. There is no nation,' says Serofani which can be compared with the Greeks for avarice, parsimony, cunning, and activity.'

It is a remarkable circumstance, that the isthmus of Corinth, which anciently served as a link between the Peloponnesus and Great Greece, and contained an opulent city, should have become in 1822, after so many ages of nothingness, a rallying point for the free Greeks and the seat of their government until the city of Minerva shall be in a condition to receive it. In the foundations of the ramparts and bastions, which surround the acropolis, may be perceived ancient layers of stone of Pelasgian or Cyclopean workmanship. The fountain of Pyrenus issues from the foot of the mountain, on which the

citadel stands; and, farther on, is the fountain of Lerna; which rushes from the rock, and swelling in a rivulet, after having watered Corinth, empties itself into the gulf of that name. Fragments of the fluted columns of the ancient temple of Minerva are remaining; and other vestiges may still be seen on the declivity of the mountain.

At a short distance from the town there are seven fluted columns standing, which still support a part of their ancient architraves, and which the inhabitants of the country suppose are the remains of the temple of the Sun. Judging by the descriptions of Strabo and Pausanias we may also recognise the foundations of the theatre and gymnasium; but of the famous temple of the Melanean Venus no traces are to be found, and from the present melancholy aspect of Corinth no one would suppose it to have deserved the name of the 'city of pleasures.' Its ancient port of Lechæum, on the gulf, still contains some small buildings and a custom-house; but this tract of land is become an unwholesome marsh, impregnated with saltpetre. Cenchrea, now Hachries, another port of Corinth at the mouth of the Helicon, is almost a desert. Mosques and a few Greek churches, among which the cathedral is distinguished, have succeeded the ancient temples: and since 1821, probably, the minarets no longer announce the supremacy of the Mussulman worship in this bulwark of Greece. The archbishopric of Corinth boasts of being more ancient than even that of Rome. Besides the churches, a caravansera and a post house were the only public establishments here in 1821. With regard to military affairs, Corinth is important for the defence of the Peloponnesus against the attacks of land armies; though, from its being situated between two gulfs, an army may easily approach and quickly disembark, especially on the side near the isle of Ægina. Corinth has never been celebrated for the fertility of its soil; scarcely any trees are to be seen, except small pines, and cypresses; only a few of the gardens are adorned with citron and orange trees; and, after the harvest, the chalky lands, burnt up by the sun, present the very picture of sterility.

The villages of the isthmus are now comprised under the general name of Dervena Choria, and have a population amounting to 10,430 inhabitants: Corinth itself contains about 360 houses. Two roads diverge from the town, one, turning towards the east, leads to Megara; the other westward to Sicyone.

On the road to Megara we pass through Examili, a village divided into high and low, and inhabited by Greeks and Albanians: in this place is found an astonishing quantity of ancient coins, which the women wear as ornaments; and near the village are the remains of a temple and a theatre, fragments of marble and granite, and pieces of antique pottery. From the number of pines found here, it has been conjectured that in this place the Isthmian games were celebrated.

The passage of Mount Eneus was not, until lately, free from danger, and various recollections contributed to sadden the traveller. The torrent

of the Massacre, which is to be passed, issues from a ravine shaded with rose laurels, pines, maples, and other trees; it was here that in 1779 a troop of Albanians were murdered. The ascent of Caki-scala leads to the summit of the torrent, which commands a fine view of the neighbouring country and sea.

Towards Megara the coast is guarded by the Scironian rocks. The fertile country around is inhabited by Albanians, who, taking advantage of the partial liberty granted them by the Turks, have secured to themselves a lucrative trade in oil of turpentine, butter, wax, and honey. Megara, which was built on three hills, has lost its monuments, owing partly to the decomposition of the stones composing them: the more ancient foundations, which are still to be seen on one of the hills, being of the primitive rock of Mount Gerania, have been more lasting, and appear to be of cyclopean construction. Megara is only a borough, inhabited by about 1400 Greeks and Albanians, having an episcopal see. The houses are pretty well built, and on the declivity there is a road from this place to Thebes, through the defiles of the Ceralian mountains.

Returning to Corinth, we find a road, which leads along the gulf in a westerly direction to Sicyone, which district is bounded by the rivers Nemeus and Sysais, the most fertile part of the present Corinthia: the Schypetars, who inhabit it, cultivate olives, vines, and cotton, and feed cattle, goats, and poultry; their wives spin the cotton, and show much order and neatness in their houses.

The ancient Sicyon is reduced to a borough: its ruins are found near the mouth of the Asopus, where it is easy to recognise the Greek and Roman acropoles; but the temples, and the wood of the Eumenides, have disappeared. The present village is called Vasilika; it is situated in a deep ravine, through which runs a spring called by the Greeks the Dropping Fountain, because it is supplied by drops falling from the roof of a cave. Sicyone, peopled by the Dorians, early distinguished itself by its love of peace, and the culture of the fine arts: dancing, music, tragedy, and the art of moulding in brass, were carried to great perfection in this Dorian colony; even the women possessed cultivated minds: but the assertions of the ancients are the only proofs of the former prosperity of Sicyone. The very small province of Phliasia, remarkable for its wines, is inhabited by Greeks, who are, perhaps, descended from the ancient Dorians, without any mixture of other nations. On a hill near the Asopus are the ruins of a town, which may have been Phlius.

Argos, the kingdom of Agamemnon, has shared the fate of the other states of Greece; and, in later times, a pacha with two tails governed this formerly independent province. Many historical recollections are awakened here, by every town, river, and mountain: ruins abound in this province, partaking rather of the indestructible solidity of the Egyptian monuments, than of the light and graceful character of the Grecian architecture. Some of these ruins probably equal in antiquity the pyramids on the banks of the Nile, and belong to the style called Cyclo

pean, indieating the gigantic stature and strength of the people who raised them. Instead, however, of cyclops and descendants of the ancients, there are now scarcely any inhabitants in Argos but Schypetars.

hid himself: every word pronounced there is reverberated by the rocks in an astonishing manner. How many have been dupes to this cheat, ́ and how many hopes and fears has it excited, while the priests of Argos have laughed at the credulity of the people! Within the walls of a large church, at the southern extremity of the town, are the fragments of some columns of the Ionic order; and one of the mosques of Argos is said to be built with the remains of the grotto of Esculapius in Epidaurus.

Passing through that mountainous district, which is bathed on one side by the gulf of Argos, and on the other by the sea of Saronica, we arrive at Nauplie. At the bottom of the gulf of Argos, now the gulf of Napoli di Romania, we find a town, which under the Venetian government was the capital of the Morea; the The province of Argos is inhabited by Schyport is still the depôt of the productions of the petars to the number of 8000 or 10,000, who Grecian continent and islands. To this place employ themselves mostly in agriculture, in the Samos sends its sponge, Laconia its silks, Mity- fine plains watered by the Inachus; their houses lene its excellent oils, and other parts of Greece are very neat, and their women, if not equal to their wines, acorns, and vermillion: ancient the ancient Argians in beauty, may at least pass medals of various sorts are also found here. It for their descendants. does not appear that any modern traveller has explored the catacombs, or the subterraneous labyrinth, which, according to Strabo, lie between Nauplie and the city of Argos. The acropolis of Nauplie, still bearing the name of the hero Palamedes, is yet visible; but the most remarkable remains of antiquity here are the ruins of Tyrinthia, at the distance of half a league from the town. The walls of Tyrinthia are mentioned in the Iliad as existing long before the Trojan war; nor have thirty centuries been able to destroy them; travellers who have examined these masses of stones laid one upon another without cement, think that they may still remain as many more. Amongst other peculiarities, the use of the ogive is observed here, which proves that this kind of arch is of great antiquity, although it was seldom much employed till the middle ages.

In going from Tyrinthia to the ancient Argos, the Inachus must be crossed: the bed of this river during a part of the year is dry, but at other times almost the whole plain of Argos is inundated. The ruins of the acropolis are in the same cyclopean style as those of Tyrinthia, at least in the foundations; for the rest is modern, and composed partly of a collection of more ancient ruins. Many classic writers mention the cyclopean walls of Argos, which, from their great solidity, the inhabitants of Mycena were not able to demolish. Few remains of the buildings of this city are to be found, except the plan of the theatre, south-east of the acropolis: it is cut in a rock, and had apparently two wings, which is not the case with other Grecian theatres. A chapel, situated near this theatre, appears to have taken the place of the Hieron of Venus, in which the inhabitants erected a statue to Telesilla, a woman distinguished equally for her poetic genius, and her valor, displayed against the Lacedemonians, in their attack upon Argos. On a rock, to the north-east of the ancient citadel, is a monastery, probably built upon the ruins of the temple of Apollo Diradiotes; and we are assured, that this rock encloses a cavern, which was formerly used for oracles, of which Argos had several. Modern travellers have discovered near the acropolis, on the site of the sanctuary of an ancient temple, a subterraneous passage, which led to the altar, and in which the impostor, who made the oracle speak, probably

Two leagues further north are the ruins of another celebrated city, Mycena, which five centuries before the Christian era, was reduced to its present state of dilapidation by the Argians, who were jealous of the glory its inhabitants had acquired in an engagement with the Spartans at Thermopyla. An acropolis, surrounded by cyclopean walls, rises amidst the unformed ruins. The entrance to the ancient citadel is still plainly seen; and is composed of enormous blocks of stone, upon which are others lying one against another, and forming a kind of rude arch, finished with a stone, on which are cut two lions or panthers standing against a pillar; similar to the animal figures used in modern heraldry. Sculpture of this kind and of this antiquity is surely one of the most curious objects among the ruins of Greece: it is nine feet in height, and more than eleven in width at its base: the gate over which it is placed is mentioned by Sophocles and Pausanias.

On the outside of the acropolis is a tumulus, something resembling the hypogea of Egypt; some old steps lead to the entrance gate of this massy structure. On the top of this entrance, which widens as it advances, is an enormous lintel, composed of a single brachia stone, twenty-seven feet in length, seventeen in width and about four and a half in thickness, being perhaps one of the largest ever employed in an edifice. In the interior of the building is a room terminating in a point like that in the second pyramid of Egypt, from which we pass into a smaller apartment, where we find over the entrance a kind of ogive like that over the citadel. This monument has been called the treasury of Atrea, from a supposition that the ancient Grecian kings were accustomed to deposit their treasures in such buildings: some learned persons, however, believe it to have been a tomb; and there are others who think that it was a place for mystical worship.

The tombs of Ægisthus and Clytemnestra have not yet been found. M. de Chateaubriand imagined he had discovered them; but what he took for Grecian tombs are those of a Mussulman and his servant, who were murdered there thirty years ago.

A little further to the north, through the woody defile of Treta, we arrive at the ancient city of Nemea, of which the hamlet of Colone, so

named from some columns of a temple of Jupiter, is all that remains, and a few solitary trees in the neighbourhood indicate the site of the forest which formerly covered the country: here the celebrated games were solemnised, and the in habitants still assemble annually on the 15th of August, to celebrate the festival of the Virgin, near a ruined church under a very old wild pear-tree.

Following the course of the Nemean river, through the plain of Coutzomati, we enter the canton of St. George, which belongs to Counthia, and is justly celebrated for its vineyards. The lion subdued by Hercules is supposed to have had its den near Nemea. In the way from Argos to Epidaurus we pass near a hill on which are the ruins of Lessa, on the borders of the territory of Argos; and all along the road are to be seen tombs of great antiquity, composed of rough stone; there is one in the shape of a pyramid, like the Egyptian tombs.

Cotton, corn, mulberry, and pomegranate trees and myrtles, cover the beautiful plains and valleys. On the way, and near the sea, are fine woods of olive trees. Epidaurus, the chief city of this province, which now belongs to Corinth, was situated in sight of the isle of Egina, and has been succeeded by the maritime town of Epiada. The temple of Esculapius was situated in a place now called Ligoris, and adorned with myrtles, Indian fig-trees, and other shrubs. The temple of the god of health is no longer standing, but the plan is still visible. The ancient Trezenia and Hermionides form the extremity of a peninsula, and are badly peopled, uncultivated, and unhealthy. Methone still exists under the name of Methana,but it is merely a village like most of the other cities of ancient Greece. At Hermione, now called Thermis, the girls no longer, as in the golden days of Greece, consecrate their hair to Venus at the time of their marriage; and the sacred wood is no longer preserved in honor of the Graces. Quantities of the shells used in the manufacture of purple, which formerly rendered this town famous, are still to be seen; but Hermione is now only known in commerce by the fine sponge found on its coasts. The ancient Calauria, now known by the name of Poros, is inhabited by Albanians. The Cymeria of the ancients, now Saint Pierre, a province which reaches to the mountains of Laconia and Arcadia, is on the other side of the gulf of Argos. The inhabitants feed a number of sheep on their mountains, part of the wool is exported, and the remainder is manufactured into felt and carpets; they likewise make annually 5000 quintals of cheese, and 3000 barrels of olive oil; also some silk and vermillion. Before the insurrection of 1821 they were accustomed to repair to Constantinople, in order to sell but ter, and, after enriching themselves at the expense of Christians and Mussulmans, they returned to their mountains, and laid out their money in ammunition from the neighbouring islands of Hydra and Spezzia. In the summer the inhabitants of the coast visit these mountains in order to escape the damp and unhealthy vapors prevalent near the sea at the equinoxes.

The town of Saint Pierre seems to have suc

ceeded the ancient Thyræa; and the towns of Prasto and Saint Reontas, which form the see of an archbishop, point out the site of the maritime town of Prasica: since the last century a new town, called Neoprasto has been built at a short distance from the two preceding ones. The temple of Diana appears also to have given place to the chapel of Notre Dame de Carga, where the mountaineers perform their devotions with the same zeal as their ancestors. The Tzaconic dialect, a kind of gibberish, in which some remains of the ancient Doric have been discovered, is spoken here. A few centuries since, the language of the Tzaconians, that is of the district comprising the towns of Prasto, Kastanitza, and Satina, was not understood by the other Greeks; but commerce, by increasing the communication among the different states, is gradually abolishing this particular language, and, as it has perhaps never been written, no traces of it will probably be left.

Achaia, the northern extremity of the Peloponnesus, is as poor and unfruitful as in ancient times, although it possesses one of the principal cities of the peninsula, that of Patras, a maritime city built at the foot of Mount Panachaïkos. This place has always preserved the importance which it owes to its situation, being with Lepanto the key of the Corinthian Gulf; the walls, of which ruins are still to be seen, formerly reached to the sea, but the present town, falling far short of the ancient in beauty, is situated at the distance of a mile from the coast. In the modern fortress, itself become a ruin, are the remains of the acropolis, where, in a niche, is a mutilated statue apparently of Diana; this goddess being venerated at Patras, on account of the chase in the forests of Panachaïkos, now infested with lynxes and other wild animals. Bacchus shared with Diana the homage of the Patracians, and justly, for the vines here are still magnificent, the foliage very thick, and the grapes of a considerable size. These vines cover a valley crossed by a Roman aqueduct on two rows of arches, which furnishes water to a fountain supplying the citadel. There is another fountain, or rather covered pit, near the ancient port, and the ruins of the church of Saint André, erected, as is supposed, on the site of the temple of Ceres. This fountain was applied to in the time of Pausanias by invalids: the present inhabitants, more cautious than their ancestors, draw water here on Saint Andrew's day as a preventive of evil. Saint Andrew is the patron of the Patreans, and these have made vain efforts to obtain permission from the Turks, for the rebuilding of his church, which was demolished by the Albanians in 1770. On the day of his festival, the Greeks crowd to the ruins, worship the sarcophagus, which contained his bones, and devoutly drink the water of the pit consecrated to him; small wax tapers are lighted each night upon his tomb.

Near the temple of Ceres was formerly a sacred wood, used as a promenade for the inhabitants: it is succeeded by the vines of Calamogdarti, where have been found some relics. The ruins of two piers, and the bases of two towers, are all that remain of the port which was an

oiently decorated with temples and statues: its waters are stagnant, and produce fevers. A badly screened bay receives the ships, which load principally with Corinthian raisins, for which production there are magazines near the custom-house, also store-houses for fish and salt provisions. The bazaar of St. George appears to be on the site of the ancient market; and according to M. Pongueville, who caused this land to be cleared, the garden of the French consul still contains the Mosaic which served as a pavement to the temple of Bacchus Esymnetus. This gentleman thinks that researches in the bazaar would bring to light other antiquities.

The present Patras will transmit scarcely any monuments to posterity: streets badly paved, dirty, narrow, and in some places shaded by roofs of ivy; houses built on ground dried by the sun, small churches, and mosques, are all that compose a city which passes for one of the first ports of the Levant, and which contains 16,000 inhabitants, three parts of whom are Greeks. This town possesses natural advantages which, under a free government, might render it one of the first cities in Greece and the Levant: under that of the Turks the safety of the inhabitants was threatened at the gates. So common were assaults in the road which passes through the woods of mount Panachaikos into Arcadia, that it was abandoned and stigmatised by the name of the road of murders;' it is more safe to go to Arcadia by sea. Besides vines, the neighbourhood of Patras is planted with mulberry and fig-trees, myrtles and mastichs: hysop, stocks, and other flowers, enamel the shore. Notwithstanding the beauty of the situation, we rarely find in Patras that hardy and robust race which formerly peopled Achaia: those born in Patras are generally afflicted with rickets, perhaps owing to the want of cleanliness and proper diet. More negroes are found here than in other Grecian cities; they generally succeed in obtaining their liberty, and establishing themselves, and then become exceedingly arrogant.

In ancient times Patras was the chief place of only a small district, which was increased by the Romans: at present it extends from the Larissus to Meganitas, and comprises ninety-five villages with a population of 10,700 souls. To the southeast of Patras, after crossing the river Melas at Camenitza, are found the ruins of the ancient city of Phares, on which the Christians have built a chapel to St. John. The small village of Cato-Achaia, which contains all the population of this district, abounds in mulberry, almond, and fig trees: rivers, fields of maize, wheat, and cotton, form, together with a forest of oaks, the resources of the modern Phareans. The greatest number of relics in this district are to be seen near the village of Chalanthistra, which some centuries ago had an archbishopric and several churches; and which probably stood on the site of the ancient Tritea: thus this city has fallen twice. In the mountains of Craca stands the richly endowed monastery of St. Michael the archangel, which maintains about eighty monks, and up to the present time is one of the largest convents in Greece.

The ancient Ægeum, built on a promontory,

has lost its splendor, and the small town of Tostitza, which has replaced it, has experienced too many calamities to admit of its attaining to prosperity: there are some remains of this town and a fountain formerly dedicated to the goddess of health. The inhabitants of this district are exposed to earthquakes, a variable climate, and a violent wind, which blows from Marrichiotis; and, what is still worse, they are the vassals of some Turkish families, to whom this province was given on the conquest of Achaia. They console themselves, however, by the abundant fishery of their gulf, by the fertility of their soil, and by that resignation which makes us endure an evil that we know cannot be remedied. At the ancient Bura, near Tostitza, Hercules delivered oracles in a grotto, which is still seen: it is opposite Delphos, which may be seen on the other side of the gulf of Lepanto. The Greek priests have never been able to impart to the oracle of Bura the reputation which was attached to that of Apollo: they pretend that the monks of Negaspelion have deprived them of their tithes. The ancient Pellenia, whose barren soil is covered with pines which exhale an aromatic odor, is now inhabited by Albanians: they make in their woods pitch and oil of turpentine.

With the name of Arcadia we naturally associate the idea of the golden age, and the Arcadian shepherds. Their country, which occupies the middle of the peninsula, is an elevated plain overlooked by mountains, from which rivers flow in all directions and water the provinces inclining toward the sea: the principal of these are the Alpheus, the Erimanthus, the Eurotas, and the Inachus. Fountains of water gushing from all parts of the plain impart to the air a delightful freshness; the forests which clothe the sides of the mountains, and which must formerly have been larger and thicker; charming pastures; a soil abundantly fruitful; mountains sheltering the inhabitants from invasion; a poverty, which, though not amounting to indigence, served to discourage the greedy conqueror; liberty, without which all other enjoyments are unstable; and a simple and frugal life undisturbed by violent passions; in these advantages consisted the happiness of the ancient Arcadians: they enjoyed that felicity which poor, weak, and free nations seem alone destined to enjoy. But in proportion as the population around Arcadia increased, the inhabitants felt the influence of foreign manners: their simple worship was loaded with the pomps of superstition; the priests subdued the spirit of the people; ambition and jealousy excited civil feuds; proud of their own liberty they filled their country with slaves; the shepherds forsook their mountains and shed their blood in the contests of the neighbouring states, indifferent as to which side they took in those quarrels which ended by desolating the once happy Achaia. Under the Turks they preserved a kind of liberty, at least in their mountains, but it was not that of their ancestors. It is a singular circumstance that many of the Arcadian rivers, after having inundated the country and formed lakes, hollow for themselves subterraneous passages, disappear for a considerable distance, and are then found in other parts: when the canals

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