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as a Christian and a minister, and particularly his warm-hearted devotement to missionary work, it will be well to view it as described in his own words, both at the time, and some years subsequently. A letter to his father contains the first notice of it.

Pré l'Evêque, November 29th, 1821.


"Since I last wrote to you, I have been led more seriously than ever to consider the state of my soul, and in a conversation I have lately had with Mr. Malan, he has clearly convinced me that hitherto I have in reality been seeking out my own righteousness, instead of that righteousness which is alone in Jesus Christ. He has, by the blessing of God, convinced me (which I have heard, and perhaps understood for a long time) that there is one name given under Heaven by which we can be saved. That it is not by any works of righteousness that we can do, not by any thing in us, but only by the cross of Jesus Christ, for God hath said, Whosoever believeth in the Lord Jesus Christ, shall be saved.' That it is not the mere knowledge of this in the head, but the receiving it into the heart, that produces its saving effects. Oh how is this satisfying to the soul to know that the work is finished, that its salvation is accomplished for ever. Oh what peace does it diffuse over the whole man! that peace which the world can neither give nor take away. From this change in my views, I have been brought to meditate on my dedication to the work of the Lord; to give up myself, should it be his will, to the sacred ministry, to make known unto others the good news of salvation by a Redeemer. To this end

I shall direct all my studies, and praying for the direction and guidance of God's Holy Spirit, I shall leave all in his hands, knowing that if it be his will, he will open the way before me. I would earnestly entreat an interest in your prayers, and in those of my beloved mother, brothers and sisters, with this view. O how can I be sufficiently sensible of my invaluable privileges? I am surrounded with all outward helps, perhaps as favorable as it is possible, to prepare myself for future usefulness wherever I may be conducted in the providence of God; I pray that I may be made diligent and careful to improve them, and that amidst all, I may not neglect the one thing needful, the religion of the heart, the constant study of the word of God, the strengthening of my faith from day to day: thus will they be sanctified and blessed. My thoughts often turn homewards on the many dear friends I have left behind, particularly our beloved, dearly beloved circle. Wishing them every blessing, temporal and eternal, and with the most affectionate and dutiful love, &c. &c. J. A."

In his reply to the questions proposed at his ordination, he thus referred to the cheering and enlivening influence of the Sun of Righteousness shining into his heart, to "give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ."

"About three months after my arrival at Geneva, a conversation with my beloved tutor relieved my mind of a most oppressive burden, and made me a partaker of the liberty wherewith Christ makes his people free. The light on that memorable occasion burst into my mind with peculiar effulgence. The finished work of

the Saviour, the free promises of God in him, the covenant of grace in his blood, and eternal life, the purchase of his merits, were then unfolded, and, as I cannot doubt, applied by the Spirit to my heart. The scales fell from my eyes, joy inundated my bosom, my lips uttered praise, Christ became my life; being justified by faith, I had peace with God, through our Lord Jesus Christ.' The Bible was read by me with peculiar and unknown pleasure, as now interested in its contents; it was no longer a sealed book; glory shone from every page of the inspired volume, and a knowledge of Christ and of his salvation, was a key that unlocked all its mysteries. In these favoured circumstances, my views of divine truth day by day matured; the society of those who had suffered persecution for the cause of Christ was my constant privilege, and the faith, and love, and devotedness of the esteemed instrument of my conversion urged me forward in the path of obedience. Since that time, the peace then given has never entirely forsaken me; it hath both flowed from and conducted me to the Saviour, as the 'Author and Finisher of our faith,'-it has weaned me from the world; it has taught me to hate sin, to mourn over its commission, and earnestly desire complete emancipation from its power; it has united me to my fellow Christians, so as to esteem them as the excellent of the earth, and count them brethren; it has delivered me from the slavish fear of death, and given me 'a hope full of immortality.""

Mr. Malan, who witnessed with delight the change in his pupil's mind, soon wrote to his father the following beautiful letter of Christian felicitation :


"Je crois pouvoir vous donner la bonne nouvelle qu'il s'est fait en notre cher Adam, un changement bien heureux, le plus heureux de tous; j'espère fortement que le Seigneur lui a donné le sceau de son Esprit, et que ce cher jeune homme connoit maintenent avec certitude l'amour de Celui qui l'a fait ainsi passer dans le royaume de sa merveilleuse lumière. Ce bon et intéressant ami, dès son arrivée chezm oi, s'étoit montré le plus sage, le plus appliqué de mes élèves, ou plutôt de mes amis, de mes enfans; il avoit été, il étoit un modèle en tout, et gagnoit tous les cœurs par sa douceur, sa complaisance, sa pieté. Mais je craignois qu'il n'y eût en lui quelque défaut de foi, de vue de l'amour dèsson Redempteur. Je le voyois triste et préoccupé; il lui manquoit de la joie, quand il me parloit des choses de Dieu. J'eus avec lui, il y a quelques jours, un entretien sèrieux â ce sujet, et j'ai tout lieu de croire que notre bon Sauveur lui manifesta alors tout son amour, toute sa fidélité. Notre ami reconnoit aujourd'hui qu'il avoit toujours unis quelque propre justice entre son Redempteur et son âme; qu'il attendoit d'être plus saint, pour être sûr d'avoir été reçu du Sauveur ; qu'il n'osoit pas encore croire au sacrifice propitiatoire, â la grâce gratuite du Fils de Dieu ; en un mot, qu'il faisoit de la foi qui sauve, la foi déjâ rendue parfaite par les œuvres de la charité; il vouloit aimer sa mère avant que d'être nè. Le plus heureux résultât de la pleine vue de son salut qu'il a acquise, a été qu' il a senti dans son cœur le désir prononcé de se consacrer au service de son Sauveur, en dirigeant ses travaux vers le Saint ministère de la Parole. Dieu soit béni pour cette vocation intérieure qu'il addresse ainsi

à vtre fils; c'est une grande joie pour vous, et Made. Adam, c'est une couronne placée sur vos têtes. Je partage votre satisfaction; je vous en addresse mes félicitations les plus cordiales. Les études de notre bon ami sont dans le meilleur chemin. Il a beaucoup à faire, et il le fait joyeusement, et sous le bénédiction de Dieu, qui est avec lui. Nos travaux sont reguliers et bornés à peu d'objets; le Latin, et le Grec, la logique, et les études de philosophie naturelle, le François approfondi, les lectures utiles. Si la volonté de Dieu en que votre fils demeure l'été prochain à Genève, il se mettra de suite à l'Hebreu, et á la composition des discours sacrès. Il faut qu'il se fortifie actuellement dans les premières connoissances.-Je ne sais point, Monsieur, si vous avez reçu un portrait de ce cher fils que je vous ai envoyè avec une lettre par Mon'. J. Agréez l'assurance de mon amitié cordiale en Christ notre Seigneur. C. Malan."

A letter to his sister E. at the beginning of the next year, adverts to the same all-absorbing subject.


January 4th 1822.

"You will have learnt from my last letter to my father, my determination, under the will and guidance of God, to devote myself to the service of the ministry, and to give up my life, should it be the pleasure of Him who orders and guides all things, to preaching the Gospel of Christ. Under this resolution, I now direct all my studies, and feel no little satisfaction and contentment in having some determinate end--some definite object in view. It is, as you are well aware,

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