Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση
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The study of the evidences of Christianity may be brief or extended,
according as the object is simply conviction; or, in addition to that,
the pleasure of collecting all the various lights which may be con-
centrated on this subject.

The evidences are of two general classes, namely, external, or histor-

ical, and internal,

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On the INTEGRITY of these books, that they have undergone no mate-

rial alteration, we reason,

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5. In being called to examine the credibility of these miracles by the
evidence of testimony, we are more favorably situated than if we had
been enabled to subject them to the evidence of the senses,

The whole truth exhibited in this lecture calls us to adore the wisdom

of God,

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