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THE writings of Dr. Franklin need no other preface than his character and life. A few words therefore will explain all that is neceffary concerning this collection.

To fecure the reader from the apprehenfion of omissions and interpolations, the place whence each piece is taken, is generally expreffed; or, if the notes are filent on this head, an original copy is to be understood, to which the editor ftill retains access.—It was chiefly for these purposes of authentication, that notes were originally provided: But as it was confidered that this work might be read not only by Englishmen and Americans, but by foreigners and pofterity; other notes of explanation and anecdote were occafionally added, which will be set aside by other

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other editors, in proportion as they are judged fuperfluous or improper. In the mifcellaneous part of the collection however, these humbler bounds have been confiderably exceeded; the temptation for which, will appear in the places in queftion. The notes in particular, following the "Conjectures on the Aurora "Borealis," were drawn up in confequence of attacks this paper had suffered among the editor's private friends. How far his zeal will justify their insertion here, is left to a candid public. But the conjectures of great men speak a strong language. "The matter in question," they fay "contradicts nothing within their own "knowledge, and they rifque a portion "of their reputation upon its truth: :" Proofs fufficient to fatisfy their candor and caution, they acknowledge to be wanting; But fuch hints furely deferve study and refpect-Confiderable liberties have been taken with the pointing, italics, &c. in these papers; for most of the copies being found imperfect or un

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fyftematic in these particulars, fome degree of uniformity was judged allowable, if attended with proper advertisement and apology. The editor may not perhaps at all times have fucceeded in his own intentions; but he conceives that the public will take more exception at his interference, than Dr. Franklin.

The times appear not ripe enough for the editor to give expreffion to the affection, gratitude, and veneration, he bears to a writer he has fo intimately studied: Nor is it wanting to the author; as history lies in wait for him, and the judgment of mankind balances already in his favor. The editor wishes only that other readers may reap that improvement from his productions, which he conceives they have rendered to himself.-Yet perhaps he may be excused for ftating one opinion: He conceives that no man ever made larger or bolder gueffes than Dr. Franklin from like materials in politics and philofophy, which, after the fcrutiny of events and of fact, have been more completely verified.


Can Englishmen read these things, and not figh at recollecting that the country which could produce their author, was once without controverfy their own!-Yet he who praises Dr. Franklin for mere ability, praises him for that quality of his mind, which ftands lowest in his own efteem. Reader, whoever you are, and how much foever you think you hate him, know that this great man loves you enough to wish to do you good:

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His country's friend, but more of human kind.


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