DE PROFUNDIS. FROM depth of doole wherein my soule doth dwell, My God, my Lorde, my louely Lorde aloane, And thou (good God) vouchsafe in gree to take Wherein I faint, Oh heare me then for thy great mercies sake. Oh bende thine eares attentiuely to heare, My wayling voyce, Which hath no choyce, But euermere vpon thy name to call. If thou good Lorde shouldest take thy rod in hande, If thou regard what sinnes are daylye done, If thou take holde where wee our workes begone, If thou take note of euery thing amysse, Maye then haue light, To feele thy frowne, if thou haue lyst to lowre? But thou art good, and hast of mercye store, Thou not delyghst to see a sinner fall, Thou hearknest first, before we come to call, Thine eares are set wyde open euermore, Before we knocke thou commest to the doore. Thou art more prest to heare a sinner crye, Then he is quicke to climbe to thee on hye. Thy mighty name be praysed then alwaye, Let fayth and feare True witnesse beare, Howe fast they stand which on thy mercy staye. I looke for thee (my louely Lorde) therefore, For thee I wayte, for thee I tarrye styll, Myne eyes doe long to gaze on thee my fyll. For thee I watche, for thee I prye and pore. My Soule for thee attendeth euermore. My Soule doth thyrst to take of thee a taste, My Soule desires with thee for to bee plaste. And to thy worde (which can no man deceyue) Myne onely trust, My loue and lust, In confidence continuallye shall cleaue. Before the breake or dawning of the daye, Before the lyght be seene in loftye Skyes, Before the Sunne appeare in pleasaunt wyse, Before the watche (before the watche I saye) Before the warde that waytes therefore alwaye : My soule, my sense, my secreete thought, my sprite, From me doeth fling, And stryueth styll, unto the Lorde to flye. O Israell, O housholde of the Lorde, His fountaines flowe, his springs do neuer stande. As on him call, And faithfully his mercies most esteeme. Hee wyll redeeme our deadly drowping state, He wyll bring bale to ioye and perfect blisse. Or was amisse, Since Abrahams heyres dyd first his Lawes reiect. GASCOIGNE. UNA. NOUGHT is there under Heavens wide hollownesse, Feele my hart perst with so great agony, And now it is empassioned so deepe, That my frayle eies these lines with teares do steepe, Is from her knight divorced in despayre, And her dew loves deryved to that vile witches shayre. Yet she, most faithful ladye, all this while Far from all peoples preace,' as in exile, Through that late vision which the enchanter wrought, Through woods and wastnes wide him daily sought; Yet wished tydinges none of him unto her brought. 1 Press, crowd. One day, nigh wearie of the yrkesome way, It fortuned, out of the thickest wood And, with the sight amazd, forgat his furious forse. Instead thereof he kist her wearie feet, SPENSER. CAVE OF DESPAIR. ERE long they come, where that same wicked wight His dwelling has, low in an hollow cave, Far underneath a craggy cliff ypight, Darke, dolefull, dreary, like a greedy grave, |