The Harbrace Anthology of LiteratureRick Bowers, Jon C. Stott, Raymond E. Jones Harcourt Canada, Limited, 2001 - 1209 σελίδες |
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Αποτελέσματα 1 - 3 από τα 90.
Σελίδα 7
Rick Bowers, Jon C. Stott, Raymond E. Jones. INTRODUCTION DEFINING POETRY No one can state definitely how poetry began , but we know that it existed as an oral medium long before writing developed . Perhaps it originated in prim- itive ...
Rick Bowers, Jon C. Stott, Raymond E. Jones. INTRODUCTION DEFINING POETRY No one can state definitely how poetry began , but we know that it existed as an oral medium long before writing developed . Perhaps it originated in prim- itive ...
Σελίδα 8
... Poetry , that is , is so varied in form and content that comprehensive definitions always seem inadequate . Nevertheless , some of the most accomplished poets have tried to identify ... Poetry employs evocative , 8 POETRY Irving Layton.
... Poetry , that is , is so varied in form and content that comprehensive definitions always seem inadequate . Nevertheless , some of the most accomplished poets have tried to identify ... Poetry employs evocative , 8 POETRY Irving Layton.
Σελίδα 9
... Poetry employs evocative , often rhythmical language that describes or comments on ideas and experiences and that evokes feelings about them . In poetry the manner of expression is as important as the matter . POETRY AND LITERARY ...
... Poetry employs evocative , often rhythmical language that describes or comments on ideas and experiences and that evokes feelings about them . In poetry the manner of expression is as important as the matter . POETRY AND LITERARY ...
DRAMA | 2 |
Irving Layton | 8 |
Πνευματικά δικαιώματα | |
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