the absence of the Chancellor, embraces the execution of the Chancellor's powers, and the government of the University, according to its statutes. A COMMISSARY, who is an officer under the Chancellor. He holds a court of record for all privileged persons and scholars under the degree of M.A. A PUBLIC ORATOR, who is the voice of the Senate upon all public occasions, writes, reads, and records the letters to and from the body of the Senate, and presents to all honorary degrees with an appropriate speech. The ASSESSOR is an officer specially appointed by Grace of the Senate, to assist the Vice-Chancellor in his court. TWO PROCTORS, who must be Masters of Arts, and are elected annually on the 10th of October. They attend to the discipline and behaviour of all students under the degree of Master of Arts; read the Graces, and take the votes in the Regent House. They are assisted by Two PRO-PROCTORS. A LIBRARIAN, to whom the management of the University Library is confided. A REGISTRARY. TWO TAXORS, who are Masters of Arts, appointed to regulate the markets, examine the assize of bread, and try the lawfulness of weights and measures. TWO SCRUTATORS, who read the Graces in the Non-Regent House. TWO MODERATORS, nominated by the Proctors, and appointed by a Grace of the Senate. They act as the Proctors' substitutes in the Philosophical Schools, superintending alternately the exercises and disputations in philosophy, and the examinations for the degree of Bachelor of Arts. THREE ESQUIRE BEDELLS, whose office is to attend the Vice-Chancellor, whom they precede with their silver maces upon all public occasions. Besides these there are the UNIVERSITY PRINTER, the LIBRARY KEEPER, the UNDER LIBRARY KEEPER, the SCHOOL KEEPER, the YEOMAN BEDELL, and the UNIVERSITY MARSHAL. There are two COURTS OF LAW in the University; viz. the Consistory Court of the Chancellor, and the Consistory Court of the Commissary. The Two MEMBERS whom the University sends to Parliament, are chosen by the collective body of the Senate. The UNIVERSITY Counsel are appointed by a Grace of the Senate. TheSOLICITOR is appointed by the Vice-Chancellor. The Syndics are members of the Senate, chosen to transact all special affairs relating to the Univer. sity, such as the framing of laws, regulating fees, inspecting the library, buildings, printing, &c. The PROFESSORS (a list of whose respective offices follows hereafter) have stipends allowed from various sources; some from the University chest, others from Government, or from estates left for that purpose. LIST OF PROFESSORSHIPS. Lady Margaret's Professorship of Divinity, founded in 1502, by Lady Margaret, mother of Henry VII.Its present value is about 1,000l. per annum. Regius Professorship of Divinity, founded in 1540, by Henry VIII.-Present value about 1,600l. per annum. Regius Professorship of the Civil Law, founded by Henry VIII.-Salary, 40l.* per annum. Regius Professorship of Physic, founded by Henry VIII.-Present value about 100l. per annum. Regius Professorship of Hebrew, founded by Henry VIII. Salary, 40l.* per annum. Regius Professorship of Greek, founded by Henry VIII. Salary, 40l.*, per annum. Arabic Professorship, founded by Sir Thomas Adams, Bart., Alderman of London, in 1632.Value 40l. per annum. Lord Almoner's Reader and Professor of Arabic. -Stipend, 50l. per annum. Mathematical Professorship, founded by Henry Lucas, M.P. for the University, in 1663.-Salary about 120l. per annum. Professorship of Casuistry, founded by John Knightsbridge, D.D. in 1683.— Value about 70l. per Professorship of Music, founded in 1684.-No annum. * This statement merely includes the allowance from Government. salary. Chemical Professorship, founded in 1702.-100l.* per annum. Professorship of Experimental Philosophy, founded by Dr. Plume, in 1704, and since augmented by Dr. Smith. Value 500l. per annum. Anatomical Professorship, founded in 1707.100l.* per annum. Professorship of Modern History and Languages, founded in 1724, by George I.-Stipend, 400l.* per annum. Botanical Professorship, founded in 1724.-Stipend, 200l. per annum. Woodwardian Professorship of Geology, founded by John Woodward, M.D. in 1727.- Value 100l. per annum. Astronomical Professorship, founded by Thomas Lowndes, Esq. 1749.- Value about 300l. per annum. Norrisian Professorship of Divinity, founded 1768, by John Norris, Esq. -Salary about 105l. per annum. Professorship of Natural and Experimental Philosophy, founded in 1783, by Rev. Richard Jackson. -Value about 160l. per annum. Downing Professorship of the Laws of England, founded 1800.- Salary 200l. per annum. Downing Professorship of Medicine, founded 1800. -200l. per annum. Professorship of Mineralogy, founded in 1808.100l.* per annum. Professorship of Political Economy, founded 1828. Lady Margaret's Preacher, founded in 1503.Stipend 10l. per annum. Christian Advocate, founded 1789, by Rev. John Hulse. Present value about 100l. per annum. Hulsean Lecturer, founded 1789. Present value about 300l. per annum. N.B. The names of the present Professors will be found in the list of University Officers in the Cambridge Calendar. Each College is an independent body, under the title of Master, Fellows, and Scholars. The other members on the boards are either students not on the foundation, or such as have passed through their academical course. The following are the names of the several Colleges, placed in chronological order. 5. Trinity Hall 1350 14. Trinity College 1546 6. Corpus Christi Col 15. Emmanuel College 1584 lege. 1351 16. Sidney Sussex Col 7. King's College 1441 lege 1598 8. Queens' College 1446 17. Downing College 1800 |