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It was proverbial among the ancients, that, "As the Peacock is the most beautiful among birds, so is the Tiger among quadrupeds." In fact, this animal is exceedingly beautiful: the glossy smoothness of his hair, the extreme blackness of the streaks with which he is marked, and the bright yellow colour of the ground which they diversify, cannot fail of exciting the admiration of every beholder : while his slender, delicate, and truly elegant form bespeaks extreme swiftness and agility. Unhappily, however, this animal's disposition is as mischievous as his form is admi rable, and it seems to partake of all the noxious qualities of the lion, without possessing any of his good ones. pride, courage, and strength, the lion joins greatness, clemency, and generosity; but the tiger is fierce without provocation, and cruel without necessity. In attacking a flock, or a herd, it gives no quarter, but levels all indiscriminately, and scarcely finds time to appease its appetite, while intent upon satisfying the malignity of its nature It fears neither the threats nor the opposition of mankind; the beasts both wild and tame, become the victims of its insatiable fury, and it not unfrequently ventures to attack the lion himself.


In proof of the enormous strength of this animal, it has been remarked, that whenever it kills a large animal, such as a horse or a buffalo, it carries off its prey to the forest; dragging it along with such facility, that the swiftness of its motion seems scarcely retarded by the enormous load it sustaios.

The tiger's method of taking his prey is, in general, by concealing himself, and springing suddenly on his victim; and it is said, that if he misses his object, or is unexpectedly repulsed, he makes off, without repeating the attempt.

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This animal is about four feet in length, exclusive of the tail, which commonly measures two feet and a half. It has a much more beautiful coat than the panther, the yellow, being more brilliant, and the spots not disposed in rings, but clusters. It is a native of Senegal, Guinea, and the interior parts of Africa; and is also found in some parts of China, and among the mountains of Caucasus, from Persia to India.

These quadrupeds are nattırally very ferocious, and attack without distinction, every thing they meet, sparing neither man nor beast. They seem to delight in the most impervious forests, but when they cannot obtain a sufficient supply there, they come out from their lurking places, and commit dreadful ravages among the flocks and herds which are feeding on the plains. It tears its prey to pieces with both claws and teeth; and though perpetually devouring, is always thin. The panther is its enemy, and often de. stroys it. The Africans make a banquetof its flesh, which is said to be white and well tasted. They make collars with its teeth, and attribute to it certain charms. These animals are taken in pitfails, on which is placed some flesh as a bait..

Words of five Syllables, accented on the third.

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in sta bil i ty

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A well-known English song-bird, has a very hardy constitution, is easily tamed, and is adorned with beautiful plumage. It received its name from its partiality for chaff as food, and is stationary in England: but in Sweden the females migrate into Holland about September, leaving their mates behind them; and the late ingenious White, of Selbourn, observed large flocks in Hampshire, with few or no males among them. It is difficult to account for so singular a circumstance as the parting of the two sexes in this instance: perhaps the males, being more hardy, and better able to endure the rigours of the northern winters, are content to remain in the country, and pick up such fare as they can find, whilst the females seek for their subsistence in more temperate regions. It is a lively bird, which, together with its elegant plumage, has given rise to the proverb, "as gay as a Chaffinch." Its nest is very neat, and constructed with much art. The male is very attentive during the time of hatching, seldom straying far from the place, and then only to procure food.

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