The wise industrious Bee employs her hours *The Lion rages round the wood, Let not reading cause you to neglect your spelling. Learn to spell and pronounce well, before you read much. Good spelling is the sure way to good reading: therefore, study spelling with the greatest care, till you can spell all the words in this book, as soon as you hear them, without seeing them. When you can spell well, you can soon read well : and when you can read well, you may study your grammar. Grammar will teach you to know what is meant by the parts of speech, and how to write and speak as you ought to do: and without the knowledge of grammar, your language will not be correct; and you will always be marked by your friends as a poor scholar. rec og nize rec om pense rec ti tude refer ence rep ri mand res i dence res i dent res in ous retro grade rev e rence scep tic al scep ti cism red i ment self ish ness sen si ble sen si tive ter ri bly ter ri fy tes ta ment tes ti fy treach er ous treach e ry twen ti eth ven om ous ven tri cle ver i ly ver i ty wretch ed ly yes ter day zeal ous ly ē Cheer ful ly cheer ful ness de i ty de vi ate de vi ous peace a ble pe ri od pre mi um pre vi ous rea son ing se rious speed i ly teach a ble ve he mence ve hi cle ve ni al wea ri ness sen ti ment sen ti nel spe' ci men fear ful ly fear less ly dif fer ence dif fer ent dif fi cult dif fi dence dif fi dent |