A bridg ment ac quit tal ac quit tance ad di tion ad mission ad mit tance as sist ant bap tis mal cì vil ian col lis ion com mis sion com mit tee com mit ment con di tion con fis cate con scrip tion con sist ent con tin gent con tin ue con trib ute con tri tion con vic tion den ti tion de ris ion de scrip tion de scrip tive dis fig ure dis mis sion dis til ler dis tinc tion dis tin guish dis trib ute di vis ion do min ion e di tion ef fi cient e li cit e lis ion e lys ian e quip ment ex cis ion ex ist ence ex pli cit ex tinc tion ex tin guish fa mil iar fic ti tious fla gi tious for give ness fru i tion ig ni tion il li cit im pli cit in dig nant in flic tion in fringe ment in i tial ma gi cian ma li cious ma lig nant mo ni tion mu si cian of fi ciate of fi cious om nis cience om nis cient par ti tion per di tion per fid ious per mis sion per ni cious pe ti tion po si tion pōs till ion pre dic tion pre scrip tion pro fi cient pro pi tious pro scrip tion pro vin cial pro vis ion pune til io re li gion co till ion cy lin dric in i tiate de cis ion in scrip tion re li gious re sist ance re stric tion se di tion se di tious so li cit sub mis sion sub mis sive sub scrip tion sub sist ence. ex pos ure ac cord ant ac cord ing con cord ance cou tor tion dis cord ance dis cord ant dis tor tion en dorse ment ex4 hort er ex tor tion fore stall er hy drau lics im por tance im post ure in cau tious in form ant in stal ment in thral ment ma raud ing mis fort une per form arce pre cau tion ar Ant arc tic co part ner Ad vance ment 00 Free boot er im prove ment ma neu ver un couth ly ou Ac count ant A droit ness an noy ance ap point ment de stroy er em broid er em ploy ment en joy ment Lend not beyond thy ability, nor refuse to lend out of thy ability: especially when it will help others more than it can hurt thee. If thy debtor be honest and capable, thou hast thy money again, if not with increase, with praise. If he prove insolvent, do not ruin him to get that which it will not ruin thee to lose: for thou art but a steward, and another is thy owner, master, and judge. The more merciful acts thou dost, the more mercy thou wilt receive; and if with a charitable employment of thy temporal riches, thou gainest eternal treasure, thy purchase is infinite: thou wilt have found the art of multiplying indeed. : Words of three Syllables, accented on the last. dis en gage brig a dier en ter tain fore or dain gas co nade in ter change mis be have pal li sade gren a dier guar an tee in com plete in dis creet in sin cere in ter cede in ter fere in ter leave in ter vene in ter weave mag a zine mu ti neer naz a rine o ver reach per se vere pre con ceive pri va teer quar an tine su per sede su per vene un der neath vol un teer Con tra dict in dis tinct in ter dict i buc an ier can non ier cap u chin car bin ier cav a lier chan de lier chev a lier com mon weal Ad ver tise con tra vene deb au chee dis ap pear dis be lief dis be lieve fi nan cier fric as see fu si lier gaz et teer gon de lier cir cum scribe dis o blige in ter line in ter scribe in ter twine rec on cile su per fine su per vise un der mine |