The Plays of William Shakespeare, Τόμος 9 |
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Σελίδα 4
... Daughter to Cymbeline by a former Queen . Helen , Woman to Imogen . Lords , Ladies , Roman Senators , Tribunes , Appa- ritions , a Soothsayer , a Dutch Gentleman , a Spanish Gentleman , Musicians , Officers , Captains , Soldiers ...
... Daughter to Cymbeline by a former Queen . Helen , Woman to Imogen . Lords , Ladies , Roman Senators , Tribunes , Appa- ritions , a Soothsayer , a Dutch Gentleman , a Spanish Gentleman , Musicians , Officers , Captains , Soldiers ...
Σελίδα 5
... daughter , and the heir of his king + dom , whom He purpos'd to his wife's sole son , ( a widow , That late he married , ) hath referr'd herself Unto a poor but worthy gentleman : She's wedded ; 1 You do not meet a man , but frowns ...
... daughter , and the heir of his king + dom , whom He purpos'd to his wife's sole son , ( a widow , That late he married , ) hath referr'd herself Unto a poor but worthy gentleman : She's wedded ; 1 You do not meet a man , but frowns ...
Σελίδα 8
... daughter , After the slander of most step - mothers , Evil - ey'd unto you : you are my prisoner , but Your gaoler shall deliver you the keys That lock up your restraint . For you , Posthúmus So soon as I can win the offended king , I ...
... daughter , After the slander of most step - mothers , Evil - ey'd unto you : you are my prisoner , but Your gaoler shall deliver you the keys That lock up your restraint . For you , Posthúmus So soon as I can win the offended king , I ...
Σελίδα 12
... daughter ! and my Leonatus Our neighbour shepherd's son ! Cym . Re - enter Queen . Thou foolish thing ! - [ To the Queen . They were again together : you have done Not after our command . Away with her , And pen Queen . her up ...
... daughter ! and my Leonatus Our neighbour shepherd's son ! Cym . Re - enter Queen . Thou foolish thing ! - [ To the Queen . They were again together : you have done Not after our command . Away with her , And pen Queen . her up ...
Σελίδα 32
... daughter whom He not respects at all . What ho , Pisanio ! - Iach . O happy Leonatus ! I may say ; The credit , that thy lady hath of thee , Deserves thy trust ; and thy most perfect goodness Her assur'd credit ! -Blessed live you long ...
... daughter whom He not respects at all . What ho , Pisanio ! - Iach . O happy Leonatus ! I may say ; The credit , that thy lady hath of thee , Deserves thy trust ; and thy most perfect goodness Her assur'd credit ! -Blessed live you long ...
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Aaron Andronicus art thou Bassianus Bawd better blood Boult brother CHIRON Cleon Cloten Cordelia Corn Cymbeline daughter dead death Dionyza dost doth Edmund emperor Enter Exeunt Exit eyes father fear Fool friends Gent gentleman give Gloster gods GONERIL Goths grace GUIDERIUS hand hath hear heart heaven hither honour i'the Iach IACHIMO Imogen Kent king KING LEAR lady Lavinia Lear look lord Lucius LYSIMACHUS madam Marcus Marina master means mistress Mitylene never night noble o'the Pentapolis Pericles Pisanio poor Post Posthumus Pr'ythee pray prince PRINCE OF TYRE queen Regan Roman Rome SATURNINUS SCENE Shakspeare sorrow speak STEEVENS Stew sweet Tamora tears tell Thaisa Tharsus thee there's thine thing thou art thou hast Titus Titus Andronicus Tyre villain word