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THE OUTLOOK. September 3, 1919. Volume 123, Number 1. Published weekly by The Outlook Company at 381 Fourth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Subscription price $4.00 a year. 3----and slags matter July 21. 1893. at the Post Office at New York, under the Act of March 3, 1879




On account of the scarcity
of fruit and sugar, it is de-
sirable to place orders now
for Autumn shipments of


in glass jars.

Try our jams in tin cans.
These are of the same qual-
ity and varieties as those put
up in glass, are prepared in
the same hygienic manner,
and cost but half as much.
For immediate shipment we

Peach, Pear, Plum, Pear and
Quince, and Orange and
Grapefruit Jams. In cartons
containing dozen 26 oz.
enamel-lined, sanitary tin cans

$2.50 per cartón

Strawberry,Raspberry, Black-
berry and Apricot Jams. In
cartons containing 2 doz. 14
oz. enamel-lined, sanitary tin
$2.50 per carton


For sale by leading grocers
or write for complete price
list to


Geneseo Jam Kitchen
Geneseo, N. Y.

Pear Jam

Grape Frist Jo

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announces that


who for many years has taught Games, Physical Exercises
and Folk Dancing at the Association, is open to engage
ments for extension work for 1919-1920. For further particu
lars address Miss ELLA I. CASS, 524 West 42d St., New York

APPLIED SUGGESTIONthe Wonderful New Method in Child Training

HE was a wonderful child-a golden-haired, blue-eyed tot of four-so sweet and lovable in disposition, so cute and nice-mannered in her ways, that she was adored by everybody. Her nature seemed to be pure sunshine-until it came time for bed. Then she almost always criedshe struggled against being taken upstairs-she fought her mother when she tried to undress her.

Her parents tried in every possible way to overcome this trouble, but all the usual methods failed. Finally the mother wrote to Professor Beery, President of the Parents' Association, and an authority on the subject of child training. He recommended the one method that succeeded. He explained how to employ the principles of Applied Suggestion, and inside of a few days the child's antagonism to going to bed was entirely overcome and no further difficulty was encountered.

What Applied Suggestion has done in this instance it has done in thousands of others in connection with every bad habit to which children are subject. Through knowing and practicing its principles, parents have quickly eliminated the undesirable traits in their children and cultivated their highest tendencies. The results have been nothing short of marvelous.


Applied suggestion is the wonderful
new method in Child Training formu-
lated by Professor Ray C. Beery-it is
an exact science based upon the funda-
mental law of child-nature-a method
that employs the universal appeal to the

terious about Applied Suggestion. On the con-
trary, it is a method built purely upon the sane,
sensible, fundamental appeal to the child-nature.

All the guess-work is taken out of childtraining by Applied Suggestion. It reduces the whole subject to a simple science-it is a complete course of training for all ages-it is used in infancy to overcome wrong habits such as crying, fretting, peevishness, and to give the first lessons in obedience, self-control, etc. It is a strong, constructive force through the years of childhood, when habits of willingness, confidence, mental concentration, truthfulness, honesty and frankness must be instilled. And it is used by parents to guide their boys and girls through the critical years of adolescence, when the influence of the home is apt to be weakened and the temptations of the world are so insistent.

Every child reacts to the universal appeal to the childinstinct. Applied Suggestion demonstrates what this appeal is and how it operates. It proves conclusively that bad habits, wrong tendencies, and other faults commonly found in children are as unnecessary as they are dangerous. It proves that children respond readily, willingly and joyfully to the higher impulses, and as a result the development of the finer traits of mind is quick and lasting.

Yet there is nothing mys

Instead of antagonizing the child's nature, Applied Suggestion follows the normal, natural channels of impulse, so that results are gained without friction. Child training is no longer a trial and a worry and a hardship, but a supreme pleasure, a wonderful, beautiful experience in which the parent shares every confidence, every joy and sorrow of the child, and at the same time has its unqualified respect.

To have your children all that you want them to
be-to know that the training you are giving them
will surely bring forth the finest and best and
noblest in their character-to be sure that you are
fitting them for the highest success in life-to real-
ize the joy of seeing them live up to your most cher-
ished ideals-to be proud of them and to know that
they are proud of you, that their hearts will be
filled with gratitude for the wonderful advantages
you have given them-that is what Applied Sug-
gestion means to you as a parent.

A Remarkable Opportunity Now Offered
Every forward-thinking parent will be anxious to
learn more about Applied Suggestion and how the

What Wrong Methods Do

The child-mind is the most delicate mechanism in the world. It is tragic to think of the effect upon that tender mechanism of the methods so commonly employed. As Professor Beery says: "It is a misunderstanding of the fundamental nature of children that accounts for ninetenths of the trouble in their training." In trying to overcome one fault, parents unwittingly encourage other faults of a worse nature. Sullenness, secretiveness, untruthfulness, deceitfulness, and stubbornness are some of the effects of wrong methods. Applied Suggestion has none of these bad effects because it is based on the one true appeal to the child-nature.

20,000 members of the Parents'
Association are employing it in
the training of their children.

Now the whole wonderful
method is placed at the disposal
of all through a special plan
adopted by the Parents' Asso-
ciation in order to extend the
splendid advantages of its in-
ternational organization, de-
voted to the interests of better
parenthood, to earnest men and
women everywhere.

Professor Beery's complete course in Child Training, based upon Applied Suggestion, has been published in sixteen handy volumes, profusely

[blocks in formation]

illustrated and attractively bound. These are now offered as part of the special plan which carries with it in addition full membership in the Parents' Association, including a year's subscription to the Parents' Magazine, free Advisory Service, Special Bulletins prepared by the Association's Board of Experts, infor mation about children's books, schools, camps and educational methods, and the use of the Purchase Service Bureau through I which trade discounts on educational books may be obtained.

The entire cost is ar ranged on easy payments

which amount to less than seventeen cents a day for only a few months. This pays for the complete course in Child Training in sixteen volumes, and full membership in the Parents' Association with all its privileges and advantages. After that there are no dues or assessments of any kind.


But you are not asked to send any money now. First we want to tell you more about Applied Suggestion, and the many benefits of membership in the Parents' Association. You need only mail the coupon, or a post card, and you will receive complete information and the booklet "New Methods in Child Training," all free of charge.

Simply to send your request may mean so much to you
in pointing the way to a new and wonderful success in train-
ing your children, that you will be prompted to take ad-
vantage of this opportunity at once. Surely you owe it to your
children's welfare and happiness to
investigate, especially since there
is no expense or obligation what-
ever involved. It is only a matter
of sending the coupon or a post
card. May we suggest that you do
this now while the matter is be-
fore you?

Dept. 19, 449 Fourth Ave., New York City

Dept. 19,

New Methods
Child Training

449 Fourth Ave., New York City Please send me your book, "New Methods in Child Training," and information about the Parents' Association, Free. This does not obligate me in any way. Name..

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