Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

§ LXVIII.—Primary M. D., C. M. Examin ́ation.*--1. This examination shall consist of two parts as follows:-


(1.) This examination shall include Anatomy, Chemistry, Elementary Biology and Medical Physics, to the extent indicated in the following synopsis :


A written examination on Osteology, including general physical characters, chemical composition and coarse structure of bone Ossfication. Arthrology; classification of Joints, structure and mechanism of the most important (hip, knee, shoulder, elbow, ankle, etc)


Elementary general chemistry, as in the course of the Junior Chemistry Class, outlined on pp. 89, 90.

Elementary Biology.

Candidates will be expected to show a practical acquaintance with the topics indicated as forming the subject matter of the courses of lectures and instruction in Botany and Zoology, outlined at pp. 91, 92.

Medical Physics.

A written examination on the subject matter included under this heading at p. 92.

(2) Candidates for this examination shall be required to produce certificates to the following effect :

(a) of having passed the Preliminary Examination of the Provincial Medical Board of Nova Scotia, the Junior Matriculation Examination of this University with Latin, or other examination recognized as sufficient, at least one academic year previously, and of having completed their sixteenth year before the passing of said examination.

(b) of having, after passing the Preliminary Examination or other equivalent examination, attended either in this University, or in some other University or College approved by the Senate, during at least one medical session of eight months duration a course in Anatomy, (Osteology and Arthrology) of at least 75 lectures and demonstrations with 10 hours laboratory work per week for six months.

(c) Of having, either before or after passing the Preliminary Examination or other equivalent examination attended

*See foot note, p. 89.

either at this University, or at some other University or College approved by the Senate, the following courses of lectures and instruction, viz., Chemistry, a course of at least 75 lectures with a laboratory course of not less than three hours per week for six months; Elementary Biology, a course of at least 100 hours of lectures and laboratory work; Medical Physics, a course of at least 50 lectures.

(3.) Exemption from examination in any or all of these subjects may be allowed on production of satisfactory certificates.


(1.) This examination shall include Anatomy, Physiology and Histology, and Chemistry, to the extent indicated in the following synopsis :




This examination will be partly written and partly viva voce. paper may include questions in Descriptive and Regional Anatomy, Surgical and Medical Anatomy. At the oral examination, candidates will be examined on the skeleton, recent dissections, models, preparations, etc.

Physiology and Histology.

A written and an oral examination on: (a) The physiology of digestion, absorption, circulation, respiration, secretion, nutrition, animal heat, animal motion; the functions of the nervous system and sense organs; reproduction and development.

(b) The composition of food, and of the tissues, secretions, excretions and other fluids of the body.

(c) Histology.

At the oral examinations microscopical preparations of the tissues and organs of the body will also be submitted for identification and description.


Inorganic, organic and medical chemistry as in the course of the Senior Chemistry Class, outlined on page 90. The examination will include: (a) A written paper. (b) A practical examination in the laboratory. (c) An oral examination, in which questions may be put to candidates upon the entire work of the Junior and Senior courses.

(2.) Candidates for this examination shall be required to produce certificates to the following effect:

(a) Of having passed the Preliminary Examination, or other examination recognized as sufficient, at least two academic years previously, and of having completed their sixteenth year before the passing of said examination.

(b) of having passed in the subjects of the first part of the Primary Examination either at this University or at some other University or College recognized by the Senate.

(c) Of having, after passing the Preliminary Examination or other equivalent examination, attended either in this University, or in some other University or College approved by the Senate, during at least two medical sessions each of eight months' duration, the following courses of lectures and instruction, in addition to those prescribed under SLXVIII 1(A) (2) for Sect. A of the Primary Examination, viz.: Senior Anaumy, a course of at least 75 lectures and demonstrations with 10 hours laboratory work per week for six months; Senior Chemistry,* a course in Organic and Medical Chemistry of 75 lectures with a laboratory course of not less than 3 hours per week for six months; Physiology, a course of at least 75 lectures; Histology, a course of at least 75 hours of lectures and laboratory work.

(3.) (a) Candidates who have not passed Sect. A of the Primary Examination may by special permission of the Faculty be allowed to complete their Primary Examination in both sections at the same time.

(b) Exemption from Examination in any or all of the subjects of the Primary Examination, may be allowed on production of satisfactory certificates.

2. The Primary M. D., C. M. Examination will be held in the second and third weeks in April. Candidates are required to hand in their applications and to transmit as far as possible the certificates specified above for Sect. A or Sect. B, as the case may be, to the Secretary of the Faculty at least fourteen days before the date of the examination, and the remainder of the required certificates not less than two days before the date of the examination, to enter their names in the Register of Undergraduates of the University before the date of the examination, and to pay before the date of the examination, one-sixth of the amonnt of the graduation fee in the case of candidates for Sect. A, and one-third of the graduation fee in the case of candidates for Sect. B.†

§ LXIX.-Final M. D., C. M. Examination.‡ This Examination shall also consist of two parts as follows:



(1) This Examination will include the following subjects:-Materia Medica, Pharmacy and Therapeutics; Patho

* In Chemistry, exemption from further attendance or from further examination may be allowed although the Preliminary Examination may not have been taken previous to the attendance or the passing of the examination in that subject.

+ Candidates exempted from Sect. A of the Primary Examination will be required to pay one-half of the graduation fee before being admitted to Sect. B.

See foot-note p. 89.

logy and Bacteriology; Medical Jurisprudence and Insanity, and Hygiene.

Materia Medica.

This examination will be partly written and partly oral. Candidates will require to possess a knowledge of ::

(a) The general nature and composition, and the most important physical and chemical characters of the Pharmacopoeial drugs, named in the annexed Schedule.

(b) The composition of the Pharmacopoeial preparations of these drugs, and the process employed in making them.

(c) The doses, therapeutical uses and modes of administration of these drugs and their preparations; writing prescriptions.

At the oral examination candidates will also be required to recognize the drugs indicated by italics in the annexed Schedule:

Liquor Chlori; Calx Chlorinata: Liquor Soda Chlorinatæ.

Bromum; Animonii Bromidum; Potassii Bromidum; Sodii Bromidum. Iodum; Potassii Iodidum; Sodii Iodidum; Plumbi Iodidum

Sulphur Sublimatum; Sulphur Præcipitatum; Calx Sulphurata ; Potassa Sulphurata.

Phosphorus; Calcii Phosphas; Sodii Phosphas; Ferri Phosphas; Calcii Hypophosphis; Sodii Hypophosphis.

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Acidum Hydrochloricum; Acidum Nitricum; Acidum Sulphuricum.
Acidum Aceticum; Acidum Citricum Acidum Tartaricum.
Acidum Boricum; Acidum Sulphurosum.

Acidum Hydrocyanicum Dilutum.

Liquor Ammonia; Liquor Potassæ; Liquor Soda; Potassa Caustica; Soda Caustica.

Ammonii Carbonas; Ammonii Chloridum; Liquor Ammonii Acetatis. Potassii Bicarbonas; Potassii Sulphas; Potassii Chloras; Potassii Tartras Acida; Potassii Permanganas.

Sodii Bicarbonas; Sodii Sulphas; Sodii Nitris ; Borax.

Calx; Calcii Hydras; Creta Præparata; Calcii Carbonas Præcipitata. Magnesia; Magnesii Carbonas; Magnesii Sulphas.

Alumen; Alumen Exsiccatum.

Zinci Oxidum; Zinci Chloridum; Zinci Sulphas.

Cupri Sulphas.

Argenti Nitras.

Hydrargyrum; Hydrargyri Oxidum Flavum; Hydrargyri Oxidum
Rubrum; Hydrargyri Subchloridum; Hydrargyri Perchloridum
Hydrargyri Iodidum Rubrum; Hydrargyrum Ammoniatum ;
Liquor Hydrargyri Nitratis Acidus.

Plumbi Oxidum; Plumbi Acetas; Liquor Plumbi Subacetatis.
Antimonium Tartaratum.

Acidum Arseniosum; Ferri Asenias; Sodii Asenias; Arsenii Iodidum;
Liquor Arsenii et Hydrargyri Iodidi.

Bismuthi Subnitras; Bismuthi Carbonas; Bismuthi Citras.
Ferrum; Ferri Sulphas; Ferri Sulphas Granulata; Ferri Sulphas
Exsiccata; Syrupus Ferri Subchloridi; Ferri Carbonas Saccha-
rata; Syrupus (et Pilula) Ferri Iodidi; Liquor Ferri Acetatis;
Liquor Ferri Perchloridi; Liquor Ferri Pernitratis; Liquor Ferri
Persulphatis; Ferri Peroxidum Hydratum; Liquor Ferri Dialy-
satus; Ferri et Ammonii Citras; Ferri et Quinine Citras; Ferrum
Tartaratum; Ferrum Redactum.

Alcohol æthylicum; Spiritus Rectificatus; Spiritus Tenuior.
Ether; Chloroformum; Iodoformum.

Chloral Hydras; Butyl Chloral Hydras; Paraldehydum; Sulphonal.

Amyl Nitris; Tabellæ Nitroglycerini; Liquor Trinitrini; Spiritus Etheris Nitrosi.

Acetanilidum; Phenacetin; Phenazonum.


Acidum Carbolicum; Acidum Salicylicum; Sodii Salicylas.

Aconiti Radix et Folia; Aconitina.

Opium; Morphine Hydrochloras; Morphinæ Acetas; Morphinæ Sulphas; Liquor Morphine Bimeconatis; Apomorphine Hydrochloras; Codeina.

Coca; Cocaine Hydrochloras.

Jaborandi Pilocarpine Nitras.

Quassic Lignum; Calumba Radix; Gentianæ Radix.

Physostigmatis Semen; Physostigmina.

Caffeina; Caffeine Citras.

Conii Fructus et Folia.

Asafætida; Ammoniacum; Myrrha; Guaiaci Resina.

Cinchona Cortex; Cinchona Rubra Cortex; Quinina Sulphas;

Quinine Hydrochloras.

[blocks in formation]

Nux Vomica; Strychnina.

Belladonna Radix et Folia; Atropina; Atropine Sulphas; Hyoscyami Folia; Stramonii Semina et Folia; Homatropine Hydrobromas.

Cannabis Indica.

Digitalis Folia; Strophanthus.

Oleum Ricini; Oleum Crotonis; Aloe Barbadensis; Aloe Socotrina; Aloin; Rhamni Purshiani Cortex; Colocynthidis Pulpa, Elaterium; Elaterinum; Jalapa; Podophylli Rhizoma; Rhei Radix; Senna Alexandrina et Indica; Camphora; Oleum Terebinthina. Acidum Tannicum; Acidum Gallicum; Kino; Catechu; Hamamelidis Cortex et Folia.

[blocks in formation]

Medical Jurisprudence and Insanity, and Hygiene.

The Examination will be partly written, partly oral. Candidates will be examined on the following topics: :




Forensic Medicine.

Examinations of Persons found Dead, with reference to:-(1)
Identification; (2) Time of Death; (3) Cause of Death.
Violent causes of Death :-(1) Drowning; (2) Strangulation;
(3) Suffocation; (4) Mechanical Injuries and Wounds.
Poisons and Poisoning: -(1) Symptoms and post-mortem
appearances in cases of poisoning by the following agents:-
Inorganic-Mineral Acids; Solutions of Alkalis; Copper:
Lead; Mercury; Antimony; Arsenic; Phosphorus. Organic
-Oxalic Acid; Carbolic Acid; Opium; Strychnine; Bella-
donna; Aconite; Chloroform; Chloral Hydrate; Cyanides.
(2) Duties of medical men in cases of Poisoning as regards
observation; Treatment and Preservation of parts for
Analysis. (3) Preliminary Tests for Poisonous Substances for
Clinical Use before reference to an Analyst.

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