Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

this country does not so transcend our evangelical agencies as to justify alarm. IV. This country, with its present characteristics, furnishes extraordinary and inexorable obstacles to the controlling prevalence of Romanism. Inferences: (1.) If there is no imminent danger, we should be careful not to give Romanists the benefit of such an assumption. (2.) If no cause of fear, then it is unwise, as well as unkind, to employ our influence in denouncing the Romanists.




In St. Petersburg, for 1843, seventy German, fifty-one French and twenty-one English journals are allowed to circulate. In Wilna the list includes 192 in all; 104 German, 69 French, 19 English. The number of periodicals in Russia is annually increasing. Fifty-four new ones already announced for 1843; some of which are German, French, English and Polish.


Prof. Lepsius is now in Egypt, under commission from his Prussian Majesty, at the head of an expedition of architects, modellers, and artists, for the purpose of further investigations into the antiquities of Egypt.

Dr. Hermann of Marburg has been appointed ordinary professor in the Philosophical Faculty at Göttingen.-Dr. Otto Jain of Kiel has accepted an extraordinary professorship of Philology and Archæology in the University of Greifswalde.--At Leipzig W. A. Becker has been appointed professor of Classical Antiquity.-Who is to suc ceed Gesenius at Halle is uncertain. Hupfield of Marburg has been written to on the subject. Guerike, author of a Manual on Church History, has published an Introduction to the New Testament.--The first volume of Hengstenberg's Commentary on the Psalms, announced in our last number, has appeared: and Tholuck promises a practical commentary on the same.-Umbreit's Jeremiah has also appeared.-Professor Ficht has been transferred from Boun to Tübingen; and Prof. Ewald has left the faculty of Philosophy for that of Theology.--Hävernick, a pupil and friend of Tholuck and Hengetenberg, has met with much opposition in his post, as professor of Oriental Languages, at Königsberg. Von Bohlen, his predecessor, was a rationalist of the muddiest water, and many of the class demanded another like him. Hävernick was at first almost deserted;

but the skies begin to wear a calmer aspect, and Hävernick will probably maintain his position.-Ast, author of the Lexicon Platonicum, died at Munich, on the last day of last year. The Universities of Tübingen and Leipzig have received from the directors of the East India Company seventeen works on oriental literature, principally in the Sanscrit.--Of new books in Germany, we have Flügel's Concordance of the Koran. H. E. G. Paulus's Exegetical Manual on the first three Evangelists, announced in our last number. Erdmann's History of Philosophy-The Codex Rescriptus of Ephraem Syrus, of the sixth century, deciphered by a chemical process, is now in press at Leipzig.The society at Stuttgard for the republication of old works, is publishing the earliest chronicle known to exist, written in German; date 1360.


Professor Liebig has been appointed corresponding member in the Chemical section of the Royal Academy of Sciences.--Count Leon de Laborde, author of a Commentary on the Bible, succeeds his father as a member of the Academy of Inscriptions and Belles Lettres. --Abulfeda's Arabic Geography, translated by M. Reinaud, is about to be published. A catalogue of Silvestre de Sacy's library, in 3 vols., has appeared.--Messrs. Didot will publish a new edition of R. Stephens's Latin Thesaurus.


The Polytechnic School flourishes. The names of 460 applicants for admission are recorded. Prof. Fournet, of Lyons, has presented it with a very valuable collection of minerals.


Dr. Tattam has secured to England between two and three hundred Syriac MSS., on vellum, of the greatest age and interest.--The same gentleman is editing the Scriptures in Coptic and Arabic, the Arabic of which is to be corrected at Cairo from the best MSS. in the country.

United States.

Allen, Morrill and Wardwell, of Andover, will publish Kühner's "School Grammar of the Greek Language," translated by B. B. Edwards, and S. H. Taylor. This will be a valuable acquisition for our students of Greek.


Additional notices 250.

Addresses, Old Humphrey's, noticed

Adolphe Monod's Lucilla, noticed

Africa, Missionary Labors in South-
ern, by Robert Moffatt, noticed,

Alison, Archibald, History of Europe,
noticed 491.

Alison's History of Europe, noticed

American Tract Society, Publica-

tions of, by Rev. W. R. Williams,
D. D. 343. Deserve the confi
dence of Christians 344. Preach
Christ crucified 345. Adapted to
the wants of the present genera-
tion 346. Those from the litera-
ture of Great Britain as well as
those of American authors 349.
Variety and fulness of subjects
355. Fitted for other lands than
our own 356. Translations 358.
Apostacy, the, predicted by St, Paul,
by Mortimer O'Sullivan, D. D.,
noticed 491.


Baptism, by Rev. Edward Beecher,
President of Illinois College 59.
Present position of Baptists 60.
Inferences from the opposite sys-
tem 62. Translation of the Bible
64. Commandments of men 65.
State of the controversy 66. Mr.
Carson's rhetoric 67. His logic
72. System and canons 73. Mr.
Carson's representation of Mr.
B.'s principles 81. Mr. C.'s course
and objections 84. Appeal to

facts 87. Mr. C.'s principles sub-
vert themselves 90. Clinic bap-
tism, purifying agents 91. Expi-
ation by sprinkling called baptism
94. Passage from Proclus 100.
Definitions of βαπτίζω and βάπτ
Tiopа 102. Proof from the use of
prepositions: argument cumula-
tive 106. Mr. C.'s canons cannot
weaken it 108. Reasons for fur-
ther notice of Mr. Carson 424.
Mr. C.'s attack on the patristic ar-
gument 428. Additional facts 431.
Other errors of Mr. Carson 434.
General view of patristic uses of
βαπτίζω 436. General view ap-
plied 440. Commission to bap-
tize 444. Mr. Carson's disserta-
tion on λouw 445. Mr. Carson's
attack on the biblical argument
448. Mr. Carson's reply to the
arguments from the Fathers 458.
Result 463. Conclusion 464.
Beecher, President E., Baptism 59,


Benevolence and Selfishness, by Jere-
miah Day, D. D., LL. D.-Is
self-love the only spring of volun-
tary action? 1. Ambiguous
phraseology: Love of happiness
2. Voluntary agency 4. Ultimate
end of actions 5. Disinterested
benevolence 7. Self-love and
selfishness 9. Points of agree-
ment between benevolence and
selfishness 10. Each may afford
gratification, in the exercise of the
affection, in the pursuit of objects
desired 10; and in their attain-
ment 11. Each may have respect
to a reward, and to the agent's in-
dividual welfare 11. Radical dif-

ference between them 11. Regard
to the happiness of others: to a
higher end than personal reward
12. Reality of impartial benevo-
lence 13. Evidence from the na-
ture of the case 14. Ultimate end
of benevolent action 16 The de-
cision of conscience 16. Common
Janguage of men: Testimony of
Scripture 17. Appeal to conscious-
ness 19. Benevolence and selfish.
ness liable to be confounded 20.
Misapprehensions and perver-
sions of the doctrine of impartial
benevolence 21. Benevolence of
the Creator 23. Three supposi-
tions respecting His ultimate end
in His Works: President Ed-
wards's theory 24. Dr. Samuel
Austin's 27. Third supposition
29. The glory of God and the
good of the created universe the
ultimate ends of the creation 30.
Are these one and the same thing?

Bells, Rev. Xenophon, Jephthah's
vow 143.

Bible in Spain, by George Borrow,
noticed 487.

Borrow, George, Bible in Spain 487.
Brande's Encyclopædia. noticed 244.
Brown, Prof. S G., Life, character

and works of John Wesley 388.
Bush's Notes on Leviticus, noticed


Cemetery, Greenwood, by Joseph L.
Chester, noticed 490.
Character and Theology of the Early
Romans, by Prof. A. Smith 253.
Chester, Joseph L., Greenwood Ce-
metery 490.

Christ Preaching to the Spirits in
Prison, by Rev. Thomas H. Skin-
ner, D. D., 470,

Christ our Law, noticed 247.
Christian Citizen, Obligations of,

by Rev. A. D. Eddy, noticed 484.
Church's Best State, noticed 245.
Critical Notices 240, 480.
Complete Duty of Man, noticed 240.
Conflict of Laws-of Church and
State, 177. Salvation of men the
great work of the church 178.
Occurrence at Princeton 179. De-
cision in the McQueen case 180.
Marriage the subject of law 181.

Laws of different States 182. Spi-
ritual laws contravening the law
of the land 185 Divisum impe-
rium 186. Church should pay
deference to the civil power in
respect to law of marriage 191.
Grounds of justification of the
decision of the General As-
sembly 193 Summary of our
argument 196. Retrograde move-
ment 198.

Theodosian code
200 Laws of Protestant Chris-
tendom 202. Precedents relied on
not safe 204. Lev. 18: 16, 207.
Subject not exhausted 213.

D'Aubigné, J. H. Merle, D. D., Pu-
seyism Examined, noticed 489.
Day, President Jeremiah, D. D.,
LL. D., Benevolence and Selfish-
ness 1.
"Dissertation concerning Liberty
and Necessity," Dr. Edwards's, re-
viewed, by Rev. S. T. Spear 214.
The system of necessity consider-
ed as established 215. Statement
of moral necessity 216. Three
definitions of it by Dr. Edwards
216-17. Moral and natural neces-
sity distinguished 219. Dr. Ed-
wards's view of natural neces-
sity examined 220. Not an exact
representation of President Ed-
wards on this point 221. Defective
and partial 222. Bearing on the
question, whether the moral and
natural necessities are distinct
223. Dr. Edwards entangled on
his own construction of natural
necessity 224. Sense in which he
uses moral necessity, as distin-
guished from natural 227. Points
of agreement, if any, admitted 227.
Points of distinction 229 Dictum
necessitatis: an assumption in re-
gard to all causes 232. Reasoning
employed in its support proceeds
on a doubtful analogy: ambiguity
in the use of the word cause 233.
Undertakes to decide how a
cause acts 234. Leads to the infinite
series 235. God the cause of his
own acts, or not 236. What
causes volition 297. Difficult
question 298. Whether volition
be an effect? 299. Whether the

knowledge of what causes an ef-
fect supposes the knowledge of
how it causes? 300. Whether the
miud be the cause of volition?
303. Dr. E. denies the mind to
be the efficient cause of its own
volitions, or the cause of them in
any sense 304-5. Objection exam-
ined 306. Another position con-
sidered 309. President Day de-
fender of Edwards 312. How
came the cause of the event to
cause 317.
On Dr. Edwards's
scheine man is no agent 324.
Whether motive be the cause of
volition? 330. Whether God be
the cause of human volitions? 336.
Philosophical doctrine of Dr. Em-
mons 338.

Divine Decrees, Historical sketch of
the doctrine of, by Prof. E. Pond.
D. D. 285. Little controverted
before the days of Augustine 286.
Augustine's birth, conversion, etc.
287. His views very much like
Paul's: General belief of the
church for several centuries 288.
Gotteschalk: Council of Trent 289.
Lutherans 290. The Reformers:
Calvin 291. Arminius: Synod of
Dort: Archbishop Laud 292.
First settlers of New England
Calvinists 293. Abuses and per-
versions of the doctrine of predes-
tination 294. Moral tendency of
it happy 295.

Duffield, Rev. George, D. D., Econo-
my of nature subordinate to the
moral government of God 127.


Economy of Nature subordinate to the
Moral Government of God, by Rev.
George Duffield, D. D. 127. Skep-
ticism as to the existence and gov-
ernment of God 129. That the
economy of nature is subordinate
to moral government, reasonable
from the nature of the case 130.
The fact and nature of the mira-
cles of Jesus Christ: Laws of na-
ture have been set aside 132. Two
classes of facts prove the subordi-
nation of nature to moral govern-
ment of God 133. Dispensations
of Providence 134. Provisions of
the moral law never altered 136.

Salvation of Jesus Christ does not
invalidate the authority of the
moral law 137. Experience of
every unconverted sinner proves
that God does not recede from his
law 138. Retributions of the judg-
ment will demonstrate the fact

Eddy. Rev. A D., Obligations of the
Christian Citizen, noticed 484.
Education, History and Plan of, no-
ticed 248.

Edwards, Works of President, no-
ticed 488.

[ocr errors]

Encyclopædia of Science, Literature,
and Art, noticed 249.
Europe, History of, by Archibald
Alison, D. D., noticed 244, 491.
Examination of Prof. Tappan's Re-
view of Edwards on the Will, by
Rev. B. N. Martin 33. Edwards's
work subject of much controversy
35. Prof. Tappan's Review di-
vided into three parts, I. Statement
of Edwards's system: His alleged
identification of will and desire
36. The phrase determination
of the will' 37. Moral necessity
39 Natural and moral inability
42. Prof. T.'s comment on Ed-
wards's" want of power or abil
ity" 45. Different issues of the
discussion by Edwards and Tap-
pan 48. Edwards's three things
contained in Arminian Liberty
49. II. Consequences of Ed-
wards's system: III. Examination
of Edwards's argument against
self-determination 51. Will, Prof.
Tappan's idol 53. Summary
isposal of Edwards's language



Ferguson's Puseyism, noticed 250.
France, Pictorial History of, by S.
G. Goodrich, noticed 244.
Fry, Caroline, Christ our Law, no-
ticed 247.


Goodrich's Pictorial History of
France, noticed 244.
Grammar of the German Language,
noticed 246.

Historical sketch of the doctrine of

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