Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

Q. What are all the denominations of Federal Money? A. Mills, cents, dimes, dollars, and eagles.

Q. How many of these denominations are used in accounts, and what are they? A. Three-dollars, cents, and mills.

Q. What are dollars and eagles called in accounts? A. Dollars.

Q. What are dimes and cents called? A. Cents.

Note. The names of coins less than a dollar express their value. Mill is contracted from Mille, the Latin for thousand; Cent from Centam, the Latin for hundred; and Dime from Disme, the French for tenth.

Q. What does this character, $, placed before numbers, denote? A. Federal Money.

Q. As 10 mills make 1 cent, 10 cents 1 dime, &c., increasing from right to left like whole numbers, it follows that any questionin Federal Money may be performed as in whole numbers; also that dollars, cents, and mills, may be called either all mills, or all cents and mills; thus, 4 dollars, 25 cents, and 5 mills, may be read, 4255 mills, or 425 cents and 5 mills; but, in order for this, it will sometimes be necessary to write ciphers between the different denominations: when, then, the cents are less than 10, where must a cipher be placed in writing cents with dollars? A. Between the cents and dollars.

Q. Why is this? A. Because, as 100 cents make one dollar, cents, of course, occupy two places; hence, when the cents are less than 10, they must occupy the units' place of cents, and a cipher the tens' place of cents.

Q. In writing down mills with dollars, when there are no cents, how many ciphers must you place between them and dollars? A. Two.

Q. Why? A. Because, as there are two places for cents, when there are no cents, these places must be filled with ciphers.

Q. How are 2 dollars and 5 mills written down, then?

A. $2,005

Q. How are 3 dollars and 2 cents written down, then?

A. $3,02.

Q. How are 7 dollars and 8 mills written down? A. $ 7,008.
Q. How are 9 dollars and 1 cent written down? A. $9,01.
Q. How are 1 dollar, 1 cent and 1 mill written down?

A. $1,011.

A. $20,50.

Q. How are 20 dollars and 50 cents written down?


¶ XXII. Q. What would you call the changing of numbers from one name, or denomination, to another, retaining the same value; as, 200 cents into 2 dollars? A. Reduction.


1. How many mills in one cent? In 8 cents? In 9 cents? I. What, then, do you multiply by, to bring cents into mills? A. Multiply by 10 mills; that is, annex one cipher. (See ¶ XII.) 2. How many cents in 20 mills? In 60 mills? In 80 mills? II. What, then, would you divide by, to bring mills into cents? A. By 10 mills; that is, cut off the right hand figure.

3. How many cents in one dollar? In 2 dollars? In 8 dollars? III. How many ciphers, then, do you annex to dollars, to bring them into cents?

4. How many dollars in 200 cents? In 800 cents?

IV. How many figures, then, would you cut off, to bring cents into dollars?

V. As annexing two ciphers to dollars brings them into cents, and one to cents brings cents into mills, how many ciphers, then, would you annex to dollars in all, to bring them into mills? A. Three.

5. How many mills, then, in 2 dollars? In 8 dollars?

VI. How many figures would you cut off, to bring mills back into dollars? A. Three.

6. How many dollars in 2000 mills? In 5000 mills?

Exercises for the Slate.

1. Reduce $2, 1c., 1 m. to mills. A. 2011 mills.

2. Reduce $3, 75 c.

3. Reduce $20, 6 c.

4. Reduce $8, 25 c. 8 m.
5. Reduce $4, 28 c. 1 m.
6. Reduce $480, 6 c.
7. Reduce $48

8. Reduce 7680 mills
9. Reduce 1865 mills
10. Reduce 172 cents
11. Reduce 1189 cents
12. Reduce $260
13. Reduce $130
14. Reduce $2, 45 c.
15 Reduce $24,06

[blocks in formation]

16. Reduce 1265 cts. 17. Reduce 137 cts. 18. Reduce 1212 cts.

to dollars.
to dollars.
to dollars.

19. Reduce 12000 cts.

to dollars.

A. $146, 15 c. 5 m.


¶ XXIII. 1. What will 20 pencils come to, at 5 cents for 10, and 10 dimes for 10.

2. What is the sum of 50 cents and 5 dimes?

3. What is the sum of 6 cents, 12 cents, 20 cents, and 2 dimes?

4. If you give 25 cents for a top, 25 cents for a knife, and 1 dime for a slate, how much do they all come to?

Q. What is this, which you have now been doing, called? A. Addition of Federal Money.

1. A man bought a wagon for $32,50, a harness for $15,20, and a whip for $1, 8 c.; what did the whole cost?


$. cts.




Ans. $48,78

How do you perform this operation? A. I place dollars under dollars, cents under cents, adding as in Simple Addition.

Why is there a cipher placed between the $1, and 8 cents? A. Because the cents are

less than 10.

From the preceding remarks we derive the following


I. How do you write down cents, dollars, &c.? A. Cents under cents, dollars under dollars, &c.

II. How do you add? A. As in Simple Addition.

III. Where is the separatrix to be placed? A. Directly under the separating points above.

More Exercises for the Slate.

2. What is the amount of 3 dollars 2 cents, 2 dollars 5 cents, 7 dollars 8 cents, 9 dollars 1 cent, 1 dollar 1 cent 1 mill, and 20 dollers 50 cents? A. $42,671.

3. Bought a chaise for $126,18, a watch for $280,25, a coach for $850.62, a hat for $6,50, and a whip for $2,98; how much did all these articles come to? A. $1266,53.

4. Bought a cap for $7,50, a coat for $12,18, a pair of silk stockings for $1,62, and a cane for $2,87; what was the cost of the whole? A. $24,17.

5. If I give ten dollars one cent for a cart, fifty dollars for a yoke of cattle, seven dollars twenty cents for a plough, sixtyfive dollars for a horse, thirty-seven dollars fifty cents for some hay, how much will all these come to? A. $169,71.

6. If of an orange be worth cents, how much is worth? How much is a whole orange worth?

7. If of a vessel be worth $25000,50, what is the whole vessel worth? A. $75001,50.

8. If of a vessel be worth $3700,12, what is a whole vessel worth? A. $14800,48.

9. If of a vessel be worth $10000,50, what is worth? ???and what part is? A. = $20001, §=30001,50, #=$40002, §=$50002,50, or the whole.

10. If of the stock in a bank be worth $2356,56, what is worth? (471312)* worth? (942624) A. $14139,36.

11. Bought a quart of brandy for 62 cents, a quarter of flour for 1 dollar 373 cents, a pound of sugar for 12 cents, 2 yards of cotton cloth for 75 cents, 1 vest pattern for 873 cents, 1 dozen of buttons for 8 cents, and 2 cotton balls for 6 cents; how much did the whole amount to? A. $3,89.


¶ XXIV. 1. If you buy a top for 20 cents, 12 marbles for 20 cents, oranges for 10 cents, and sell them for 5 dimes, shall you make or lose by trading?

2. Your father gave you 15 mills, 4 mills, 1 mill, 2 dimes, 28 cents; and said, that if you would tell him how much more it would take to make a dollar, he would give you as much more; how much did it take?

3. You bought a yard of ribbon for 24 cents, gave to your sister, and sold the rest at 10 cents for a quarter of a yard; did you make, or lose? and how much?"

* In order to remedy the inconvenience arising from inspecting many operations, and at the same time to secure the object of giving the amount of several results, the result of each operation will be stated in figures, included in a parenthesis, and annexed to each question, without assigning any value to the figures, leaving this particular entirely to the judgment of the pupil. The pupil should, notwithstanding, be required to prove each operation, and assign to each particular result its true value, the latter of which, however, in most. cases, he must necessarily do, to obtain the answer, as it is the amount of all these separate results, with the value assigned to each.

4. If 3 dollars buy one yard of cloth, what is of a yard worth?

5. A, B, and C, buy a chaise for 90 dollars; A pays of it; how many dollars do B and C pay?


I. How do you write the numbers down? A. As in Addition of Federal Money.

II. How do you subtract? A. As in Simple Subtraction. III. How do you place the separatrix? A. As in Addition of Federal Money.

Exercises for the Slate.

1. A man owed $36,465, and paid $27,696; how much did he then owe?



$ 8,769, A. 8 dollars 76 cents 9 mills.

2. You borrow $536,15, and pay $236,18; how much remains unpaid? A. $299,97.

3. A merchant bought a quantity of coffee for $526,50, which he afterwards sold for $626,255; how much did he make by the sale? A. $99,755.

4. My travelling expenses on a journey were as follows, viz. ; stage fare, eighteen dollars; board, nine dollars fifty cents; carrying trunk at different times, seventy-five cents; private conveyance at one time, six dollars thirty-seven and a half cents; and at another, seven dollars; how much had I left, on my return home, of two 50 dollar bills, which I took with me? A. $58,37.

5. From two dollars take twenty cents. A. $1,80.
6. From five dollars take one mill.
7. From one dime take 1 cent.

A. $4,999.
A. $0,09.

8. How much must you add to three dollars twelve and a half cents, to make four dollars? A. $,87).

9. Subtract 37 cents from 50 dollars. A. $49,62).

10. From 4 dollars take 3 dollars 99 cents and 9 mills. A. $0,001.

11. Suppose I owe the following sums; to Y. $60, 1 cent; to G, $356, 7 cents; to P, $23,50; to D, $700; and my whole stock is worth no more than $1000; am I in debt more than I am worth? and how much? A. $139,58 more than I am worth.

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