OR, AN ACCOUNT OF THE FELLOWSHIPS, SCHOLARSHIPS, and EXHIBITIONS, at the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge; BY WHOM FOUNDED, AND WHETHER OPEN TO NATIVES OF ENGLAND AND WALES, ST. PAUL'S CHURCH-YARD, AND WATERLOO-PLACE, PALL-MALL. MDCCCXXIX. + THE COMPILER is anxious, in the event of this work reaching a second edition, to render it as correct as the nature of such a publication will allow; he therefore respectfully solicits that any information as to errors, omissions, or mis-statements in the present edition may be addressed to him at Messrs. Rivingtons, St. Paul's Church-Yard, or Waterloo-Place. Jan. 19, 1829. R. G. PREFACE. THE object of the following pages is to place before the public the numerous advantages and facilities which are afforded by the UNIVERSITIES and the PUBLIC SCHOOLS and GRAMMAR SCHOOLS of this country, for the education of the middle and higher ranks of society. The compiler has endeavoured to render the work a practical guide for parents in the selection of schools for their sons, that they may be enabled to participate in the benefits which the munificent founders of those splendid establishments have provided for them. To those parents especially, who, having a numerous offspring and but limited means, intend to give their sons a collegiate education, the work will be peculiarly acceptable; as it points out those schools in which, from their beneficial endowments, reputation, or locality, it may be desirable to place them; and, in addition, contains an account of such exhibitions and scholarships as are in the patronage of Chartered Companies, &c. These, in most instances, are free from restriction as to persons or place. Several of these endowments however, have, from want of timely application for them, fallen into desuetude; and the compiler is compelled to add, with regret, that the reader will find several instances, where the trusts reposed in these bodies a |