Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

Ca-bin, a Room in a Ship
Ca.ble, a Rope
Ca-dence, Fall of the Voice
Ca-lafh, an open Chariot
Cam-phire, a Drug or Gum
Ca-nal, an artificial River
Can-cer, a Sore
Can-dour, Sincerity
Can-non, a great Gun
Ca-non, a rule or church law
Ca-noe, an Indian Boat
Can vas, a Coarse Cloth
Ca-pers, a Pickle

Ca-price, Humour

Car-bine, a short Gun

Car-cass, a dead Body

Ca-reer, full Speed

Clus-ter, a Bunch

Clys-ter, a Purge backwards
Cob-ler, a Bungler
Cod-lin, an Apple
Cof fee, an Indian Berry
Cof-fer, a Chest

Cof-fin, a case for dead persons
Coin-age, making of Money
Col-lege, a Place for Learning
Co-lon, a stop, mirked thus ()
Co-lour, outside Appearance
of any thing, also pretence
Co-lumn, a Pillar

Com-ma, a small stop thus (,)
Co-met, a blazing Star

Com-ment, an Interpretation
Com-merce, Trade

Car-go, the Loading of a ship Com-pact, Agreement

Car-pet, a Floor-Cloth
Cas-cade, a Waterfall
Case-ment, window that opens
Cas-sock, a Priest's Garment
Cas-tle, a strong Place
Cau-dle, a sweet Liquor
Ca-vern, a hollow under ground
Cause-way, a raised Passage
Cen-tre, the middle Point
Cen-try, a Watchman
Ces-sor, a Maker of Rates
Cha-lice, a Communion Cup
Cha-pel, a Place of Worship
Chap-ter, a Division
Char-ter, a Grant

Chat-tels, Goods

Chest-nut, a Fruit

Chil-blain, a sore Swelling
Chi-sel, an Iron Tool
Chorus, a Concert
Cin-ders, Ashes, Dust
Cy-pher, such as (0) Nothing
Cir-cle, a round Figure
Cis-tern, a Vessel for Water
Cit-ron, a kind of Lemon
Cla-mour, Noise
Cla ret, red Wine

Cli-ent, one who employs a

Cli-mate, a certain Space of the

Clois-ter, a religious House
Clo-set, a small Room
Clo-ver, a sort of Grass

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Com-pass, a mathematical Instrut


Con-ceit, fancy or imagination
Con-cord, Agreement
Con-fines, Bounds, Limits
Con-flict, a Combat
Con-flux, a flowing together
Con-gress, a meeting together
Con-quest, Victory

Con-sent, Agreement

Con-sort, a Companion

Con-tact, Touch

Con-vent, a religious House
Con-vex, the outside Part
Cop-per, a large Boiler
Co-quette, an Amorous Gir
Co-ral, a red Stone
Cor-net, an Ensign
Cor-nish, a Moulding
Cor-sair, a Sea Robber
Cot-ton, woolly Stuff
Co-vert, a shady Place
Coun-tess, an Earl's Wife
Coun-try, a Kingdom
Coun-ty, Part of a kingdom
Cou-rage, Valour
Courant, a Dance

Cow-ard, one who fears to figh
Cox-comb, a conceited fellow
Cre-dit, Reputation
Cri-tic, a nice Censurer
Cud-gel, a Staff
Cul-ture, Husbandry
D Ca-pid, God of Love

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De-ceit, a Cheat

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Deb-tor, one that owes Money Flem-ing, Native of Flanders

De-cree, an Order

De-fault, Want, Omiffion

De-fect, Blemish

De-fence, Resistance

De gree, Advancement

De-ism, denying the Scriptures
De-light, Joy
De-huge, a Flood
De-scent, a going down
Design, an invention
De-spite, Envy

De tail, the particulars
Di-et, Food, also an Assembly
Dis-gust, a distaste or dislike
Dol-lar, a foreign coin-
Do-lour, Grief or pain
Dol-phin, a Fish so called
Do-tage, Doating
Do-zen, twelve

Dra-per, one that sells Cloth
Drop-sy, a waterish Humour
Drudg-er, a man Labourer
Drug-get, Woollen Stuff
Drag gist, a dealer in Drugs
Da-ela fight between two persons
Ea-gle, a bird so called
Ease-ment, refreshing
E-cho, resounding of a Voice
E-clipse, a detect of light.
E-dict, a Proclamation
Ei-fects, Goods
E-gress, a going forth
Eu-gine, an Instrument
En voy, a Messenger

Flex-ture, a bending

Flo-rist, one skilled in Flowers

Flu-id, a thin flowing Body
Fo-rest, a large woody place
For-ger, a Counterfeiter
For-tress, a fortified Place-
Foun-tain, the source or head
Frac-ture, to break a bone
Frag-ment, a broken piece
Fren-zy, madness
Fri-day, the sixth Day
Fri-gate, a small ship
Fro-lic, a merry prank
Fur-nace, an inclosed fire place
Fur-row, a Trench

Guag-ing, measuring of Casks
Gal-lon, four Quarts
Ga-mut, Scale of Music
Gan-green, a Mortification
Gar-ment, a Coat

Gar-ret, the uppermost Room
Ga-zette, a Newspaper
Ger-kins, pickled cucumbers
Gi-ant, a very large Person
Gib-bet, a Gallows
Gil-der, a coin value 2s.
Glut-ton, a greedy eater
Gos-pei, the New Testament
Gos-sip, a tattling Woman
Gram-mar, to write correctly
Gran-deur, greatness or power
Gri-mace, Hypocrisy

Gris-tle, a bony substance

Grudg-ing, sparing

Gui-dance, guiding, leaving

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Hor-ror, Dread

Hu-mour, Fancy

Hun-ger, Want of Food
Hys-sop, an Herb

Jar-gon, gibberish or Jangling
I-image, a picture of State
Im-port, Meaning
Im-post, Tax

Im-pulse, a strong Persuasion
In-come, Rent, Revenue
In-dex, a Head or Mark
In-quest, Inquiry, Search
In-road, Invasion

In-sect, a small living creature
In-sult, an Affront

In-trigue, a Plot

Ken-nel, Water Course
Ker-nel, Inside of a Nut
Ker-sey, coarse Cloth

Kid-der, a Monopolizer of Corn
Knuc-kle, a Joint

Lan-cet, a surgeon's instrument
Lan-guage, Speech
Lat-chet, Part of the Shoe
Le-gate, Pope's Ambassador
Le-gend, fabulous writing
Li-bel, a scandalous Writing
Li-cence, Leave
Lim-ner, a Painter
Li-quid, a flowing Body
Lo-gic, the Art of Reasoning
Lu-cre, Gain

Lus-tre, rightness
Ma-chine (pronounced Mafheen)
an Engine

Ma-dam, a Title of Honour
Mag net, a Load/tone
Mai-den, a young woman
Man-chet, a Piece of Bread
Man-date, command
Man-tle, a cloak

Mar-gin, the Brim or Edge
Ma-tron, a motherly Woman
Max-im, a Principle
May-or, a Magistrate
Me-dal, a coin

Mem-brane, a thin Skin
Me-rit, Worth

Mes-sage, an Errand
Me-tal, Gold, Silver, &c.
Mi-mic, a Mocker

Mi-nute, a short space of Time
Mir-ror, a Looking-Glass
Mis-chief, Hurt

Mi-ser, a covetous Fellow
Mi-tre, a bishop's cap
Mix-ture, a Mingling
Mo-del, Frame or Fashion
Mo-ment, an Instant, also Im-

Mo-tive, Inducement

Mot-to, a short Sentence
Moun-tain, a Hill
Mu-sic, Harmony
Mus-tard, a small Seed

Na-tive, one born in any place
Na-ture, Disposition
Na-vel, a part of the belly
Na-vy, a Fleet of Ships
Ni-tre, Salt-petre, &c.
Non-age, under age
No-vel, a Story

Nur-ture, Nourishing
Nui-sance, Annoyance
Ob-ject, that which presents itself
Ob-long, a long square
O-dour, sweet scent or smell
O-men, a Sign or Token
Or-gan, an instrument of Music
Or-phan, a fatherless child
O-val, an egg-like figure
Out-rage, a violent affront
Pack-et, a Parcel, or Vessel
Pa-gan, a Heathen

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Pa-pist, a Roman catholic

Rab-ble, Mob
Ra-dish, a Root
Rai-ment, a Garment
Rai-sin, a dried Grapé
Ran-cour, Malice

Ran-dum, Uncertainty

Parch-ment, a skin to write on Ra-pine, Robbery

Par-sley, an Herb

Pas-time, Sport

Pa-tent, a grant from the king
Pea-sant, a country Fellow
Peb-bles, small stones
Pri-mer, a little book
Prin-cess, a Prince's Wife
Pro-blem, a Question
Pro-cess, Proceeding
Proc-tor, a spiritual Officer
Pro-duct, the thing produced
Pro-gress, a going forward
Pro-ject, a contrivance
Pro-logue, a speech before hand
Pro-phet, an inspired Person
Pros-pect, a View
Pro-xy, a Deputy
Pur-port, a Meaning
Pur-pose, a Design
Pur-suit, running after,
Pe-nance, Mortification
Per-fume, a sweet scent
Phan-tom, a Ghost
Phoenix, a rare Bird
Phy-fic, a Medicine

Rap-ture, Transport of Mind
Kash-ness, Hastiness

Ra-zor, an instrument to shave
Re-ceipt, a Discharge
Re-cess, a withdrawing
Re-cord, Register

Rec-tor, a parson of a Parish
Re-fuge, a Place of Safety
Re-gard, Respect

Re-lief, Assistance
Re-nown, Fame
Re-past, a Meal

Re-spite, a delay for some time
Re-view, an Examination
Rhu-barb, a purging plant
Ke-sult, conclusion
Re-venge, Satisfaction
Rid-dle, a dark saying

Ri-g ur, Harshness, Strictness

diligenceRi-ot Tumult, Noise

Pic-kle, a preserve
Pic-ture, a Representation
Pi-lot, a Sea guide
Pin-nace, a small sea Vessel
Pi-rate, a Sea Robber
Pis-mire, an Ant
Plain-tiff, he who complaineth
Plas-ter, or Plais-ter, a cover
Pre-cept, command

Pre-cinct, peculiar jurisdiction
Pre late, a Bishop
Pre-lude, Entrance
Pre-tence, Excuse
Pre-text, Pretence
Pri-mate, chief Archbishop
Qua-drant, fourth Part
Quar-el, Strife

Qui-ver, a case for Arrows
Quo-runi, a bench of Justices

Quo-ta, a Share of

Ro-mance, a feigned Story
Rub-bish, Refuse, Dirt
Ru-bric, the Church Service

Rup-ture, a Breaking
Sab-bath, a Day of Rest
Sa-ble, a rich Fur

Sa-lad, Food of raw Herbs
Sam-phire, the name of a plant
Sam-ple, a Pattern
San-dal, a sort of Shoe
Sap-phire, a costly Stone
Sar-casm, a Scoff or Taunt
Sat-chel, a Bag for Books
Sa-tin, a Sort of Silk
Sa-turn, one of the Planets
Scab-bard, Sheath
Scan-dal, Offence, Infamy
Scep-tre, a royal Staff
Scep-tic, a Doubter

Sche-dule, (pronounced Sedule) an additional writing annexed to a will or deed

Scho-lar, a learned Person
Sci-ence, Knowledge

Scoun-drel, a rascally Fellow

Scrip-tures, the Bible
Sci-on, a Graft
Scru-ple, a Doubt
Sculp-ture, Engraving
Scur-vy, a distemper
Seg-ment, a Piece cut off
Ser-pent, a venemous creature
Sex-ton, a Church Officer
Sham-bles, butchers' Stalls
Shar-per, a cheat

She-kil, a Jewish coin
Si-byls, certain prophetesses
Sig-nal, a Sign given
Sig-net, a seal set in a R ng
Si-ren a Mermaid

Slo-ven, a nasty Fellow
Slug-gard, a slothful Fellow
Sock-et, part
of a candlestick
Son-net, an Italian Poem
So- hist, a subtile Disquter
Sor-row, Grief

Spar-row, a Bird

Spec-tre, an Apparition
Spike-nard, a sweet plant
Spi-nage, an Herb

Spin-net, a musical Instrument
Spin-ster, a maiden woman
Splin-ter, a shiver of wood
Spon-sor, a Surety
Squir-rel, a small beast

Sta-tue, an Image

Sta-tute, a Law

Sta-ture, shape, size

Stew-ard, an overseer
Stick-ler, a Zealot

Sti-pend, a salary

Stir-rup, belonging to a saddle
Sto-mach, a part of the body
Sto-rage, Warehouse, Room
Sto-ry, a Tale
Strea-mer, a Flag
Strip-ling, a young Man
Struc-ture, a building
Strum-pet, a bold Harlot
Stub-ble, stalks of Corn
Stu-dent, one who studies
Sub-stance, Wealth

Su-burbs, out parts of a City
Suc-cess, good Luck
Suc-cour, help, Affistance
Suf-frage, a Vote

Sui-ter, a requester of a favour

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Sul-phur, brimstone

Sum-mer, hot part of the year
Sum-mit, the highest part
Sure-ty, safety, bail
Sur-face, the Outside
Sur-feit, an Indisposition
Sur-prise, Astonishment
Swal-low, a bird

Sym-bol, a badge or Mark
Symp-tom, a sign or Token
Tai-lor, a Maker of clothes
Ta-lent (of Gold) worth 54751
Tal-low, melted Fat
Ta-lon, a claw

Tan-kard, a mug with a lid
Tan-ner, one that tans Hides
Ta-per, a long wax-light, &c.
Tap-ster, a drawer of liquors
Tar-get, a shield

Ta-vern, a house well known
Tem-per, natural Disposition
Tem-pest, a storm
Te-nant, one who hires
Te-net, a doctrine or opinion
Ten-ter, a Hook
Ter-race, a bank of Earth
Ter-ror, Fright
Tet-ter, a ring-worm
Tex-ture, a weaving

Thic-ket, a place full of bushes

This-tle, a prickly plant

Thresh-er, a beater out of corn

Thun-der, a noise in the air

Thurs-day, the fifth Day
Tic-ket, a small Note
Ti-ger, a furious beast
Tim-ber, wood for building
Tim-brel, a musical instrumen
Tinc-ture, a stain or Die
Tin-der, burnt Rags
Tin-ker, a mender of brass
To-ken, a Gift

Ton-nage, a duty to the King
To-pic, head of a Discourse
Tor-rent, a violent stream
Tor-toise, a shell Fish
Tow-el, a wiping cloth
Tow-er, a castle
Traf-fic, Trade

Trai-tor, one guilty of treason
Tran-script, a copy
Tran-sit, passage of a plane

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