GOVERNOR ROBERT W. FURNAS. 1873-1875. Born in 1824, an orphan at eight, a printer's apprentice at seventeen years of age, and editor of a Miami County, Ohio. paper in his twenty-third year, the subject of this sketch began life courageously and in earnest. During forty-five years exGovernor R. W. Furnas has been a very active and intelligent worker for the interests of Nemaha county and the State of Nebraska. The town of Brownville knew him as a Fourth of July orator in 1856, and subsequently as member of the town council and the board of education, as a trustee of church property, leading member of the Masonic order, and a practical florist and landscape gardner from the beauty of his home surroundings. The county had the benefit of him as editor of its first paper, president of her agricultural society, a cultivator of nursery stock for orchard and grove, and dealer in choice livestock of all descriptions, and member of the legislature and constitutional convention. The State had his services as president of her agricultural association, and of her horticultural, pomological, and historical societies, and as regent of her university and governor. Early in her history he was active in placing her fruit on exhibition in Boston, Philadelphia, and Richmond, Virginia, and in securing premiums. In 1885 Governor Dawes said, in a message relating to a state display at the New Orleans exposition: With his characteristic energy and enthusiasm Mr. Furnas entered upon the work placed in his hands; and the result of his work, so untiringly and industriously performed, is witnessed in the magnificent display of the various resources of Nebraska now upon exhibition in New Orleans; a display that has called forth encomiums from the press of the country, attracting general attention and eliciting from those who have not visited Nebraska expressions of wonder and astonishment at the great extent and variety of her resources. GOVERNOR ROBERT W. FURNAS. 1873-1875. Born in 1824, an orphan at eight, a printer's apprentice at seventeen years of age, and editor of a Miami County, Ohio, paper in his twenty-third year, the subject of this sketch began life courageously and in earnest. During forty-five years exGovernor R. W. Furnas has been a very active and intelligent worker for the interests of Nemaha county and the State of Nebraska. The town of Brownville knew him as a Fourth of July orator in 1856, and subsequently as member of the town council and the board of education, as a trustee of church property, leading member of the Masonic order, and a practical florist and landscape gardner from the beauty of his home surroundings. The county had the benefit of him as editor of its first paper, president of her agricultural society, a cultivator of nursery stock for orchard and grove, and dealer in choice livestock of all descriptions, and member of the legislature and constitutional convention. The State had his services as president of her agricultural association, and of her horticultural, pomological, and historical societies, and as regent of her university and governor. Early in her history he was active in placing her fruit on exhibition in Boston, Philadelphia, and Richmond, Virginia, and in securing premiums. In 1885 Governor Dawes said, in a message relating to a state display at the New Orleans exposition: With his characteristic energy and enthusiasm Mr. |