Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση
[blocks in formation]


Dedicated to Hon. J. Sterling morton a Pioneer of 1854- Orator 1854- Orator of the first State Agrientimal Society of Nebraska and National Secretary of Agriculture_ carrying the business man's acumen,


scholars taste into
life - while as author

he merits, as a

avenue of





final epitaph: "If you secte

my monument, look around you. "

3. W. Dipton.


After a continuous residence of thirty-three years in Nemaha County, four of which were with the celebrated First Nebraska Regiment, and eight in the United States Senate, having suffered a sudden loss of health, I found a very pleasant pastime and most genial employment in recalling the early days of Nebraska pioneering.

My first impulse was to utter opinions of men and measures. But remembering how liable we all are to make mistakes, and being fearful of doing injustice, by omission or prejudice, to some of my associates, I determined, as far as possible, to become only the re. corder of their public works and compiler of their sentiments and oratorical gems.

My theme, Forty Years of Nebraska at Home and in Congress, brought into review fifty officials,-eight territorial governors, six delegates in congress, ten state governors, eight United States senators, and eighteen members of the house of representatives. The number required brevity. The one million new-comers and young generation were to be instructed, and the considerate and merciful criticism invoked of the remaining fifty-eight thousand old settlers.

I acknowledge my indebtedness to ex-governor Furnas for the use of his invaluable library, to the Illustrated History of Nebraska, and to the Congressional Globe and Record.


607 Florida Avenue, N. W., Washington, D. C.

May 30, 1894.

Page 21, Note.

Page 55, Note.
Page 57, line 18.


For Joseph D. Morton read Julius Dewey Morton,
For III. read I.

For Nebr., Territory read Nebraska Territory.

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