V.9 3 NEBRASKA STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. OFFICERS: CONSTITUTING BOARD OF MANAGERS. President J. STERLING MORTON, Nebraska City. Second Vice-President-CHARLES SUMNER LOBINGIER, Omaha. Secretary-H. W. CALDWELL, Lincoln. *Died April 27, 1902. OFFICE STAFF. JAY AMOS BARRETT, Librarian and Assistant Secretary. A. E. SHELDON, Director of Field Work. E. E. BLACKMAN, Archeologist. CLARENCE S. PAINE, Collector of Curios. DAISY M. PALIN, Newspaper Clerk. COMMITTEES FOR 1902-1903. Publication-H. W. Caldwell, S. L. Geisthardt, Charles S. Dundey. Program-H. W. Caldwell, A. E. Sheldon, A. T. Richardson. Library-Jay Amos Barrett, Miss Edith Tobitt, Albert Watkins. Museum and Collections-Jay Amos Barrett, C. S. Paine, H. T. Clarke. STATED MEETINGS. Annual meeting of the Society, second Tuesday in January. Meetings of Executive Board, first Tuesday after second Monday in Janu ary, April, July, October. |