Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

extended to all the cafes refpectively which may
have happened before the paffing of this act.

Speaker of the House of Reprefentatives.

Vice-President of the United States, and
Prefident of the Senate.

APPROVED-May 7th, A. D. 1800.


Prefident of the United States.


An ACT for the regulation of public arfenols and

Sec. 1.



the fuperin

E. it enacted by the Senate and Floufe of Reprefentatives of the United States of America, in Congress affembled, That the feveral officers who now are, or hereafter may be Rations to employed in the armories of the United States, tendants and fhall be entitled to, and fhall receive the follow- mafter aring compenfations, in addition to their pay as morers. eftablished by law, to wit: A fuperintendant of fuch armory three rations per day, or an equivalent in money; and a mafter armorer two rations per day, or an equivalent in money. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That if perfon fhall procure, or entice any artificer or renalty on workman, retained or employed in any arfenal enticing or armory of the United States, to depart from ploying, &c. the fame during the continuance of his ment, or avoid or break his contract with the United States, or who after due notice of the to the pub engagement of any fuch workman or armorer, in any arfenal or armory, fhall, during the continuance of fuch engagement, retain, hire, or in any wife employ, harbour, or conceal fuch artificer or workman, the perfon fo offending fhall,



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under en-



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Penalty on being guilty


of certain


Exemption from military fervice,

and fervice

as jurors.

upon conviction, be fined at the difcretion of the court not exceeding fifty dollars, or be imprifoned for any term, not exceeding three months.

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Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That if any artificer or workman hired, retained, or employed in any public arfenal or armory, fhall, wantonly and carelessly, break, impair, or destroy any implements, tools, or utenfils, or any ftock, or materials for making guns, the property of the United States; or fhall wilfully and obftinately refufe to perform the fervices lawfully affigned to him, pursuant to his contract, every fuch perfon fhall forfeit a fum not exceeding twenty dollars for every fuch act of dif obedience or breach of contract, to be recovered in any court having competent jurifdiction thereof.

Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That all artificers and workmen, who are or fhall be employed in the faid armories, fhall be, and they are hereby exempted, during their time of fervice, from all military fervice, and fervice as jurors in any court.


Speaker of the House of Reprefentatives.

Vice-Frefident of the United States, and
Prefident of the Senate.

APPROVED-May 7th, A. D. 1800.


Prefident of the United States.


An ACT making appropriations for the support of government for the year one thousand eight hundred.

Sec. I. BE it enacted by the Senate and House of

Reprefentatives of the United States of America, in Congress affembled, That for the

expenditure of the civil lift, including the con- Specific ap tingent expenses of the feveral departments and propriations. officers; for the compenfation of clerks in the feveral loan-offices, and for books and ftationary for the fame; for the payment of annuities and grants, for the fupport of the mint establishment, for the expenfes of intercourfe with foreign nations, for the fupport of light-houfes, beacons, buoys, and public piers, and for fatisfying certain mifcellaneous claims and expenses; the following fums be, and are hereby appropriated, that is to fay:

For the compenfation granted by law to the Prefident and Vice-Prefident of the United States, thirty thousand dollars.

For the like compenfations granted to the members of the Senate and House of Reprefentatives, their officers and attendants, estimated for a feffion of fix months continuance, one hundred and ninety thousand one hundred and seventy-five dollars.

For the expenfe of fire-wood, ftationary, printing, and all other contingent expenfes of the two Houses of Congrefs, including the fum ftipulated to be paid in purfuance of a refolution of March fecond, one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-nine, for supplying both Houses with the journals of Congrefs, twenty-one thoufand fix hundred and fixty-four dollars and forty


For the compenfations granted by law to the chief-justice, affociate judges, diftrict judges, and attorney-general, forty-five thousand five hundred dollars.

For the compenfations granted by law to the district attornies, and for defraying the expenfe of clerks of courts, jurors and witneffes, in aid of the fund arifing from fines, forfeitures, and

Specific ar penalties; and likewife for defraying the expropriations. penfes of profecution for offences against the United States, and for fafe keeping of prisoners, thirty-three thoufand four hundred dollars.

For compenfation to the Secretary of the Treafury, clerks and perfons employed in his office, eleven thoufand one hundred and eightynine dollars and eighty-one cents.

For expenfes of ftationary, printing, tranflating of foreign languages, allowance to perfons employed in receiving and tranfmitting paffports and fea-letters in the office of the Secre tary of the Treafury, eight hundred dollars.

For compenfation to the Comptroller of the "Treafury, clerks and perfons employed in his office, twelve thoufand nine hundred and feventeen dollars and eight cents.

For expense of ftationary, printing, and all other contingent expenfes in the Comptroller's office, eight hundred dollars.

For compenfation to the Auditor of the Treafury, clerks and perfons employed in his office, twelve thousand one hundred and fixty dollars and ninety-three cents.

For expense of stationary, printing, and all other contingent expenfes in the office of the Auditor, feven hundred and fifty dollars.

For compenfation to the Treasurer, clerks and perfons employed in his office, five thoufand nine hundred and feventeen dollars and fortyfive cents.

For expenfes of fire-wood, ftationary, print.. ing, rent, and all other contingencies in the "Treasurer's office, fix hundred dollars.

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For compenfation to the Commiffioner of the Revenue, clerks and perfons employed in his office, fix thoufand one hundred and ninetythree dollars and fix cents.

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For expenfe of ftationary, printing, and all Specific other contingent expenfes in the office of the proprie Commiffioner of the Revenue, four hundred


For compenfation to the Register of the Treafury, clerks and perfons employed in his office, fixteen thousand three hundred and forty-two dollars and one cent.

For expense of stationary, printing, and all other contingent expenfes in the Regifter's of fice, (including books for the public ftocks and for the arrangement of the marine papers) two thousand eight hundred dollars.

For compenfation to the Purveyor of Public Supplies, clerks and perfons employed in his office, two thoufand eight hundred and fiftý


For fire-wood, ftationary, office and ftore rent for the Purveyor, nine hundred and fixteen dollars.

For compenfation to the Secretary of the Commiffioners of the Sinking Fund, two hundred and fifty dollars.

For the payment of rent for the feveral houfes employed in the Treafury Department, (except the Treasurer's office) two thoufand feven hundrest and thirty dollars and fixty-fix cents.

For the expenfe of fire-wood and candles in the feveral offices of the Treafury Department, (except the Treasurer's office) three thoufand five hundred dollars.

For defraying the expenfe incident to the ftating and printing the public accounts for the year one thoufand eight hundred, (including an increase of two hundred dollars in confequence of an entenfion of the revenue and expendi tures) one thousand two hundred dollars.

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