Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

Peace and

powers, John Quincy Adams, a citizen of the United States and their minifter Plenipotentiary at the court of his Pruffian Majefty; which Plenipotentiaries, after having exchanged their full powers, found in good and due form, have concluded, settled, and figned the following articles.


There shall be in future, as there has been hifriendship therto, a firm, inviolable, and univerfal Peace, eftablished and a fincere friendship, between his Majesty


the king of Pruffia, his heirs, fucceffors, and fubjects, on the one part, and the United Sates of America, and their citizens on the other, without exception of perfons or places.


The fubjects of his Majefty, the King of Pruffia, of Pruflian may frequent all the coafts and countries of the fubjects United States of America, and refide and trade trading to the United there, in all forts of produce, manufactures and


merchandize, and fhall pay there no other or greater duties, charges or fees whatsoever, than the most favoured nations are or fhall be obliged to pay. They fhall also enjoy, in navigation and commerce, all the rights, privileges and exemptions, which the most favoured nation does or fhall enjoy, fubmitting themselves nevertheless to the established laws and ufages, to which are fubmitted the citizens of the United States, and the most favoured nations.


In like manner the citizens of the United States of America may frequent all the coafts

citoyen des Etats Unis, et leur miniftre plenipotentiaire à la Cour de fa Majefté Pruffienne; lef quels plenipotentiaires après avoir échangé leurs pleinpouvoirs trouvés en bonne et düe forme, ont conclû, arrêté et figné les' Articles fuivans:


IL y aura dans la fuite, comme par le paffé, une paix ferme, inviolable et univerfelle, et une amitié fincére entre fa Majefté le Roi de Pruffe, fes héritiers, fucceffeurs, et fujets, d'une part, et les Etats Unis de l'Amerique, et leurs citoyens, d'autre part, fans exception de perfonnes ou de lieux.



Les fujets de fa Majefté le Roi de Pruffe ront frequenter toutes les côtes et les pays des Etats Unis de l'Amerique, y réfider et trafiquer en toutes fortes de productions, manufactures et marchandises, et n'y payeront d'autres ni de plus forts impots, charges, ou droits, que ceux que les nations les plus favorifées font ou feront obligées de payer. Ils jouiront aufli dans la navigation, et le commerce, de tous les droits, priviléges, et exemptions dont jouit ou jouira la nation la plus favorifée, fe foumettant neanmoins aux loix et ufages établis, auxquels font foumis les citoyens des Etats Unis, et les nations les plus favorifées.


-Pareillement les citoyens des Etats Unis de l'Amerique pourront frequenter toutes les côtes et out les pays de fa Majefte le Roi de Pruffe, y

T t

Commercial privileges.

and countries of his Majesty the King of Pruffia, and refide and trade there, in all forts of produce, manufactures and merchandize, and fhall pay, in the dominions of his faid Majefty, no other or greater duties, charges or fees whatfoever, than the most favoured nation is or fhall be obliged to pay; and they shall enjoy all the rights, privilege and exemptions, in navigation and commerce, which the most favoured nation does or fhall enjoy; fubmitting themfelves nevertheless to the established laws and ufages, to which are fubmitted the fubjects of his Majefty the King of Pruffia, and the fubjects and citizens of the moft favoured nations.


More efpecially, each party fhall have a right to carry their own produce, manufactures and merchandize, in their own or any other veffels, to any parts of the dominions of the other, where it fhall be lawful for all the fubjects and citizens of that other freely to purchase them, and thence to take the produce, manufactures and merchandize of the other, which all the faid citizens or fubjects fhall in like manner be free to fell to them, paying in both cafes, fuch duties, charges, and fees only, as are or fhall be paid, by the most favoured nation. Nevertheless his Majefty the King of Pruffia and the United States, refpe&tively, referve to themfelves the right, where any nation reftrains the tranfportation of merchandize to the veffels of the country, of which it is the growth or manufacture, to eftablish against fuch nation retaliating regulations; and alfo the right to prohibit in their refpective countries the importation and exportation of all merchandize whatfoever, when reasons of state fhall require

refider et trafiquer en toutes fortes de productions, manufactures et marchandifes, et ne payeront d'autres ni de plus forts impots, charges ou droits, dans les domaines de fa dite Majefté, que ceux que la nation la plus favorifée eft ou fera obligée de payer, et ils jouiront de tous les droits, privilèges, et exemptions dans la navigation et le commerce, dont jouit ou jouira la nation la plus favorifée, fe foumettant neanmoins aux loix et ufages établis, auxquels font foumis les fujets de fa Majefté le Roi de Pruffie et les fujets et citoyens des nations les plus favorifées.


En particulier chacune des deux nations-aura le droit d'importer fes propres productions, manufactures, et merchandifes à bord de fes propres batimens, ou de tel autre, dans toutes les parties des domaines de l'autre, ou il fera permis à tous lés fujets et citoyens de l'autre nation de les achêter librement, comme auffi d'y charger les productions, manufactures et marchandifes de l'autre, que tous les dits sujets ou citoyens auront la liberté de leur vendre, en payant dans l'un et l'autre cas tels impôts, droits, et charges feulement, qui font ou feront payés par la nation la plus favorifée. Cependant fa Majefté le Roi de Pruffe et les Etats Unis de l'Amerique fe refervent le droit, au cas que quelque nation reftreigne le transport des marchandifes aux vaiffeaux des pays dont elles font la production, ou la manufacture, d'etablir envers cette nation des reglemens reciproques, fe refervant de plus le droit de prohiber dans leurs pays refpectifs l'importation ou l'exportation de toute marchandife quelconque, dès que la raifon d'etat l'exige. En ce cas les fujets ou ci


Commercial it. In this cafe the subjects or citizens of either of the contracting parties fhall not import or export the merchandize prohibited by the other. But if one of the contracting parties permits any other nation to import or export the fame metchandize, the citizens or fubjects of the other shall immediately enjoy the fame liberty.


The merchants, commanders of veffels, or other fubjects or citizens of either party, fhall not, within the ports or jurifdiction of the other, be forced to unload any fort of merchandize into any other veffels, nor to receive them into their own, nor to wait for their being loaded longer, than they please.


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That the veffels of either party, loading within the ports or jurifdiction of the other, may not be uselessly harraffed, or detained, it is agreed, that all examinations of goods, required by the laws, fhall be made before they are laden, on board the veffel, and that there fhall be no examination after; nor fhall the veffel be searched at any time, unléfs articles fhall have been laden therein clan-. deftinely and illegally, in which cafe the perfon by whofe order they were carried on board, or who carried them without order, fhall be liable to the laws of the land in which he is, but no other perfon fhall be molefted, nor fhall any other goods, nor the veffel, be feized or detained for that caúfe.


Each party shall endeavour by all the means in their power to protect and defend all veffels and

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