Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

this act

into effect


carrying ries aforefaid, regulations and instructions purfuant to this act, for carrying the fame into ef fect, and alfo the forms contained therein of schedule to be returned, and proper interrogatories to be administered by the several perfons who shall be employed therein.


Speaker of the House of Reprefentatives. TH: JEFFERSON,

Vice-President of the United States, and

Prefident of the Senate.

APPROVED-February 28, 1800.


Prefident of the United States.



An ACT in addition to an act intituled “ An a&t regulating the grants of land appropriated for military fervices, and for the Society of the United Brethren for propagating the Gospel among the Heathen."

Sec. I.


E it enacted by the Senate and Houfe of Reprefentatives of the United States of America, in Congress affembled, That the rePoints of spective points of interfection of the lines interfec- actually run, as the boundaries of the feveral tion of the townships furveyed by virtue of the act intitually run tuled "an act regulating the grants of land are to be appropriated for military fervices and for the confider- fociety of the United Brethren for propagated as the ing the gofpel among the Heathen," accordtownships. ingly as the faid lines have been marked and

lines ac

corners of

afcertained at the time when the fame were run, notwithstanding the fame are not in conformity to the act aforefaid, or fhall not appear to correspond with the plat of the furvey


ries of

which has been returned by the Surveyor General, fhall be confidered, and they are hereby declared to be the corners of the faid townships ;-That in regard to every fuch township as by the plat and furvey returned by the Surveyor General is stated to contain four thousand acres in each quarter thereof, the points on each of the boundary lines of fuch township, which are at an equal distance quarter from those two corners of the fame townfhip, townwhich stand on the fame boundary line, fhall fhips, be confidered and they are hereby declared where to be corners of the refpective quarters of stated to they are fuch township; that the other boundary lines contain of the faid quarter townships fhall be straight 4000 lines run from each of the laft mentioned acres. corners of quarter townships to the corner of quarter townships on the oppofite boundary line of the fame township; and that in regard to every fuch township as by the faid return is ftated to contain in any of the quarries of ters thereof more or lefs than the quantity of four thousand acres, the corners marked in townthe boundary lines of fuch townfhip to defig- fhips, nate the quarters thereof, fhall be confidered where and they are hereby declared to be the corners ftated to of the quarter townships thereof, although the contain fame may be found at unequal distances from more or the respective corners of fuch townfhips: And lefs than fuch townships fhall be divided by running lines through the fame from the corners of the quarter townfhips actually marked, whether the interior lines thus extended fhall be parallel to the exterior lines of the faid townfhip or not; and that each of the faid quarter townships thus bounded, fhall in every proceeding to be had under the above-mentioned or this act, be confidered as containing the VOL. V.




they are




ons may be made

on the general tract.

exact quantity expreffed in the plat and furvey thereof returned by the Surveyor General. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That it fhall be lawful for the proprietors or holders of warrants for military services, which have been, or fhall be registered at the Treafury in pursuance of the act intituled " an act regulating the grants of land appropriated for military services, and for the fociety of the United Brethren, for propagating the gofpel among the Heathen," during the time, in the manner, and according to the rights of priority, which may be acquired in pursuance of faid act, to locate the quantities of land mentioned in the warrants by them refpectively registered, as aforefaid, on any quarter township or fractional part of a quarter township, in the general tract mentioned and described in said act: Provided always, that the fractional fractional quarter townships upon the river Sciota, and those upon the river Muskingum, adjoining the grant made to Ebenezer Zane, or the towns Salem, Gnadenhutten or Shoenbrun, or the Indian boundary line, fhall in every cafe be accepted and taken in full fatisfaction for four thoufand acres.


quarter townships to be ta

ken for 4000


When locations are made

on quarter

Sec. 3. And be it further enacled, That whenever locations fhall be made on any quarter township, which, according to the actual furtownships vey and plat thereof, returned by the Surftated to veyor General, is ftated to contain less than contain the quantity of four thoufand acres, except lefs than in the cafe of fractions provided for in the acres, the preceding fection, it fhall be lawful for the Secretary Secretary of the Treasury to iffue, or cause to of Trea- be iffued, certificates, expreffing the number fury shall of acres remaining unfatisfied of any registry tificates of warrants for the quantity of four thousand


caufe cer



acres, made in purfuance of the act before re- to be iffucited, which certificates fhall have the fame ed for the validity and effect, and be liable to be barred. in like manner as warrants granted for military fervices, but no certificate fhall be granted, nor any claim allowed for lefs than fifty acres, nor for the navigable water contained within the limits of any quarter township or fractional quarter township.

on quar

ted to


more than

Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That when- What is ever a location fhall be made on any quarter to be done township, which, according to the actual fur- when they vey and plat thereof, returned by the Sur- are made veyor General, is ftated to exceed the quan- ter towntity of four thousand acres, no patent fhall hips ftabe issued in pursuance thereof, until the perfon making fuch location, shall depofit at the Treasury, warrants for military fervices or 4000 certificates iffued by virtue of the preceding acres. fection, equal to the excefs above four thoufand acres, contained in fuch quarter townfhip, or fhall pay into the Treafury of the United States two dollars per acre, in the certificates of the fix per cent. funded debt of the United States, or money, for each acre of the excess above four thousand acres as aforesaid.



Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That after the priority of location fhall have been de- Refervatermined, and after the proprietors or holders tions for of warrants for military fervices fhall have fatisfying defignated the tracts by them refpectively granted elected; it shall be the duty of the Secre- to indivitary of the Treafury to defignate by lot, in duals for the presence of the Secretary of war, fifty their ferquarter townships, of the lands remaining unlocated, which quarter townfhips, together with the fractional parts of townships remaining unlocated, shall be reserved for fatisfying



tions to

be divi

ded into

lots of 100acres.


warrants granted to individuals for their mili tary services, in the manner hereafter provided.

Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That the land in each of the quarter townships defignated as aforefaid, and in fuch of the fractional parts of quarter townships, as may then remain unlocated, fhall be divided by the Secretary of the Treafury, upon the respective plats thereof, as returned by the Surveyor General, into as many lots, of one hundred acres each, as fhall be equal, as nearly as may be, to the quantity fuch quarter townfhip or fraction is ftated to contain; each of which lots fhall be included, where practicable, between parallel lines, one hundred and fixty perches in length, and one hundred perches in width, and fhall be defignated by progreffive numbers upon the plat, or furvey of every fuch quarter township and fraction refpectively.

Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That from Holders and after the fixteenth day of March next, of fuch it fhall be lawful for the holder of any warmay make rant granted for military fervices, to locate locations at any time before the first day of January, on those one thousand eight hundred and two, the lots, and number of hundred acres expreffed in fuch patents to warrant, on any lot or lots, from time to time, their own remaining unlocated within the tracts refervufe only ed as aforefaid, and upon furrendering fuch


warrant to the Treasury, the holder thereof fhall be entitled to receive a patent in the manner, and upon the conditions heretofore prefcribed by law; which patent fhall in every cafe exprefs the range, township, quarter township or fraction, and number of the lot located as aforefaid: But no location fhall

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