Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

Favours granted to others to be extended to the parties,

Limitation of the treaty

the most favoured nations. But if any fuch conful shall exercise commerce, they fhall be fubmitted to the fame laws and ufages, to which the private individuals of their nation are fubmitted in the fame place.


If either party fhall hereafter grant to any other nation, any particular favour in navigation or commerce, it fhall immediately become common to the other party, freely, where it is freely granted to fuch other nation, or on yielding the fame compenfation when the grant is conditional.



His Majefty the king of Pruffia and the United States of America agree: that this treaty fhall be in force during the term of ten year from the exchange of the ratifications; and if the expiration of that term should happen during the course of a war between them, then the articles before provided for the regulation of their conduct during such a war, fhall continue in force until the conclufion of the treaty, which shall restore peace.

This treaty fhall be ratified on both sides, and the ratifications exchanged within one year from the day of its fignature, or fooner if poffible.

In testimony whereof the Plenipotentiaries before mentioned have hereto fubfcribed their names and affixed their feals. Done at Berlin

the eleventh of July in the year one thousand feven hundred and ninety nine.

(L. S.) John Quincy Adams.

(L. S.) Charles Guillaume Comte de Finkenftein. (L. S.) Philippe Charles d'Alvenfleben.

(L. S.) Chretien Henri Curce Comte d'Haugwiz.

mêmes privileges et pouvoirs dont jouiffent ceux des nations les plus favorifées. Mais dans le cas où tel ou autre de ces confuls veuille faire le commerce, il fera foumis au mêmes loix et ufages auxquels font foumis les particuliers de fa nation à l'endroit ou il réfide.


Lorfque l'une des deux parties contractantes accordera dans la fuite quelque faveur particuliere en fait de navigation ou de commerce à d'autres nations,elle deviendra auffitôt commune à l'autre partie contractante, et celle-ci jouira de cette faveur gratuitement, fi la conceffion eft gratuite, ou en accordant la même compenfation fi la conceffion eft conditionelle.


Sa Majesté le Roi de Pruffe et les Etats Unis de l'Amerique font convenus que le prefent traité aura fon plein effet pendant l'efpace de dix années à compter du jour de l'echange des ratifications, et que fi l'expiration de ce terme arrivoit dans le cours d'une guerre entre-eux, les articles ci-dessus stipulés pour regler leur conduite en tems de guerre conferveront toute leur force jusqu' a la conclufion du traité qui retablira la paix.

Le prèsent traité fera ratifi éde part et d'autre, et les ratifications feront echangées dans l'efpece d'une année à compter du jour de la fignature, ou plutôt fi faire se peut.

En foi de quoi les plenipotentiaires fus nommés ont figné le présent traité et y ont appofé le cachet de leurs armes. Fait à Berlin le onze Juillet, l'an mille fept cents quatre vingt dix neuf.

(L. S.) John Quincy Adams. (L. S.) Charles Guillaume Comte de Finkenftein. (L. S.) Philippe Charles d'Alvenfleben. (L. S.) Chretien Henri Curce Comte de Haugwiz.

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AND WHEREAS the faid Treaty has by

me on the one part, by and with the advice and -consent of the Senate of the United States, and by his Majesty the King of Pruffia, on the other part, been duly approved and ratified: And whereas the ratifications thereof, were duly exchanged at Berlin, on the twenty-fecond day of June laft paft: NOW THEREFORE, to the end that the faid Treaty may be executed and obferved with punctuality and the moit fincere regard to good faith, on the part of the United States, I DO HEREBY made known the premifes, and enjoin and require all perfons bearing office, civil or military, within the United States, and all others, citizens or inhabitants thereof, or being within the fame, to execute and obferve the faid Treaty accordingly. mi drm Dg øð


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IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have caufed the Seal of the United States of America to be affixed to thele prefents, and figned the fame with my hand. Done at the City of Washington, the fourth day of November, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred, and of the Independence of the United States the twenty-fifth:

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N act extending the privilege of franking letters to the delegate from the territory of the United States, northwest of the river Ohio; and making provifions for his compenfation, 227 An act for the relief of Solomon Bofton,

An act to provide for the erection and fupport
of a Light House on Cape Poge, at the north-
easterly part of Martha's vineyard,
An act to provide for the more convenient orga-
nifation of the courts of the United States,
An act regulating the grants of land appropriated
for the refugees from the British Provinces of
Canada and Nova Scotia,

An act making the port of Biddeford and Pepper-
relborough and the port of New Bedford in
Maffachusetts, ports of entry for fhips or vef
fels arriving from the Cape of Good Hope
and from places beyond the fame,
An act to establish the district of Briflol, and to
annex the towns of Kittery and Berwick to the
diftrict of Portsmouth,

An act to discharge Samuel Lewis, fen. from his

An act freeing from poftage all letters and packets
to John Adams,

An act for the relief of Nathaniel Holmes,
An act to continue in force the acts laying duties
on licenses for felling wines and foreign dis-
tilled fpirits by retail, and fo much of the act
laying certain duties on fnuff and refined fu-
gar, as refpects a duty on refined fugar, on
property fold at auction, and on carriages for
the conveyance of perfons,
Z z








263 263



An act declaring the confent of Congrels to an act of the state of Maryland, paffed the twenty eighth day of December, one thousand feven hundred and ninety-three for the appointment of a Health Officer, 1980 265

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An act to allow the tranfportation of goods, wares and merchandise, to and from Philadelphia and Baltimore by the way of Appoquinimink and Saffafras,

An act for the relief of Arnold Henry Dorhman,

or his legal reprefentatives,

An act concerning the diftrict of Columbia,
An act fupplementary to an act entituled, "An
act to divide the territory of the United States,
north-west of the Ohio, into two feparate go-

An act to add to the district of Maffac on the Ohio,
and to discontinue the diftrict of Palmyra in
the state of Tenneffee, and therein to amend
the act entituled "An act to regulate the col-
lection of duties on imports and tonnage,"
An act making appropriations for the military
establishments of the United States, for the
year 1801,

An act to amend the act, entituled, "An act to establish a general ftamp office,"

An act providing for a naval peace establishment and for other purposes,

An act concerning the mint,

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267 268








An act authorising the Secretary of the Treafury
to employ clerks for completing the abftracts!
of the valuation of lands and dwelling houfes,
and the enumeration of flaves,
An act giving a right of pre-emption to certain
perfons who have contracted with John Cleves
Symmes or his affociates, for lands lying be-
tween the Miami Rivers in the territory of the
United States north-weft of the Ohio,


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