Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

assigned to me by the marshal of the district of (or the fecretary of the territory of as the cafe may be) and make due return thereof to the faid marshal (or secretary) agreeably to the directions of an act of Congress, intituled " An act providing for the second cenfus or enumeration of the inhabitants of the United States," according to the best of my ability.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.


Vice-President of the United States, and

Prefident of the Senate.

APPROVED-April 12th, 1800.


Prefident of the United States.


An ACT for the relief of the corporation of Rhode-Island college.

B presentatives of

DE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States the United States of America, in Congress affembled, That the accounting officers of the Treasury be, and they are hereby authorized and directed to liquidate and settle the claims of the corporation of Rhode-Island college, for compenfation for the use, and occupation of the edifice of the faid college, and for injuries done to the fame, from the tenth day of December, one thousand feven hundred and feventy-fix, to the twentieth day of April, one thousand seven hundred and eighty, by the troops of the United States; and that the sum which may be found due to the faid corporation, for damages done to and occupation of the faid edifice, as aforefaid, be paid them out of any monies in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated.





Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Vice-President of the United States, and
President of the Senate.

APPROVED-April 16, A. D. 1800.


President of the United States.


An ACT to extend the privilege of obtaining patents for useful discoveries and inventions, to certain persons therein mentioned, and to enlarge and define the penalties for violating the rights of patentees.

Sec. 1. D

BERE enacted by the Senate and

E it enacted by the Senate and House of


of America, in Congress afssembled, That all and havingre fingular the rights and privileges given, infided two tended or provided to citizens of the United years States, respecting patents for new inventions, discoveries, and improvements, by the act, the U. S. intituled " An act to promote the progress of to the be useful arts, and to repeal the act heretofore nefit of made for that purpose," shall be, and hereby the for- are extended and given to all aliens who at mer act. the time of petitioning in the manner prescribed by the faid act, shall have resided for two years within the United States, which privileges shall be obtained, used, and enjoyed, by such persons, in as full and ample manner, and under the fame conditions, limitations and restrictions, as by the faid act is provided and directed in the case of citizens of the

United States. Provided always, That every Oath to person petitioning for a patent for any inven- be taken tion, art or discovery, pursuant to this act, by such shall make oath or affirmation before some refident.

person duly authorized to administer oaths before fuch patent shall be granted, that fuch invention, art or discovery hath not, to the best of his or her knowledge or belief, been known or used either in this or any foreign country; and that every patent which shall be obtained pursuant to this act, for any invention, art or discovery, which it shall afterwards appear had been known or ufed previous to fuch application for a patent, shall be utterly void.

tatives of


Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That where any person hath made, or shall have made, any The legat new invention, discovery or improvement, on reprefenaccount of which a patent might, by virtue of a deceafthis or the above-mentioned act, be granted to ed invensuch person, as shall die before any patent tor may shall be granted therefor, the right of apply. obtain a ing for and obtaining fuch patent, shall devolve on the legal representatives of such perfon in trust for the heirs at law of the deceafed, in cafe he shall have died intestate; but if otherwise, then in trust for his devisees, in as full and ample manner, and under the fame conditions, limitations and restrictions, as the fame was held or might have been claimed or enjoyed by fuch person, in his or her life time; and when application for a patent shall be made by fuch legal reprefentatives, the oath or affirmation, provided in the third section of the before-mentioned act, shall be so varied as to be applicable to them.

Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That where Damages any patent shall be, or shall have been granted for breach pursuant to this or the above-mentioned act, of patent

[blocks in formation]



and any person without the consent of the patentee, his or her executors, administrators or assigns first obtained in writing, shall make, devise, use, or fell the thing whereof the exclusive right is secured to the faid patentee by fuch patent, such person so offending, shall forfeit and pay to the said patentee, his executors, administrators or assigns, a fum equal to three times the actual damage sustained by such patentee, his executors, administrators, or assigns, from or by reason of fuch offence, which sum shall and may be recovered, by action on the case founded on this and the above-mentioned act, in the circuit court of the United States, having jurifdiction thereof.

Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the Repeal of fifth section of the above-mentioned act, intipart of tuled " An act to promote the progress of usethe form-ful arts, and to repeal the act heretofore made for that purpose," shall be, and hereby is repealed.

er act.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Vice-President of the United States, and
President of the Senate.

APPROVED-April 17th, A. D. 1800.


[blocks in formation]

An ACT to fix the compensation of the Pay-master
General, and Assistant to the Adjutant-General.


Sec. 1.DE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress afsfembled, That the Paymaster-General of the army of the United States shall receive one hundred and twenty dollars per month, with the rations and forage of a Major, in full compenfation for his fervices and travelling expenfes, to be computed from the commencement of the time of his actual refidence at the feat of government, any thing in the " Act for the better organizing of the troops of the United States, and for other purposes," to the contrary notwithstanding.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the pay of the Assistant of the Adjutant-General, in addition to his pay and other emoluments in the line of the army, shall be forty dollars per month, which shall be in full compenfation for his extra services and travelling expenfes, to be computed from the time of his entering upon actual service.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Vice-President of the United States, and
President of the Senate.

APPROVED-April 22d, A. D. 1800.

President of the United States.


An ACT to continue in force the act, intituled “ An act to authorize the defence of the merchant vessels of the United States against French depredations."

E it enacted by the Senate and House of Re

Bere enacted by the United States of America,

in Congress affembled, That the act passed on the twenty-fifth day of June, one thousand fe

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