Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση


Their compenfation afcertained



Approbation for the purchafe of copper

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1. p. 127

Part of bullion depofited, to be retained, for the expenfe of refining

To remain at Philadelphia, until the 4th March 1803

f. 2. p. 127

chap. 90. p. 207. & f. 1. p. 279t
Certain duties in relation to it, to be performed by the diftrict judge
and district attorney of Pennfylvania and the commiffioner of loans
for the state of Pennsylvania


Organization of a general affembly therein

The commiffioners of the United States may fettle
compromife, refpecting it

They may inquire into the claims of individuals.

NAVY. See Salvage.

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Commanders of public armed veffels to ftop veffels fufpected of illicit
commerce with the French poffeffions

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Rank and pay of the commanding officers of the marine corps no inst

chap. 29. p. 93

Commiffioned veffels to flop fuch as contravene the laws against the

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flave trade
Appropriations for the navy in the year 1800
-in the year 1801

The Prefident may cause certain of the public fhips to be fold

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Six of the frigates to be retained in fervice and the reft to be laid

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Number of officers to be retained
Four months extra-pay to be allowed to those discharged

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NAVY, GOVERNMENT OF. See Courts Martial Naval-
Courts of Enquiry, Naval.

Exemplary conduct incumbent on the officers of the navy f. 1. p. 198
Divine fervice to be performed, &c.


Punishment of certain fcandalous offences


Penalties on the breach of duty in respect to attack and battle

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Papers refpecting captures to be transmitted
Penalty on pillaging a prize or mal treating the crew

Intercourfe with enemies and rebels

Mutiny and fedition

Difobedience of orders and affault on a fuperior officer
Quarrelling, defertion

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Offences on shore

Frauds against the United States

p. 112, & p. 115

p. 113

Improper and unfkilful navigation of veffels, negligence in the per-
formance of duty. Murder. Convoy


Penalty on receiving merchandife on board: Wafte, embezzlement,
&c. of public property

P. 114

Theft. Detection and apprehenfion of offenders. Mufter-rolls and
fhips books. Infpection of provifions

Officers and men detached from the fhips to be furnished with certain


Rules for the government of the navy to be hung up and read.-
Treatment of the fick. Paying off. Treatment of inferior officers
and men

Mafter-at-arms' duty. Punishment of crimes not specified. Who
are petty officers. Affignment of wages and prize money


In cafe of the lofs of a veffel the command of the officers fhall remain
in force

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3. P. 122

1. 4. p. 123
f. 5. p. 123
f. 6. p. 124

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Fund for the payment of penfions and half pay


f. 7. p. 125

f. 8. p. 125

f. 9. p. 126

f. 10. p. 12

To be a manager of the navy fund for penfions and half pay


Created a port of entry for veffels from the Cape of Good Hope or

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- Veffels may unload, in certain cafes, at New-Caftle in Maine

chap. 77. p. 260

f. 2. p. 162

f. 3. p. 162

NEW LONDON. See Light House.

-Lyme annexed to it
NEW ORLEANS. See Drawback.



Alteration of the time of holding the district court in

chap. 16. p. 43

Secretary of ftate authorised to transmit certain laws to that ftate


P 210
f. 1 p. 139
f. 6. p. 141

Part of it constituted a new territory to be called the

Seat of its government after the feparation

Privilege of franking letters allowed to its delegate f. 1. & 2 p. 227
His compenfation

f. 3. p. 227

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Certain fuits revived in the divifions of the territory

NOVA SCOTIA. See Refugees from.

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OATH See Prisoner Census-Bankrupt-Patent-Judiciary, Court.
Martial Naval-Court of Enquiry Naval.

PAGODA. See Duties.

District of, abolished


chap. 88. p. 275

PATENT. See Virginia Military Lands.
Perfons having refided two years within the United States may re-,
ceive Patents for useful, inventions
Oath to be taken by fuch aliens


f. i. p. 88.


The legal reprefentative of a deceafed inventor may receive a pa-

.. tent

Damages for breaches of patent-rights

Repeal of part of the former aft


His compenfation and rank

[blocks in formation]

PENALTY. See Bankrupt. Navy, Government of.

On an infolvent debtor taking a falfe oath.

f. 3. P. 9.

Act for mitigating penalties partly repealed and partly revived

chap. 6. p. 12

Under the act fufpending intercourfe with France may be mitigat- -

ed, &c,

Distribution of fuch peralties

Penalty on certain correfpondence with the Indians

[blocks in formation]

f. 9. p. 21

f. 1.& z. p. 10 & 11
with foreign powers in relation to
f. 3. p. 11

on having certain commercial intercourfe with France

f. 1. p. 15

Forfeiture of veffels coming from France, &c. f. 4.& 5. p. 18 & 19
Penalty on marshals' affiftants making no return of their enumera-
tion, or a falfe one

f. 2. p. 28

on marshals in relation to their returns with respect to the
f. 3. p. 28

f. 6. p. 31.

on not giving information to the marshals' affiftants
Penalty on forging or uttering certain receipts or certificates relative
to ftamps

f. 8. p. 98

On forging, &c. flamps provided for by the act of 23d April 1800
f. 11. p. 100
Act in addition to the act for the punishment of certain crimes againft
the United States, continued in force
Penalty on enticing or employing workmen from the public arfenals

or armorics

Penalty on certain misconduct of such workmen.

p. 128

1. 2.
P. 147
f. 3. p. 148

On having an interest in veffels employed in the flave trader

On serving on board fuch veffels -

Diftribution of Penalties incurred in the two cafes laft mentioned

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To be allowed to perfons difabled in the naval fervice

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f. 1. p. 167
・f. 2. p. 163

f. 7. p. 170

chap. 1. p. 3

f. 8. p. 125

A new diftrict to be erected, to be called the diftrict of Petersburg
f. 4. p. 162. chap. 96, p. 261

FOGE, CAPE. See Light-House.

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Kittery and Berwick, annexed to it as a district
Privilege of franking allowed to W. H. Harrifon

tern Territory

United States

to Mrs. Washington

f. 2. p. 261

f. 1. p. 4
P. 45

to the fuperintendant of stamps

f. 2. p. 95

to the delegate from the North Wef-
chap. 2. p. 4.

to John Adams, late Prefident of the
chap. 8o. p. 263. f. 3. p. 316

Difcontinuance of certain poft-roads
Sundry new Post-Roads established


f. 1. p. 101. f. 1. p. 313
f. 2. p. 102. f. 2. p. 313

f. 6. p. 20

May remit the prohibition of intercourfe with France
May inftruct the public armed fhips to top veffels fufpected of car-
rying on illicit intercourse with the French poffeflions

f. 8. p. 20
May permit certain veffels to enter from and clear to French ports
f. 4. p. 18. & f. 10. p. 21
May direct the removal of the offices to Washington City
f. 1. p. 130

Appropriations for the purchafe of furniture for his houfe
f. 2. p. 130

Authorised to accept a ceffion of the Western Referve of Connec-

ticut on certain conditions

Authorised to borrow 3,500,cco dollars

To cause accounts of expenditures for contingent

reign intercourse to be annually fettled

May provide for the expenfes of Indian vifits

To reduce the army

Acts to be done relative to the death of general

To prefent a medal to capt. Truxton

P. 133
f. 1. p. 142
expenses of fo-
f. 2. p. 188

chap. 68. p. 204
chap. 69. p. 205
George Wath-
p. 208-9

p. 211

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To employ an agent to enquire relative to copper-mines on Lake Superior

P. zir

f. 1. p. 280 1. 4. p. 278+

May caufe certain of the public hips to be fold
To retain a certain number of officers of the navy
To appoint two commiffioners to afcertain the rights of perfons
claiming rights of pre-emption under J. C. Symmes
Difpofal of the furniture of Prefident Adams


Prifoners entitled to the limits of goals


f. 4. p. 282 91. p. 303

f. 1. p. 7

in execution may have an oath of infolvency administered

to them, &c.

may be removed to facilitate proceedings
penalty on their taking a falfe oath

may have the benefit of the act in certain cafes,

be not in executioa

may be removed in cafe of danger


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f. 2. P. 7

f. 3. P. 9

f. 4. p. 9 though they f. 5. p. 9

f. 19. p. 243

The Collector of Providence may remit the duties on teas imported in the fhips Refource and Ann and Hope

Treaty with


RECAPTURE, See Salvage.

chap. 97. p. 293

P. 318


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A new district to be erected, to be called the district of Richmond

f, 4. p. 162. chap. 96. p. 29

ROAD. See Post Office and Post Road.

RUPEE. See Duties.

See Compensation.


"At laying an additional duty on falt," &c. continued in force.

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On recaptured property, claimed by citizens of the United States

f. 1. p. 38 Compensation to be made for recaptured property, belonging to the United States

f. 2. p. 39

Salvage on re-captured property claimed by alien friends f. 3. p. 40 Distribution of salvage

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