Porson, and appropriated to his use during his lifetime, did, by deed, bearing date the 27th November 1816, transfer to the University the sum of £400. Navy 5 per cents... Calendar - Σελίδα 76των University of Cambridge - 1818Πλήρης προβολή - Σχετικά με αυτό το βιβλίο
 | 1829 - 828 σελίδες
...twenty-five, and the Latin Ode thirty stanzas. IV. The Porson prize is the interest of WOl Stock, to be annually employed in the purchase of one or more Greek books, to be linn to such resident Undergraduate as "fall make the best translation of a profonl passage in Sbakspeare,... | |
 | Adam Wall - 1828 - 532 σελίδες
...twenty, and the Latin Ode twenty-five stanzas." IV. " The PORSON PRIZE is the interest of J.400 Stock, to be annually employed in the purchase of one or more Greek books, to be given to such resident Undergraduate as shall make the best Translation of a proposed passage in Shakespeare,... | |
 | 1829 - 720 σελίδες
...for the Latin Epigram, Spvliis indusus iniquis. The Porson prize is the interest of 4001. stock, to be annually employed in the purchase of one or more Greek books, to be given to such resident Under -graduateas shall make the best translation of a proposed passage in Shakspeare,... | |
 | 1829 - 712 σελίδες
...for the Latin Epigram, Spitiu inchisus t'ntfuu. The Porioo prize is the interest of 400J. stock, to be annually employed in the purchase of one or more Greek books, to be given tosuch resident Under-graduateas shall make the bett translation of a proposed passage in Shakspeare,... | |
 | University of Cambridge - 1830 - 554 σελίδες
...University the sum of £400. Navy 5 per cents, upon trust, that the interest arising therefrom shall be annually employed in the purchase of one or more Greek books, to be given to such resident undergraduate at shall make the best translation of a proposed passage in Shakspeare,... | |
 | University of Cambridge - 1831 - 552 σελίδες
...University the sum of £400. Navy 5 per cents, upon trust, that the interest arising therefrom shall be annually employed in the purchase of one or more Greek books, to be given to such resident Undergraduate as shall make the best translation of a proposed passage in Shakspeare,... | |
 | 1831 - 626 σελίδες
...For the Ijitin epigram, ' Prudens simplicitas.' 4. The Porson prize is the interest of ^400 stock, to be annually employed in the purchase of one or more Greek books, to be given to such resident Undergraduate nson, esent , , , -beginning, ' To day my Lord of Amiens and myself," Etc.;... | |
 | 1834 - 416 σελίδες
...accompanied by a literal Latin prose version. IV. The Porson Prize is the interest of 400/. stock, to be annually employed in the purchase of one or more Greek books, to be given to such resident Undergrad nates as shall make the best translation of a proposed passage in Shakspeare,... | |
 | 1834 - 766 σελίδες
...accompanied by a literal Latin Prose Version. IV. The Person Prize is thu interest of 400/. stock, to be annually employed in the purchase of one or more Greek books, to be Driven to such resident Undergraduate as shall make the best translation of a proposed passage inShakspeare,... | |
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