House of Commons Debates, Official Report, Τόμος 129,Τεύχη 53-62E. Cloutier, Queen's Printer and Controller of Stationery, 1987 |
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Αποτελέσματα 1 - 3 από τα 82.
Σελίδα 2378
... free trade agreement with Canada , or are you really looking toward managed trade ? Is it not a fact that these negotiations are being used by the U.S. to set up an umbrella of so - called free trade negotiations while they use it as a ...
... free trade agreement with Canada , or are you really looking toward managed trade ? Is it not a fact that these negotiations are being used by the U.S. to set up an umbrella of so - called free trade negotiations while they use it as a ...
Σελίδα 2465
... free trade . The issue of free trade is beginning to concern more and more Canadians . I have just spent a couple of weeks in my riding . More and more people in my constituency are con- cerned about whether we will sell the soul of our ...
... free trade . The issue of free trade is beginning to concern more and more Canadians . I have just spent a couple of weeks in my riding . More and more people in my constituency are con- cerned about whether we will sell the soul of our ...
Σελίδα 2762
... free trade ? Flour mills basically no longer exist in western Canada because it is much cheaper to ship grain to eastern flour mills than it is to ship flour . There is nothing fair about that whatsoever . The rate on flour should be ...
... free trade ? Flour mills basically no longer exist in western Canada because it is much cheaper to ship grain to eastern flour mills than it is to ship flour . There is nothing fair about that whatsoever . The rate on flour should be ...
House of Commons | 2504 |
Ways and Means | 2512 |
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15 per cent Acting Speaker agreement amendment Americans Auto Pact Axworthy Bill Brian Mulroney Brian Mulroney Prime British Columbia Broadbent cent export tax concerned conflict of interest countervailing duty deal debate Deputy Prime Minister Don Boudria Don Mazankowski Export Charge Act fact federal Government forest industry forestry free trade Gauthier Glengarry-Prescott-Russell going Government of Canada Government's House of Commons inquiry International Trade Miss issue Jean Bazin legislation lumber industry Lumber Products Export Madam Speaker matter McDermid Member ment Minister and President Minister for International Minister's motion Mulroney Prime Minister National negotiations Oerlikon Opposition Ottawa Parliament Parliamentary Secretary Party Patent Act petition point of order problem Products Export Charge provinces Quebec RCMP Softwood Lumber Products Standing Order stumpage stumpage fees Trade Miss Carney Turner Vancouver Quadra United Vancouver East Vancouver Quadra whistleblowers Windsor West