OF LEARNING TO READ, WRITE, AND SPEAK THE SPANISH LANGUAGE WITH AN APPENDIX CONTAINING A BRJEF BUT COMPREHENSIVE RECAPITULATION OF THE RULES, AS TO THE MOST ORDINARY CAPACITY TOGETHER WITH PRACTICAL RULES FOR THE SPANISH PRONUNCIATION AND MODELS OF SOCIAL AND COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE THE WHOLE DESIGNED FOR YOUNG LEARNERS AND BY M. VELAZQUEZ AND T. SIMONNÉ PROFESSORS OF THE SPANISH AND FRENCH LANGUAGES NEW YORK D. APPLETON AND COMPANY 72 FIFTH AVENUE UNIVERSITY ENTERED, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1848, by D. APPLETON & CO., In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. NOTICE.-A KEY to the Exercises of this Grammar is published in a separate Volume THE superiority of OLLENDORFFS METHOD of teaching languages is now so universally acknowledged, both in the United States and in Europe, that an adaptation of it to the EUPHONIC CASTILIAN, OF SPANISH LANGUAGE, must be considered as a desideratum to persons wishing to learn it. Divested of the abstractedness of Grammar, it contains, however, all its elements; but it develops them so gradually, and in so simple a manner, as to render them intelligible to the most ordinary capacity. The difficulties are met singly, thoroughly analyzed, and made familiar by dint of a varied and interesting repetition, the most effectual means to impress them on young and unlearned minds, generally averse to thought or reflection, and always prone to trust to their undisciplined memory, a power often treacherous from want of proper direction. It is, therefore, hardly possible to go through this book with any degree of application, without becoming thoroughly conversant with the colloquial, idiomatic, and classic use of the Spanish language. Consequently, persons transacting business in the countries of which the Spanish is the vernacular tongue, will find this work to be their best guide in learning to speak it with propriety. For the benefit of persons grammatically acquainted with the English, or other languages, a Synopsis of the Spanish has beer annexed as an Appendix, containing tables of the regular conjugations of the verbs, copious lists of the irregular verbs, general rules of etymology, syntax, &c., by means of which they may learn all the peculiarities of the Spanish, and make themselves perfect masters of it in a very short time, without the assistance of a teacher. ! |