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Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

does appear; where no eftate appears, the debtor fhall fatisfy the debt by service.

Fees. For attending the general court, per diem, to an affiftant 6s. to a reprefentative 4s. and 4d. per mile, travelling out; chief juftice of fuperior court 12s; affiftant judges 9s; county courts chief judge 7s; justices of the quorum 5s; licence to a tavern keeper 3s; acknowledging any inftrument 6d; to the fecretary for the colony feal is; to the general affembly for every petition : attornies fees, fuperior court 8s; inferior or county court 4s; goalers fees, commitment and difcharge 2s; for dieting each prifoner per week 2s; to a county furveyor of lands and for his horfe, befides expences, 4s. per diem. N. B. These fees feem to be in bills of the emiffion equal to three and half old ten, of New-England common currency.

Publick houses of entertainment for each town to be nominated in January annually by the magiftrates, felect-men, conftables and grand jury-men, be approved of by the next county court, and licenfed by them: the house-keeper not to fuffer fons not of age, or fervants, to fit tipling, fine 6s; ftrangers and foreigners excepted: none to keep company in publick houses evening next following the Lord's day, or days of faft; any perfon found in a tavern (fome exceptions) the night before and the night after the Lord's day, or after nine o'clock in any other night, fine 3s; by a fpecial warrant, houfes may be broke open in fearching after perfons in taverns; inhabitants not to fit in a tavern drinking above one hour at a time, excepting upon extraordinary occafions, fine 6s; tavern hunters to be posted up at the tavern doors with a prohibition of entertaining them upon penalty of 31; no tavernkeeper to bring an action for drink, fold after two days; none but licensed houfes to fell ftrong liquor in quantities exceeding one quart of wine or fpirits, or one gallon of any other liquor, fine 31. first offence, 61. fecond offence, and fo doubled every offence; if not


able to pay, to be whipt not lefs than 10, and not exceeding 15 ftripes every offence.

In Connecticut (and all over New-England every conftituted township is a CORPORATION ;) the qualification for a voter or freeman is 21 æt. and upwards, with a freehold rated in the common lift at 50s. or perfonal eftate rated at 401. befides his poll or perfon. Township meetings or affemblies may make prudential laws or orders, penalty of tranfgreffion not to exceed 20s. Town. fhip officers to be chofen annually in December, viz. felect-men not exceeding feven, lifters (affeffors) not exceeding nine, &c. all elections to be by a major part of the qualified voters. Town clerks to register mar

riages, births, and burials.

No perfon to be admitted an inhabitant of a town, but by confent of the select-men; no ftranger to refide exceeding days without liberty from the select-men, and the entertainer finable. A ftranger continuing after being warned out, fine 10s. per week, or whipt not exceeding ten stripes. One year's refidence qualifies a perfon for an inhabitant. A ftranger entertained above four days, the entertainer shall be at the charge if taken fick. Vagrants to be ordered from conftable to conftable back to the place they came from; if they return, fhall be toties quoties whipt not exceeding ten ftripes.

Annually first Monday of March the proprietorships not conftituted into townships, are to meet and chuse a moderator, clerk, treasurer, and a committee to manage affairs in the intervals of their general meetings. By a major vote computed by intereft they are to be chofen, and may levy taxes as may be needed. Sufficient partition fences to be five foot if rails or wooden fences, stone fence four feet high; or hedges, brooks, ditches, creeks, rivers, in the judgment of the fenceviewers, equivalent thereto. No perfon to feed his cattle in his neighbour's land, as if common field, without leave, from 10th April to 10th October.

Taxes confift in the articles of rates, impoft, and ex


Rates comprehend the poll-tax. Every perfon annually, at or before September 10, to give in a lift of his polls and rateable eftate: thofe lifts to be returned to the general court in October: perfons to be four-folded who leave out part of their eftate, or who give in no eftate; the lifters may relieve people overcharged, may appeal to a juftice and to the select-men of the town. Every male perfon from fixteen to feventy æt. to be fet in the lift at 181. (governor, deputy governor, affiftants, minifters of the gospel, prefident and tutors of the collegiate fchool, ftudents there, fchool-mafters and infirm perfons are excused) every ox at 41; each steer, cow, or heifer of three years and upwards at 31; fteer or heifer of two years at 40 s; each steer or heifer of one year 20 s. Each horfe or mare of three years old and upwards at 31. of two years old 40 s. of one year old 20s. Every fwine one year old and upwards 20 s. Each dwellinghouse with adjoining land 20 s. per acre; plow and mowing land in fome counties 15 s. in others 10 s. in others 7 s. 6 d. per acre; boggy mowing meadow land 5 s. per acre; all upland pafture or mowing 8 s. per acre. Peculiars to be affeffed by the nearest town. Veffels at 15 s. per tun. The prefident of Yale college, and all ministers of the gofpel, their eftates in the towns where they live are exempted. All allowed attornies at the law, 50 l. their faculty; and others higher in proportion to their bufinefs. All traders, &c. to be rated for their faculties at the difcretion of the lifters.

RATES. In our American colonies, in affeffing of rates, real estate is generally valued at feven years income, which is favourable. In Great-Britain lands are fold at twenty to thirty years purchase.

In Connecticut 1 d. rate, produces 4000l. to 5000 1.



IMPOST. There is a high duty upon the exportation of all timber and lumber to the neighbouring governVOL. II.



ments of Maffachusetts, New-York, Rhode-Ifland, and New-Hampshire; this is defigned in lieu of a prohibition, that after fome years the colony may not be destitute of those materials. The impoft upon rum is per gallon 1 d. if imported directly from the Weft Indies or fugar iflands, and 2 d. from all other parts; a drawback is allowed upon its exportation.


All foreign trading veffels not owned in the colony at Clearing, to pay powder money to the naval


The governor with advice of the council, upon occafion, by proclamation may for a time prohibit the exportation of grain and other provifions; delinquents forfeit thefe goods by an order obtained from a special County court.

EXCISE 3 d. per gallon on all wine and diftilled liquors; this is applied to defray county charges. The county courts to appoint receivers of the excife, fees 2 s. in the pound. Receivers may agree with the publick houfes by the year.

The act regulating maritime affairs extend from P. 147 to p. 152, in twenty-feven fections in their law book; does not contain any thing peculiar.

By the act for forming and regulating the militia. The governor to be captain general, the deputy governor lieutenant general: the military companies of the several townships to be formed into 13 regiments of foot, and to each regiment of foot, one troop of horse of 64 men, officers included. The field officers of each regiment, colonel, lieutenant colonel, and major, to be appointed by the general affembly, and commiffioned by the governor. Once in four years to be called together for regimental exercife. All male perfons from 16 to 50 æt. to attend military mufters, excepting Indians and negroes, fecretary, juftices, church officers, members of the collegiate fchool, allowed phyficians and furgeons, representatives, fchool-mafters, attornies at law, a miller


to each grift mill, ferry men, conftant herdfimen, conftant mariners, fheriffs, conftables, and impotent perfons. All militia lifted foldiers to be provided, befides his accoutrements, with one pound of good powder, four pound of bullets, and twelve flints. In each company of 64 foldiers befides officers, there fhall be a capt. a lieut. and four ferjeants; where 32 foldiers, there fhall be a Heut. enfign, and two ferjeants; where but 24 foldiers there shall be two ferjeants. The companies to be trained four times a year, every foldier for not appearance to pay 3s.

The arms and ammunition of all perfons in the government to be viewed on the firft Monday of May an nually. Each trooping horse freed from rates and impreffes. Disorders on training days, may be punished by laying neck and heel, riding the wooden horse, or 15 s. The fines to be applied for colours, drummers, halberts, banners, trumpets, trumpeters, and other charges of the company. The colony to provide a magazine of powder and fhot, and the felectmen of each town to provide military ftores for their


The felect men may appoint watches and wards in their feveral towns.

Any perfons may form themselves into artillery companies fo called, for promoting of military exercifes.

Deferters from the king's fervice fea or land, fine 201. and half a year's imprisonment.

The training militia of this colony may confift of about 15,000 men. 1740, at a great ftruggle in the election of a governor, there were about 4000 freemen voters. +


In the house of representatives of Massachusetts-Bay, in their journal June 3, 1748, they declare that Connecticut is two thirds as big (meaning in perfons and eftates, but not in extent of territory, Plymouth and province of Main included) as the province of Maflachusetts-Bay. With fubmiffion, I find Connecticut not half fo big in numbers and eftates as Maffachusetts-Bay. At times by the prudent adminiftration

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