Appleton's Cyclopædia of Drawing: Designed as a Textbook for the Mechanic, Architect, Engineer, and Surveyor : Comprising Geometrical Projection, Mechanical, Architectural, and Topographical Drawing, Perspective and IsometryWilliam Ezra Worthen Appleton, 1857 - 410 σελίδες |
Αναζήτηση στο βιβλίο
Σελίδα 106
... angles , P , c ; then this line will represent , in magnitude and direction , the other , which will hold the other two at rest . Or stating this in general terms : -If three ... lines on paper , making A a equal to the 106 MECHANICS .
... angles , P , c ; then this line will represent , in magnitude and direction , the other , which will hold the other two at rest . Or stating this in general terms : -If three ... lines on paper , making A a equal to the 106 MECHANICS .
Άλλες εκδόσεις - Προβολή όλων
Συχνά εμφανιζόμενοι όροι και φράσεις
arch architecture architrave axis balusters base beam beam compass bisect bolts cast iron centre circular circumference color compasses cone construction cornice cube curve cylinder depth determined diagonal diameter direction divide division doors draw lines drawn edge elevation ellipse entablature epicycloid example feet figure floor frame frustrum gamboge given line given point Gothic horizontal plane inches inclined Indian ink intersection length light line A B lines parallel mouldings necessary number of equal ornament outline ovolo paper passing pencil perpendicular perspective perspective projection pillar pitch circle placed Plate polygon position PROB proportion pulley radii radius rafters rays represented right angles Romanesque roof scale screw shade shadow shaft side space square straight line style surface tangent thickness tint tion tooth triangle triglyph upper usual vertical plane walls weight wheel width wrought iron
Δημοφιλή αποσπάσματα
Σελίδα 7 - A circle is a plane figure contained by one line, which is called the circumference, and is such that all straight lines drawn from a certain point within the figure to the circumference, are equal to one another.
Σελίδα 80 - The projection of a point upon a plane is the foot of the perpendicular from the point to the plane.
Σελίδα 6 - When several angles are at one point B, any one of them is expressed by three letters, of which the letter that is at...
Σελίδα 22 - ... the beginning of this division, or zero point, a distance equal to one of the subdivisions. Now divide the extent thus set off into ten equal parts, marking the divisions on the opposite side of the divided line to the strokes marking the primary divisions and the subdivisions, and number them 1, 2, 3, &c., backwards from right to left Then, since the extent of eleven subdivisions has been divided into ten equal parts, so that these ten parts exceed by one subdivision the extent of ten subdivisions,...
Σελίδα 6 - When a straight line standing on another straight line makes the adjacent angles equal to one another, each of the angles is called a Right Angle; and the straight line which stands on the other is called a Perpendicular to it.
Σελίδα 115 - VIII, leads to the following remarkable conclusion, easily fixing itself in the memory, that with the unguents, hogs* lard and olive oil interposed in a continuous stratum between them, surfaces of wood on metal, wood on wood, metal on wood, and metal on metal, when in motion, have all of them very nearly the same co-efficient of friction, the value of that co-efficient being in all cases included between 0,07 and 0,08, and the limiting angle of resistance therefore between 4° and 4° 35'.
Σελίδα 62 - XXXVIII. length AD, the polygon may be completed. The constructions for inscribing regular polygons in circles are suitable also for dividing the circumference of a circle into a number of equal parts. To supply a means of dividing the circumference into any number of parts, including cases not provided for in the foregoing problems, the annexed table of angles relating to polygons, expressed in degrees, will be found of general utility. In this table the angle at TABLE OF POLYGONAL ANGLES.
Σελίδα 111 - To find the weight that will be supported by a known amount of power, the position of the fulcrum being given : Multiply the distance between the power and the fulcrum by the power, and divide the product by the distance between the fulcrum and the weight.
Σελίδα 390 - Having poured a little of the solution into a flat dish, the pictures are to be introduced into it one by one; daylight will not now injure them ; let them soak for two or three minutes, or even longer if strongly printed, turning and moving them occasionally. The remaining unreduced salts of silver are thus thoroughly dissolved, and may now, with the...
Σελίδα 40 - MOUNTING PAPER AND DRAWINGS, VARNISHING, ETC. In mounting paper upon canvas, the latter should be well stretched upon a smooth flat surface, being damped for that purpose, and its edges glued down as was recommended in stretching drawing paper. Then with a brush spread strong paste upon the canvas, beating it in till the grain of the canvas be all filled up; for this, when dry, will prevent the canvas from shrinking when subsequently removed ; and, having cut the edges of the paper straight, paste...