Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

tive element, to drag out a pitiable existence, but leave him where he lies, to die-he is dead already— "For he is old and miserably poor!"

Two dozen in two hours we call fair sport, and we think they will average not less, Proctor, than a pound. Lascelles and North against any two in all England. We beseech you-only look at yonder noses. Thick as frogs-as powheads. There -that was lightly dropt among them -each fatal feather seeming to melt on the water like a snow-flake. We have done the deed, Proctor-we have done the deed. We feel that we have five. Observe how they will come to light, in succession, a size larger and larger, with a monster at the tail-fly. Even so. To explain the reason why, would perplex a master of arts. Five seem about fifty, when all dancing about together in an irregular figure, but they have sorely ravelled our gear. It matters not; for it must be wearing well on to eight o'clock, and we dine at sun


on Larach-a-ban, steady, as if towards spawning ground in the genial month of August, but never again shall he enjoy his love. See-he turns up a side like a house. We shrewdly suspect he is pretending to be dead, and reserving his strength for a last struggle at the shore. Aye-that is indeed a most commodious landingplace, and the hypocrite, ere he is aware of water too shallow to hide his back-fin, will be walloping upon the yellow sand. A dolphin! a dolphin! large enough to carry on his shoulders a little green fairy aquatic Arion, harp in hand, and charming the Naiads with a dulcet song.

Why keep so far out from shore? We are not bound for Cladich, but Larach-a-ban. Whirr! Whirr! Whirr! SALMO FEROX, as sure as a gun. The maddened monster has already run out ten fathom of chain-cable. His spring is not so sinewy as a salmon's of the same size, but his rush is more tremendous, and he dives like one of the damned in Michael Angelo's Last Judgment. All the twelve barbs are gorged, and not, but with the loss of his torn-out entrails, can he escape dry death. Give us an oaror he will break the rope-therewe follow him at equal speed sternforemost but canny-canny-for if the devil doubles upon us, he may play mischief yet by getting under our keel. That is noble. There he sails some twenty fathom off, parallel to our pinnace, at the rate of six knots and bearing-for we are giving him the butt-right down up

"Hurra! hurra! hurra! Christopher for ever!" We look around; and lo! the Cladich breakfast-party waving their bonnets round their heads at our enormous capture. When they talk about it in Glasgow, it will be thought a ggegg. Let us weigh the monster-up with him by the gills-and fasten him to our pocket steel-yard. He had there wellnigh broken our back. TWENTYSEVEN POUND JIMP!!! Nay-naynay, boys-no crowning, no crowning of the old man. Yet, if you will have it so we forgive the enthusiasm of youth. That is classical, and with joy we submit our brows to the Parsley Wreath. All we want now is a Pindar. And nothing will pacify you, you madcaps, but to bear us, shoulder-high, up to Larach-a-ban? And you are so kind as to cry that bone never bore a nobler burthen? What will Lascelles say when he hears of our triumph! It will go hard to break his heart. No-he is a fine generous creature, we are told, envious of no other great man's reputation, though justly jealous of his own. O thou glorious setting sun! slow sinking behind the crimson ridge of old Cruachan, thou seemest to say in that solemn light of thine, celestial monitor



[blocks in formation]

Bolingbroke, Lord, character of, 283
Bonaparte, invasion of Portugal, 2
Boyton, Mr, his description of the system
pursued by the Irish government, 232-
his account of the proceedings of the Dub-
lin Conservative Society, 235-his speech
on the Dutch war, 238
Brazils, arrival of the Portuguese royal fami-
ly in, 4-subsequent history of the coun-
try, ib.

Bringing up Lee Way, 298, 451
Brunswick, Duke of, his manifesto, 899
Bull, Rev. G. S., evidence on the Factory
system, 443, 447

Burke, Edmund, Part I. 277—his eloquence
did not apply to temporary emergencies
only, but embodied principles universally

applicable, 278-his university career,
279-favourite authors in early life, 280
-his pamphlet against Brooke, and Letter
to Dr Lucas, ib.-account of the metro-
polis, ib.-stands candidate for the pro-
fessorship of Logic in Glasgow, 282-
design of going to America, 283-his
Vindication of Natural Society, ib.-
Treatise on the Sublime and Beautiful,
287-Johnson's opinion of him, ib.-
anecdote of an encounter with a clergy-
man at Litchfield, ib.-editor or author of
a History of the European Settlements in
North America, and of Dodsley's An-
nual Register, 288-private secretary to
Single-speech Hamilton, 289-private
secretary to Marquis Rockingham, 290-
comes into parliament, 291-defence of
the Rockingham administration, 296-
his character of political apostates, 297-
Part II. 597-Burke's Thoughts on the
cause of the present discontents, 598-his
occupations at Beaconsfield, 603-patro-
nage of Barry, 604-the part he took in
behalf of America on the commencement
of disputes with the mother country, 607
-his disapproval of a tax on absentees,

Cæsars, Chap. III. Caligula, Claudius, and
Nero, 43

Caligula, his cruelties, 44

Carlisle, Sir Anthony, evidence on the Fac-
tory system, 432

Chalmers, Rev. Dr, his argument that a sys
tem of poor's laws is destructive of charity
borrowed from the present Bishop of Lan-
daff, and at the same time erroneous, 318
Characteristics of Women, No. I. Characters
of the Affections, 124-No. II. 143-
No. III. Characters of Passion and Ima-
gination, 391-No. IV. Characters of In-
tellect, 539

Charlemont, Lord, character of, 288
Chatham, Lord, administration of, 295-

Burke's humorous character of it, ib.-
character of his lordship, 967

Chief, the, or the Gael and Sassenach, 503,

Child reading the Bible, by Mrs Hemans,

China monopoly, 796

Church Establishment, advantages of, 332
Church, Irish, danger of the new measures
to it as a spiritual body, 660
Church property, real nature and amount of,

Conservative dinner in Edinburgh, late, 266
Conservative party, strength and duties of,


Conservative system of government, 563
Conservatives, Irish, 234
Corn Laws, danger of abolishing, 363


Cornwall and Devonshire illustrated, No. I. Gordon, Mr, his history of the Greek Revo-


lution, 476

Cortes of Lamego, history of, 20
Craven heart, the, by Mrs Godwin, 264
Cringle, Tom, his log, Chap. XVII. Scenes
in Cuba, 26-Chap. XVIII. Cruise of
the Wave, 170-Chap. XIX. Bringing
up Lee Way, 298-Chap. XX. Bringing
up Lee Way, 451-Chap. XXI. Second
Cruise of the Wave, 737

Crocodile island, 105

Factory system, 419

Fall of Turkey, 931

Farre, Dr, evidence on the Factory system,

Ferns, anecdote of the Bishop of, 659
Forrest-Race Romance, 243
Fountain, the ruined, by Mrs Godwin, 595
France, state of the poor in, 822
Franklin, vindictive and selfish character of,

Cruger, Mr, anecdote of, 610

Cruise of the Wave, 170-second cruise, 737
Cuba, scenes in, 26

Greece, Revolution of, Part I. 476-that
event proved fatal to the naval power of
the Porte, 943

Danton, character of, 906

Gueuse, Water, song of the, 810

Democrat, life of a, a sketch of Horne Hamilton, Single-speech, character of, 289

Tooke, 963

Dere beys, or hereditary Turkish nobles, 935
Despair, by the Hon. Augusta Norton, 123
Desultory reading, its injurious effects, 279
Devonshire and Cornwall illustrated, 689
Diebitsch, his defeat of the Turks under
Redschid, 942

Dismemberment of the Empire, 223
Doctor, the, and the patient, 845
Donatus, his account of Ireland, 923
Doyle, Dr, his able evidence in favour of the
introduction of poor's laws into Ireland,
Dutch war, Mr Boyton on the, 238
Dying request of a Hindu Girl, by Mrs
Godwin, 595

East India question, 776
Elliot, Ebenezer, description of a Reform
jubilee, by, 444

England, degradation of, under the influ-
ence of revolutionary passions, 945
Engraving, improvements and abuses in
modern, 952

French Revolution, the, 889
Future Balance of Parties, 115
Future state, rabbinical traditions concern-
ing, 641

Gael and Sassenach, 503, 763
George II., character of, 597
Gilfillan, Robert, songs by, 855, 856, 857,


Gozzi, Count, his Turandot, 371-his Loves
of the Three Oranges, 374
Graces, the, 527
Grave, my, 596

Grave of the Gifted, by Lady E. S. Wortley,


Girondists, their hypocritical and cowardly
conduct and deserved fall, 898, 902, 903,

Godwin, Mrs, Lyrics of the East, by, No.
III. 263 No. IV. 264-Nos. V. and
VI. 595
Goldoni, his character as a dramatic writer,

Greek Anthology, No. I. 865
Green, Mr, evidence on the Factory system,

Hartley, David, Burke's rejoinder to, 615
Hebron, widow of, a rabbinical tradition, 630
Hemans, Mrs, Hymns of Life, by, No. I.
120-No. II. 122-Child reading the
Bible, by, 262-Female characters of
Scripture, a series of sonnets by, 593, 804
Hetaria, or secret society of Greece, 489
Hodson, Margaret, Lines to the memory of
Ensign Holford, by, 60

Horne Tooke, a sketch of, 963-his educa-
tion, 964-his first libel, 965-letters to
Wilkes, 966-insulted by Wilkes, 967-
labours in his behalf nevertheless, 968-
his libel on Mr Onslow, 970-the address
of the London corporation said to have
have been drawn up by him, 974-Beck-
ford's famous address claimed by him, 975
-Society for supporting the Bill of
Rights, 976-quarrel with Wilkes, and
mutual recriminations and exposures, 977
Hymns of Life, by Mrs Hemans, 120
Ireland, No. I. 66-redundant population,
ib.-indulgent legislation of James I. 69
-and consequent rebellion, ib.-conces-
sions by George III. 70-and consequent
rebellion, ib.-Catholic Emancipation, 71
-and present state of Ireland, ib.-Tithes,
73-bad effect of liberal institutions on an
ignorant and volatile people like the Irish,
75-measures necessary to restore peace
and prosperity, 78-conduct of the present
ministry, 81-strength of the Repealers,
84-No. II. Dismemberment of the Em-
pire, 223-the Repealers, 224-union
and objects of the Irish Catholics, 227-
their murders and burnings, ib.-incon-
stancy of the Irish government, 231-
Conservative Society of Dublin, 235-
anarchical meetings, 237-No. III. The
Administration of Justice, 338-Ireland
incapable of governing herself, ib.-
changes in the administration of justice
recommended by the committee during
last parliament, 340-evidence of Sir
John Harvey, 342-of Mr Barrington,
343, 344, 347-of Col. John Rochfort,
344, 345, 346, 348, 349-of Sir Hussey
Vivian, 348, 355-of Mr Dupard, 849
-of Mr Dillon, 350-of Hovenden Sta-


pleton, Esq. 351-of Maj.-Gen. Crawford,
352, 354-of Dr Doyle, 354-general
remarks, 356-frightful list of crimes
committed in some of the Irish counties,
357, note-No. IV. 563-The Coercive
Measures, 570-Church Spoliation, 573
-The Grand Jury System, 580
Ireland, on the introduction of poor's laws
into, 811

Irish clergy, income-tax to be imposed on,


Irish church bill, letter to the King on the,


Irish garland, 87

Isle of Beauty, by Lady E. S. Wortley, 261
Janissaries, massacre of the, 938-insuffi-
ciency of the troops raised in their stead,

Kaye, Dr, on the Factory system, 437
Kicking, a common punishment in the Fac-
tories, 441

Jamaica, remonstrance of the House of As-
sembly against interference with their in-
ternal affairs on the part of the Reform
Parliament, 226
Jameson, Mrs, Characteristics of Women, O'Connell, concessions of ministers to, 81-
by, 124, 143, 391, 539
his continued agitation, 82
Jerusalem, women of, at the cross, by Mrs Ottoman empire, rise and progress of, 481
Hemans, 8 06
Parish cess, 651

Joy, Judge, his charge to the Longford
grand jury, 237

Parisian mob, their reception in the Na-
tional Assembly, 897-they storm the
palace, 900-massacre of the prisoners of
the Abbaye, 907-and of the Bicetre, 907
Parties, future balance of, 115

[blocks in formation]

Mary Magdalene at the Sepulchre, by Mrs
Hemans, 806-bearing tidings of the re-
surrection, ib.

Mathematics injudiciously made the chief
source of distinction in Dublin University,

King, letter to the, on the Irish church bill, Pedro, Dom, history of, 6


Lifting of the Conservative standard, 88
Lifting of the Revolutionary standard, 88
Little Brown Man, the, 844


Mauritius, late discontents in, 199
Mess, Nights at, 924
Mignon's song, 90

Miguel, Dom, history of, 17
Miriam, song of, by Mrs Hemans, 593
Mob oratory, weight of, in the House of
Commons, 225

Moorish Maid of Granada, 40
Motherwell's Poems, 668

Movement, progress of the, 651
My Lisette, she is no more, 845
Nero, his cruelties, 45-his flight, 49-and
death, 52

Little Leonard's last good-night, 61
Loch Awe, 984

Lord Advocate, his behaviour in the Edin-
burgh election, 267

Louis XVI. character of, 898, 901
Lyrics of the East, by Mrs Godwin, No.
III. 263-No. IV. 264-Nos. V. and
VI. 595
Macculloch, his preposterously false doctrine
that workmen in manufactories are health-
ier and more virtuous than country la-
bourers, 439
MacNeill, Mr Duncan, his speech at the
Edinburgh Conservative Dinner, 272
Mahmoud, present Sultan of Turkey, his fa-
tal innovations, 934
Manufactories, unhealthiness of, 437
Marat, character of, 906

Mary at the feet of Christ, by Mrs Hemans,
805 Memorial of, by the same, ib.

Nights at Mess, 924

Norton, Hon. Augusta, Despair, by, 123
Oak, the parent, 961

Penitent, the, anointing Christ's feet, 804
Picture, the, 90
Poetry.-Moorish Maid of Granada, 40-
to the Memory of Ensign George Holford
Walker, by Margaret Hodson, 60-Little
Leonard's last good-night, 61-Ye Gen-
tlemen of Ireland, 87-Ye Jackasses of
Ireland, ib.-Lifting of the Conservative
standard, 88-Lifting of the Revolution-
ary standard, ib.-Zephyrs, 89-The
Picture, ib.-Mignon's song, ib.-Siege
of Antwerp, by Lady E. S. Wortley, 113
-Prayer of the Lonely Student, by Mrs
Hemans, 120-Traveller's evening song,
by the same, 122-Despair, by the Hon.
Augusta Norton, 123-To the year 1832,
187-Grave of the Gifted, by Lady E. S.
Wortley, 260-Isle of Beauty, by the
same, 261-Child reading the Bible, 262
-Lyrics of the East, by Mrs Godwin,
No. III. The Shiek's revenge, 263-No.
IV. The Craven Heart, 264-A Dozen
years hence, 265-The Graces, 527-
Lines on a thrush confined in a cage near
the sea, by Lady E. S. Wortley, 592-
Female characters of Scripture, a series of
sonnets, by Mrs Hemans, 593-Lyrics of
the East, Nos. V. and VI. by Mrs God-
win, 595-My Grave, 596-Female
characters of Scripture, by Mrs Hemans,
804-Antwerp, 807-Song of the Water
Gueuse, 810-Songs after the French
of Beranger, 844-Death-song of Reg

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