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no doubt, to the very low prices here, in comparison with other markets. Large lumps are in demand for the Hambro' market, yet, generally, refined goods are still heavy, with little variation as to the prices.-Molasses 298.

"The great request for White Havannah sugars for Russia has nearly cleared this market of that description; the buyers have, in consequence, been looking after the White Brazils, which are 1s. a 2s. higher; middling white 34s. a 35s., good 37.; ordinary 32s. 6d. a 34s.; the yellow

and brown Havannah and Brazil are with

out alteration in prices, but in rather better demand. Bourbon sugars are much inquired after.

"Value of refined sugars exported the last three months, was single, 224,7867. double 12,150%."

In the following week, the demand for Muscovades was general and extensive, and as there were few good sugars on show, the prices gradually advanced, and considerable parcels were taken on speculation. The market on the 15th was checked by the reported large entries at the Custom House, nearly 12,000 casks within the week; the prices however were firmly maintained; the improvement in that week was 2s. per cwt. and from the lowest price five or six weeks previous, the advance was from 5s. to 6s. per cwt.

The report of the refined market was also favourable, and large purchases in foreign Sugars were made by private contract. Last week, the market was exceedingly heavy, extensive parcels were brought for ward by private contract, and the prices were a shade lower. At a public sale on Friday, 113 hhds. of Montserrats sold fully 2s. per cwt. under the previous prices.

This forenoon (22d.) there were few purchases by private contract, the buyers being deterred from purchasing on account of the panic, and the low prices of Friday; and the small sale declared for to-day had the effect of preventing the usual business being transacted. The quantity brought forward was only 117 hhds. Montserrats, and 29 hhds. Dominica: contrary to the general anticipation, the whole sold freely, about 6d. a 1s, higher than on Friday, making the depression since this day week only 1s. per cwt. Monserrats sold 54s. 6d. a 58s. Gd.; Dominica, dark coloured low brown, but strong, 54s. a 54s. 6d. Though there is little business done by private contract to day, the market is exceedingly firm, particularly since the public sale.

In the refined market few purchases were reported after Tuesday, the reviving demand being checked by the fall in raw Sugars and the heavy trade; the prices, on account of the scarcity of goods, were, however, nearly maintained

30s. 6d.


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Coffee. There has been a good deal of fluctuation in coffee in the last five weeks. In the week ending the 24th ult. the public sales were inconsiderable, but all went off heavily. On that day the public sales consisted of fine and very ordinary; the former sold heavily at a further reduction, making a decline of 3s. to 5s. per cwt. within the week. Ordinary mixed and rank Jamaica, which had been extremely low, advanced about 2s. In the following week the public sales went off rather heavily, without much alteration in the prices: but on the 1st instant 371 casks, and 94 bags, brought forward in five public sales, all sold freely, and the demand seemed much improved, though without any advance: ordinary to good ordinary rank Jamaica 96s. to 100s.; fine ordinary foxy 108s. to 110s.; fine ordinary 112s. to 115s.; ordinary middling 125s. to 127s.; middling to good middling 134s. to 136s.; good ordinary coloury St. Domingo mixed 102s. The public sales in the first week of this month consisted of 1261 casks, and 1379 bags. British plantation sold freely and rather higher: foreign rather heavy at a reduction of Is. to 2s. per cwt., but the greater part was taken in. At two public sales on the 8th, the fine ordinary middling and good middling Jamaica sold briskly at an irregular advance of 2s. to 4s. per cwt.; ordinary and heavy, without variation; foreign still neglected. The public sales in the next week were 1022 casks, and 1338 bags. British plantation sold heavily, but without reduction in the prices. The foreign was neglected, and almost all taken in. three public sales, on the 15th, 392 casks, 107 bags, chiefly Demerara and Jamaica, the ordinary mixed sold 2s. to 3s. lower; the fine hardly supported the previous prices. The public sales of coffee after Tuesday, last week, consisted of 408 casks and 489 bags; the ordinary descriptions sold very heavily at the previous prices; the middling and finer descriptions, on account of the scarcity of these qualities, sold freely at higher rates than lately obtained. The public sale this forenoon (22d.) of 174 casks Jamaica coffee, was all of ordinary descriptions, and chiefly rank mixed with black beans and Triage; a few lots ordinary rank sold 92s. to 958.; good ordinary rank 978. to 98s.; good ordinary coloury 101s. to 102s.: there were no finer descriptions in the sale. The coffee market may be


stated exceedingly heavy at the previous currency, and very little good or fine offering either at public sale or by private


Hemp, Flax, and Tallow. The tallow market has continued to excite extraordinary interest for this last month. In the week ending the 1st instant, the arrivals being extensive, and a number of ships expected, the trade became very heavy, and yellow candle tallow declined to 37s. a 36s. 6d. and yet few sales were made; but in the succeeding week it suddenly rose to 40s. a 41s. on the receipt of news from St. Petersburgh that great purchases had been made for the London speculators, and that the price then had advanced from 97 to 110г. On the 8th, the market price was 428. and by the 15th a further advance of 3s. took place, the price on that day being 45s. To day (22d) the price in the morning was 46s. a 46s. 6d. and at four o'clock, yellow candle had advanced to 47s. and very firm at this advance. The price at St. Petersburg has risen to 120 r. and the holders here are so confident of a farther advance that large bets are laid that tallow will be at 50s. within a fortnight. Hemp had advanced from 21. to 31. per ton. Flax is unaltered. Indigo.-The India sale of 3,377 chests closed on the 15th; fine sold as at

last sale, good and middling 6d. higher, consuming and ordinary, 9d. per lb. higher; the prices have not changed since the sale.Oils. Buyers and sellers both hold back, and consequently little is doing.

Spices. East India sale declared for Monday, 11th Nov. 130,000 lbs. Cinnamon; 1,343, Cloves; 20,000, Mace; 100,000, Nutmegs; 1,000, Oil of Mace; 1,411 bags, Black Pepper; 1,000 tons, Saltpetre.

Tea.--The Company's sale is declared for 11th Dec.; it is to consist ofBohea..

Congou, Campoi, Pekoe, and
Twankay and Hyson Skin.....

Ibs. 500,000

5,000,000 1,100,000 200,000

Total, including Private Trade.. 6,800,000

Rum, Brandy, and Hollands.-The market is so depressed that the prices are merely nominal.

FOREIGN COMMERCE. Riga, 26th Sept.-Flax has been sold at the following prices, Thiesenhausen and Druiania Rackitzer, white 45 r.; do. laying out the dark grey 424 a 43 r.; do. grey 41 r.; Badstub cut, laying out the dark grey 37 38 r.; do. grey, 36 a 36 r.; Risten Threeband, 29 r.; Tow, 10 a 11r.-Hemp. Clean and outshot are rather cheaper than yesterday; Ukraine and Polish

at 102 r.; Ukraine outshot, 871.; Polish do. 82 r.; whereas Pass, of which the stock is small, is dearer; Ukraine, 83 r.; Polish, 85 r.-Seed for sowing. In consequence of the heavy rains that we had for more than a week, our supply has been very scanty, and the price demanded by the holders is for the present maintained. Thus 200 barrels having been wanted to complete a cargo, could not be had under 7r.; whereas previously it might have been had at 7r.

There seems to be rather more demand for Sugars, both refined and raw. Refined are held again at 24 cop.; white Havannah at 16 a 17 cop.; and yellow Havannah have been bought at 11 cop. with three months credit.-Bergen Herrings have been sold at 75 r. in beech barrels, and at 73 r. in deal barrels.

Riga, 3d Oct.-Though we have now dry weather the supply of sowing Linseed is still scanty. Yesterday and to-day some purchases have been made at 7 a 8 r. As the lateness of the season makes it necessary to hasten the consignments to the North Sea, there was no time to wait any longer for a more brisk supply, and therefore the above prices could not be refused; but when the season is further advanced, it will probably be easy to make purchases on lower terms, as only a few orders have been received, and these in general limited to low prices.

Hamburgh, 12th Oct.-Cotton, the demand is slack, and the prices again lower. Coffee. Though little has been doing this week, the prices have been fully maintained. Dye goods. Several purchases of Indigo have been made this week in consequence of orders received; in other articles little is doing, but prices are unchanged.-Corn. Oats alone of the best quality are still in demand for exportation; the sale of other descriptions is almost wholly confined to home consumption, and the prices almost nominal.-Spices. Pepper is rather more in the market; a cargo of about 350,000 lb. from Sumatra, is already sold. prices of Pimento keep up, though the deis rather more in request.-Rice. More in mand is inconsiderable. East India Ginger request, and prices firm. A new supply of 925 sacks of East India is almost all sold.

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-Tobacco of all kinds maintains its price. -Tea. Demand is more brisk and prices better; 2254 chests of Haysan from the ship Acasta, 130 do. from the Panther, 150 do. Tonkay from the Ophelia, and 200 chests of Souchong from the ship General Hamilton, have been sold by private contract.Sugar. Very little Hamburgh refined has been sold this week, and some descriptions may perhaps be had for the moment à trifle lower than last week. Best lumps in loaves are held at 9d. but those a little in

ferior have been sold at 8d. Treacle has fallen to 11 marks. Raw goods are again more dull; fine white Havannahs alone excepted, they being scarce. Fine yellow Havannahs have been sold at 7d.; and good brown Brazil, lately at 6d. are now hardly to be disposed of at 6d.

Stockholm, 1st Oct. The quantity of iron shipped from the port of Stockholm from the opening of the navigation this year to the 28th of September amounts to 218,000 ship pounds, which greatly exceeds the quantity shipped in former years in the same period.

St. Petersburgh, Oct. 1.-His Majesty has been pleased, in consequence of a representation made by the finance Minister, to order the duty of 10 copecs on pepper, of 30 copecs on pounded (or ground) pepper, and of 75 copecs on shollac, to be taken not per pound as ordered by the new tariff, but per pood, according to former tariffs.

Frankfort, Oct. 15.-The measures for the protection of German commerce and making reprisals on France continue to be extended, and to acquire more consistency. The several States which have adopted them are likewise making conventions with each other, that their subjects may not suffer by the regulations which are designed against France. We were rather uneasy here on account of the expected tariff for the Duchy of Nassau, but the publication of it has removed our apprehensions, the duties being very moderate. Our autumnal fair, which at the opening offered no favourable prospects, has turned out uncommonly well. The sellers have had a very good fair, especially those who deal in foreign articles. Many a magazine that was filled with such articles has been wholly cleared this fair; but the sale of German manufactures has likewise been considerable. Winter stuffs in particular have been in great request, though the cloth manufacturers from the Netherlands complain of low prices. It is expected that the wine this year will be of the finest quality. The vines are in some places, per

WORKS PREPARING Flora Domestica, or the Portable Garden, containing a complete Catalogue of every Plant that may be reared in a Pot or Tub, particularly noticing such as are most desirable for Beauty of Form or Colour, Luxuriance of Foliage, Sweetness of Perfume, or from interesting or poetical Associations with their History. With Directions for their Treatment.

The Life and Remains of the late Rev. Dr. E. D. Clarke.

Observations on Prison Discipline and Solitary Confinement. By Mr. Roscoe.

A Complete Ilustration of the Index

haps, not quite so full of fruit, but it is uncommonly fine; many judges are of opinion the wine will fully equal that of 1811, and many think it may even be superior, as the grapes are ripe this year ten days earlier.

Leipsig, Oct. 6.-We cannot yet judge of the fair; many strangers are come but they are chiefly sellers; the English and French are numerous; but the Jews from Poland and Russia are few in number. About twenty merchants are here from Wallachia and Moldavia; from Greece Proper we cannot expect many. A great deal of wool goes to England, where the price is high, though here in Germany little or no advance has taken place. Colonial goods maintain their price.

Oct. 11. The fair seems not to answer our expectations.

France.-There never was a time when trade and manufactures of every kind were more flourishing in the Department of the North, that is, in Picardy, Artois, and French Flanders, than they are at this moment. At St. Quentin, an entire new town has been built in the modern taste. The little towns and large villages in the plain of Lisle do a great deal of business; and the number of houses, workshops, and magazines, increases daily.

Twenty large fishing boats, amounting together to 1500 tons, and manned with 600 sailors, have been sent this year from St. Valery to the herring fishery on the coast of Scotland, at an expence of above 600,000 francs. This is the greatest undertaking that has been this year made from the Channel; but there is every reason to fear that it will be unsuccessful, in which case it will probably be the last effort of the kind.

The vintage in Burgundy has been uncommonly fine this year. The wine will be better than that of the famous vintage of 1811, generally called comet wine (from the great comet seen that year); it will not be so fiery, but milder, and will keep better.


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