Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση



ag'i-tate, 1 aj'-tet; 2 ǎgi-tāt, vt. & vi.
-TAT"EDd; -TAT "ING.] To excite; disturb;
shake; discuss.- ag"i-ta'tion, n. Violent
motion or emotion; open, active discussion.
ag'i-ta"tor, n.

a"gi-ta'to, 1 ã"ji-tā'to; 2 ä'ġï-tä'to, a. Mus
Stirred; restless; agitated.
a-glow', 1 a-glō'; 2 a-ğlō', adv. & a.
In a
glow; glowing.
ag-nos'ti-cism, 11 ag-nes'ti-sizm, ag-nes'-
ag-nos'tics, Stiks; 2 ǎg-nos'ti-çişm,
ǎg-nos'ties, n. The doctrine that all be-
ing, including God and the human soul,
is unknown or unknowable.-ag-nos'tic. I.
a. Professing agnosticism. II. n. A be-
liever in agnosticism.

of life already passed. 2. The decline of life; the state of being old. 3. Legal majority; maturity. 4. An era; generation; century.- a'ged, 1 e'jed; 2 a'ġěd, pa. 1. Advanced in years; of or like old age; old. 2. Of or at the age of. -age, suffix. 1. Forming collective nouns; as, baggage, leafage. 2. Forming nouns of condition, office, service, or other relation or connection; as, drayage, pilgrimage. a'gent, 1 e'jent; 2 a'gent, n. 1. One who acts; actor; doer. 2. One who or that which acts for another; a deputy.- a'gen-cy, n. [-CIES2, pl.] 1. Active power or operation; activity; instrumentality. 2. The relation, business, or place of business, of an agent. ag-glom'er-ate, 1 a-glem'ar-ēt;, 2 ǎglom'er-at. I. vt. & vi. -ATED; -AT-go, ING.] To gather, form, or grow into a ball or mass. II. a. Gathered into a mass or heap; clustered. III. n. A

Gone by;


1a-go; 2 a-ġō', pp. & adv. in the past; since. a-gog', 1 ǝ-geg'; 2 a-gŏg', adv. & a. cited with interest or expectation. ag'o-nize, ag'o-naiz; 2 ǎg'o-niz, vt. & vi. heap or mass of things thrown together ag'o-nise,[-NIZED; -NIZ"ING.] To torture; ag-glom"er-a'tion, n. be in agony; writhe; strive.

indiscriminately. A confused mass.

ag-glu'ti-nate, 1 a-glū'ti-nēt; 2 ǎ-ğlu'ti-ag'o-ny, 1 ag'o-ni; 2 ag'o-ny, n. [-NIES, nāt. I. vt. [-NAT"ED; -NAT"ING.] 1. To unite, as by glue. 2. To convert into glue. II. a. Adhering.-ag-glu'ti-nant.

I. a. Tending to cause adhesion. ag-glu'ti-na-tiv (est. II. n. A substance or remedy that causes adhesion.-ag-glu"ti-na'tion,n. ag'gran-dize or dise, 1 ag'rən-daiz; 2 ag'ran-diz, vt. & vi. [-DIZED; -DIZ"ING.] To increase; exalt.- ag'gran-dize"ment, n. An aggrandizing; increase; exaltation. ag'gra-vate, 1 ag'rǝ-vēt; 2 ǎg'ra-vat, vt. -VAT"EDd; -VAT "ING.] To make worse; increase; intensify.-ag"gra-va'tion, n. A making heavier or worse; an enhancing circumstance.


pl.] Intense suffering; anguish; struggle. a-gra'ri-an, 1 a-grē'ri-on; 2 a-gra'ri-an. I. a. Pertaining to land or its distribution; pertaining to agrarianism. II. n. An advocate of agrarianism.-a-graʼri-an-ism, n. The theory or practise of or the demand for an equal or general distribution of lands. a-gree', 1 a-gri; 2 a-gre', vi.. [A-GREED' A-GREE'ING.] To be of one mind; concur; consent; promise; correspond; match. a-gree'a-bl(er, 1 a-gri'a-bl; 2 a-grē'a-bl, a. Agreeing; pleasurable; suitable; correspondent; willing.-a-gree"a-bil'i-ty, n. agree'a-bl (e-nessPt.-a-gree'a-bly, adv. a-gree'ment, 1 a-gri'ment or -mant; 2 ag'gre-gate, 1 ag'r-get; 2 ǎg're-gat. I. vt. a-ğrē'ment, n. Mutual assent; & vi. [-GAT"EDd; -GAT"ING.] To bring or formity; concord; a contract. come together, as into a mass, sum, or agri-culture, 1 ag'ri-kul"chur or -tiur; 2 body; collect; mass; amount to. II. a. ag'ri-cŭl "chur or -tūr, n. The cultivation Collected into a sum, mass, or total; colof the soil; tillage; farming.- ag"ri-cul'turlective. III. n. The entire number, sum, al, a. Of, pertaining to, or engaged in agrior quantity; amount; total.-ag"gre-ga'culture. ag"ri-cul'tur-ist, n. A farmer. tion, n. A collection or mass; aggregate. a-ground', 1 a-graund'; 2 a-ground', adv. ag-gres'sion, 1 a-gresh'an; 2 ǎ-grěsh'on, n. &a. On the shore or bottom, as a vessel; An unprovoked attack.-ag-gres'siv(es, a. stranded. Disposed to attack or to vigorous activity. a'gue, 1 ē’giū; 2 ā'gū, n. Chills and fever; -ly, adv. -ness, n.-ag-gres'sor, n. One also, a chill.-a'gu-ish, a. who begins a quarrel. a-head', 1 a-hed'; 2 a-hěd', adv. At the ag-grieve', 1 a-grīv'; 2 ǎ-grēv', vt. [AG-a-hed's, head; in advance; forward. GRIEV(E)D'S AG-GRIEVING.] To cause sor-a-hoy', 1 a-hei'; 2 a-hoy', -interj. row to: injure; oppress. a-ghast', 1 o-gast'; 2 a-ğåst', a. Struck a-gast's, dumb with horror. ag'il (es, l'aj'ıl; 2 ǎg'il, a.

Active; nimble. -a-gil'l-ty, n. Quickness and readiness in

movement; nimbleness.

Ho there! as, ship ahoy!


aid, 1 ēd; 2 ad. I. vt. & vi. To help; suc-
cor; assist. II. n. Cooperation: assis-
tance; a helper; assistant.
aide'-de-camp", 1 ed'-di-kamp" or ad'-da-
kān'; 2 ad-de-camp" or ad'-de-cän', n.

1: artistic, art; fat, fåre; fast; get, prey; hit, police; obey, gō; net,ör; full, rüle; but, bürn.

[subsumed][merged small][graphic][subsumed][subsumed][merged small][subsumed]

1. Walking-plow. 2. Tooth-harrow. 3. Disk-harrow.

4. Hay-rake.

[blocks in formation]

Mowing and Binding-machine (rear view). 7. Feed-grinder. 8. Riding-cultivator. 9. Disk-harrow


[AIDES' DE CAMP", pl.] Mil.

An officer who acts as assistant to a general: called also aid.

al'er-le, al'er-y, n. Same as AERIE. ai'gret, 1 e'gret; 2 a'grět, n.

1. A heron, the egret. 2. A tuft of feathers or the like. ail, 1 el; 2 al, vt. & vi. To trouble; make or be somewhat ill.-ail'ing, a. Somewhat ill. - all'ment, n. Indisposition; illness. allt. aim, 1 em; 2 am. I. vt. & vi. To direct toward a mark or point; point or level; have a purpose; endeavor earnestly. II. n. The act of aiming; line of direction of anything aimed; object or point aimed at: purpose.- aim'less, a. Wanting in aim or purpose.

air, 1 är; 2 år, vt. To expose to the air; purify; ventilate; make public.- air'ing, n. Exposure to or exercise in the air. air', n. The gaseous substance surrounding the earth; the atmosphere; wind; breeze. - air'sline", n. 1. The shortest distance between two points on the earth's surface. 2. A direct railroad route.- air'sship", n. A dirigible balloon.

air2, n. 1. Characteristic appearance; mien; manner. 2. Affectation: commonly in the plural. [soprano. air3, n. Mus. 1. A melody; tune. 2. The air'man",1 är'man"; 2 âr'măn", n. One who operates a balloon or flying-machine; an aeronaut or aviator.

air'y, a. 1. Of or pertaining to the air; breezy; delicate; ethereal; buoyant; visionary. 2 Putting on airs; affected. 3. Vivacious; gay.- air'lly, adv.


In a light

airy manner; delicately; jauntily. air'l-ness, n. aisle, 1 ail; 2 il, n. ailes, 1. A passageway between seats in a church. 2. A wing of a church.

a-jar', 1 a-jar'; 2 a-jär', a. & adv. Partly open, as a door.

a-kim’bo, 1a-kimbo; 2 a-kim'bo, adv. With hands on hips and elbows



a-kin', 1 a-kin'; 2 a-kin', a. & adv. the same kin; related; similar. al-, prefix. 1. Form of Latin ad-, to, before 1,


as in allocation. 2. The: the Arabic definite article, as in Alkoran.

-al, suffix. Of, like, or pertaining to: forming adjectives from other adjectives and nouns, and nouns from verbs; as, denial, musical. à la carte', 1 a la kārt'; 2 ä lä eärt'. [F.] According to bill of fare; designating a system where each dish is ordered and charged separately: opposed to table d'hôte.

a-lac'ri-ty, 1 a-lak'ri-ti; 2 a-lǎe'ri-ty, n. Willingness and promptitude; readiness; facility.

à la mode', 1 a la mod'; 2 älä mod'. Accorda-larm', 1 a-larm'; 2 a-lärm. I. vt. To strike with sudden fear; give alarm to; arouse. II. n. 1. Sudden fear arousing to defense or escape. 2. A sound to apprize of danger or arouse from sleep; a mechanism, as of a clock, giving such signal.-a-larm' ist, n. One disposed to excite alarm. a-las', 1 a-las'; 2 a-las', interj. An exclamation of sorrow. [ment. alb, 1 alb; 2 ǎlb, n. A priest's linen vestal'ba-tross, 1 al'ba-tres; 2 ǎl'ba-tròs, n. [TROSS-ES, pl.] A large, longwinged sea-bird. al"be'it, 1 el bi'it; 2

ing to the mode; fashionable.

Albatross. 1/51

al'be'it, conj. Altho. al-bi'no, 1 al-bai'no; 2 ǎl-bi'no, n. A person, animal, or plant unnaturally white. al'bum, 1 al'bum; 2 ǎl'bům, n. A blank book for holding photographs, autographs, etc. al-bu'men, 1 al-biu'men; 2 ǎl-bu'měn, n. The white of an egg or a similar viscous substance.-al-bu'mi-nous, a. al'che-my, 1 al'kı-mı; 2 ǎl'ee-my, n. medieval chemistry that sought the transmutation of base metals into gold, the elixir of life, etc.-al-chem'ic, 1 al-kem'ık; 2 al-cèm'ie, a. Of, pertaining to, or produced by means of alchemy. al-chem'i-calt.-al'che-mist, n. One skilled in alchemy. al'chy-mistt.




al'co-hol, 1 al'ko-hel; 2 ǎl'eo-hol, n. intoxicating principle of wines and liquors; pure distilled spirits; ardent spirits. -al"co-hol'ic. I. a. Pertaining to, like, containing, or preserved in alcohol. II. n. 1. A toper; drunkard. 2. pl. Alcoholic liquors.-al'co-hol-ism, n.-al'co-hol-ize or -ise, vt. [as KORAN. Al"co-ran', 1 al'ko-run'; 2 al'eo-rän', n. Same al'cove, 1 al'kov or al-kōv'; 2 ǎl'cov or ålcōv', n. A recess connected with a larger room; a compartment, as of a, library. See illus. on following page.

1: artistic, art; fat, fare; fast; get, prey; hit, police; obey, gō; net,ōr: full, rule; but, burn.


al'der, 1 el'dar; 2 al'der, n. A small tree
of the oak family.

al'der-man, 1 el'dar-man; 2 al'der-man, n.
[-MEN, pl. A city


ale, 1 el; 2 al, n.
fermented malt

a-lem'bic, 1 a-lem'-
bik; 2 a-lem'bie, n.
An old-style dis-
tilling apparatus;
anything that
tests or purifies.
a-lert', 1 a-lürt';
2 a-lert', a. Keenly
watchful; on the
lookout; ready for
sudden action; also,,
lively; nimble. -ly,
adv. -ness, n.

A foral-fal'fa, 1 al-fal'fa; 2 ǎl-făl'fa, n. age plant with leaflets and clover-like flower heads.

[ocr errors]

al fil'ne, 1 al fi'ne; 2 äl fi'ne. Mus. To the end. al'ge-bra, 1 al'ji-bra; 2 ǎl'ge-bra, n. Mathematical calculation by letters and symbols; a treatise on this branch.-al"ge-bra'ic, a. Pertaining to algebra. al"ge-bra'i-calt. al"ge-bra'l-cal-ly, adv.

[ocr errors]

all-as, 1 e'l-as; 2 à'li-as.

II. n.

I. a. An assumed name. Otherwise; otherwise called. al'i-bi, 1 l'i-bai; 2 ǎl'i-bi, n.

III. adv.

Law. A

plea of being elsewhere when a crime was committed.


with nutrition.- al"i-men-ta'tion, n. The
supplying or partaking of food.
al'i-mo-ny, 1 al'ı-mo-ni; 2 ǎl'i-mo-ny, n.
Law. Separate maintenance to a wife.
a-line', 1 a-lain'; 2 a-lin', v. [A-LINED';
A-LIN'ING.] I. t. To arrange in line, as
in military tactics. II. i. To fall into
line.-a-line'ment, n. Position in line; for-
mation in line; a straight line.
al'i-quant, 1 al'ı-kwant; 2 ǎl'i-kwant, a.
Contained in another number, but with

al'i-quot, 1 al'ı-kwet; 2 ǎl'i-kwot, a.
Contained in another number without re-
[tive; vigorous; active.
a-live', 1 a-laiv'; 2 a-liv', a. Living; sensi-
al'ka-hest, 1 al'ka-hest; 2 ǎl'ka-hěst, n.

Alchemy. An imaginary infallible solvent. al'ka-li, 1 al'ka-lai or -li; 2 ǎl'ka-li or -li, n. [-LISZ or -LIES, pl.] A caustic substance neutralizing acids.-al'ka-lin (es, 1 al'ko-lain or -lin; 2 ǎl'ka-lin or -lin, a. Of, containing, or like an alkali.

al'ka-loid, 1 al'ka-leid; 2 ǎl'ka-lõid. 1.
a. Of or like an alkali. II. n. A nitrog-
enous organic substance (generally veg-
etable) of poisonous properties.
Al"ko-ran', etc. Same as KORAN, etc.
The whole of. II. n.
all, 1 el; 2 al. I. a.
The whole; each and every person or
thing. III. adv. Wholly; entirely; quite.
al'la bre've, 1 al'la bre've; 2 äl'lä bre've.
Mus. In quick (common) time.

Al'lah, 1 al'a; 2 ǎl'a, n. The one supreme
being; God.

al-lay', 1 a-le'; 2 ǎ-la', vt. [AL-LAYED', AL-
LAYD'S; AL-LAY'ING.] To calm; reduce; re-
lieve; soothe; pacify.

a'lien, 1 el'yen; 2 al'yen. I. a. Of an-
II. n. An
other country; foreign.
unnaturalized foreigner; a stranger.-a'llen-al-lege', 1 a-lej'; 2 ǎ-lěg', vt.
a-bl (er, a. That may be alienated.-a'lien-
age, n. The state or quality of being an
alien.-alien-ate, vt. [-AT EDd; -AT"ING.]
1. To make alien; estrange. 2. To transfer;
sell.-a"llen-a'tion, n. Estrangement; sale;
mental derangement.-a'lten-ism, n.
Allenage. 2. The study and treatment of
mental disease. 3. Rhet. The use of foreign
words or idioms.-a'llen-ist, n. One who
studies or treats insanity.

AL-LEG'ING.] To assert without proving;
state; plead.-al"le-ga'tion, 1 al "i-ge'shan:
2 àl'e-ga'shon, n. The act of alleging, or
that which is alleged.
al-le'giance, 1 a-li'jans; 2 a-le'ganç, n.
Fidelity or duty to a government, a
superior, or a principle.



a-light', 1 a-lait'; 2 a-lit'. I. vi. IALIGHT'EDd; A-LIGHT'ING.] To descend and come to rest; dismount; settle; rest: with on or upon. II. a. & adv. Lighted; on fire. a-lign', etc. Same as ALINE, etc.

al"le-gor'ic, 11 ali-ger'ık,-1-kal; 2 ǎl'eal"le-gor'l-cal, gor'ie, -i-cal, a. Pertaining to or containing allegory; figurative.al"le-gor'l-cal-ly, adv.

alle-go"ry,, 1 al'i-go"n; 2 ǎl'e-gō"ry, n. [-RIES, pl. A symbolic representation; a parable.

al "le-gret'to, 1 alle-gret'to; 2 äl"le-gret'to, a. & adv. Mus. Moderately fast; slower than allegro.

a-like', 1 a-laik'; 2 a-lik'. I. a. Similar; like one another. II. adv. In like manner. al'l-ment, 1 al'ı-ment or -mant; 2 ǎl'i-al-le'gro, 1 al-le'gro; 2 äl-legro. Mus. I. a. ment, n. Food; nutriment; sustenance. & adv. Quick; lively. II. n. Music in quick time. -ali-men'tal, a. Nutritious.-al"l-men'ta-ry, a. Supplying nourishment; connected al"le-lu'la, n. & interj. See HALLELUJAH.

1: = final; 1= habit; afsle; au out; ell; fû=feud; chin; go; n=sing; thin, this.

[blocks in formation]

al'ley, 1 al'ı; 2 ǎl'y, n. A narrow passage-
way; a space or building for bowling.
al-li'ance, 1 a-lai'ons; 2 à-l'anç, n. A for-
mal union, as between states; intimate

al'li-ga"tor, 1 al'ı-gë"tər; 2 ǎl'i-gă"tor, n.
A large American
crocodilian rep-

al-lit"er-a'tion, 1

a-lit"ar-e'shan; 2

Alligator. 1/120


AL-LUD'ING.] To refer (to something)
without express mention; make indirect

al-lure', 1 a-liür'; 2 ǎ-lür', vt. & vi. [AL-
LURED'; AL-LUR'ING. To attract; entice;
tempt.-al-lure'ment, n. 1. The act, qual-
ity, or power of alluring; enticement; fasci-
nation; attraction. 2. A charm; lure.
al-lu'sion, 1 a-liù'zən; 2 ǎ-lü'zhon, n.
alluding; indirect reference; suggestion.
al-lu'siv (es, 1 a-liù'sıv; 2 ă-lûʼsiv, a.
gestive; figurative.

[ocr errors]


al-lu'vi-al, 1 a-liù'vi-əl; 2 ă-lû'vi-al, a. Pertaining to or composed of earth deposited by water.

ǎ-lit "er-â'shon, ". The use of a number al-lu'vi-um, 1 a-liû'vi-um; 2 ă-lû’vi-ŭm, n.

of words with the same initial letter; as, a tale of terror.-al-lit'er-a-tiv(e®, a. al'lo-cate, 1 al'o-kēt; 2 ǎl'o-eāt, vt.


set apart; apportion; place.- allo-ca'tion, n. Apportionment; allowance. al"lo-cu'tion, 1 al"o-kiu'shan; 2 ǎl'o-cü'shon, n. A formal address, as by the Pope to the clergy.

[-VI-A or -VI-UMs, pl.] Earth deposited by water.

al-ly', 1 a-lai'; 2 ǎ-ly'. I. vt. & vi. [ALLIED'; AL-LY'ING.] To unite by relationship, treaty, or marriage. II. n. [ALLIES', pl. A state or ruler leagued with another by treaty; an associate; a kins


al"lo-path'ic, 1 al'o-path'ik; 2 ǎl'o-al'ma-nac, 1 öl'mə-nak; 2 al'ma-nặc, n.

păth'ie, a. Pertaining to the system of medical treatment opposed to the homeopathic: a popular term not recognized by physicians as a class.-al-lop'a-thist, n. An advocate or practitioner of the allopathic system. al'lo-path.-al-lop'a-thy, n. The so-called allopathic system of medicine. al-lot', 1 a-let'; 2 ǎ-lot', ot. [AL-LOT'TED; AL-LOT TING.] To assign by lot; distribute; appoint; assign.- al-lot'ment, n. The act of allotting, or that which is allotted. al-low', 1 a-lau'; 2 ǎ-low', v. I. t. 1. To put no obstacle in the way of; permit; tolerate; approve. 2. To grant; allot; give; admit; acknowledge. 3. To make allowance for; deduct. II. i. To make allowance, concession, or abatement. al-low'a-bl (er, a. That may be allowed; permissible; admissible.- al-low'a-bly, adv. -al-low'ance. It. vt. To put on an allowance; limit in amount. İl. n. 1. That

A book giving the days of the week and month through the year, with various data; a yearly calendar.

al-might'y, 1 el-mait'1; 2 al-mit'y. I. a. Able to do all things. II. n. [A-] God; the Supreme Being.

al'mond, 1 a'mand or alʼmand; 2 ä'mond or ǎl'mond, n. The almondtree, a native of Barbary or Morocco; also, the stone of its nutlike fruit. alʼmon-er, 1 alʼmon-ər or am'ner; 2 ǎl'moner or äm'ner, n. An official dispenser of alms; formerly, a household chaplain. - al'mon-ry, [-RIES, pl.] The residence of an almoner; place where alms are dispensed. al'most, 1 l'most; 2 al'most, adv. Approximately; very nearly. in such mixture. 2. Anything that realms, 1 amz; 2 ämg, n. sing. & pl. A gift duces purity or excellence.

which is allowed: a limited amount, as of income or food. 2. Concession; a difference allowed. 3. Acknowledgment. al-loy', 1 a-lei'; 2 ă-lŏy'. I. vt. & vi. To mix with or form into an alloy; temper; debase. II. n. 1. A mixture of two or more metals, or the baser metal

all'spice", 1 ol'spais"; 2 al'spic", n. The dried berry of a West-Indian tree, the pimento.

al-lude', 1 a-liûd'; 2 ă-lûd', vi. [al-lud'edd;



a, flowering branch; b, c, fruit; d, stone.

or gifts for the poor; charitable offerings; charity.-alms'house", n. A home for the destitute; poorhouse.

al'oe, 1 al'o: 2 ǎl'o, n. A plant with thick, fleshy leaves. American aloe, the cen

kartistic, art; fat, fåre; fast; get, prēy; hit, police; obey, gō; not,ēr; full, rûle; but, bûrn.

« ΠροηγούμενηΣυνέχεια »