Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση


Being one of forty equal parts. II. n. One of forty equal parts.- for❜ti-eth-ly, adv. for"ti-fl-ca'tion, 1 för"ti-fi-ke'shan; 2 fôr"ti-fi-ca'shon, n. 1. The act, art, or science of fortifying. 2. A military defensive work; a fort.

for'ti-fy, 1 for'ti-fai; 2 fôr'ti-fi, vt. & ri. [-FIED; -FY "ING.] To provide with or raise defensive works; give strength, security, or power to.- for'ti-fi"a-bl(e3, a. for-tis'si-mo, 1 fēr-tis'ı-mō; 2 fôr-tisʼi-mō, a. & adv. Mus. Very loud.

for'ti-tude, 1 for ti-tiūd; 2 fôr'ti-tūd, n. Strength of mind to endure suffering or peril.

fort night", 1 fort'nait" or fort'nit; 2 fôrt'nit" or fôrt'nit, n. A period of two weeks. -ly, a. & adv.

for'tress, 1 for'tres; 2 fôr'tres, n. A large permanent fort; a stronghold; castle. for-tu'l-tous, 1 for-tiù'-tus; 2 for-tū’itús, a. Occurring by chance; casual; accidental. -ly, adv. -ness, n. for-tu'i-ty, 1 fer-tiù'i-ti; 2 fòr-tū'i-ty, n. Chance occurrence. for'tu-nate, 1 för'chu-[or -tiu-]nit; 2 fôr'chulor -tu-]nat, a. 1. Happening by a favorable chance; lucky. 2. Favored with good fortune.- for'tu-nate-ly, adv. for'tune, 1 fōr'chun or -tiun; 2 fôr'chun or -tún, n. Chance; especially, favorable chance; lot; luck; success; a large estate;


for'ty, 1 for'ti; 2 fôr'ty. I. a. Consisting of ten more than thirty. II. n. The sum of ten and thirty.

fo'rum, 1 fō'rum; 2 fō'rům, n. [FO'RUMSZ or FO'RA, pl.] A place of public assembly, as in ancient Rome; an assembly; tribunal; court.

for'ward, 1 for'ward; 2 fôr'ward.

Id. vt. To send forward; help onward; further; transmit. II. a. 1. Located at or near the front. 2. Advanced; advancing. 3. Eager; prompt; officious; impertinent. III. adv. Toward the front; onward; ahead. for'wardst. -ly, adv. -ness, n. fos'sil, 1 fes'il; 2 fŏs'il. I. a. Petrified; outworn; antiquated. II. n. 1. A body, as the petrified form of a plant or an animal, preserved in earth or rock. 2. A person or thing out of date.-fos"sil-if'erous, a. Containing fossils.- fossil-ize, ot. & l. [-IZED; -IZING.] To convert into a fossil; petrify; make or become antiquated. fos'sil-iset.

fos'ter, 1 fes'tər; 2 fös'tër, rt. To nourish; rear: aid; encourage.-fos'ter broth"er, f. child, f. father, f. mother, f. parent, f.s sister, f.-son, one considered as holding the

forge fowling-piece

relationship indicated, in consequence of nursing and rearing, tho not related by blood. fought, 1 fot; 2 fôt, imp. & pp. of FIGHT, v. fought'en, pp. of FIGHT, v. Obsolete except

in the phrase a foughten field. foul, 1 faul; 2 foul. I. vt. & vi. To collide (with); make or become foul or dirty; commit a breach of rule. II. a. 1. Offensive; loathsome; filthy. 2. Obstructing, entangling, or injuring; unfair. III. n. An act of fouling; a collision; breach of rule. IV. adv. Foully.- foul'ly, adv. In a foul manner.- foul'ness, n. found, 1 faund; 2 found, imp. & pp. of FIND, v. foundid, v. I. t. To lay the foundation of; originate; establish. II. i. To form and base one's belief or opinion: followed by on or upon.- foun-da'tion, n. 1. The act of founding; base; basis. 2. An endowment; endowed institution.- found'er1, n. One who founds or endows.- found'ress, n. fem. founded, vt.

To cast, as iron, by melting and pouring.- found'er2, n. One who makes castings.- found'ing, n. The business of making articles of cast iron, brass, etc. foun'der, 1 faun'dər; 2 foun'der, vt. & vi. 1. To fill with water and sink, as a vessel. 2. To fail; be ruined. 3. To make or go lame, as a horse, through inflammation in the feet.-foun'der3, n. Inflammation of the tissue in the foot of a horse.

found'ling, 1 faund'lin; 2 found'ling, n. A deserted infant of unknown parentage. foun'dry, 1 faun'dri; 2 foun'dry, n. [FOUN'DRIESZ, pl.] A place where articles are cast from metal. foun'der-y‡. fount, 1 faunt; 2 fount, n. 1. A fountain. 2. A font.


foun'tain, 1 faun'tın; 2 foun'tan, n. A spring, jet, or spray of water; also, any structure enclosing it. 2. A cause; origin; source.- foun'tain-head", source, as of a stream.


n. The

four, 1 fōr; 2 fōr. I. a. Consisting of one more than three. II. n. The sum of three and one.-four'fold", a. & adv. Quadruple; in quadrupled measure.-four'score", a. & Eighty-four-teen', 1 för-tin'; 2 förtēn'. I. a. Consisting of four more than ten. II. n. The sum of ten and four.four-teenth', a. & n.- fourth, 1 fōrth; 2 fōrth. I. a. Next in order after the third. II. n. One of four equal parts. -ly, adv. fowl, 1 faul; 2 fowl, n. 1. The common domestic cock or hen. 2. pl. Poultry in general. 3. Birds collectively; as, wild fowl. See illus. on next page.- fowl'er, n. One who catches or kills birds for sport or food.- fowl'ing-piece", n. A light smoothbore shotgun for bird-shooting.

1: a = final; 1= habit; afsle; au= out; oll; lû = feud; chin; go; n=sing; thin, this


[graphic][subsumed][subsumed][graphic][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][graphic][graphic][graphic][subsumed][merged small]

1. Houdans. 2. White-faced Black Spanish. 3. Barred Plymouth Rocks. 4. Silverlaced Wyandottes. 5. Japanese Bantams. 6. Sebright Bantams. 7. Silver-gray Dorkings. 8. Buff Cochins. 9. Partridge Cochins. 10. Light Brahmas. 11. Indian Games. 12. Silver-spangled Hamburgs.


fox, 1 feks; 2 fŏks, n. 1. A burrowing canine mammal, noted for its cunning. 2. A sly, crafty person.- fox'y, 1 feks'1; 2 fõks'y, a. [FOX'I-ER; FOX'I-EST.] Of or like a fox; crafty in character; reddish-brown in color.fox'l-ness, n.

foy"er', 1 fwā"ye' or fei'ar; 2 fwä"ye' or fŏy'ēr, n. A public room near the auditorium and lobby, as in a theater, etc. fra'cas, 1 frē'kas; 2 fra'eas, n. A noisy fight or quarrel; uproar. frac'tion, 1 frak'shan; 2 frǎe'shon, n.


A fragment; portion. 2. The sum of a number of equal parts of a unit, as 1/2, 3/2, 0.35.-frac'tion-al, a. -ly, adv. frac'tious, 1 frak'shus: 2 frăe'shus, a. Ill-tempered; unruly; peevish. -ly, adv. -ness, n.

frac'ture, 1 frak'chur or -tiūr; 2 frăe'chur or -tür. I. vt. & vi. [FRACTURED; FRAC TUR-ING.] To break. II. n. The act of breaking; a break. frag'ile, 1 fraj'il; 2 fråg'il, a. Easily Crag'ils, broken; frail; delicate.-fra-gil'Fragile quality. 1-ty, n.


frag'ment, 1 frag'ment or-ment; 2 frag ment, n. A part broken off; a small detached portion.- frag'men-ta-ry, Composed of fragments; broken. fra'grant, 1 fre'grant; 2 fra'grant, a. Having an agreeable smell.-fra'grance, n. The state or quality of being fragrant. fra'gran-cy‡.- fra'grant-ly, adv.


frank1, n. The right to send mail-matter free, the package so sent, or the signature that authenticates it.

Frank2, n. 1. A member of one of the Germanic tribes settled on the Rhine early in the Christian era. 2. In the Orient, any European.- Frank'ish, a. frank'furt-er, 1 frank'fərt-ar; 2 frånk'furt-ĕr, n. A highly seasoned sausage of mixed meats.

frank'in-cense, 1 frank'ın-sens; 2 frånk'in-çens, n. An aromatic gum: used as an incense.

fran'tic, 1 fran'tık; 2 frăn'tie, a. Wildly excited; frenzied.- fran'ti-cal-ly, adv. fra-ter'nal, 1 fra-tür'nal; 2 fra-ter'nal, a. Brotherly. -ly, adv.-fra-ter'nl-ty, n. [-TIES, pl.] Brotherhood; brotherly affection; a fraternal association.- frat'er-nize or -nise, 1 fratʼər-naiz; 2 frăt'ēr-niz, vt. & vf. To bring into or hold fellowship.- frat"erni-za'[or -sa']tion, n.

frat'ri-cide, 1 frat'ri-said; 2 frăt'ri-çīd, n.

1. One who kills his brother. 2. The killing of a brother by a brother.- fratʼrifraud, 1 fred; 2 frąd, n. ci"dal, a.

Deceitful dealing; craft; trickery.-fraud'u-lent, a. Practising or characterized by fraud.- fraud'ulent-ly, adv. [full. fraught, 1 frēt; 2 frat, pa. [Poet.] Freighted; fray, 1 fre; 2 fra, v. I. t. To wear; fret. II. i. To ravel at the edge.

frail, 1 frēl; 2 fral, a. Delicately constitut-fray', n. A fretted spot in a cloth, cord, etc.

ed; easily broken or destroyed; easily tempted; liable to be led astray. -ly, adv. frail'ty, n. [FRAILTIES2, pl.] The state of being frail; a moral infirmity. frail'nesst. frame, 1 frēm; 2 frām. I. vt. [FRAMED; FRAM'ING.] To put together; contrive; arrange; shape; surround with a frame. II. n. 1. Something composed of parts united in a system; arrangement; constitution; framework; case. 2. A mental state or condition.- frame'work", n. A skeleton structure as a support or enclosure; plan; outline.

franc, 1 frank; 2 fråne, n. A French silver

coin, of the value of about 191/2 cents. fran'chise, 1 fran'chiz or fran'chaiz; 2 från'chiş or från'chiş, n. A political right, privilege, or exemption; suffrage; citizenship.

fran'gi-ble, 1 fran'ji-bl; 2 från'gi-bl, fran'gi-ble, a. Easily broken; fragile.fran"gl-bill-ty, n.

frankt, 1 frank; 2 frånk, vt. To send free of charge, as a letter.

frank, a. 1. Candid and open; ingenuous. 2. Free; privileged; exempt. -ly, adv. -ness, n.


fray2, n. An affray; fracas; combat. frazzle, 1 fraz'l; 2 frăz'l. I. vt. & oi. fraz'l, fray or tatter; become frayed. II. n. Frayed ends; state of being frayed; worn out. freak, 1 frik; 2 frek, n. 1. A sudden causeless change of mind; a whim. 2. A mon

strosity. freak'ish, a. -ly, adv. -ness, n. freck'le, 1 frek'l; 2 frěk'l. I. vt. & ri. freck'IP, [FRECK'L(E)DS; FRECKLING.] To

mark or be marked with freckles. II. n. A small, colored spot on the skin.- freck'ly, adv. free, 1 fri; 2 fre. I. vt. [FREED; FREE ING.) To set free; release; relieve. II. a. [FRE ER; FREʼEST.] 1. Not restrained; uncontrolled; independent. 2. Exempt: followed by from. 3. Ingenuous; frank; easy; careless; familiar. 4. Gratuitous. 5. Liberal; generous. III. adv. Freely;


gratuitously; willingly. -ly, adv. n.-free'boot"er, n. A robber. freed'man, 1 frīd’mən; 2 frēd'man, n. An emancipated slave.


free'dom, 1 fri'dam; 2 fre'dom, n. 1. The state of being free; liberty. Facility; ease; ingenuousness; also, undue familiarity.

1: >= final; 1= habit; aisle; au= out; oil; iû = feud; chin; go; ŋ=sing; thin, this.

free-handed fructify

free' hand"ed, a. 1. Having the hands free. 2. Open-handed; generous.- free'hold", n. 1. An estate in lands. 2. Land held in fee simple.-free'hold"er, n. The owner of a freehold estate.- free'man, n. A man who is free; one not a slave; a citizen.- Free'ma"son, n. A member of a widely extended secret fraternity.- Free'ma"son-ry, n. The institutions and principles of Freemasons; hence, community of feeling and interest.-free'stone", n. 1. An easily wrought sandstone. 2. A peach easily freed from its pit.- free'think"er, n. One who claims the right to think for himself, unbiased by any authority, as of the Christian Scriptures.-free trade, commerce unrestricted by tariff or customs.- free' -will", a. Made, done, or given of one's own free will.

freeze, friz; 2 frēz, vt. & vi. [FRO'ZEN, freeze, 1 frō'zn, 2 frō'zn, or FROZE, 1 frōz, 2 frōz; FREEZ'ING.] To harden with cold; congeal; kill or be killed by cold.- freez'er, 1 friz'ər; 2 frēz'ēr, n. One who or that which freezes.

freight, 1 fret; 2 fret. Id. vt. To load; transport. II. n. Goods transported, or the price of transportation; that with which anything is laden.- freight’age, n.— freight'er, n.

French, 1 french; 2 french. I. a. Pertaining to France. II. n. The language or people of France.- French'man, n. One of the French people.

fren'zy, 1 fren'zı; 2 frěn'zy. I. vt. [FREN'ZIED; FREN'ZY-ING.] To make frantic. II. n. [FREN'ZIES, pl.] Violent agitation; fury; madness; delirium.-frenʼzi-cal, a. fre-quent'd, 1 fri-kwent'; 2 fre-kwent', vt. To visit often.


[FRESH'MEN. pl.] A college student in his first year.

fret1, 1 fret; 2 frět, v. [FRET'TED; FRET"TING.] 1. t. To wear or eat away; irritate; worry; vex; agitate. II. i. 1. To be worn away. 2. To complain; be agitated.

fret2d, vt. To ornament as with fretwork. fret1, n. The act of fretting; irritation;


fret2, n. Ornament in relief. fret'work"‡. fret3, n. A bar on a musical instrument, as a guitar, against which the strings may be stopped.

fret'ful, 1 fret'ful; 2 frět'ful, a.

to fret; peevish; worrying; agitated. -ly,
adv. -ness, n.
fri'a-ble, 1 frai'a-bl; 2 fri'a-bl, a. Easily
fri'a-ble, crumbled.- frl"a-bil'i-ty, n. fri'-

fri'ar, 1 frai'ar; 2 fri'ar, n. mendicant
monkey frl'ar-y, n. A monastery.
fric"as-see', 1 frik"a-si'; 2 fric"a-se'. I. vt.
To make into a fricassee. II. n. A dish
of meat cut small, stewed or fried, and
served with gravy.


fric'tion, 1 frik'shan; 2 frie'shon, n. rubbing together of two bodies, or the hindrance to motion so produced; attrition.- fric'tion-al, a.

Fri'day, 1 frai'di; 2 fri'dy, n. The sixth

day of the week.- Good Friday, the Friday before Easter.

fried, 1 fraid; 2 frid, tmp. & pp. of FRY, 0. friend, 1 frend; 2 frend, n. 1. One who frend", cherishes kind regard for another; an adherent; ally. 2. [F-] One of the Society of Friends; a Quaker.- friend'less, a. Having no friends; forlorn.- friend'less-ness, n.- friend'li-ness, n.- friend'ly, a. Pertaining to or like a friend; propitious; favorable.- friend'ship, n. Mutual regard; the state or fact of being friends friezel, 1 friz; 2 frēz, n. or being friendly. Arch. The frieze, middle division of an entablature. frieze?, n. Το A coarse, shaggy woolen cloth. -friezed, a.


fre'quent, 1 fri'kwent; 2 frē'kwěnt, a.
Occurring or appearing often.- fre'quen-cy,
n. The property of being frequent.- fre-
quen'ta-tiv (es, a. & n. Gram. Applying to
a verb that denotes repeated action.-fre-
quent'er, n.- fre'quent-ly, adv.
repeatedly.-freʼquent-ness, n.
fres'co, 1 fres'ko; 2 fres'co. I. vt.
paint in fresco. II. n. [FRES'COES2 or
FRES'COs, pl.] The art of painting on
plaster, as on a wall or ceiling; a picture or
design so painted.

fresh, 1 fresh; 2 fresh, a. 1. Newly pre-
pared or produced; unfaded; untainted;
recent; new. 2. Vigorous; strong; brisk.
3. Unsalted. -ly, adv. -ness, n.-fresh'-
en, 1 fresh'n; 2 fresh'n, vt. & vi. To make or
become fresh.

fresh'et, 1 fresh'et; 2 fresh'ět, n. A sudden flood in a stream; an inundation. fresh'man, 1 fresh'man; 2 fresh'man, n.

frig'ate, 1 frig'it; 2 frig'at, n.
war-vessel of moderate size.

An old-style

fright, 1 frait; 2 frit. Id. vt. [Poet.] To
frighten. II. n. Sudden fear.- fright'en,
1 frait'n; 2 frit'n, vt. To alarm suddenly:
scare.- fright'ful, a. Apt to induce ter-
ror; shocking. -ly, adv. -ness, n.
frig'id, 1 frij'id; 2 frig'id, a. Of low
temperature; cold; formal and forbidding.
-ly, adv. -ness, n.- fri-gid'l-ty, 1 fri-jid'-
1-ti; 2 fri-gid'i-ty, n. Coldness; formality.
frill, 1 fril; 2 fríl. I. vt. & vi. To make
fril, into a frill; put frills on; be frilled.

1: artistic, art; fat, färe; fast; get, prēy; hit, police; obey, gō; net,ōr; full, rûle; but, būrn.


II. n. ruffle. fringe, 1 frinj; 2 fring. I. vt. [FRINGED; FRING'ING.] To border with a fringe. II. n. A border, as of pendent cords; an edging.-fring'y, a.

An ornamental band; a flounce;

frip'per-y, 1 frip'ar-1; 2 frip'er-y. I. a. Worthless. II. n. [-IESZ, pl] Worthless things; trumpery; cast-off clothes. fri"seur', 1 fri"zur'; 2 fri"şûr', n. masc. A hair-dresser.- fri"seuse', 1 fri'züz'; 2 fri"şüş', n. fem.

frisk, 1 frisk; 2 frisk. It. vi. To leap about playfully; frolic. II. n A play

ful skipping about.- frisk'l-ly, adv.- frisk'iness, n.- frisk'y, a. Lively or playful. frith, 1 frith; 2 frith, n. Same as FIRTH. frit'ter, 1 frit'ar: 2 frit'er I. vt. Το waste little by little: with away. II. n.

1. A small fried cake. 2. A shred. friv'o-lous, 1 friv'o-lus; 2 friv'o-lus, a.. Trivial; trifling; silly. -ly, adv. -ness, n.fri-vol'i-ty, 1 fri-vel'i-ti; 2 fri-võl'i-ty, n. [-TIESZ, pl.] The quality of being frivolous; something frivolous.

frizz, friz; 2 friz. I. vt. [FRIZZED, frize, FRIZDS; FRIZZ'ING.] To crimp. II. n. That which is frizzed, as hair. friz'zlet.- frizz'ly, a. Crinkled; crisped. fro, 1 fro; 2 fró, ado. Away from; back. frock, 1 frek; 2 frok, n. Any loose outer garment, as a woman's or child's gown; dress.

frog, 1 freg; 2 frog, n. A small, tailless, amphibious, web-foot

ed animal.

frog, n. 1. The triangular prominence in the sole of a horse's foot. 2. A joint of rails

of a railway


frogs, n. 1. An

[ocr errors]

ornamental Development of the Frog. fastening of a a, eggs; b, b, aquatic young garment. 2. (tadpoles) in various stages of The loop of a growth; c, adult. scabbard. 3. A sailor's coat or frock. frol'ic, 1 frel'ik; 2 frŏl'ie. I. vi. [FROL'ICKED, FROL'ICTS; FROL'ICK-ING.] To play mirthful pranks; sport. II. a. Merry; sportive. III. n. A playful act; merriment; sport.-frol'ic-some, a. Full of frolic; playful.-frol'ic-some-ness, n.

from, 1 from; 2 from, prep.

1. Out of; starting at; beginning with; after. 2. In a relation of contrast with; as from grave

to gay.

free-handed fructify

3. Having as a cause or origin; by means of; due to. frond, 1 frend; 2 frond, n. pansion, as of ferns.

A leaf-like ex

frontd, 1 frunt; 2 front, v. I. t. To frunte, face toward; confront. II. i.

To have the front in a certain direction: with on or upon.

front, a. Situated at the front; frontal. front, n. 1. The foremost part of anything; the forehead; brow; face. 2. Position in advance. 3. Boldness; effrontery. - front'age, n. Linear extent of front.fron'tal, 1 fren'tal; 2 fron'tal. I. a. Pertaining to the front or to the forehead. II. n. A front part; frontal bone. fron-tier', 1 fren-tir' or fren'tir; 2 fronter' or fron'tēr, n. The border of a country; the confines of civilization. fron'tis-piece", 1 fron'tis-pis"; 2 fron'tispēc", n. An illustration in the front of a book.

front 'let, 1 frunt'lit; 2 front let, n. A band worn on the forehead.

frostd, 1 frost; 2 frôst, v. I. t. To cover with or injure by frost; apply frosting to. II. i. To freeze; assume the appearance of frost.

[blocks in formation]

frost, n. Minute crystals of ice formed directly from vapor in the air.- frost'i-ly, adv.-frost'i-ness, n.- frost'ing, surface imitating frost, as a sugared covering of cake.- frost'y, a. [FROST'I-ER; FROST'IEST.] Attended with frost. chilly: forbidding.

froth, 1 froth; 2 frôth. It. vt. & vi.



Of, like,


cause to foam; foam. II. n. A mass of bubbles, as from fermentation; any light, unsubstantial matter.- froth'y, a. or full of froth; empty; pretentious. fro'ward, 1 fro'ward; 2 fro'ward, a. obedient; perverse. -ly, adv. -ness, n. frown, 1 fraun; 2 frown, v. I. t. To rebuke indignantly: commonly with down. II. i. To knit the brow, as in displeasure; scowl; threaten; lower.- frown'ing, pa. -ly, adv. frown, n. A wrinkling of the brow, as in anger.

frow'zy, 1 frau'zi: 2 frow'zy, a. [FROW'

Zi-ER; FROW'ZI-EST.] Unkempt; slovenly. froze, 1 frōz; 2 frōz. imp.. fro'zen, pp. of

[blocks in formation]

1: a= final; 1= habit; aisle; au= out; oil; iù

feud; chin; go; n=sing; thin, this.

« ΠροηγούμενηΣυνέχεια »