Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση
[blocks in formation]

lent; of highest spiritual purity; consecrated; hallowed.

hom'age, 1 hem'ij; 2 homʼag, n. Reveren

tial regard or worship; a vassal's act of fealty.


home, 1 hōm; 2 hōm. I. a. 1. Pertaining to home or country. 2. Going home; effective. II. n. 1. A place of abode; family residence; resting place; habitat. 2. In games, a goal. III. adv. 1. To or at home. 2. To the place or point intended.- hom'ing, a. Readily finding its way home, as a carrier-pigeon.- home'less, a. Having no home.- home'like", a. Like home; reminding of home.- home'liness, n.- home'ly, a. [HOME'LI-ER; HOME'LI-EST.] 1. Having a familiar, every-day character; simple; domestic. 2. [U. S.] Having plain features.- home'sick", Suffering because of absence from home.home'sick"ness, n.- home'spun". I. a. 1. Of domestic manufacture. 2. Plain and homely in character. II. n. Fabric woven at home.- home'stead, n. A permanent famlly abode.- home'ward, adv. Toward home. ho"me-op'a-thy, 1 hō"mi-op'a-thi; 2 hō"me-op'a-thy, n. A system of medicine founded on the principle that "like cures like," and prescribing minute doses of medicines that would produce in a healthy person symptoms like those of the disease to be cured.- ho"me-o-path'ic, a.-ho"me-op'a-thist, n. One who advocates or practises homeopathy. ho'me-opath‡.

hom'l-cide, 1 hem'i-said; 2 hom'i-çid, n. The killing of a human being; one who has killed another.- hom'l-ci"dal, a. hom'i-ly, 1 hem'ı-11; 2 hčm'i-ly, n. [-LIESZ, pl.] A didactic discourse;



hom"l-let'ic, a. Pertaining to the composition and delivery of sermons. hom"ilet'l-calt.

hom'i-ny, 1 hem'i-nı; 2 hom'i-ny, n. [U. S.] Maize, hulled and broken. Same as HOMEOPho”moe-opa-thy, etc.

ATHY, etc. ho"mo-ge'ne-ous, 1 hō'mo-ji'ni-us; 2 hō"mo-ge'ne-us, a. Made up of similar parts; uniform in texture or composition. -ly, adv. -ness, n.- ho"mo-ge-ne'l-ty, n. Identity or similarity of kind or structure. ho-mol'o-gous, 1 ho-mel'o-gus; 2 homŏl'o-ğus, a. Having a similar structure, proportion, value, or position.- hom'olog, n.

hom'o-nym, 1 hem'o-nim; 2 hom'o-ným, n. A word similar in sound to, but different in meaning from, another; as, fair and fare. hom'o-nyme‡.-ho-mon'y-mous, a. ho-mon'y-my, n. hone, 1 hōn; 2 hōn. I. vt. [HONED; HON'ING. To sharpen, as on a hone. II. n. A block of fine stone, as for sharpening


hon'est, 1 en'est; 2 ŏn'ěst, a. Fair and candid in dealings; frank; open; just; upright; also, chaste.- hon'est-ly, adv.hon'es-ty, n. The quality of being honest. hon'ey, 1 hun'; 2 hỏn'y, n. A sweet hun'ey', sirup from the nectaries of flowers, deposited by bees.- hon'ey -bee", n. A bee that collects honey; the common hive bee.- hon'ey-comb". I. vt. To fill with small holes or passages. II. n. 1. A structure of waxen cells, made by bees to contain honey, eggs, etc. 2. Anything full of small holes or cells.- hon'ey-combed", pa. Full of cells or perforations.- hon'eyed, a. 1. Covered with or full of honey. 2. Sweet: cajoling.- hon'ey-moon", n. The first month after marriage.-hon'ey-suck"le. n. Any one of various ornamental erect or climbing flowering shrubs.

hon'or, 1 en'ar; 2 Ŏn'or. I. vt. 1. To regard with honor; bestow marks of honor upon; add dignity to. 2. To pay, as a draft. II. n. 1. Consideration due or paid, as to worth; respectful regard, or its outward tokens; a cause of esteem. 2. Nobility of character; nice sense of what is right, noble, or becoming.- hon' or-abl (er, a. Worthy of honor; conferring honor; conforming to a code of honor.hon'or-a-bly, adv.- hon'or-a-ry, 1 en'ərē-ri; 2 Ŏn'or-a-ry, a. Conferring honor; being a token of honor.

hon"o-ra'rl-um, 1 hen"o-rē'ri-um; 2 hon"o-rā'ri-um, n. [-RI-A, pl.] A reward for services, which is not technically viewed as pay.

1: >= final; 1= habit; aisle; au= out; ell; lû = feud; chin; go; ŋ=sing; thin, this.

honour hortatory

hon'our, hon'our-a-bl (er, etc. -hood, suffix. Condition; state; hood, 1 hud; 2 hood. Id. vt. with a hood; hide. II. n.

Honor, etc. as, childhood. To cover

A covering

for the head and back of the neck.- hood'winkt, vt. To deceive, as if by blinding; blindfold.

hood'lum, 1 hūd'lum; 2 hood'lům, n. [Colloq., U. S.] A street ruffian; rowdy. hoo'doo, 1 hū'dū; 2 hōo'doo, n. A person or thing that causes bad luck; an evil spell. See vOODOO.

hoof, 1 huf; 2 hoof, n. [HOOFS, pl.] The horny casing of the foot of the horse, ox, deer, etc.

hookt, 1 huk; 2 hook, vt. & vi. 1. To fasten with a hook; entrap. 2. To attack with the horns, as a cow.-hooked, pa. 1. Curved like a hook. 2. Supplied with a hook. 3. Fastened by a hook. book, n. Something bent so as to hold another object, as a fish-hook. hoo'ka, 1 hü'ka; 2 hōō'ka, n. An Oriental tobacco-pipe, in which the smoke is drawn through water.

hoopit, 1 hup; 2 hoop, v. To whoop. hoop. It. vt. 1. To surround with hoops, as a cask. 2. To encircle. II. n. A circular band, as one used to confine the staves of barrels.

Hoo'sier, 1 hû'gar; 2 hōo'zher, n. A nickname for a native or resident of the State of Indiana.

hoot, 1 hut; 2 hoot. Id. vt. & vi. To utter contemptuous cries; jeer; mock; cry as an owl. II. n. 1. A cry uttered in derision. 2. The cry of an owl. hop, 1 hop; 2 hop, v. [HOPPED OF HOPT; HOP'PING. I. t. To leap over. II. i. To move by short leaps, especially on one leg. hop1, n. The act of hopping; a dance. hop2, n. 1. A perennial climbing herb with opposite lobed leaves and scaly fruit. 2. pl. The fruit of this plant. hope, 1 hōp; 2 hōp. I. vt. & vi. [HOPEDt; HOP'ING.] To desire with expectation of obtaining; cherish desire mingled with expectation. II. n. 1. Desire accompanied by expectation. 2. The cause of hopeful expectation.- hope'ful. I. a. Full of hope; promising. II. n. [Colloq.] A son or daughter. -ly, adv. -ness, n.-hope'less, a. Without hope; despairing. -ly, adv. -ness, n.

hop'per, 1 hop'ar; 2 hop'er, n. A funnel for sending grain to the millstones in a mill. hop'ple, 1 hop'l; 2 hop'l. I. vt. [HOP'PLED; HOPPLING.] To hamper; hobble. II. n. A fetter, as for the legs of a horse.


horde, 1 hōrd; 2 hōrd, n. A gathered and motley multitude of human beings. hore'hound", n. Same as HOARHOUND. ho-ri'zon, 1 ho-rai'zan; 2 ho-ri'zon, n. The line where the earth or sea seems to meet the sky.- hor"l-zon'tal, a. Parallel to the horizon; level. -ly, adv. horn, 1 horn; 2 hôrn, n. 1. A bone-like projecting growth on the head of an animal, as an ox or deer. 2. Something made of horn, or likened to an animal's horn, as a trumpet.- horned, a. Having a horn or horns.-horn'pipe", n. 1. A lively English country-dance. 2. A former musical instrument.- horn'y, a. hor'net, 1 hōr'net; 2 hôr′nět, n. social wasp.

A large

ho-rol'o-gy, 1 ho-rel'o-ji; 2 ho-rol'o-ġy, n. [-GIESZ, pl.] The science of time-measurement or of timepieces.

hor'o-scope, 1 her'o-skōp; 2 hor'o-scōp, n. Astrol. The position of the planets at a person's birth.


hor'ri-ble, 1 her'ı-bl; 2 hor'i-bl, a. hor'ri-ble, citing abhorrence; terrible.hor'ri-bly, adv.- hor-rif'ic, a. Causing horror.-hor'ri-fy, tt. [-FIED; -FY "ING.] TO affect or fill with horror.

hor'rid, 1 her'id; 2 hor'id, a. Fitted to inspire horror; dreadful; outrageous. -ly, adv. -ness, n.

hor'ror, 1 her'ar; 2 hor'or, n. 1. Extreme fear or abhorrence; dread; repugnance. 2. Some great calamity.

horse, I hōrs; 2 hôrs. I. vt. [HORSEDt, HORSTS; HORS'ING.] To mount or carry, as on a horse; furnish horses for. II. n. 1. A solid-hoofed quadruped having a mane and tail of long coarse hair, and relatively small ears and head. 2. The male of the horse. 3. Mounted troops; cavalry. -horse'back". I. n. 1. A horse's back. 2. An object shaped like a horse's back. II.adv. On a horse's back.-horse' chestnut, n. An Old World tree, with a large chestnutlike fruit. horse'man, n. One who rides Equestrian a horse.- horse'man-ship, n. skill.- h. power, n. 1. A standard theoretical unit of the rate of work, equal to 33,000 pounds lifted one foot in one minute. 2. A treadmill worked by a horse.- horse'rad"ish, n. A common garden herb of the mustard family, cultivated for its pungent root.- horse'shoe", n. A U-shaped metal shoe for a horse; something similarly shaped.-horse'whip". It. vl. To chastise with a horsewhip. II. n. A whip for managing horses.

hor'ta-tive, 1 her'ta-tiv; 2 hôr'ta-tÏv, a. hor'ta-tivs, Of the nature of exhortation. -hor'ta-to-ry, a. Giving exhortation.

1: artistic, art; fat, färe; fast; get, prēy; hit, police; obey, gō; net,ōr; full, rûle; but, bûrn



1. Pacing stallion.


2. Orloff stallion. 3. Belgian stallion. 4. Percheron stallion. 5. Arab sa

6. Hackney stallion. 7. Cleveland Bay stallion. 8. Shetland pony. 9. Trotting stallion,

horticulture hundredweight

hor'ti-culture, 1 hor'tı-kul'chur or -tiūr; 2 hôr'ti-eul "chur or -tür, n. The cultivation of a garden, especially as a science. hor"ti-cul'tur-al, a.- hor"ti-cul'tur-ist,


One devoted to or skilled in horticulture. ho-san'na, 1 ho-zan'a; 2 ho-şăn'a, interj. An exclamation of praise to God. hose, 1 hōz; 2 hōş, n. [HOSE, formerly HO'SEN, 1 hō'zn, 2 hō'gn, pl.] 1. A stocking: mostly used as a plural. 2. A flexible tube for conveying fluids.- hoʼsier, 1 hō'gər; 2 hō'zhēr, n. One who deals in hose, etc.ho'sier-y, n. Hosiers' wares; stockings;


hos'pice, 1 hes'pis; 2 hos'piç, n. A place of entertainment or shelter; especially a convent in an Alpine pass.

hos'pi-ta-ble, 1 hos'pi-ta-bl; 2 hõsʼpi-tahos'pi-ta-ble, bl, a. Disposed to entertain with generous kindness.- hos'pi-tably, adv.

hos'pi-tal, 1 hes'pi-tal; 2 hos'pi-tal, n. An institution for the care and treatment of the sick or wounded.

hos"pi-tal'i-ty, 1 hes"pi-tal'ı-tı; 2 hos"pitǎl'i-ty, n. [-TIES, pl.] The act of being hospitable. [army. host1, 1 hōst; 2 hōst, n. A multitude; an host2, n. One who entertains guests. host3, n. In some churches, the consecrated wafer used at the Lord's Supper. hos'tage, 1 hes'tij; 2 hos'taġ, n. A person held as a pledge, as in war, for the performance of some stipulation. hos'tel-ry, 1 hes'tel-ri; 2 hŏs'těl-ry, n. inn. hos'telt; hos'tler-yt. [host. host'ess, 1 hōst'es; 2 hōst'ěs, n. A female hos'tile, 1 hes'til; 2 hos'til, a. 1. Havhos'tils, ing a spirit of enmity. 2. Pertaining to an enemy.-hos-till-ty, [-TIESZ, pl.] 1. Enmity. 2. pl. Warlike measures. [man; groom. A stable


hos'tler, 1 hes'lar; 2 hos'ler, n. hot, 1 het; 2 hot, a. [HOT'TER; HOT'TEST.] Being heated; very warm; pungent; acrid; fiery.- hot'bed", n. A bed of rich earth, covered with glass, for tender plants.hot-headed, a. Having an impulsive temperament.- hot'house", n. A house, as of glass, heated artificially.- hot'ly, adv.hot'ness, n.

hotch'potch", 1 hech'pech"; 2 hoch'poch",

n. A confused mess; jumble. hodge'podge".

ho-tel', 1 ho-tel'; 2 ho-těl', n. A house for the entertainment of travelers; an inn; also, an official residence. hough, n.

Same as HOCK.

hound, 1 haund; 2 hound. Id. vt. Το hunt with hounds; trail; persecute; set on,


as a hound. II. n. 1. A hunting dog. 2. A dastardly fellow. hour, 1 aur; 2 our, n. 1. Sixty minutes. 2. A set time.- hour' glass", n. A glass vessel used for measuring time by the running of sand.- hour'ly. I. a. Happening every hour. II. adv. At intervals of an hour. hou'ri, 1 hūʼri or hau'rı; 2 hu'ri or hou'ri, n. [HOU'RIS OF HOU'RIES, pl.] One of the beautiful maidens who, according to the Mohammedan faith, are to be the companions of the faithful in Paradise. house, 1 hauz; 2 houg, rt. & vi. [HOUSED, houz,HOUZDP; HOUS'ING, HOUZ'ING.] To

place under cover; take shelter or lodgings. house, 1 haus; 2 hous, n. [HOUS'ES, 1 hauz'ez; 2 houg'ěs, pl.] 1. A place of abode. 2. A household. 3. A tribe; stock; line. 4. One of the divisions of a legislative body; a convention; audience. 5. A mercantile establishment; a corporation.-house'break"er, n. A burglar. -house 'break"ing, n.- house'hold". I. a. Domestic. II. n. A number of persons dwelling under the same roof.-household"er, n. The head of a family.- house'keep"er, n. A woman who oversees work in a house.-house'keep"ing, n. The management of a household.-house'maid", n. A girl employed in housework.-house'warm"ing, n. A festivity on entering a new home.- house'wife", 1 haus'waif"; 2 hous'wif", n. The mistress of a household. -ly, adv.-house'wife"ry, n. Housekeeping. [Shelter. hous'ing1, 1 hauz'ın; 2 houg'ing, n. hous'ing2, n. The ornamental trappings

of a horse.


A wretched


hove, imp. of HEAVE, 0. hovel, 1 hev'el; 2 hov'ěl, ?. hov'er, 1 huv'ar; 2 hover, cover with the wings. i. 1. To pause with fluttering wings. 2. To linger about.


i. t.


1. In what how, 1 hau; 2 how, adv. manner. 2. To what degree. 3. In what state. 4. At what price. 5. To what purport. 6. By what name. 7. For what reason; why.-how-be'it, adv. & conj. Be it as it may.-how-ev'er. I. ado. In whatever manner; by whatever means. II. conj. Notwithstanding; yet.-how"soev'er, ado. Nevertheless.

how'dah, 1 hau'də; 2 how'da, n. A railed or canopied seat on the back of an elephant. how'it-zer, 1 hau'ıt-sor; 2 how'it-ser, n. A short light cannon.

howl, 1 haul; 2 howl. I. vt. & vi. Το utter a loud wail; clamor; roar. II. n. 1. The cry of a wolf or of a dog in distress.

1: artistic, art; fat, färe; fast; get, prēy; hit, police; obey, gō; net,ēr; full, rûle; but, burn.


2. Any resonant mournful cry or sound. howl'ing, pa.

hoy, 1 hei; 2 hoy, interj. Ho; halloo. hoy'den, n. Same as HOIDEN. hub, 1 hub; 2 hŭb, n. 1. The central part of a wheel. 2. Anything central. [roar. hub'bub, 1 hub'ub; 2 hŭb'ŭb, n. Uphuck'le-ber'ry, 1 huk'l-ber"1; 2 hŭk'lběry, n. [-RIES", pl.] The edible black or dark-blue berry of a species of heath. hur'tle-ber"ryt.

huck'ster, 1 huk'star; 2 hŭk'ster.

I. vi. To bargain in a small way. II. n. One who retails small wares; a hawker. hud'dle, 1 hud'l; 2 hŭd'l. I. vt. & vi. [HUD'DLED; HUD'DLING.] To collect confusedly; put in place hurriedly; gather in a huddle. II. n. A confused crowd or collection. [quality of a color; tint. hue, 1 hiū; 2 hũ, n. The particular hue2, n. A vociferous cry; shouting. huff, 1 huf; 2 huf. It. vt. & vi. To puff huf, up; swell; bully; anger. II. Offense suddenly taken.- huff'ish, a. Petulant; irascible. huff'yt.

horticulture hundredweight


hu-mane', 1 hiu-mēn'; 2 hū-mān', a. Having or showing kindness; compassionate. 2. Tending to refine; polite; elegant.-hu-mane ly, adv.

hum'ble, 11 hum'bl; 2 hum'bl. I. vt. hum'ble, [HUM'BL(E) DP; HUM BLING.] To make humble; humiliate; lower. II. a. [HUM'BLER; HUM BLEST.] Having or manifesting a lowly opinion of oneself; meek; unpretending; lowly.- hum'bly, adv. hum'ble-bee", 1 hum'bl-bi"; 2 hum'bl-be", A bumblebee.


hum'bug, 1 hum'bug; 2 hum'buğ. I. vt. & vi. [HUM'BUGGED, HUM'BUGD; HUM'BUG-GING.] To impose upon; deceive. II. n. An impostor or imposture; a deceit; sham.

hum'drum", 1 hum'drum"; 2 hŭm'drům”, a. Tedious; monotonous. hu'mid, 1 hiu'mid; 2 hu'mid, a. Moist; damp.-hu-mid'i-ty, n. Moisture; damp ness; water vapor in the atmosphere. n.hu-mil'i-ate,, 1 hiu-mil'1-ēt; 2 hū-mĭl'i-āt, vt. [-AT EDd; -AT"ING.] To lower the pride of; bring down; humble.-hu-mil"la'tion, n.

hug, 1 hug; 2 hug, v. [HUGGED, HUGDS; HUG'GING.] 1. t. To clasp tightly within the arms; embrace; cherish. II. i. To cuddle.- hug, n. A close embrace. huge, 1 hiūj; 2 hug, a. Having great bulk; vast. -ly, adv. -ness, n.

Hu'gue-not, 1 hiu'gi-net; 2 hü'ge-not, n. A French Protestant of the 16th and 17th centuries.

hulk, 1 hulk; 2 hůlk, n. The body of an old ship; any unwieldy object. hulk'ing, 1 hulk'ın; 2 hulk'ing, a. [Colloq.] Bulky; clumsy. hulk'yt.

hull1, 1 hul; 2 hul. I. vt.

To free from

the hull. II1. n. The outer covering, as of a nut; husk.

hull. I. vt. To strike or pierce the hull of. II. n. The body of a vessel. hul-lo', 1 hu-lō'; 2 hú-lō', v., n., & interj. Same as HALLOO.

hum, 1 hum; 2 hům. I. vt. & vi. [HUMMED, HUMD; HUM'MING.] To sing in a low tone; make a droning sound. II. n. A low inarticulate sound (as of h'm).

Perhu'man, 1 hiū'mən; 2 hu'man, a. taining to man; suitable for man.- hu'man-ize, vt. & vl. [-IZED; -IZING.] Το hu'man-iset.render humane or human.

hu-man"i-ta'ri-an, n. A philanthropist. -hu-man'l-ty, 1 hiu-man'ı-ti; 2 hu-măn'ity, n. [-TIESZ, pl.] 1. Mankind collectively. 2. Human nature. 3. The state of being humane; a humane act. 4. pl. Classical learning.- huʼman-kind”, n. The human race.- hu'man-ly, adv.

hu-mil'i-ty, 1 hiu-mil'i-ti; 2 hū-mil'i-ty, n. [-TIES, pl.] The quality of being humble.

hum'ming-bird", n. A small American bird, related to the swifts.

hum'mock, 1 hum'ak; 2 hŭm'ok, n. A small elevation.

hu'mor, 1 hiù'mər or yu'mar; 2 hu'mor or yu'mor. I. vt. To yield to the humor or caprices of; adapt oneself to. II. n. 1. Disposition; characteristic mood; whim. 2. A facetious turn of thought. 3. An animal fluid. 4. A cutaneous eruption. - huʼmor-ist, n. One who displays humor. -hu'mor-ous, a. 1. That excites merriment; amusing. 2. Whimsical. -ly, adv. -ness, n.- huʼmor-some, a. 1. Full of whims. 2. Characterized by wit; droll. -ly, adv. -ness, n.

hump, 1 hump; 2 hump, n. A protuberance, as that formed by a curved spine. - hump'back", n. 1. A crooked back. 2. A hunchback. hump'backed", a. hunch, 1 hunch; 2 hunch. It. vt. To jostle; also, to crook, as the back. II. n. 1. A hump; lump. 2. A sudden shove. - hunch'back", n. A humpbacked person. hunch'backed", a.

hun'dred, 1 hun'dred; 2 hun'drěd, a. & n. Ten times ten; also, the symbol repre senting it, C or 100.- hun'dredth. I. a. Tenth in order after the ninetieth. The last in a series of 100.- hun'dredweight", n. A weight commonly reckoned

II. n.

1: >= final; 1= habit; aisle; au = out; oll; lũ = feud; chin; go; n=sing; thin, this

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