Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση



jar2, n. A deep, wide-mouthed vessel of earthenware or glass. Jar"di"nière', 1 zar'di"nyer'; 2 zhär'di"hyer', An ornamental pot or stand, as of porcelain, for flowers or plants. [speech. Jar'gon, 1 jär'gan; 2 jär'gon, n. Confused Jas'mine, 1 jas'min; 2 jǎs'min, n. jas'mins, ornamental plant with fragrant, generally white, flowers. Jas'per, 1 jasper, -ait; 2 jǎs'per, -ît, n. jas 'per-ite, An impure, opaque, colored variety of quartz.


Jaun’dice, 1 jandas or jen’dis, 2 jändic


A short

Jaun'diss, or jan'diç, n. A disease characterized by yellowness of the skin. Jaunt, 1 jant or jent; 2 jänt or jant. Id. To ramble about. II. n. journey; a pleasure-trip. Jaunt'y, 1 jänt' or jont'1; 2jänt'y or jant'y, a. [JAUNT'I-ER; JAUNT'I-EST]. Careless; sprightly. Jaunt'i-ly, adv.-jaunt'i-ness,n. Jave'lin, 1 jav'lin; 2 jav'lin, n. A short, light spear, for throwing. jaw, 1 je; 2 ją, n. 1. One of the bones of the mouth in which the teeth are set; also such bone with its attachments. 2. Anything like or suggesting such an organ, as one of the gripping parts of a vise: often used figuratively; as, the jaws of death. [of brilliant coloring, Jay, 1 jē; 2 ja, n. A small crow-like bird jeal'ous, 1 jel'us; 2 jěl'us, jel'ouss, a. 1. Apprehen

sive of being displaced by a rival. 2. Anxiously watchful. -ly, adv. -ness, n.-. Jeal'ous-y, n. [-IESZ. pl.] Jean, 1 jen or jin; 2 jān or jen, A twilled cotton cloth; named from the Italian city Genoa. jeanst. feer, 1 jir; 2 jer. I. vt. & vi.



To scoff at; mock. II. n. A derisive word or speech. Blue Jay. / Je-ho'vah, 1 ji-hō'va; 2 je-ho'va, n. Lord; specifically, the covenant God of the Hebrew people.

le-june', 1 ji-jun'; 2 Je-jun', a. Lifeless; dry; dull. -ly, adv. -ness, n. lel'ly, 1 jel'1; 2 jěl'y. I. vi. (JEL'LIED: JELLY-ING.] To turn to jelly. II. n. [JELLIESZ, pl.] Any semisolid glutinous substance, as fruit-juice boiled down with



peril. Jeop'ard-izet.-jeop'ard-y, n. Exposure to danger; peril.


jerk, 1 jurk; 2 jerk. It. vt. & vi. To give a jerk to; move with jerks. II. n. short, sharp pull, twitch, or fling.-jerk'y, a. Jerk2. t. v. To cure (meat) by cutting into strips and drying. II. n. Meat, as beef, so cured. jerked beeft; jerked meatt. jer'kin, 1 jur'kin; 2 jer'kin, n. A jacket. 1. One of a Jer'sey, 1 jur'zı; 2 jer'sy, n. breed of cattle from the island of Jersey. 2. [-] A seamless, knit upper garment from the island of Jersey.

jeg sa-mine, 1 jes o-min; 2 jěs’a-min, n.

jes'sa-mins, The jasmine. jest, 1 jest; 2 jěst. Id. vt. & vi. To joke. II. n. A joke, raillery.- jest'er, n. Jes'u-it, 1 jez'yu-it or jeg'u-it; 2 jěs'yu-it or jězh'u-it, n. 1. R. C. Ch. A member of the Society of Jesus. 2. A subtle casuist.- Jes"u-it'ic, a. Jes"u-it'i-calt. Je'sus, 1 ji'zus; 2 je'sus, n. Personal name of the Messiah- the Christ.

jet, 1 jet; 2 jět, vt. & vi. [JET'TEDd; JET' TING.] To shoot out in a jet or jets. jet', n. 1. That which spurts out. spout or nozle.

2. A

jet2, n. 1. A rich black mineral coal, used for ornaments. 2. The color of jet; deep black. jet black‡.

jet'sam, 1 jet'sam; 2 jět'sam, n. The non floating part of a cargo cast into the sea to lighten a vessel in danger: opposed to flotsam.

jet'ti-son, 1 jet'i-san; 2 jět'i-son. I. vt. To throw overboard, as goods, to lighten an endangered vessel. II. The throwing overboard of cargo, or goods so sacrificed; jetsam. [jet; black as jet. jet'ty, 1 jet'1; 2 jět'y, a. Like or made of jet'ty, n. [JET'TIES, pl.] A pier. Jeu d'es"prit', 130 des "pri'; 2 zhû des "pri'. A play of wit or fancy.

Jew, 1 jū; 2 jų, n. A Hebrew; an Israelite, Jew'ess, n. A female Jew.- Jew'ish, a Of or pertaining to a Jew or Jews, Hebrew. jew'el, 1 ju'el; 2 ju'ěl. I. vt. [JEWELED OF



JEW ELLED, JEW'ELDS; JEW'EL-ING JEW EL-LING.] To adorn with jewels. II. n. A precious stone; gem; anything precious.-Jew'el-er, n. A dealer in or maker of jewelry. Jew'el-lert.-jew'el-ry, n. 1. Jew els collectively. 2. The trade of a jeweler. Jew's' harp", 1 juz'-harp"; 2 jus'-härp", n. A small musical instrument with a metal frame and a bent metallic tongue. jib, 1 jib, 2 jib, n. A triangular sail extending from the foretopmast-head to the jib-boom or the bowsprit.-jib'sboom",

Jen'ny, 1 jen'1; 2 jěn'y, n. [JEN'NIESZ, pl.] 1. A spinning-machine. 2. A female ass. Jeop'ardd, 1 jep'ard; 2 jěp'ard, vt. To jep'ard", expose to loss or injury, im1: =final; 1= habit; aisle; au out; ell; la feud; chin; go; n=sing; thin, this



n. A spar forming a continuation of the bowsprit.

Jibe, 1 jaib: 2 jib, vt. & vi. Naut. [JIBED;
JIB'ING.] To shift, as a sail; tack.
Jig, 1 jig; 2 jig, n. A light, gay dance to a
rapid tune.

jilt, 1 jilt; 2 jilt. Id. vt. & vi. To discard, as
a lover. II. n. One who discards a lover.
jim'my, 1 jim'1; 2 jim'y, n. A burglar's
crowbar, sometimes made in sections for
concealment in carrying: named from
Jimmy, the diminutive of James.
Jin'gle, 1 jin'gl; 2 jin'gl. [JIN'GL(E)DP;
Jin'gle, JIN'GLING.] I. vt. & vi. To
make a slight, tinkling sound. II. n.
1. A tinkling sound. 2. Any pleasing
succession of rhythmical sounds.

Jin'go, 1 jin'go; 2 jin'go, n. [Colloq.] Polit. One in favor of a spirited and aggressive foreign policy.

Jin-rik'l-sha, 1 jin-rik'i-sha; 2 jin-rik'i-sha, n. A small, twowheeled Japanese carriage, drawn by one or two men.Jin-rick'shat; Jin-rik'shat.

Job, 1 job; 2 job. 1. vt. & vi. [JOBBED JOBD; JOB'BING. To

buy, sell, work, etc., by the job. II. n. 1. A piece of work done as a whole. 2. A corrupt money-making scheme.-job'ber, n. 1. A middleman. 2. An intriguer. 3: One who works by the job.-job'ber-y, n. Jock'ey, 1 jek'ı; 2 jok'y. I. vt. & vi. [JOCK'EYED; JOCK'EY-ING.] To play the jockey with; be tricky; cheat. II. n. 1. One employed to ride horses, as at races. 2. A cheat. 3. A horse-dealer. Jo-cose', 1 jo-kōs'; 2 jo-cos', a. Of the nature of a joke; jocular. -ly, adr. -ness, n.-joc'u-lar, a. 1. Being in a joking mood: making jokes. 2. Jocose. -ly, adv.- joc"ular'i-ty, n.-joc'und, 1 jok'und; 2 jõe' und, a. Jovial; sportive.-Jo-cun'-di-ty, n. jog, 1 jog; 2 jog. I. vt. & vi. [JOGGED, JOGDS; JOGGING.] To move with a jog; nudge. II. n. 1. A slight push, as with the elbow. 2. A slow, jolting motion. 3. A notch.-jog'ger, n. jog'gle, jog'l; 2 jog'l. I. vt. & vi. Jog'I, JOG GLED, JOG'LDP; JOG'GLING.]


jointd, 1 joint; 2 joint, vt. & vi. To form with or unite by joints.

joint, a. Combined; shared; Joined.- Joint'ly, adv.

joint, n. 1. A junction, as of two movable bones; place of union; hinge. 2. A piece of meat, as for roasting. joist, 1 joist; 2 joist, n. timber in a floor or ceiling.

A horizontal

joke, 1 jōk; 2 jōk. I. vt. & vi. [JOKED; JOK'ING.] To make sport of; attack playfully; utter witticisms; banter; jest. II. n. 1. A jest. 2. A subject for merriment. jol'ly, 1 jel'; 2 jol'y, a. [JOL'LI-ER; JOL LI-EST.] 1. Full of life and mirth; jovial. 2. Expressing mirth; exciting gaiety; a merrymaking.-jol"li-fi-ca'tion, n. [Colloq.] A merrymaking.-jol'll-fy, ot. & vi. [Colloq.]-jol'li-ly, adv.-jol'll-ness, jol'll-ty, n.

jol'ly boat", 1 jel'i-bot"; 2 jol'y-bōt", n. A small boat belonging to a ship. jolt, 1 jōlt; 2 jolt. Id. vt. & vi. To shake with a jarring movement. II. n. A sudden slight shock.

jon'quil, 1 jen'kwil; 2 jon'kwil, n. A bulbous plant related to the



joss, 1 jes; 2 jos, n. A Chinese god or idol.-joss'. house", n. A Chinese temple or shrine for idols.-J. stick, n. A slender stick of perfumed wood-powder and paste burnt as incense, etc. jos'tle, 1 jes'l; 2 jos'l, vt. jos'tle, & vi. [JOS'TL(E)DP; JOS 'TLING.] To push or crowd against.-jos'tler, n. A bumping against, or slight shaking.

Common Jonquil.

jot, 1 jet; 2 jot. I. vt. [JOT'TEDd; JOTTING.] To note down or sketch offhand. II. n. The least bit; an iota.-jot'ting, n. A short note; memorandum.

joule, 1 jaul; 2 joul, n. The practical unit of electrical energy, equivalent to the work done by keeping up for one second a current of one ampere against a resistance of one ohm: named from the English physicist J. P. Joule (1818-1889). jour'nal, 1 jurnal; 2 jûr'nal, n. 1. A jur'nal", daily record; diary. 2. A news

paper. 3. That part of a shaft which rotates in a bearing.- jour'nal-ism, n. The occupation of a journalist.-jour'nal-ist, n. One who manages, edits, or writes for a journal or newspaper.


jour'ney, 1 jur'nı; 2 jûr'ny. I. vi. jur'ney, travel. II. n. Passage from

To shake slightly; jog. II. n. A jolt. Join, 1 join; 2 join, vt. & vi. 1. To put together; unite; connect; combine. 2. To engage in (battle, etc.) together.-join'er-y, n. 1: artistic, art; fat, fare; fast; get, prey; hit, police; obey, go; net,ör; full, rule; but, burn.


one place to another.-jour'ney-man, n. [-MEN, pl.] A skilled mechanic. Joust, 1 just; 2 just, v. & n.

Same as JUST.

Jo'vi-al, 1 jo'vi-al; 2 jō'vi-al, a. Mirthful; merry; jolly.- jo"vi-al'i-ty, n. jowl, 1 jōl or jaul; 2 jōl or jowl, n. The cheek or jaw.

joy, 1 joi; 2 joy, n. 1. A lively emotion of happiness; gladness. 2. Something that gives delight.-joy'ful, a. 1. Full of joy. 2. Manifesting joy. -ly, adv. -ness, n.joy'less, a. Destitute of joy. -ly, adv. -ness, n.-joy'ous, a. Joyful.ly, adv.

-ness, n.

Ju'bi-lant, 1 jū'bi-lant; 2 ju'bi-lant, a. Manifesting great joy; exultingly glad; triumphant.-ju"bi-la'tion, n. Rejoicing; exultation.-ju'bi-lee, n. 1. The fiftieth anniversary of an event. 2. Any season of rejoicing.

Ju-da'ic, 1 ju-dē'ık; 2 ju̟-da'ie, a.. Per

taining to the Jews. Ju-da'i-cal‡.Ju'da-ism, n. The Jewish system of religion or government; Jewish beliefs or practises.

Judge, 1 juj; 2 jŭdġ, v. [JUDGED; JUDG'ING.] I. t. 1. To come to a conclusion regarding. 2. To decide upon evidence; try judicially. II. i. 1. To form a judgment; sit in judgment; express judgment. 2. To consider.

Judge, n. 1. An officer authorized to administer justice in a court. 2. One who decides upon the merits of things, as in contests; a connoisseur.- judg'ment, n. 1. The act or faculty of judging: power to judge wisely well or 2. The decision reached. 3. The sentence of a court. 4. A disaster or affliction regarded as a punishment for sin. judge'ment‡.-judge'ship, n.

Ju'di-ca-ture, 1 jū'dı-ka-chur or -tiur; 2 ju'di-ca-chur or -tūr, n. 1. The power of administering justice. 2. The jurisdiction of a court. 3. A court of justice.Ju'di-ca"tiv (es, a. Competent to judge.Ju'di-ca-to-ry, a. Pertaining to the ad



designed to be closed with a cork. 2. A pitcher.

jug'gle, 1 jug'l; 2 jŭg'l. I. jug'Ï', vt. & vi. [JUG'GLED, JUG'LDP; JUGGLING.] To deceive by trick; practise sleight of hand. II. n. A trick; deception.-Jug'gler, n. One who practises sleight of hand. jug'gler-y, n.

juʼgu-lar, 1 jū'giu-lər; 2 ju'gu-lar. I. a. Pertaining to the throat or to the jugular vein. II. n. One of the large veins of the neck.

juice, 1 jūs; 2 jục, n.



French Earthenware Jug.

fluid part of vegetable or animal matter -juic'y, a. [JUIC'I-ER, JUIC'I-EST.] Abounding with juice.- Juic'i-ly, adv.-juic'l

ness, n.

Ju'-jutsu, 1 ju-jut'sü; 2 ju-jutsu, n [Jap.] Wrestling or throwing an opponent by sleight. Jlu" jut'sut.

lep, 1 julep; 2 julěp, n. A drink composed of sweetened liquor and mint. ju"li-enne', 1 zü'l-en'; 2 zhü"li-ěn', n. A clear meat soup into which vegetables have been chopped or shredded: named from Julien, a French caterer of Boston. The seventh Ju-ly', 1 ju-lai'; 2 ju-lï', n.

month of the year. jum'ble, 1 jum'bl; 2 jŭm'bl. I. vt. & vi jum'bl2, [JUM'BL(E)DP; JUM'BLING.] To mix confusedly. II. n. 1. A confused mixture. 2. A thin sweet cake. Jumpt, 1 jump; 2 jump, v. I. t. 1. To leap over. 2. To cause to leap. II. i. To impel oneself through the air; leap: spring.

[spring. jump, n. The act of jumping; a leap; junc'tion, 1 junk'shan; 2 june'shon, n.


The act of joining, or condition of being joined. 2. A place of union or meeting. -junc'ture, n. 1. A junction; joint. 2. An occasion when circumstances meet.

June, 1 jūn; 2 jun, n. The sixth month of the year. A dense Jun'gle, 1 jun'gl; 2 jŭn'ğl, n. jun'gl, thicket; a forest choked with undergrowth.-jun'gly, a. 2 jun'yor. I. a. ju'nior, 1 jūn'yər; 1. Younger in years or lower in rank. II. n. The younger of two; a younger person. -ju"ni-or'i-ty, n.-ju'nior-ship, n. juʼni-per, 1 jū'nı-pər; 2 ju'ni-per, n. evergreen shrub with dark blue berries. junk1, 1 junk; 2 júnk, n. 1. Naut. (1) Old cordage. (2) Salt meat. 2. Cast-off material.

ministration of justice. Ju-di'cial, 1 ju-dish'al; 2 ju-dĭsh'al, a. Pertaining to a court or to the administration of justice. 2. Discriminating; impartial. -ly, adv.-ju-dl'ci-a-ry. I. a. Pertaining to courts of justice. II. n. That department of government which administers the law. 2. The judges collectively. Ju-di'cious, 1 ju-dish'us; 2 ju-dish'ŭs, a. Manifesting forethought and sense; prudent; wise. -ly, adv. -ness, n. jug, 1 jug; 2 jŭğ, n. 1. [U. S.] A narrownecked stout bulging vessel for liquids,


1: a= :final; 1= habit; aisle; au= out; oil; lù = feud; chin; go; n=sing; thin, this.

Junk kindergarten

junk2, n. A large Chinese sailing vessel.
Jun'ket, 1 jun'ket; 2 jun'kět. Id. vt. & vi.
To feast in company; revel.
II. n.

feast; picnic.


Ju'no, 1 ju'no; 2 ju'no, n. Rom. Myth. Wife of Jupiter; queen of heaven. He'rat (Gr.]. jun'ta, 1 jun'ta; 2 jun'ta, n. A Spanish or South-American legislative assembly or council. [cabal. jun'to, 1 jun'to; 2 jun'to, n. A faction; a Ju'pi-ter, 1 jü'pi-tor; 2 ju'pi-ter, n. Rom. Myth. Chief of the gods; king of heaven. Zeust [Gr.].

ju-rid'i-cal, 1 ju-rid'i-kal; 2 ju-rid'i-cal, a. 1. Relating to law. 2. Assumed by law to exist. ju-rid'ict.

fu"ris-dic'tion, 1 ju"ris-dik'shan; 2 ju"risdle'shon, n. The right or limit of exercising authority. ju"ris-pru'dence, 1 juris-prü'dens; 2 ju"ris-pru'děnç, n. 1. The science of law. 2. A system of laws. ju'rist, 1 jū'rist; 2 ju'rist, n. One versed in law.

ju'ror, 1 jurar or -rer; 2 ju'ror, n. member of a jury.


ju'ry, 1 jū'ri; 2 ju'ry, n. [JU'RIES", pl.] A body of men sworn to give a true verdict upon the evidence in a trial; any committee of award.

Ju'ry mast", n. Naut. A temporary mast.


just, 1 just; 2 just. Id. vi. To engage joust, in a tilt or tournament. II. n.


tilting match between mounted knights. just. I. a. Righteous; honest; equitable. II. adv. 1. Exactly; precisely. 2. But now; this moment. 3. Barely; only. jus'tice, 1 jus'tis; 2 jus'tic, n. 1. Conjus'tiss, formity to the principles of right; honesty; impartiality. 2. A judge.- jus-ti'cl-a-ry, ljus-tish'i-e-ri; 2 jus-tish'i-a-ry. I. Pertaining to law or the administration of justice. II. n. [-RIESZ, pl.] A judge. jus'ti-fy, 1 jus'ti-fai; 2 jus'ti-fi, vt. [-FIED; -FY "ING.] 1. To show to be just; vindicate. 2. To declare blameless; exonerate. 3. To adjust.-jus'ti-fi"a-bl (er, a. Capable of being justified. -ness, n.-jus'ti-f"a-bly, adv.-jus"ti-fl-ca'tion, n. The state of being justified.


jut, 1 jut; 2 jut. I. vi. [JUT'TEDd; JUT'TING.] To project. II. n. A projection. jute, 1 jut; 2 jut, n. An annual Asiatic herb of the linden family, or its fiber: used for bags.

ju've-nile, I ju'vi-nil; 2 ju've-nil. I. a. ju've-nils, J Characteristic of or adapted to youth; youthful; young. II. n. A young person.-ju"ve-nil'l-ty, n. Youthfulness. jux"ta-po-si'tion, 1 juks"ta-po-zish'an; 2 juks"ta-po-şish'on, n. A placing close together; contiguity.

[blocks in formation]

Kai'ser, 1 kai'


zar; 2 ki'şer, n. Cæsar: the title of the German emperors since 1871. [less cabbage. kale, 1 kel; 2 kål, n. A variety of headka-lei'do-scope, 1 ka-lai'do-skōp; 2 ka-li'do-scop, n. An instrument which, by means of mirrors, presents objects viewed through it in symmetrical patterns.ka-lei"do-scop'ic, a.

kal'so-mine, v. & n. Same as CALCIMINE. kan"ga-roo', 1 kaŋ"ga-ru'; 2 kan "ga-roo',

n. A marsupial quadruped of Australia, having strong hind limbs and moving by leaps.

ka'o-lin, 1 ke'o-lin; 2 ka'o-lin, n. A variety of white clay: a chief ingredient of porcelain.

kat'sup, n. Same 88



ka'ty-did", 1 kē'tidid"; 2 ka'ty-did", n. An insect named from its cry. [as KAIAK. kay'ack, kay'ak, n. Same kedge, 1 kej; 2 kědġ, n. A light anchor. keel, 1 kil; 2 kēl. I. vt.

& vi. 1. To put a keel on. 2. To turn up the keel; as, to keel over. II. n. The lowest lengthwise

Broad-winged Katydid. 1/2

member of the framework of a vessel, forming a projecting ridge along the bottom from stem to stern.

1: artistic, art; fat, fare; fast; get, prey; hit, police; obey, go; not,or; full, rule; but, börn.


keel'son, 1 kel'sən; 2 kěl'son, n. A beam running lengthwise above the keel, to stiffen a vessel.

keen, 1 kin; 2 ken, a.

Very sharp and cutting; acute; shrewd. -ly, adv. -ness, n. keep, 1 kip; 2 kēp, v. [KEPT; KEEP'ING.] I. t. 1. To have; hold; retain. 2. To protect; guard; defend. 3. To support; maintain. 4. To be faithful to, as a pledge or command. II. i. To remain; stay; continue sound, sweet, fresh, or the like; endure.- keep'er, n.- keep'ing, n. 1. Custody, charge, or possession. 2. Right proportion; suitableness. 3. Maintenance; support.- keep'sake", n. Anything kept for the sake of the giver; a memento. keep, 1 kip; 2 kēp, n. 1. Means of subsistence; livelihood. 2. A castle; fortress. keg, 1 keg; 2 kěg, n. A small strong barrel. [seaweed. kelp, 1 kelp; 2 kělp, n. Large coarse Kelt'ic, a. Same as CELTIC. ken, 1 ken; 2 kěn. I. vi. [KENNED or KENT, KENDS; KENʼNING.] To know; descry; see. II. n. Reach of sight or knowledge. ken'nel1, 1 ken'el; 2 kěn'ěl, n. 1. A house for a dog or for a pack of hounds; also, the pack. 2. A lair; den. ken'nel2, n. The gutter of a street; channel; puddle.

kept, 1 kept; 2 kěpt, imp. & pp. of KEEP, 0. ke-ram'ic, ke-ram'ics. Same as CERAMIC, etc. ker'chief, 1 kür'chif; 2 ker'chif, n.


square, as of linen or silk, used as a covering for the head or neck, or as a handkerchief.

ker'nel, 1 kür'nel; 2 ker'něl, n. A grain or seed; edible part of a nut; gist. ker'o-sene, 1 ker'o-sin; 2 kěr'o-sen, n. Illuminating oil distilled from crude petroleum.

ker'sey, 1 kür'n; 2 kêr'şy. n. A smooth, light-weight beaver cloth: named from Kersey, England.

ketch'up, n. Same as CATCHUP. ket'tle, 1 ket'l; 2 kět'l, n. A metallic ket'l, vessel for stewing or boiling. -ket'tle-drum", n. A musical instrument, consisting of a brass hemispherical shell, with a parchment head: formerly used by mounted troops, now chiefly in orchestras. -ket'tle-drum, n. A ladies' informal afternoon party: so named from parties in India, where drumheads served for tables.

[blocks in formation]

Of the color of dust or ashes; made of khaki. II. п. A light drab or brownish cotton cloth used as for military uniforms. kha'lif, n. Same as CALIF.

khan, 1 kān; 2 kän, n An Eastern title of respect, as for a sovereign or gentleman. khan2, n. An Oriental inn. khe-dive', 1 ke-div'; 2 kě-div', n. The viceroy of Egypt.

kick, 1 kik; 2 kik. It. vt. & vi. 1. To strike with the foot; recoil, as a firearm. 2. [Colloq.] To object; complain. II. n. 1. A blow with the foot. 2. The recoil of a firearm.

kid, 1 kid; 2 kid, n. A young goat, or

leather made from its skin.

kid'nap, 1 kid'nap; 2 kid'nǎp, vt. [-NAPED or -NAPPED, -NAPT; -NAP-ING or -NAP-PING.] To carry off (a person) from home or country.- kid'nap-er, -per, n. kid'ney, 1 kid'nı; 2 kid'ny, n. A glandular organ that secretes urine.


kil-am'pere, 1 kil-am pir; 2 kil-ǎm'pēr, Elec. One thousand amperes. kill, 1 kil; 2 kil, vt. To deprive of life, kilp, vigor, efficiency, or usefulness; deaden.

kiln, 1 kil; 2 kil, n. An oven or furnace for baking industrial products; place for burning bricks. - kiln'-dry", vt. To dry in [RIC. kll'o-, etc. See METRIC SYSTEM, under METkil'o-gram, kil'o-li"ter, kil'o-me"ter, kil'

a kiln.

o-stere". See METRIC SYSTEM, under METRIC. kil’o-joule”, 1 kil'o-jūl" or -jaul"; 2 kii'o-ju' or -joul", n. Elec. One thousand joules.kil'o-watt", n. Elec. One thousand watts. kilt, 1 kilt: 2 kilt, n. A short skirt, as of the Scottish Highlanders.-kilt'ed, a.-kilt'ing, n.


kin, 1 kin; 2 kin, n. Relation; consanguinity; relatives collectively. -kin, suffix. Diminutive; as, lambkin, manikind, 1 kaind; 2 kind, a. Gentle; tender; humane; kindly.- kind'-heart"ed, a. Having a kind spirit or disposition.- kind'ness, n. kind, n. Sort; a class; species. kin'der-gar"ten, 1 kin'dər-gar"tn; 2 kin'der-gär"tn, n. A play-school for little

key', 1 ki; 2 kē, n. 1. An instrument for moving the bolt in a lock. 2. Anything that discloses or opens something; a lever to be pressed by the finger in a musical instrument or a typewriter. 3. A key note; quality, intensity, or pitch of tone 1: >= final; 1= habit; aisle; au = out; ell; lû = feud; chin; go; ŋ=sing; thin, this.

« ΠροηγούμενηΣυνέχεια »