Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση
[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

eye-glass for one eye.

mo-noc'u-lar, 1 mo-nek'yu-lər; 2 monoe'yu-lar, a. 1. One-eyed. 2. Pertaining to or used for one eye: opposed to binocular. mo-noc'u-loust. mo-nog'a-my, 1 mo-neg'a-mi; 2 monog'a-my, n. Marriage to but one husband or wife.-mo-nog'a-mist, n.-monog'a-mous, a.

mon'o-gram, 1 men'o-gram; 2 mŏn'ogrăm, n. A character made up of interwoven letters.

mon'o-graph, 1 men'o-graf; 2 mon'o-graf", mon'o-gråf, n. A writing on a single subject.mon"o-graph'ic, a. -i-calt. mon'o-lith, 1 men'o-lith; 2 mon'o- gram.


lith, n. A single block of stone.- mon"olith'ic, a. mon"o-lith'alt.

mon'o-log, 11 men'o-leg; 2 mon❜o-log, mon'o-logue, n. A soliloquy. mon"o- maʼni-a, 1 men"o-me'ni-a; 2 mon "o-ma'ni-a, n. Insanity as regards one subject.- mon"o-ma'ni-ac, n. A person afflicted with monomania. mon"o-met'al-lism, 1 men"o-metʼəl-izm; 2 mon"o-mět'al-işm, n. The theory or practise of using one metal only, especially gold, as a standard of value.mon"o-met'al-ist, a. & n. -al-listt. mon'o-plane, 1 men'o-plēn; 2 mon'oplan, n. An aeroplane with but one supporting plane. See plate of AEROPLANES. mo-nop'o-ly, 1 mo-nop'o-l; 2 mo-nop'o-ly,


[-LIESZ, pl.] The exclusive control of a particular traffic, or the persons holding it.-mo-nop'o-list, n. One who possesses a monopoly.-mo-nop'o-lize, vt. To secure a monopoly of; control; engross.-mo-nop'o-liz"er or -lis"er, n. mon'o-syl"la-ble, 1 men'o-sil"a-bl; 2 mon'o-syl"la-bl", Š mŏn'o-syl'a-bl. n. A word of one syllable.- mon"o-syl-lab'le. 1 men"o-si-lab'ık; 2 mon"o-sy-lăb'ie, a. Composed of one syllable or of words of one syllable.

mon'o-the"ism, 1 men'o-fhi"izm: 2 mon'othe "işm, n. The doctrine that there is but one God.- mon'o-the"Ist, n.- mon"o-the-is'tic, a.


mon'o-tone, 1 men'o-tōn; 2 mŏn'o-tōn, n. Sameness of utterance or tone.-mo-not'onous, a. Not varied in tone; tiresomely uniform. -ly, adv.- mo-not'o-ny, n. Tiresome uniformity.

mon-sieur', 1 ma-syu'; 2 mo-syû', n. [MES-SIEURS', pl.] 1. A French title of respect, equivalent to Mr. and Sir: capitalized when used with a proper name: abbreviated M. 2. [M-] French Hist. A title of a French king's eldest brother. 3. A Frenchman.

mon-soon', 1 men-sun'; 2 mon-soon', n. 1. A wind that blows steadily along the Asiatic coast of the Pacific. 2. A tradewind.

mon'ster, 1 men'star; 2 mon'ster, n. 1. Anything hideous or abnormal; one atrociously wicked or cruel. 2. A very large person or thing.-mon-stros'l-ty, n. [-TIES, pl.] Anything monstrous; the character of being monstrous.- mon'strous, a. Unnatural; huge; hideous; horrible. -ly, adv. -ness, n.

month, 1 munth; 2 month, n. 1. One of the 12 parts into which the year is divided. 2. The time of the revolution of the moon. month'ly. I. a. Continuing a month; done in a month; happening once a month. II. n. [MONTH'LIES2, pl. A monthly publication. III. adv. Once a month. mon'u-ment, 1 men'yu-ment or -mant; 2 mon'yu-ment, n. Something erected as a memorial of a person or of an event; any enduring memorial.- mon"u-men'tal, a. Pertaining to or like a monument; memorial; grand.

-mony, suffix. Used to form nouns from other nouns or from adjectives or verbs; as, testimony.

Same as MODE.

mood1, 1 mūd; 2 mōod, n. mood2, n. 1. Temporary state of the mind; caprice; humor. 2. The state of being moody.- mood'y, a. [MOOD'I-ER; MOOD'I-EST.] Given to capricious moods; petulant; melancholy.- mood'l-ly, adv.mood'l-ness, n.

moon, 1 mun; 2 moon, n. 1. A satellite revolving about a planet, as the earth. 2. A lunar month: 27 days, 8 hours.- moon'beam", n. A ray of moonlight.- moon' light". I. a. Pertaining to the light of the moon; illuminated by moonlight. II. n. The light of the moon.- moon'shine", n. 1. Moonlight. 2. Empty nonsense. 3. [Local, U. S., & Prov. Eng.] Smuggled or illicitly distilled spirits.- moon'shin"er n. An illicit distiller; a smuggler.- moon'struck", a. Lunatic.

moor, 1 mûr; 2 moor, vt. & vi. To fasten, as a vessel, to the shore or bottom; tie up;

1: artistic, art; fat, färe; fast; get, prēy; hit, police; obey, gō; net,ör; full, rûle; but, börn.


anchor.- moor'ing, n. The act of mooring; the place where or fastening by which a vessel or the like is moored. moor1, n. [Gt. Brit.] A tract of waste land, or a tract kept for hunting.- moor'ish1, a. Pertaining to a moor; barren.- moor'land, n. A moor or marsh.- moor'y, a. Moor2, n. One of the mixed race inhabiting Morocco and the adjacent coast.Moor'ish', a. Pertaining to the Moors. moose, 1 mūs; 2 moos, n. [MOOSE, pl.] variety of the elk, of northern North America. moot, 1 mut; 2 moot. Id.

vt. To debate; argue. II. a. Open to discussion; intended merely for discussion. - moot'abl (eP, a. Disputable.



Biting; pungent; fixing. II. n.
stance for fixing dye.

A sub

more, 1 mor; 2 mōr. I. a. compar.
[Positive wanting; MOST, superl.] Greater in
amount, degree, number, etc.; additional.
II. n.
A greater quantity, amount, etc.;
an added amount. III. adv. 1. To a
greater extent or degree. 2. In addition.
more-o'ver, 1 mōr-o'var; 2 mōr-ō'ver, adv.
Besides; further; likewise.
morgue, 1 morg; 2 môrg, n. A place

where corpses of persons found dead are exposed for identification. la. Dying. mor'i-bund, 1 mer'i-bund: 2 mor'i-bund, Mor'mon, 1 mor'man; 2 môr'mon, n. One of a sect organized in America in 1830, and, until 1890, practising polygamy: named from Mormon, a character in the Book of Mormon, the sacred book of the sect.-Mor'mon-ism, n.


A feeble

morn, 1 mērn; 2 môrn, n. The morning. morn'ing, 1 morn'ın; 2 môrn'ing. I. a. Pertaining to the early part of the day. II. n. The early part of the day; any early stage.- morn'ing glo"ry, n. A twining plant with funnel-shaped flowers. mo-roc'co, 1 mo-rek'o; 2 mo-roe'o, n. Leather made from goatskin, and tanned with sumac. [<the city of Morocco.] mo'ron, 1 mō'ren; 2 mo'ron, n. minded person. mo-rose', 1 mo-ros'; 2 mo-rōs', a. Surly; sullen and austere.-mo-rose'nèss, n. Mor'pheus, 1 mor'fius or mor'fi-us; 2 môr'fus or môr'fe-us, n. Sleep: named from Morpheus, the Roman god of dreams. mor'phin, 1 mor'fin, -fin or -fin; 2 môr'mor'phine, fin, -fin or -fin, n. A narcotic prepared from opium. mor'phi-at. mor'ris, 1 mer'is; 2 mor'is, n. An old-fashioned rustic dance in England. mor'ricet. Next mor'row, 1 mer'o; 2 mor'o. I. a. succeeding, as a day. II. n. 1. The first day after the present or after a day specified. 2. Morning. [food; small piece. mor'sel, 1 mor'sel; 2 môr'sěl, n. A bit of mor'tal, 1 mor'tal; 2 môr'tal. I. a. Subject to death; human. 2. Deadly; fatal. II. n. A human being.- mor-tal'i-ty, n. [-TIES", pl.] 1. The quality of being mortal. 2. Death; the death-rate. 3. Humanity.mor'tal-ly, adv. Fatally; extremely. mor'tar1, 1 mor'tar; 2 môr'tar, n. vessel in which substances are pounded. 2. A short cannon with a large bore. mor'tar2, n. A mixture of sand and lime for joining bricks, etc.; a cement. mort'gage, 1 mor'gij; 2 môr'gag. I. vt. [-GAGED; -GAG-ING.] To make over (propout; oil; iu feud; chin; go; n=sing; thin, this.

moot" court', n. A court for the trial of a fictitious case, as a means of practise. mop, 1 mep; 2 mop. I. vt. [MOPPEDt, MOPTS; MOP'PING.] To wipe with a mop. II. n. 1. A piece of cloth, or the like, attached to a handle, for washing floors, etc. 2. A tangled bunch or mass, as of hair.mop'board", n. A board skirting the lower edge of the wall of a room. mope', 1 mōp'; 2 mōp', v. [MOPED; MOP'ING.] 1. t. To make dull. II. i. Το be dull and melancholy.- mop'ing-ly, adv. -mop'ish, a. Dejected.- mop'ish-ness, n. mor'al, 1 mer'al; 2 mor'al. I. a. 1. Pertaining to right and wrong. 2. Right; virtuous; chaste. II. n. 1. The lesson of a fable or the like. 2. pl. Conduct or behavior; ethics.- mor'al-ist, n. 1. A teacher of morals. 2. One who practises morality without religion.-mo-ral'i-ty, n. [-TIES, pl.] The doctrine of man's moral duties; ethics; moral conduct; virtue.- moral-ize, v. [-IZED; -IZ"ING.] I. t. To apply to a moral purpose. II.1. To make moral reflections. mor'al-iset.- mor'al-ly, adv. mo-rale', 1 mo-ral'; 2 mo-räl', n. fidence, courage, fidelity, as of troops. mo-rass', 1 mo-ras'; 2 mo-rȧs', n. of low, wet ground; marsh. mor"a-to'ri-um, 1 mer"a-to'ri-um; 2 mor"ato'ri-ům, n. An emergency act of legislation authorizing a bank, debtor, etc., to suspend payments for a given period. mor'bid, 1 mor'bid; 2 môr'bid, a. eased; abnormal. -ly, adv. -ness, n. mor'dant, 1 mēr'dant; 2 môr'dant.

1: = final; 1= habit; aisle; au




I. a.


1. A

mortgagee mule

erty) by mortgage; pledge. II. n. A pledge of property as security for a loan. - mort"ga-gee', n. The one to whom a mortgage is given.- mort'ga-gor, n. A person who mortgages property. mort'gag-ert. mor'ti-fy, 1 mor'ti-fai; 2 môr'ti-fi, v. [-FIED; FY"ING.] I. t. 1. To humiliate; shame; vex. 2. To subdue by fasting, etc., as the passions. 3. To destroy the organic texture of. II. i. 1. To lose vitality, as living flesh; gangrene. 2. To be subdued.- mor"ti-fi-ca'tion, n. 1. The state of being mortified; death of one part of a living body. 2. That which mortifies. mor'tise, 1 mēr'tis; 2 môr'tis. mor'tiss,[-TISED, -TISTS; -TIS-ING. To make a mortise in; join by a mortise. II. n. A space hollowed

out to receive a tenon. mor'tice‡.

I. vt.

mor'tu-a-ry, 1 mor'chu- Mortise and
[or -tiu-le-ri; 2 môr'chu- Tenon.
[or -tu-la-ry, a.


moth'er1, n. A female parent.-moth'er-
hood, n. The state of being a mother.-
moth'er-in-law", n. The mother of one's
spouse.- moth'er-less, a.- moth'er-ly, a.
Resembling or pertaining to a mother.-
moth'er-li-ness, n.-moth'er-of-pearl",
The hard, iridescent inner layer of a
shell, as of the pearl oyster.
moth'er2, n.


A stringy substance formed in fermenting vinegar; dregs.- moth'er-y, a. I. vt. &

mo'tion, 1 mo'shan; 2 mō'shon.

vi. To make a movement. II. n. 1. Change of position; a movement; gesture. 2. A proposition to be voted on. -less, a. mo'tion-pic"ture, n. A rapidly changing series of pictures thrown on a screen, having the appearance of the original motions. mo'tive, 1 mō'tiv; 2 mō'tiv. I. a. Havmo'tiys, ing power to move; causing motion. II. n. That which incites to action; incentive; impulse; design; purpose. mot'ley, 1 met'li; 2 mot'ly, a. Variegated; party-colored; heterogeneous.

mo'tor, 1 mō'tar or -ter; 2 mō'tor, n.
Pertaining to burial.
who or that which produces motion, as a
machine.- mo'tor boat, bus, car, cycle,
n. A boat, an omnibus, a car, or a bicycle
propelled by motor-power.- mo'tor-ist, n.
The manager of a motor; a chauffeur.- m.s
man, n. One who operates a motor.
mot'tle, 1 met'l; 2 mŏt'l, vt. [MOT'TLED;
MOT'TLING.] To spot with different colors.
mot'to, 1 met'o; 2 mot'o, n. A word or

mo-sa'ic1, 1 mo-zē'ik; 2 mo-ga'ie. I. a.
Pertaining to inlaid work. II. n. Inlaid
work, forming a pattern or picture.
Mo-sa'ic2, a. Pertaining to Moses, the
Hebrew leader (1571-1451 B. C.).
Moslem, 1 mez'lem; 2 mŏş'lěm, a. & n.
mosque, 1 mesk; 2 mŏsk, n. A Moslem
mos-qui'to, 1 mas-ki'to; 2 mos-ki'to, n.
A two-winged blood-sucking insect.
moss, 1 mēs; 2 môs, n. A delicate cryptog-
amous plant which grows on the ground,
on rocks, etc.- moss' ag"ate, n.
Quartz containing mineral oxids, arranged
in moss-like forms.- m. rose, n. A cultivated
variety of rose with a mossy calyx and stem.
-m. trooper, n. One of certain bandits
who infested the marshes on the borders
of England and Scotland in the 17th cen-
tury; hence, any bandit.- moss'y, a.
grown with, abounding in, or like moss.-
mos'si-ness, n.
most, 1 mōst; 2 mōst.

I. a.

sentence expressing rule of conduct. mould, moult, etc. See MOLD, etc. mound, 1 maund; 2 mound, n. A heap of earth; bank; hillock.


mountd, 1 maunt: 2 mount, vt. & vi.
To ascend. 2. To set or get on horse-
back. 3. To place on a mounting; supply
with fittings; equip. 4. To amount.-
mount'ing, n. 1. The act of mounting.
2. That on which something, as a picture, is

mount', n. A mountain.


mount2, n. A saddle-horse; a mounting. moun'tain, 1 maun'tın; 2 moun'tin, n. Consisting lofty, rocky elevation.- moun"tain-eer', n. One who dwells among or climbs mountains. mountain-ous, a. 1. Abounding in mountains. 2. Like a mountain; huge. moun'te-bank,1 maun'tı-bank; 2 moun'tebank, n. A vender of quack medicines; charlatan.

of the greatest number, amount, or quantity; greatest. II. adv. 1. In the highest degree. 2. Mostly.- most❜ly, adv. For the most part; principally. [speck. mote, 1 mōt; 2 mōt, n. A minute particle; moth, 1 mōth; 2 môth, n. 1. A nocturnal insect resembling a butterfly. 2. An insect or larva that destroys woolen fabrics or furs.- moth'-eat"en, a.

moth'er', 1 muth'ar; 2 moth'er, vt. To act as a mother toward.

moth'er2, vi. To form mother, as vinegar. moth'er, a. Native; maternal.

mourn, 1 mōrn; 2 mōrn, vt. & vi. To sorrow for: grieve; lament.- mourn'er, n. One who mourns; one who attends a funeral. - mourn'ful, a. Indicating grief; sad; sorrowful; melancholy; exciting sorrow. -ly, adv. -ness, n.- mourn'ing, n. The manifesting of grief, as in somber dress.

1: artistic, art; fat, fare; fast; get, prēy; hit, police; obey, gō; not,ōr; full, rûle; but, būrn.




mouse, 1 mauz; 2 mous, vt. & vi. [MOUSED; | mu'ci-lage, 1 miù'sı-lij; 2 mū'çi-lag, n. An mouz, MOUS'ING.] To hunt for slyly; prowl; catch mice.- mous'er, n. mouse, 1 maus; 2 mous, n. [MICE, 1 mais; 2 mic, pl. A small rodent infesting houses, etc.

mouth, 1 mauth; 2 mouth, vt. & vi. speak unnaturally; rant; grimace. mouth, 1 mauth; 2 mouth, n.


The orifice

at which food is taken; any opening or orifice.- mouth'er, n.-mouth'ful, n. 1. The amount taken into the mouth at one time. 2. A small quantity.- mouth'piece", n. 1. That part of any instrument that is applied to the mouth. 2. A spokesman. move, 1 mūv; 2 mov, vt. & vi. [MOVED; MOV'ING.] 1. To change or cause to change place; act; stir; affect; propose; make a motion; pass; go. 2. To take action. 3. To make progress.- mov'abl (ep. I. a. Capable of being moved. II. n. Anything that can be moved.- mov"abil'i-ty, n. mov'a-ble-nesst.-mov'ably, adv.mov'er, n.- mov'ing. I. pa. 1. Causing to move; effective; influential. 2. Exciting the feelings; touching. II. The act of moving; change of residence with removal of household goods, etc.- mov'ing-ly, adv.mov'ing pic"ture, see MOTION PICTURE. move, n. The act of moving; movement. -move'ment, n. 1. Change of place or position; rate of moving. 2. An arrange

ment of moving parts, as in a watch. mov'ies, 1 mûv'iz; 2 mov'is, n. pl. Α motion-picture show.

mow1, 1 mō; 2 mō, vt. & vi.

MOWDS; MOWN; MOW'ING.] To cut down, as grass; cut grass from.- mow'er, n. One who or that which mows; a machine for mowing grass.

[blocks in formation]


mow, n. c, crank-wheel for driving the Нау or knife; f, finger-bar; i, internal gear; grain, lifting-lever; lw, leading-wheel; t, stored track-clearer.

in a barn; the place of storage.- mow?, tt. mow2, 1 mō or mau; 2 mō or mow, n. A grimace.- mow3, vi.

much, 1 much; 2 much. I. a. Great in quantity or amount. II. n. 1. A large quantity. 2. An important thing. III. adv. 1. In a great degree. 2. For the most part.

adhesive solution of gum in water.-mu"cllag'i-nous, a. -ly, adv. -ness, n. muck, 1 muk; 2 mŭk, n. Moist manure; filth.-muck'y, a.-muck'l-ness, n. mu'cous, 1 miū'kus; 2 mū'eus, a. Secreting mucus; pertaining to or like mucus. mu'cus, 1 miū'kus; 2 mu'eŭs, n. A gummy substance, as in animal or plant-tissues. mud, 1 mud; 2 mŭd, n. Wet and sticky earth; mire.-mud'dy. I. vt. [MUD'DIED; MUD'DY-ING.] To make muddy; muddle.

II. a. [MUD'DI-ER; MUD'DI-EST.] Bespat

tered or beclouded with mud; turbid; confused.- mud'di-ly, adv.- mud'di-ness, n. mud'dy-ish, a.


mud'dle, 1 mud'l; 2 můd'l. I. vt. & ri. mud'l3, [MUD'DLED; MUD'DLING.] To

make turbid; confuse, or be confused, as by drink; mix. II. n. A muddy or confused condition.

mufft, 1 muf; 2 muf, vt. & ri. To do (some mufe, act) clumsily; bungle; blunder. muff1, n. A warm covering, open at both ends, for the hands. muff2, n. A bungling action; failure, as in catching a ball; a bungler. muf'fin, 1 muf'ın; 2 muf'in, n. A light spongy cake.

muf'fle, 1 muf'l; 2 mŭf'l, vt. [MUFʼFLED, muf'le, MUF'LDP; MUF'FLING.] To wrap up so as to deaden sound.- muf'fler, n. 1. A wrap for the head or throat. 2. A mechanism for deadening sound, as of escaping gases from a motor-engine.

mug, 1 mug; 2 můğ, n. A drinking-cup with a handle and no lip. mug'gy, 1 mug'1; 2 můğ'y, a. [MUG'GI-ER; MUG GI-EST.] Warm, moist, and close. mu-lat’to, 1 miu-lato; 2 mũ-lăto, n. of mingled white and negro parentage. mul'ber"ry, 1 mul'ber"1; 2 mŭl'běr"y, n. [-RIES, pl.] A tree

bearing a berry-like fruit; the fruit. mulch, 1 mulch; 2 mulch. It. vt. To oover with mulch. II. n. Any loose material, as straw, spread about plants, to protect their roots.

mulet, 1 mulkt; 2 mulet. Id. vt.


Black Mulberry. a, the fruit; b, a lobed leaf. To fine. II. n. A fine.-mulct'a-ble, a. mule, 1 miūl; 2 mūl, n. The offspring of a jackass and a mare; any hybrid, a spin

1: 8= final; 1= habit; aisle; au = out; ell; iû = feud; chin; go; n=sing; thin, this.

muleteer myriagram

ning-machine.-mu"le-teer', n. A mule driver.- mul'ish, a. Like a mule; stubborn.-mul'ish-ly, adv.-mul'ish-ness, n. mull, 1 mul; 2 mŭl, vt. To heat and spice, as wine.

mull, n. A thin, soft, cotton dress-goods. mul'len, 1 mul'en; 2 můl'ěn, n. A tall, stout weed. mul'lein‡.

mul'let, 1 mul'et; 2 můl'ět, n. A foodfish with silvery sides.

mul'lion, 1 mul'yan; 2 mŭl'yon, n. A division-piece between window-lights cr panels.

mul'ti-, 1 multi-; 2 multi-. A combining form signifying many; as, multiform. multi-fa'ri-ous, 1 multi-fe'ri-us; 2 můl"ti-fa'ri-us, a. Having great variety. mul'ti-form, 1 multi-form; 2 mul'tifôrm, a. Having many forms.-mul"tifor'mi-ty, n.

mul'ti-ply, 1 mul'ti-plai; 2 multi-pli, vt. & vi. -PLIED; -PLY "ING.] 1. To make or become more numerous. 2. To take as many times as there are units in another number.- mul'ti-ple. I. a. Consisting of more than one; manifold. II. n. Math. A

quantity exactly divisible by another.multi-pli"a-bl(e", a. That may be multiplied. mul'ti-pli-ca-bl (ePt.- mul"ti-plicand', n. Math. A number multiplled, or to be multiplied, by another.- multi-plica'tion, n. The process of multiplying.multi-plic'i-ty, n. The condition of being manifold or various.- mul'ti-pli"er, n. One who or that which multiplies; the number by which another number is multiplied. mul'ti-tude, 1 multi-tiud; 2 mŭl'ti-tūd, n. 1. The state of being many. 2. A large number of people or things; concourse.- mul"ti-tu'dl-nous, a. Consisting

of a vast number.

mum, 1 mum; 2 mům. I. a. Saying nothing; silent. II. interj. Be silent! hush!

mum'ble, 1 mum'bl; 2 mum'bl, vt. & vi. mum 'bl3, [MUM'BL(E)DP; MUM'BLING.] To mutter.- mum'bler, n.


mum'mer, 1 mum'ar; 2 mŭm'er, n. One who makes sport in a mask.- mum'mer-y, [-IESZ, pl.] 1. A masked performance. 2. Hypocritical parade. mum'my, 1 mum'ı; 2 mum'y, n. [мUM'MIESZ, pl. A body embalmed in the ancient Egyptian manner. mump'ish, 1 mump'ish; 2 mŭmp'ish, a. Sullen; sulky; petulant. -ly, ado. -ness, n. mumps, 1 mumps; 2 můmps, n. pl. An epidemic swelling of the parotid glands. muncht, 1 munch; 2 münch, vt. & vi. To chew noisily.


mun'dane, 1 mun'den; 2 mun'dan, a. Earthly.-mun'dane-ly, adv.

mu-nic'i-pal, 1 miu-nis'-pal; 2 mü'niç'ipal, a. Pertaining to a town or city or to local government.-mu-nic"l-pal'l-ty, n. [-TIESZ, pl.] An incorporated borough, town, or city. mu-nif'i-cent, 1 miu-nif'i-sent; 2 mu-nif'içent, a. Extraordinarily generous; bountiful. -ly, ado.-mu-nif'i-cence, n. mu'ni-ment, 1 miù'ni-ment or -mant; 2 mü'ni-ment, n. A defense; stronghold; title-deed.


mu-ni'tion, 1 miu-nish′ən; 2 mü-nish'on, n. Ammunition; war-material. muʼral, 1 miù'rəl; 2 mū'ral, a. ing to, like, or supported by a wall. mur'der, 1 mür'dər; 2 mûr'der. I. vt. & vi. To kill with evil intent; commit murder; spoil; mar; destroy. II. n. The wrongful and intentional killing of one human being by another.- mur'der-er, n.- mur'der-ess, n. fem.- mur'der-ous, a. Pertaining to murder; destructive; inclined to murder.- mur'der-ous-ly, adv.

mu"ri-at'ic, 1 miū"ri-at'ık; 2 mü"ri-ǎt'ie, a. Pertaining to chlorin.

[MURK'murk'y, 1 mürk'ı; 2 mûrk'y, a. I-ER; MURK'I-EST.] Darkened; hazy; obscure.- murk'i-ness, n. mur'mur, 1 mur'mur; 2 mûrʼmur.

I. vt.

& vi. To utter in a low, suppressed tone; to complain in low tones; mutter; mumble. II. n. A complaint uttered in a half-articulate voice; a low, repeated sound.-mur'mur-er, n.

mur'rain, 1 mur'ın; 2 můr'in, n. An epidemic disease of cattle; plague. mus'cle', 1 mus'l; 2 můs'l, n. Conmus'cl, tractile tissue, by which bodily movement is effected.-mus'cu-lar, a. Pertaining to muscles; strong; powerful.mus"cu-lar'i-ty, n.

mus'cle2, n. Same as MUSSEL. Mus'co-vite, 1 mus'ko-vait; 2 müs'eo-vit, a. & n. Of or relating to Muscovy or Moscow, a principality of central Russia; hence, Russian; a Russian.

muse, 1 miuz; 2 müş, vt. & vi. [MUSED; MUS'ING.] To meditate upon; ponder; indulge in Contemreverie.- muse1, n. plative thought.- mus'ing-ly, adv. Muse2, n. 1. [M- or m-] The inspiring power of poetry. 2. One of the nine goddesses of poetry, art, and science. mu-se'um, 1 miu-zi'um; 2 mü-şē'ům, n. A place devoted to works of art, curiosities, etc.; also, the collection itself. Thick por mush, 1 mush; 2 mush, n. ridge; anything soft and pulpy.

1: artistic, art; fat, fåre; fast; get, prēy; hit, police; obey, gō; net,ōr; full, rûle; but, börn.

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