Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση
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produce propinquity

prod'uce, 1 pred'yūs; 2 prod'yuç, n. sing. & pl. A product; farm-products collectively.


pro-gen'i-tor, 1 pro-jen'-tar or -ter; 2 pro-gĕn'i-tor, n. A forefather or parent. prog'e-ny, 1 prej'i-ni; 2 prog'e-ny, n. Offspring.

prod'uct, 1 pred'ukt; 2 prod'ŭet, n. Anything produced; result obtained by mul- prog-no'sis, 1 preg-no'sis; 2 prog-nō'sis, n. tiplication.-pro-duc'tion, n. 1. The act or A prediction, as to the result of injury or process of producing. 2. That which is proillness.- prog-nos'tic. I. a. Relating to duced.-pro-duc'tiv(es, a. Producing or prognosis; foreshowing. II. n. A sign of tending to produce; fertile; remunerative. some future occurrence; an omen.- prog-ly, adv. -ness, n. [duction. nos'ti-cate, vt. & vi. [-CAT"EDd; -CAT"ING.] pro'em, 1 prō'em; 2 prō'ěm, n. An intro1. To foretell. 2. To be an omen of.-progpro-fane', 1 pro-fen'; 2 pro-fan'. I. vt. nos"ti-ca'tion, n.-prog-nos'ti-ca"tor, n. [PRO-FANED; PRO-FAN'ING.] To dese- pro'gram, 1 prō'gram; 2 prō'grăm, n. crate; pollute; degrade. II. a. 1. Ir- programme, A list of exercises, as for reverent; blasphemous. 2. Secular; unan entertainment; any prearranged plan. inspired. -ly, adv. -ness, n.- prof"a-na'tion, n. The act of profaning.-pro-fan'i-pro-gress't, 1 pro-gres'; 2 pro-grès', vt. & vi. To move forward; advance; improve. prog'ress, 1 preg'res; 2 prog'rès, n. A

ty, n. The state of being profane; profane

language; blasphemy. pro-fess't, 1 pro-fes'; 2 pro-fěs', vt.



make open declaration of; avow; declare.
-pro-fess'ed-ly, adv.- pro-fes'sion, n.
An occupation that involves a liberal educa-
tion, and mental rather than manual labor.
2. The act of professing, or that which is pro-

fessed.-pro-fes'sion-al, a. Pertaining to a
profession, or business.-pro-fes'sion-al-ly,
adv.-pro-fes'sor, n. 1. A public teacher
of the highest grade. 2. One who makes
profession, as of religion.- profes-so'ri-ai,
a. -ly, adv.-pro-fes'sor-ship, n.
prof'fer, 1 pref'ar; 2 prof'ĕr. I. vt.
offer. II. n.
An offer, or something
pro-fi'cient, 1 pro-fish'ent; 2 pro-fish'ěnt.
I. a. Thoroughly versed, as in art. II.



An expert; adept.- pro-fi'cien-cy, n. pro-fi'ciencet.-pro-fi'cient-ly, adv. pro'file, 1 prō'fil or -fail; 2 prō'fil or -fil, n. An outline, as of a face seen from the side; side-view.

prof'itd, 1 pref'it; 2 prof'it, v. I. t. To be of profit to. II. i. 1. To obtain profit. 2. To be of advantage.

prof'it, n. 1. Valuable return from labor;
benefit; gain. 2. Excess of returns over
outlay.prof'it-a-bl (eP, a. Remunerative:
advantageous.- prof'it-a-bl (e-ness, n.-
prof'it-a-bly, adv.- prof'it-less, a.
prof'li-gate, 1 pref'li-git; 2 prof li-gat. I.
II. n. A de-
praved or abandoned person. -ly, adv.-
prof'll-ga-cy, n. prof'll-gate-ness‡.
pro-found', 1 pro-faund'; 2 pro-found', a.
Deep; complete; thorough; abstruse.
-ly, adv.-pro-fun'di-ty, n. The state of
being profound. pro-found❜ness‡.
pro-fuse', 1 pro-fius'; 2 pro-fus', a. Abun-
dant; copious; overflowing. -ly, adv.-
-ness, n.-pro-fu'sion, n. Exuberance;

a. Abandoned to vice.

I. t.

moving forward; advancement.- pro-gres'-
sion, n. The act of progressing; advance-
ment.-pro-gres'sion-al, a.-pro-gres'-
siv (es, a. -ly, adv. -ness, n.-pro-gres'-
sive, n. 1. An advocate of progress. 2. [P-]
A member of the political party formed by
Theodore Roosevelt in 1912.
pro-hib'itd, 1 pro-hib'it; 2 pro-hib'it, vt.
To forbid; interdict; hinder.- pro"h:-bl'-
tion, n. The act of prohibiting anything,
as the sale of intoxicants.- pro"hi-bi'tion-
ist, n. One who favors prohibition.-pro-
hib'i-tiv (es,a. Tending to prohibit.-i-to-ryt.
pro-ject', 1 pro-jekt'; 2 pro-jěct', v.
1. To shoot forth; send out. 2. To con-
trive or plan. II. i. To stand out; jut
out.-pro-jec'til (e". I. a. Impelling for-
ward. II. n. A missile; shot.- pro-jec'-
tion, n. The act of projecting; a prom-
inence; scheme; project; map or drawing
showing something, as in relief.- pro-jec'-
tor, n.
project, 1 prej'ekt; 2 proj'ěet, n. A plan;
pro"le-ta'ri-at, 1 pro"li-te'ri-at; 2 prō'le-
ta'ri-ăt. 1. Formerly, the lower classes;
peasantry. 2. In modern socialistic use,
wage workers collectively; working men
and their families.-pro"le-taʼri-an, a. & n.
pro-lif'ic, 1 pro-lif'ik; 2 pro-lif'ie, a. Pro-
ducing abundantly; fertile.

prolix, 1 pro 'liks or pro-liks'; 2 proʻliks or
pro-liks', a. Using or containing too
many words; verbose; tedious.-pro-lix'l-ty,
n. pro-lix'nesst.
pro 'logue, introduction or preface, as to
pro'log, 1 prō'leg; 2 prō'lŏğ, n.

a poem.


pro-long’, 1 pro-lēn; 2 pro-lông, . To lengthen; extend.-pro"lon-ga'tion, n. prom"e-nade', 1 prem"-nad'; 2 prom'enäd'. I. vi. [-NAD'EDd; -NAD'ING.] To take a promenade. II. n. 1. A walk for

1:artistic, art; fat, färe; fast; get, prēy; hit, police; obey, gō; net,ōr; full, rûle; but, būrn.


amusement or exercise. 2. A place for promenading.

Pro-me'the-an, 1 pro-mi'thi-an; 2 pro-mē'the-an, a. Of, pertaining to, or like Prometheus: in Greek mythology, son of the Titan Iapetus, chained to a rock by Zeus because he gave fire to the human race. prom'i-nent, 1 prem'i-nent; 2 prom'i-něnt,


Jutting out; projecting; conspicuous; eminent.- prom'l-nence, n. The state of being prominent; something prominent. prom'i-nen-cy‡.- prom'i-nent-ly, adv. pro-mis'cu-ous, 1 pro-mis'kiu-us; 2 promis'eū-ŭs, .. Mixed; indiscriminate. -ly, adv. -ness, n.

prom'ise, 1 prem'is; 2 prom'is. I. vt. & prom'iss, vi. [PROM'ISED, PROM'ISTS; PROM'IS-ING.] 1. To agree to do or not to do. 2. To afford hope or expectation. II. n. 1. A declaration binding to do or not to do a specified act. 2. Reasonable

ground for hope or expectation. 3. Some thing promised.-prom"is-ee', n. The person to whom a promise is made.- prom'isor, n. The person who makes a promise. prom'is-ert.- prom'is-ing, pa. Giving ground for favorable expectations; affording promise.- prom'is-so-ry, a. Containing a promise; of the nature of a promise. prom'on-to"ry, 1 prem'an-to"ri; 2 prom'on-to"ry, n. [-RIES", pl.] A high point of land extending into the sea; a headland. pro-mote', 1 pro-mot'; 2 pro-mot', vt. [PRO-MOT'ED; PRO-MOT'ING.] 1. To foster; encourage; advance. 2. To raise to greater dignity or honor.- pro-mot'er, n.— pro-mo'tion, n.-pro-mo❜tiv (es,, a. prompt, 1 prompt; 2 prompt. Id. vt. To incite; instigate; help by suggestion; suggest. II. a. Acting, or ready to act, at the moment. -ly, adv. -ness, n.- prompt'er, n.-promp'ti-tude, n. Promptness; readiness; alertness.

pro-mul'gate, 1 pro-mul'gēt; 2 pro-můl'gāt, vt. [-GAT"EDd; -GAT"ING.] To announce officially; make known.-pro"mulga'tion, n.

prone, 1 prōn; 2 prōn, a. 1. Lying flat_or with face downward; prostrate. 2. Inclined; strongly disposed.

prong, 1 prēn; 2 prông, n. A sharp pointed instrument, as a tine of a fork or the like.


pro'noun, 1 prō'naun; 2 pro'noun, n. word used instead of a noun.-pro-nom'lnal, a. Of, pertaining to, or like a pronoun. pro-nom'i-nal-ly, ado. pro-nounce', 1 pro-nauns'; 2 pro-nounç', vt. & vi. [PRO-NOUNCED't; PRO-NOUNC'ING.] To articulate; utter formally; declare.- pronounce'a - bl(eP, a.- pro

produce propinquity

nounced', pa. Of marked character; decided.-pro-nounc'er, n.-pro-nun"cl-a'tion, 1 pro-nun'sı-[or -shi-je'shan; 2 pronun çi-[or -chi-jā'shon, n. The act or manner of pronouncing words.

proof, 1 prüf; 2 proof. I. a. 1. Employed in or connected with proving or correcting. 2. Firm; impenetrable. 3. Of standard alcoholic strength. II. n. 1. The act of proving; convincing evidence. 2. The standard strength of alcoholic liquors. 3. A printed trial-sheet, as for correction.

prop, 1 prep; 2 prop. I. nt. [PROPPED, PROPTS; PROPPING.] To support so as to keep from falling; sustain. II. n. A support.

prop"a-gan'da, 1 prēp"ə-gan’də; 2 pròp”a-ğan'da, n. An institution or scheme for propagating a doctrine or system.prop"a-gan'dism, n.- prop"a-gan'dist, n. prop a-gate, 1 prep'a-get; 2 prop'a-gāt, v. [-GATED; -GAT"ING.] I. t. To generate; produce; spread; diffuse; disseminate. II. i. To be produced or multiplied by generation.-prop"a-ga'tion, n.-prop'a ga"tiv (es, a.- prop'a-ga"tor, n.

pro-pel', 1 pro-pel'; 2 pro-pěl', vt. [PROPELLED', PRO-PELD'S; PRO-PEL'LING.] To drive or urge forward; force onward.-propel'ler, n. One who or that which propels; a screw for propelling, or a vessel driven by it.

pro-pen'si-ty, 1 pro-pen'sı-ti; 2 pro-pen'si-ty, n. [-TIES, pl.] Mental disposition to good or (oftener) to evil; tendency; inclination.

1. Fit; prop'er, 1 prep'ar; 2 prop'er, a. becoming; correct. 2. Naturally belong3. ing to a person or thing; one's own. Belonging, as a name, to a single individual. -ly, ado.

prop'er-ty, 1 prep'ar-ti; 2 prop'er-ty, n. [-TIES, pl.] Anything that may be owned; ownership; a distinguishing quality. proph'e-cy,1 prof'i-s1; 2 prof'e-cy, n. prof'e-cy3, [-CIES, pl. 1. An inspired prediction; any prediction. 2. Discourse under divine inspiration. proph'e-sy, 1 pref'i-sai; 2 prof'e-si, vt. & prof'e-sy3, vi. [-SIED; -SY"ING.] 1. To foretell, as by inspiration. 2. To speak under divine influence.

proph'et, 1 pref'it; 2 prof'et, n. One who prof'et", delivers divine messages or fore

tells the future.- proph'et-ess, n. fem.pro-phet'ic, a. Pertaining to a prophet or prophecy. pro-phet'i-cal‡.- pro-phet'ical-ly, adv.

pro-pin'qui-ty, 1 pro-pin'kwi-ti; 2 propin'kwi-ty, n. Nearness; kinship.

1: a = final; 1= habit; alsle; au= out; eil; lù = feud; chin; go; n=sing; thin, this.

propitiate proximo

pro-pi'ti-ate, 1 pro-pish'-ct; 2 pro-pish'iat, vt. & vi. [-AT"EDd; -AT"ING.] To appease; conciliate.-pro-pl"ti-a'tion, n. 1. The act of propitiating. 2. That which propitiates.-pro-pl'ti-a-to-ry, a. Pertaining to or causing propitiation. pro-pi'tious, 1 pro-pish'us; 2 pro-pish'us, a. Kindly disposed; auspicious; favorable. -ly, adv. -ness, n.

pro-por'tion, 1 pro-pōr'shan; 2 pro-pōr'shon. I. vt. 1. To form; make symmetrical. 2. To separate into portions. II. n. 1. Relative magnitude, number, or degree. 2. Fitness and harmony; symmetry. 3. A proportionate share; any share or part. 4. An equality or identity between ratios.- pro-por'tion-al, a. Being in due proportion; relating to proportion. pro-por'tion-ate‡.- pro-por'tion-ally, adv. pro-por'tion-ate-ly‡. pro-pose', 1 pro-pōz'; 2 pro-pōs', v. [-POSED'; -POS'ING.] I. t. 1. To offer for acceptance. 2. To purpose; intend. II. i. To plan; make an offer, especially of marriage.-pro-po'sal, n. An offer, or that which is offered.-pro-pos'er, n.-prop"osi'tion, n. 1. Something proposed; a statement to be proved; the act of proposing. 2. A statement forming a complete sentence. pro-pound'd, 1 pro-paund'; 2 pro-pound', vt. To state formally for consideration or solution.-pro-pound'er, n. pro-pri'e-tor, 1 pro-prai'i-tar or -ter; 2 pro-pri'e-tor, n. An owner.- pro-pri'e-tary, 1 pro-prai'i-te-ri; 2 pro-pri'e-ta-ry. I. a. Pertaining to a proprietor. II. n. [-RIES2,

pl.] A proprietor, or a body of proprietors.pro-pri'e-tor-ship, n.-pro-pri'e-tress, n. fem. pro-pri'e-trix+.

pro-pri'e-ty, 1 pro-prai'i-ti; 2 pro-pri'e-ty, n. [-TIES2, pl.] Becomingness; fitness;


pro-pul'sion, 1 pro-pul'shan; 2 pro-půl'shon, n. The act or operation of propelling.-pro-pul'siv (es, a. Tending to propel. pro ra'ta. In proportion; as, increase or de

crease pro rata. pro-rogue', 1 pro-rōg'; 2 pro-rōg', vt. [PRO-ROGUED'; PRO-ROGU'ING.] 1. To terminate by royal command (a session of the British Parliament). 2. To put off or delay.-pro"ro-ga'tion, n. pro-sa'ic, 1 pro-zē'ik; 2 pro-ṣā'ic, a. 1. Unimaginative; commonplace. 2. Pertaining to or having the form of prose. -l-cal‡.- pro-sa'i-cal-ly, adv. pro-scribe', 1 pro-skraib'; 2 pro-serīb', vt. [PRO-SCRIBED; PRO-SCRIB'ING.] To outlaw; ostracize; denounce; condemn.-proscrib'er, n.- pro-scrip'tion, n. Interdic


tion; ostracism; outlawry.-pro-scrip'tiv (es, a.

prose, 1 prōz; 2 prōg. I. vt. & vi. [PROSED; PROS'ING.] To write or say in a dull man

ner. II. a. Prosaic; prosy. III. n.

Speech or writing without meter. pros'e-cute, 1 pres'i-kiut; 2 pros'e-cut, v. [-CUT "ED; -CUT "ING.] I. t. 1. To pursue or follow up; carry on. 2. To bring a legal suit or charge against; seek to enforce, as a claim, by legal process. II. i. To begin and carry on a legal proceeding. - pros"e-cu'tion, n. The act of prosecuting; the party prosecuting.- pros'e-cu"tor, n.-pros'e-cu-trix, n. fem.


pros'e-lyte, 1, pres'i-lait; 2 pros'e-lit. vt. [-LYT"EDd; -LYT "ING.] To win over to a different religion or party. pros'e-ly-tize or -tiset. II. n. A convert.- pros'e-lytism, n. The making of converts. pros'o-dy, 1 pres'o-di; 2 pros'o-dy, n. The science of poetical forms.- pros'o-dist, n. pros'pect, 1 pres'pekt; 2 pros'peet. Id. vt. & vi. To explore; view; survey. II. A view; outlook; reasonable expectation.-pro-spec'tiv (es, a. 1. Being still in the future; expected. 2. Looking to the future. -ly, adv.- pros'pec-tor, n. pros'. pect-ert.- pro-spec'tus, n. A plan; summary; outline.


pros'per, 1 pros'par; 2 pros'per, rt. & vi. To make or be successful; thrive; succeed.

pros-per'i-ty, n. The state of being prosperous.- pros'per-ous, a. 1. Successful; flourishing. 2. Favoring; auspicious.— pros'per-ous-ly, adv.

pros'ti-tute, 1 pres'ti-tiut; 2_pros'ti-tūt. I. vt. [-TUTED; -TUTING.] To apply to base or vile purposes. II. a. Surrendered to base or vicious purposes. III. A base hireling; a lewd woman.- pros"ti-tu'tion, n. The act of prostituting.


pros'trate, 1 pres'trēt; 2 pros'trāt. I. vt. [PROS'TRATED; PROS TRAT "ING.] 1. To lay or throw down flat; overthrow. 2. To reduce to extreme weakness. II. a. Lying flat; overthrown or overcome; prostrated.-pros-tra'tion, n.

pros'y, 1 prōz'ı; 2 prōs'y, a. [PROS'I-ER; PROS'I-EST.] Tiresome; dull. pro'te-an, 1 prō'ti-an; 2 prō'te-an, a.


suming various forms; changeable. pro-tect'd, 1 pro-tekt'; 2 pro-těet', vt. To preserve in safety; guard; defend.-pro-tec'tion, n. The act of protecting; a protected condition; that which protects; a system of duties designed to favor home industries.pro-tec'tion-ist, n. One who favors protection.-pro-tec'tiv (es, a. Affording or suitable for protection; sheltering.-protec'tor, n. One who protects; a defender.

1: artistic, art; fat, fare; fast; get, prēy; hit, police; obey, gō; net,ōr; full, rule; but, būrn.


pro-tect'ert.-pro-tec'tor-ate, n. The pro-
tection and partial control of a weak nation
by a stronger.- pro-tec'tor-ship, n.- pro-
tec'tress, n. fem.

pro"té"gé', 1 pro"tē"zē'; 2 prō"tę"zhe', n.
[-GÉE', 1 -3ē'; 2 -zhe', fem.] One specially
cared for by another.
pro'te-id, 1 prō'ti-id; 2 prō'te-ld, n.

One of a

number of compounds which are essential elements of living cells and also of the diet of animals.-pro'te-in, n. A compound obtained from proteids. pro-test'd, 1 pro-test'; 2 pro-těstí, v.

propitiate proximo

cure, or furnish for future use; supply: stipulate.-pro-vid'ed, conj. On condition.

prov'i-dence, n. 1. The care exercised by the Supreme Being over the universe; also, a providential event or circumstance. 2. [P-] Hence, the Deity. 3. The exercise of foresight.- prov'i-dent, a. Exercising foresight; economical. -ly, adv.- prov"i-den'tial, a. Resulting from or exhibiting the action of God's providence. -ly, adv.-provid'er, n.

prov'ince,, 1 prev'ins; 2 prov'inç, n. A large division of a country; a department; sphere.-pro-vin'cial. I. a. Pertaining to a province; local; narrow. II. n. An inhabitant of a province.- pro-vin'cial-ism, n. pro-vin'cial-ly, adv.

I. t. To assert earnestly; declare solemnly; formally declare the non-payment of. II. i. To enter a protest; make a solemn asseveration or objection.- Prot'es-tant. I. a. 1. Pertaining to Protestants or to Prot-pro-vi'sion, 1 pro-viz'ən; 2 pro-vizh'on. estantism. 2. [p-] Making a protest. II. n. A member of one of those bodies of Christians opposed to Roman Catholicism.-pro-test'er, n.- Prot'es-tant-ism, n. The principles and doctrines of Protestant churches. · prot"es-ta'tion, n. The act of protesting, or that which is protested. pro'test, 1 prō'test; 2 prō'těst, n. The act of protesting; solemn or formal objection; declaration of non-payment, as of a note.

pro'to-plasm, 1 prō'to-plazm; 2 prō'toplăsm, n. A semiliquid, viscid sub

stance that forms the principal portion of
an animal or vegetable cell.

pro'to-type, 1 prō'to-taip; 2 prō'to-tip, n.
A primitive form; original.
pro-tract'd, 1 pro-trakt'; 2 pro-trået', vt.
To extend; lengthen; prolong.-pro-trac'-
tion, n.

pro-trude', 1 pro-trud'; 2 pro-trud', vt. &
push or thrust out; project outward.-pro-
tru'sion, n.-pro-tru'siv (es, a.
pro-tu'ber-ant, 1 pro-tiū'bər-ənt; 2 pro-
tü'bĕr-ant, a. Swelling out; bulging.-
pro-tu'ber-ance, n.

proud, 1 praud; 2 proud, a. 1. Feeling or
manifesting pride; arrogant; haughty. 2.
Being a cause of honorable pride. -ly, adv.
prove, 1 prův; 2 prov, v. [PROVED; PROV'-
ING.] I. t. 1. To establish by evidence.
2. To test. 3. To learn by experience.
II. i. To turn out, or be found to be.
prov'en-der, 1 prov'en-dar; 2 prov'ěn-der,
n. Food for cattle; provisions generally.
prov'erb, 1 prev'arb; 2 prov'erb, n. A
brief, pithy saying; a maxim; byword.
-pro-ver'bi-al, a. 1. Pertaining to or like
a proverb. 2. Well-known; notorious.- pro-
ver'bi-al-ly, adv.

I. vt. To furnish with food. II. n. 1. Measures taken in advance. 2. A supply of food. 3. A stipulation.-pro-vi'sional, a. Temporary. -ly, adv. pro-vi'so, 1 pro-vai'zō; 2 pro-vi'so, n. A conditional stipulation.-pro-vi'so-ry, a. Containing or made dependent on a proviso. -pro-vi'so-ri-ly, adv.

pro-voke', 1 pro-vōk'; 2 pro-vōk', v.[PRO-
VOKED'; PRO-VOK'ING.] I. t. 1. To of-
fend. 2. To stimulate. 3. To occasion;
to elicit. II. i. To produce resentment.
prov"o-ca'tion, n. 1. The act of provok-
ing. 2. An incitement to action.-pro-
voc'a-tiv (es, 1 pro-vek'a-tiv or -vō'kə-tiv; 2
pro-vŎe'a-tiv or -vō'ea-tiv. I. a. Serving to
provoke. II. n. That which provokes, or
tends to provoke or stimulate.
prov'ost, 1 prev'ast or pro"vō'; 2 prov'ost
or pro"vo', n. A magistrate; college of-
ficer.- provost marshal, a military or naval
officer exercising various police functions.
prow, 1 prau; 2 prow, n. The fore part of
a vessel's hull;


the bow; stem.
prow'ess, 1 prau'es;
2 prow'ěs
Strength, skill,
and intrepidity in

prowl, 1 praul;_2
prowl, vt. & vi. To
roam about
stealthily, as in
search of prey.-
prowl'er, n.
preksi-mit; 2
proks'i-mat, a.
Near; next.- prox'-
1-mate-ly, adv.-

Prow of a


prox-im'i-ty, n. The state of being near. prox'i-mo, 1 proks'i-mo; 2 proks'i-mō, adv.

pro-vide', 1 pro-vaid'; 2 pro-vid', vt. & vi. [PRO-VID'ED; PRO-VID'ING.] To make, pro1: >= final; 1= habit; aisle; au= out; oil; lũ = feud; chin; go; n=sing; thin, this.


In or of the coming month: abbreviated prox.

prox'y, 1 preks'1; 2 proks'y, n. [PROX'IESZ,
pl.] A substitute empowered to act for
/ another, the right so to act, or the instru-
ment conferring it.

prude, 1 prūd; 2 prud, n. One who makes
an affected display of modesty.- prud'-
er-y, n. Primness; assumed coyness.-
prud'ish, a.- prud'ish-ly, adv.
pru'dent, 1 prū'dent; 2 pry'děnt, a. Cau-
tious; judicious; sagacious; foreseeing;
provident; economical. -ly, adv.- pru'-
dence, n. The quality of being prudent;
sagacity; economy; discretion.- pru-den'-
tial, a. -ly, adv.

prune, 1 prun; 2 prụn, vt. & vi. [PRUNED;
PRUN'ING.] To cut off superfluous
branches; trim; dress, as a bird its
feathers.- prun'er, n.

prune, n. 1. The dried fruit of the plum.
2. A plum.

pruʼri-ent, 1 prü'ri-ent; 2 pru'ri-ěnt, a.
Impure in thought and desire.
Prus'sian, 1 prush'an; 2 prush'an. I. a.
Pertaining to Prussia, in Germany. II. n.
A citizen of Prussia.- prussian blue, a col-
oring substance used in dyeing, etc.-prus'-
sic, 1 prus'ik; 2 průsie, a. Pertaining to
Prussian blue.— prussic acid, an extremely
poisonous liquid compound. hydrocyanic
pry1, 1 prai; 2 pri. I. vt. & vi. [PRIED;
PRY'ING. To observe carefully or slyly;
scrutinize. II. n. [PRIES2, pl.] A sly
and searching inspection.

[blocks in formation]


hood or wo- 1. Summer plumage. 2. Winmanhood. ter plumage. pub'lic, 1 pub'lık; 2 pub'lie. I. a. taining to the public at large; open to all; well-known. II. n. The people collectively.- public house. 1. An inn, tavern, or hotel. 2. [Eng.] A liquor-saloon. -pub'll-can, n. 1. [Eng.] The keeper of a public house. 2. Rom. Hist. One who farmed or collected the public revenues; a tax-gatherer.- pub”li-ca'tion, n. 1. The act of publishing. 2. A newspaper, magazine, etc.-pub-lic'l-ty, n. The state of being public.- pub'lic-ly, adv. pub'lisht, 1 pub'lish; 2 publish, vt.



To make known publicly; circulate. To issue, as from the press.- pub'lish-er, n. pry2. I. vt. [PRIED; PRY'ING.] To act on puck'er, 1 puk'ar; 2 pŭk'ēr. I. vt. & vi. To gather into small wrinkles; corrugate. or move with a lever. II. n. A lever. II. n. psalm, 1 sām; 2 säm, n. A sacred song or A wrinkle, or group of wrinkles. 1. A lyric.- psalm'ist, n. A composer of psalms. pud'ding, 1 pud'in; 2 puding, n. dessert of soft food. 2. A large sausage. pud'dle, 1 pud'l; 2 půd'l. I. vt. [PUD'pud'le, DLED, PUD'LDP; PUD'DLING.] 1. To convert (melted pig iron) into wrought iron by melting and stirring. 2. To make muddy. II. n. A small pool of dirty water.- pud'dler, n.

1. Psalm-singing.

- psal'mo-dy, n. 2. A collection of psalms. Psal'ter, 1 sel'tar; 2 sal'ter, n. The Book of Psalms.- psal'ter-ÿ, n. [-IESZ, pl.] 1. A Hebrew stringed musical instrument. 2. A Psalter.




nim; 2 sū'do-ným, n. A

fictitious name; pen- Psaltery. name, as of a writer-pseu-don'y-mous, a. psy'chic, 1 sai'kık, -ki-kal; 2 si'eie, psy'chi-cal, -ei-cal, a. Pertaining to the mind or soul.

psy-chol'o-gy, 1 sai-kel'o-j1; 2 si-cŏl'o-gy, n. The science of the human soul and its operations.- psy"cho-log'l-cal, a. psy"cho-log'ict. psy"cho-log'l-cal-ly, adv.psy-chol'o-gist, n.

ptar'mi-gan, 1 tar'mi-gan; 2 tärʼmi-gan, n.


pu'er-ile, 1 più'ər-il; 2 pū'ĕr-il, a.
pu'er-ils, ish; immature; weak; silly.
puff, 1 puf; 2 pŭf. It. vt. & vi. To in-
puf, flate; swell; praise fulsomely; pant;
breathe hard. II. n. 1. A sudden,
forcible breath; a whiff. 2. Public and
fulsome praise. 3. A spongy or fluffy
article.- puff'y, a.

pug, 1 pug; 2 půğ, n. 1. A pug-dog. 2.
A monkey.- pug'-dog", n. A small, short-
haired dog with upturned nose.- pug'
nose", n. A short nose, slightly turned up
at the end; a snub-nose.

1: artistic, art; fat, fare; fast; get, prēy; hit, police; obey, gō; not,ōr: full, rûle; but, bürn.

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