Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση


bar'ren, 1 bar'en; 2 băr'ěn.

I. a. Sterile: unproductive; dull. II. n. A tract of barren land. -ly, adv. -ness, n. bar"ri-cade', 1 bar"ı-kēd': 2 băr"i-kād'. I. ot. [-CAD'EDd; -CAD'ING.] To defend with a barricade. II. n. A defensive barrier closing a passage. bar"ri-ca'dot. bar'ri-er, 1 bar'ı-ar; 2 băr'i-er, n. Something that obstructs progress; a boundary; obstruction.

barʼris-ter, 1 bar'is-tar; 2 băr'is-ter, n. Eng. Law. An advocate; lawyer; attorney. bar'room", 1 bārʼrūm"; 2 bär'room", n. A room where liquors and refreshments are served. [vehicle propelled by hand. bar'row1, 1 bar'o; 2 băr'o, n. A small bar'row2, n. A burial-mound; cairn; heap. bar'tend"er, 1 bar'tend"ər; 2 bär'těnd"ĕr,


One who serves liquors, etc., at a bar. bar'ter, 1 bār'tər; 2 bär'ter. I. vt. & vi. To exchange; trade by exchange of commodities. II. n The exchanging of commodities, or a commodity given in exchange.

bar'y-tone, 1 bar'ı-tōn; 2 băr'y-tōn. I. a. Mus. Having a register higher than bass and lower than tenor. II. n. Mus. A barytone male voice, or a person having such a voice.

ba'sal, 1 be'sal; 2 bā'sal, a. Pertaining to, of, or at the base; fundamental. ba-salt', 1 ba-solt'; 2 ba-salt', n. A darkcolored igneous rock, often of columnar structure.-ba-salt'ic, a.

base, 1 bēs; 2 bās, vt. [BASED; BAS'ING.]

To place upon a base or basis; establish. base, a. 1. Low; ignoble; abject. 2. Mus. Bass. -ly, adv. -ness, n.- base' born", a. Born out of wedlock; also, of low birth; plebeian. base, n. 1. The lowest part; foundation. 2. Mus. Bass. 3. Chem. A compound capable of forming a salt with an acid. 4. Mil. A basis of operations or of supplies.-base'less, a. Without foundation; un founded; groundless.- base'ment, n. The

ground floor of a building, beneath the prin

cipal story.

base 'ball", 1 bēs'bōl"; 2 bās bal", n. A game played with bat and ball about four bases. ba-shaw', 1 ba-she'; 2 ba-sha', n. See PASHAW. bash'ful, 1 bash'ful; 2 bash'ful, a. Shrinking from notice; shy; timid. -ly, adv. -ness, n. [to, or like a base. wa'sic, 1 be'sık; 2 bā'sie, a. Of, pertaining bas'i-lisk, 1 bas'ı-lisk; 2 băs'i-lísk, n. 1. A fabled deadly serpent. 2. A crested lizard.

ba'sin, 1 be'sn; 2 bā'sn, n. A shallow vessel,

baptize batch

with sloping sides; any similar cavity; a pond; dock; hollow.

ba'sis, 1 be'sis; 2 ba'sis, n. [BA'SES, be'siz; 2 ba'sis, pl.] A support; foundation; chief ingredient. [as in warmth. baskt, 1 busk; 2 båsk, vi. To luxuriate, bas'ket, 1 bas'ket; 2 bȧs'kět, n. 1. A vessel of interwoven twigs, splints, or strips. 2. What a basket will hold. bas'ketfult. bas'ket-ball", n. A game somewhat resembling football, but without its bas"-re-lief', 1 ba"-ri-lif'; 2 bä"-re-lef', n. roughness. Sculpture in which the figure projects but slightly from the background. bass"-relief't. (or compass. bass, 1 bēs; 2 bas, a. Mus. Low in tone bass, 1 bas; 2 bas, n. One of various foodfishes.

bass, 1 bēs; 2 bās, n. Mus. The lowest tones of the male voice or of an instrument. bass3, 1 bas; 2 bås, n. Same as BASSWOOD. bas-soon', 1 ba-sün'; 2 bă-soon', n. wooden reed-instrument with curved mouthpiece.


bas"so-ri-lie'vo, 1 bāʼso-ri-lyē'vo; 2 bä’so-rīlye'vo, n. Same as BAS-RELIEF. bass vi'ol, 1 bēs vai'al; 2 bās vi'ol. A large bass 'wood", 1 bas'wud"; 2 bas'wood", n. stringed instrument of the violin type. The American linden- or whitewood-tree. basst.

The fibrous inner bast, 1 bast; 2 båst, n. bark of trees; also, cordage, etc., made from it.

basted, vt.

bas'tard, 1 bas'tǝrd; 2 băs'tard. I. a. Illegitimate; spurious. II. n. An illegitbastel, 1 best; 2 bäst, vt. [BAST'EDd; imate child.- bas'tard-y, n. Illegitimacy. BASTING.] To sew loosely together. To cover with gravy or the like while cooking. bas"ti-na'do, 1 bas"ti-ne'do; 2 băs"ti-nā′I. vt. To beat on the soles of the feet; flog. bas"ti-nade't. II. n. A bas'tion, 1 bas'chan; 2 băs'chon, n. A beating on the soles of the feet. projecting part of a fortification.


bat, 1 bat; 2 bắt, vt. & vi. [BAT'TED;

BATTING. To strike with or as with a bat. bat1, n. A stick for striking the ball in baseball, cricket, etc. bat2, n. A nocturnal mammal with limbs connected by a membrane to form wings. batch, 1 bach; 2 bach, bach, n. The dough


for one baking, or the bread, etc., baked; quantity made or done at one time.

::= final; 1= habit; aisle; au ≈ out; efl; iû = feud; chin; go; n=sing; thin, this.

[graphic][graphic][graphic][graphic][graphic][subsumed][merged small]

1. Basswood. 2. White elm. 3. White cedar. 4. White oak. 5. Box-elder. birch. 7. Sweet cherry. 8. Red maple. 9. Black walnut. 10. Horse-chestnut.


6. Yellow 11. Red pine.

[graphic][graphic][graphic][graphic][graphic][graphic][graphic][subsumed][subsumed][merged small][subsumed][graphic][subsumed]

1. Brittle willow. 2. Shagbark hickory. 3. Honey-locust. 4. Chestnut. 5. Blue beech. 6. White spruce. 7. Great laurel. 8. Wich-hazel. 9. Persimmon.

10. Fragrant crab. 11. Hemlock.

12. Sassafras.

bate becalm



showy trinket; toy; wand of a court jester. baw'blet. baulk, v. & n. bawl, 1 bōl; 2 bal, vt. & vi. loudly.

Same as BALK.

To cry or wail

bate, 1 bēt; 2 bat, vt. [BAT'EDd; BAT'ING.] | bau'bl(er, 1 bo'bl; 2 ba'bl, n. A worthless, 1. To lessen; moderate; abate. 2. To deduct. ba-teau', 1 bãā-to'; 2 bä-to', n. [BA-TEAUX', 1-tōz'; 2-tōz', pl.] A flat-bottomed boat; a pontoon for a bridge. bath, 1 bath; 2 bath, n. A bathing; building, room, or receptacle for bathing. bathe, 1 beth; 2 bath, v. [BATHED; BATH'ING. I. t. To wash or immerse; wet; lave. II. t. To take a bath.- bath'er, n. ba'thos, 1 be'thes; 2 bā'thos, n. A ridiculous descent from the lofty to the commonplace in discourse.

bat’on, 1 bat an; 2 bắt’on, n. A short staff or rod.

bats'man, 1 bats'man; 2 băts'man, n. See BATTER3.

bat-tal'ion, 1 ba-tal'yan; 2 bă-tăl'yon, n. Two or more companies of infantry; a body of troops.

bat'ten', 1 bat'n; 2 bat'n, vt. & vi. To
make or grow fat; gratify a craving, as for

bat'ten2, vt. To put battens on.
bat'ten, n. A narrow strip of wood; a cleat.
bat'ter, 1 bat'ar; 2 băt'er, vt. & vi. To
strike repeatedly; beat; dent; mar; deface.
bat'ter1, n. A thick liquid mixture beaten
up for use in cookery.

bat'ter2, n. A heavy blow; also, repeated
blows, or the condition resulting fromthem.
bat'ter3, n. One who uses the bat, as in
baseball. bats'mant.

bat'ter-ing ram", 1 bat'ar-in-ram"; 2
bắter-ing răm",n. Alongbeam,
with heavy head, anciently used
to beat down gates and walls.
bat'ter-y, 1 bat'ar-1; 2 bat'er-y,
n. [-IES, pl.] 1. Mil. (1)
An earthwork enclosing
cannon. (2) A company
of artillerymen or their
guns and other equipment.
2. Elec. A group of cells, dynamos, etc.
3. Law. The unlawful use of force by
one person upon another.
bat'ting, 1 bat'ın; 2 bat'ing, n.


Cotton or wool prepared in sheets; also, the act of batting in any sense of the verb. bat'tle, 1 bat'l; 2băt'l. I. vi. [BAT'TL(E)DP; bat'tle, BATTLING.] To fight; struggle; strive. II. n. 1. A combat between hostile armies or fleets; a fight; conflict; contest. 2. Arms. or an armed force. bat’tle-dore, 1 bat/l-dor; 2 bắt l-dor, n. A light bat used to drive a shuttlecock. bat'tle-ment, 1 bat'l-ment or -mant; 2 bắt’l-ment, n An indented parapet.

bay, 1 bē; 2 ba, vt. & vi. To bark at; drive;
bark hoarsely.
bay, a. Red-brown: said of horses.
bay', n. 1. A body of water partly en-
closed by land; an arm of the sea. 2.
Any recess. 3. A coarse mahogany.
bay' wood"t.
bay2, n. 1. The laurel-tree. bay'stree".
2. A laurel-wreath; poetic renown.
bays, n. A bay horse.

bay, n. 1. A deep bark, as of dogs in
hunting. 2. The situation of a hunted
creature compelled to turn on its pursuers.
bays, n. 1. A large space in a barn for hay.
2. A compartment or division between
piers or columns.

bay'ber"ry, 1 be'ber"1; 2 ba'ber"y, n. One of various trees, as the wax-myrtle or the laurel-tree.

[blocks in formation]


ba-zaar', 1 ba-zar'; 2 ba-zär', n. 1. An
ba-zar', Oriental market-place or range
of shops. 2. A fancy fair for charity.
be, 1 bi; 2 be, vi. To exist; happen.
be-, prefix. By; near; on; about.
forms numerous compounds which are
readily understood by combining the
meaning of the prefix with that of the
second element; as, benumb, betimes.
beach, 1 bich; 2 bech, It. vt. To run or haul
up on a beach. II. n. The sloping shore
of a body of water; a wave-washed margin.
bea'con, 1 bi'kan; 2 be'con.
I. vt. & vi. To light up; shine;
guide by a light. II. n. A
prominent object, set up as a
guide or warning to mariners;
a signal-fire or light.
bead, 1 bid; 2 bed. Id. vt. &
vi. To decorate with or as
with beads; collect in beads:
bubble; foam; sparkle. II. n.
1. A little perforated sphere, Beacon.
or the like, intended to be strung on a
thread. 2. pl. A rosary; hence, prayers.


1: artistic, art; fat, fare; fast; get, prey; hit, police; obey,go; not,or: full, rule; but, burn.


3. A bubble or bubbles of gas on a liquid; froth; a knob used as the front sight of a gun. 4. A small convex molding.bead'y, a.

bea'dler, 1 bi'dl; 2 be'dl, n. [Eng.] A petty parish or university official; a crier or messenger of a court.

bea'gl(er, 1 bi'gl; 2 be'ğl, n. 1. A small hunting-hound.

2. A constable. beak, 1 bik; 2 bēk, n. The projecting jaws of a bird; bill; also, the prow of a ship. beak'er, 1 bik'ar; 2 bek'ēr, n. A large goblet.

beam, 1 bim; 2 bēm, v.


The oval edible seed

I. t. 1. To send out as rays of light. 2. To furnish with beams. 3. To burnish. II. i. To shine; be radiant.-beam'ing, pa. Radiant; bright; beam, n. 1. A long horizontal piece of wood, stone, or metal in the frame of a building. 2. The bar of a balance. 3. A ray of light, or a group of rays.- beam'y, 1 bim'1: 2 bēm'y, a. 1. Radiant; joyous; gladsome. 2. Like a beam; massive. bean, 1 bin; 2 bên, n. of certain plants; a plant that bears beans. bear1, 1 bar; 2 bâr, vt. & vi. [BORE Or BARE; BORNE Or BORN; BEAR'ING.] 1. To support at rest; sustain. 2. To support in motion; carry. 3. To show; display; exhibit. 4. To suffer; endure; hold; maintain. 5. To produce; give birth to; yield fruit. 6. To conduct (oneself); behave. -bear'a-bl(eP, a. Capable of being borne. bear'a-bly, adv.- bear'er, n. One who or that which bears or has in possession. bear'ing, n. 1. The act of sustaining, producing, etc. 2. Deportment; manner. 3. Relation; meaning. 4. A part (of a machine) that rests on something, or on which something rests. 5. A heraldic device. bear2, vt. [U. S.] Finance. To depress the price of (stocks, etc.).

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bear, n.

1. A large carnivorous animal, with massive body and short tail. 2. A speculator who seeks to depress

prices. 3. One of

two constella

[blocks in formation]

bear'lsh, a. Like a bear; rough; surly. American Black Bear. 1/90 beard, 1, bird; 2 berd. Id. vt. To take by the beard; defv. II. n. The hair on a man's face, especially on the chin; also, any similar growth or

bate becalm

appendage; an awn, as of grass; the barb of an arrow, etc.- beard'ed, a. Having a beard.- beard'less, a. Without a beard; young; inexperienced. beast, 1 bist; 2 best, n.. 1. One of the inferior animals; a quadruped. 2. A rude or filthy person.- beast'ly, a.

beat, 1 bit; 2 bēt, v. [BEAT; BEAT'EN OF BEAT; BEAT'ING.] I. t. 1. To strike repeatedly. 2. To excel; overcome; vanquish. 3. To range over in hunting. II. 2. 1. To strike repeated blows; throb; pulsate. 2. Naut. To work up against the wind by tacking. 3. To conquer; win. beat, 1 bit; 2 bēt, n. 1. A stroke or blow; a pulsation. 2. A space regularly travbe-at'i-fy, 1 bi-at'i-fai; 2 be-ǎt'i-fi, vt. ersed, as by a sentry or a policeman. [-FIED; -FY "ING.] To make supremely happy; enroll among the saints.- be"a-tif'ic, 1 bi"a-tif'ık; 2 bē"a-tif'ie, a. Imparting or expressing supreme happiness; blissful.-beat"i-fi-ca'tion, 1 bi-at"-fi-ke'shan; 2 beǎt"i-fi-ca'shon, n. The act of blessing, or the state of being blessed.


be-at'i-tude, 1 bi-at'ı-tiūd; 2 be-ǎt'i-tūd, Supreme blessedness; a declaration of beau, 1 bō; 2 bō, n. blessedness, as in Matt. v, 3-11. [BEAUS or BEAUX, 1 bōz; 2 bōg, pl.] 1. A ladies' man; a dandy. 2. [Colloq. An escort or lover. beau'si-de'al, 1 bo'-ai-di'al; 2 bō'-i-de'al, n The highest conceivable type of excel lence.

beau'te-ous, 1 biù'ti-us; 2 bū'te-ŭs, a beu'te-ous", Full of beauty; beautiful. -ly, adv. -ness, n.


beau'ti-ful, 1 biu'ti-ful; 2 bū'ti-ful, a. beu'ti-ful", Possessing conspicuous beauty; fair. -ly, adv.- beau'ti-fy, 1 biù'ti-fai; 2 bü'ti-fi, ut. & vi. [-FIED; -FY "ING.] make or grow beautiful; adorn. beau'ty, 1 biù'ti; 2 bū'ty, n. [BEAU'TIES", beu'ty?, pl.] 1. That which charms the

1. An

eye; harmonious perfection of form. 2. A person or thing that is beautiful. beaux, 1 bōz; 2 bōz, n. Plural of BEAU. bea'ver1, 1 bi'var; 2 be'věr, n. amphibious rodent noted for skill in damming streams, and valued for its fur. 2. The fur of the beaver, or a hat made of it; a high silk hat. bea'ver2, n. A movable piece of medieval armor covering the lower part of the face.


be-calm', 1 bi-kam'; 2 be-cäm', vt. To final; 1= habit; aisle; au out; ell; iu feud; chin; go; n=sing; thin, this.

1: a=

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