Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

became believe

make calm; still; delay (a ship, etc.), by a calm. (BECOME, v. be-came', 1 bi-kem'; 2 be-eam', imp. of be-cause', 1 bi-koz'; 2 be-eas'. I. adv. By reason (of). II. conj. For the reason that since. To beckon.

beckt, 1 bek; 2 běk, rt. & vi.

beck1, n. A nod or other sign of wish or
[which it runs.
beck2, n. A small brook, or the valley in
beck'on, 1 bek'n; 2 běk'n, v. I. t.


summon by gesture. II. i. To signal, as with the hand. be-come', 1 bi-kum'; 2 be-com', v. [BEbe-cum3, CAME'; BE-COME'; BE-COM'ING.] I. t. 1. To accord with; befit. 2. To set off; grace. II. i. 1. To come to a state or condition; begin; come to pass. 2. To be fit or suitable. be-com'ing, 1 bi-kum'ın; 2 be-com'ing, be-cum'ing, pa. Appropriate; suitable; pleasing. -ly, adv..

Becque rel' rays, 1 bek"rel'; 2 běe"rěl'. Invisible rays emitted by uranium and polonium.

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bed, 1 bed; 2 běd. I. vt. & vi. [BED'DEDd;
BED'DING. To put to bed; plant in a bed;
sleep. II. n. 1. Something for sleeping
in or on; a couch. 2. A place for plants;
a layer; stratum; foundation or support.
bed'cham"ber, n. A sleeping-room.
be-dab'ble, 1 bi-dab'l; 2 be-dăb'l, vt.
be-dab'l, [-BLED, BLDP; -BLING.] To
sprinkle; splash; dabble.
be-daub', 1 bi-dob'; 2 be-dab', vt.
smear; soil; abuse; bedizen; "flatter.
bed'ding, 1 bed'in; 2 běd'ing, n.
nishings for a bedstead; materials for a
bed; a foundation.



be-deck't, 1 bi-dek'; 2 be-děk', vt. To deck;
[ten with or as with dew.
be-dew', 1 bi-diù'; 2 be-du', vt. To mois-
be-dim', 1 bi-dim'; 2 be-dim', vt. [BE-
make dim; obscure.

be-diz'en, 1 bi-diz'n; 2 be-diz'n, vt.

To dress out; adorn with tawdry splendor. be-diz'zent.

bed 'room", 1 bed'rüm"; 2 běd'room", n. A bedchamber.

bed'stead, 1 bed'sted; 2 běd'stěd, n. A
bed'steds, framework for supporting a
mattress, bedding, etc.

bee, 1 bf; 2 be, n. 1. A social honey-
gathering insect. 2. A gathering of neigh-
bors or friends
for work or amuse-
ment.-bee' hive",
n. A hive for bees;
a place filled with
busy workers.-
beeline, n. The
shortest course from
one place to an-


beech, 1 bich; 2bech,


A forest tree of the oak family, with hard wood. beech'en, a. Pertaining to the beechtree or its wood. beech'nut", n. The

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Leaves and Fruit of the

edibletriangular nut, English Beech. the fruit of the beech. beech'-mast"+. beef, 1 bif; 2 bef, n. 1. The flesh of a slaughtered adult bovine animal. [BEEVES, pl.] Any adult bovine animal. - beef'steak", 1 bif'stek"; 2 bēr'stāk", n. A slice of beef for broiling.


been, 1 bin or bin; 2 bin or ben, pp. of BE, V. beer, 1 bir; 2 bēr, n. An alcoholic fermented liquor.

bees'wax", 1 biz'waks"; 2 bes'waks", n. The wax of which honey bees make their comb.

beet, 1 bit; 2 bēt, n. The fleshy edible

root of a biennial herb; also, the plant. bee'tl(eP1, 1 bi'tl; 2 be'tl, vi. [BEE'TL (L)DP; BEE'TLING.] To jut out; overhang. bee'tle2, vt. To beat or stamp with or as with a beetle, mallet, etc.

bee'tle, a. Overhanging; prominent; as, a beetle brow, bee'tlingt.-bee'tle-browed", a. bee'tle1, n. Any coleopterous insect. bee'tle2, n. A heavy wooden hammer. beeves, 1 bīvz; 2 bēvs, n. Plural of BEEF. bed 'lam, 1 bed'lam; 2 běd'lam, n. An ex-be-fall', 1 bi-fol'; 2 be-fal', v. [BE-FELL', cited crowd; an uproar; an insane asylum. -bed'lam-ite, n. A lunatic. Bed'ou-in, 1 bed'u-in; 2 běd'u-in, n. A nomadic Arab; nomad; vagabond. Bed'u-int. be-drag'gle, 1 bi-drag'l; 2 be-drăg'l, vt. & be-drag IP, vi. [-GLED, -GLDP; -GLING.] To wet or soil, as by dragging. bed 'rid"den, 1 bed'rid"n; 2 běd'rid'n, a. bed 'rid"n", Confined to bed by sickness or weakness. bed'rid"‡.

BE-FEL'P; 1 bi-fel', 2 be-fěl'; BE-FALL'EN, BE-FAL'NP; BE-FALL'ING.] I. t. To occur or happen to. II. i. To happen. be-fell', 1 bi-fel'; 2 be-fel', imp. of BEFALL, 0. be-fit', 1 bi-fit'; 2 be-fit', vt. [BE-FIT'TEDd;

BE-FITTING.] To be suitable for; be wor thy of.-be-fit'ting, pa. Becoming; suitable. be-fog', 1 bi-fog'; 2 be-fog, vt. [BEFOGGED', BE-FOGD'S; BE-FOG'GING.] TO envelop in fog; confuse.

1: artistic, art; fat, fare; fast; get, prey; hit, police; obey,go; not,ōr; full, rûle; but, burn.


be-fore', 1 bi-för'; 2 be-fōr'. I. adv. In
front; ahead; earlier. II. prep. 1. In
front of; ahead of; anterior to; in ad-
vance of; in preference to. 2. Face to
face with; in the presence of. III. conj.
Rather than; sooner than.
be-fore hand", 1 bi-fōr'hand"; 2 be-fōr'-
hånd". I. a. Being in easy circum-
stances; forehanded. II. adv. In ad-
vance; before the time.
be-friend'd, 1 bi-frend'; 2 be-frěnd', vt.
be-frend', To be a friend to; stand by;
help in time of need.

beg, 1 beg; 2 běğ, vt. & vi. [BEGGED, BEGDS;
BEGGING.] To ask pleadingly; entreat;
supplicate; beseech; ask alms.-to beg the
question, to take for granted the matter in

became believe

be-held', 1 bi-held'; 2 be-hěld', imp. & pp. of

be-hest', 1 bi-hest'; 2 be-hěst', n. An
authoritative request; command.
be-hind', 1 bi-haind'; 2 be-hind'. I. ado.
In, toward, or at the rear; backward; in
reserve; behindhand. II. prep. At the
back of; on the other side of; inferior to.
-be-hind'hand", a. & adv. Behind time;
late; behind; backward; in arrears.
be-hold', 1 bi-hōld', 2 be-hōld', vt. & vi.
[BE-HELD', 1 bi-held', 2 be-hěld'; BE-
HOLD'ING. To look at or upon; look;
view; see.-be-hold'en, a. Indebted.-be-
hold'er, n. An eye-witness; spectator.
be-hoof', 1 bi-hüf'; 2 be-hoof', n. Advan-
tage; use.-be-hoove', 1 bi-buv'; 2 be-hoov',
[BE-HOOVED'; BE-HOOV'ING.] To be be-
coming to, needful, or right for.
be'ing, 1 bi'in; 2 be'ing. I. ppr. of BE, 1.
Existing; continuing to be. II. n. Any-
thing that exists; existence. [beat; thrash.
be-la'bor, 1 bi-le'bar; 2 be-la'bor, vt. To
be-late', 1 bi-let'; 2 be-lat', vt. [BE-
LATEDd; BE-LATING.] To delay past the
proper hour.


be-gan', 1 bi-gan'; 2 be-găn', imp. of BEGIN, 0. be-gat', 1 bi-gat'; 2 be-gat', imp. of BEGET, v. be-get', 1 bi-get'; 2 be-gět', vt. [BE-GOT', 1 bi-get', 2 be-got', or BE-GAT', 1bi-gat', 2 begat'; BE-GOT' or BE-GOT'TEN, BE-GOT'NP; BE-GET TING. To generate; produce. beg'gar, 1 beg'ar; 2 běg'ar. I. vt. To reduce to want; impoverish. II. n. One who requests alms; a destitute person.- beg'gar-be-lay', 1 bi-lē': 2 be-la', vt. To make fast Il-ness, n.- beg'gar-ly, a. Miserably poor; mean: wretched.- beg'gar-ly, adv.- beg'gar-y, n. 1. Extreme poverty. 2. Beggars as a class. 3. The act or habit of begging. be-gin', 1 bi-gin'; 2 be-gin', v. [BE-GAN'or BEGUN'; BE-GUN'; BE-GIN'NING.] I.t. Totake the first step in; give origin to; start; comII. i. 1. To take the first step; 2. To come into existence; originate.-be-gin'ner, n. 1. A founder; originator. 2. A novice; tyro.-be-gin'ning, . The starting point; origin; first part; source. be-gone', 1 bi-gen'; 2 be-gôn', interj. Debe-gon', part! away!

mence. start.

be-got', 1 bi-get'; 2 be-got', imp. of BEGET, v.
be-got'ten, pp. of BEGET, v.
be-grudge', 1 bi-gruj'; 2 be-grudg', vt. [BE-
To envy;

be-guile', 1 bi-gail'; 2 be-gil', vt. [BE-
GUILED; BE-GUIL'ING.] To deceive; amuse.
be-gun', 1 bi-gun'; 2 be-gun', imp. & pp. of


be-half', 1 bi-haf'; 2 be-haf', n. The interest or defense (of any one): preceded

by in, on, or upon. be-have', 1 bi-hev'; 2 be-hav', vt. & vi. [BE-HAVED'; BE-HAV'ING.] To conduct (oneself); act; act properly or suitably.be-ha'vior, n. Manner or mode of action; demeanor; deportment. be-ha'viour. be-head'd, 1 bi-hed'; 2 be-hěd', vt. To be-hed's, take the head from; decapitate.

1: 8=

by winding, as a rope.-be-lay'ing-pin", n. A pin on which rope is wound. belcht, 1 belch; 2 bělch, vt. & vi. To eject noisily, as gas from the stomach; vomit; eject; come forth forcibly, as flame from bel'dam, 1 bel'dam, -dēm; 2 běl'dăm, a furnace.-belch, n. A belching; eructation. bel'dame, -dām, n. A forbidding or evil old woman; hag. be-lea'ger, 2 be-le'be-lea'guer, 1 bi-li'gar; ger, vt. To besiege. bel'fry, 1 bel'fri; 2 běl'fry, n. [BEL'FRIES2, pl.] A tower, or that part of a tower in which a bell is hung.

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be-lie', 1 bi-lai'; 2 be-li',
vt. [BE-LIED'; BE-LY'
ING.] To give the lie to;
contradict; disappoint.
be-lief', 1 bi-lif'; 2 be-lef',
n. 1. Acceptance of
somethingastrue; trust;
conviction; assurance.
2. That which is be-
lieved; theory; opinion;
be-lieve', 1 bi-liv'; 2 be-lev', vt. & vi. [BE-
be-liev', LIEV (E)D'S: BE-LIEV'ING.] To
accept as true; be convinced of; credit;
accept the word of; trust; think; suppose.



= final; 1= habit; aisle; au = out; oll; iü feud; chin; go; n=sing; thin, this.

believer bestride

be-liev'er, n. One who believes; an adherent of a religious faith. [probably. be-like', 1 bi-laik'; 2 be-lik', adv. Perhaps; be-lit'tle, 1 bi-lit'l; 2 be-lit'l,vt. [-TL(E)гP; be-lit'l, J-TLING.] To treat slightingly; disparage; depreciate.

bell, 1 bel; 2 běl, vt. & vi. To put a bell bel, on; shape like a bell; make a bell-like


[blocks in formation]

belle, 1 bel; 2 běl, n.

A beautiful and attractive woman. belles"let'tres, 1 bel" let'r; 2 běl"lět'r, n. pl. Polite "Czar Kolokol," the literature.

Great Bell of Moscow.

bel'li-cose, 1 bel'1-kōs; 2 běl'i-cōs, a. Pugnacious; warlike. bel-lig'er-ent, 1 be-lij'or-ent; 2 bě-lig'ĕrent. I. a. 1. Warlike; bellicose. 2. Engaged in or pertaining to warfare. II. n. A nation engaged in legitimate warfare. bell'man, 1 bel'man; 2 běl'man, n. [-MEN, pl. A town crier. bel'low, 1 bel'o; 2 běl'o. I. vt. & vi. proclaim vociferously; roar; shout. A loud hollow cry or roar. bel'lows, 1 bel'oz; 2 běl'ōg, n. sing. & pl. An instrument for forcing air upon a fire, for blowing organs, etc. bel'ly, 1 bel'; 2 běl'y. I. vt. & vi. [BELLIED; BELLY-ING.] To fill, as a sail. II.




n. [BEL'LIES, pl.] The abdomen, or something resembling it; as, the belly of a sail. Ce-long’, 1 br-lon’; 2 be-lông”, vị. To be a possession or part; be an attribute; be suitable: appertain: followed by to.-belong'ing, n. Something that belongs to a person or thing: usually in the plural. be-lov'ed, 1 bi-luv'ed or bi-luvd'; 2 bebe-luv'ede, lov'ěd or be-lovd'. I.a. Greatly loved; very dear. II. n. One greatly loved.

be-low', 1 bi-lo'; 2 be-lo'. I. adv.

In or to a lower place; farther down; on earth; in Hades or in hell. II. prep. Beneath; under; lower than; inferior to. belt, 1 belt; 2 bělt. Id. vt. To gird with a


belt; mark with belts; drive by a belt, as a machine. II. n. A band worn around the waist; a band for transmitting power in machinery; any broad encircling band; a zone; strip; strait. [lament. be-moan', 1 bi-mon'; 2 be-mōn', vt. 1. A long bench, 1 bench; 2 bench, n. wooden seat. 2. A stout table, as for carpenters' work. 3. The judges' seat in court; the judge or the judges.



bend, 1 bend; 2 bend, v. [BENT OF BEND'EDd; BEND'ING.] I. t. 1. To curve; crook; deflect; direct; apply. 2. To subdue. 3. Naut. To make fast; tie. II. i. 1. To become curved or deflected. 2. To yield; submit; devote oneself. 3. To overhang. [loop or knot. bend, n. A curve or crook; a bending; a be-neath', 1 bi-nith'; 2 be-neth'. I. adv. At a lower point; below. II. prep. Under; lower than; below the surface of; under the power of: unworthy of. ben'e-dick, 1 ben'i-dik; 2 běn'e-dik, n. A newly married man. ben'e-dict‡. ben"e-dic'tion, 1 ben"ı-dik'shan; 2 ben"e

die'shon, n. The act of blessing, as at ben"e-fac'tion, 1 ben"1-fak'shan; 2 ben"ethe close of worship; blessing; favor.


fae'shon, n. A kindly or generous act; a gift; beneficence.- ben"e-fac'tor, n. friendly helper; a patron.-ben"e-fac'tress, n. fem. ben'e-fice, 1 ben'-fis; 2 ben'e-fle, ben'e-fiss, An ecclesiastical living.


ben'e-ficed, -fists, a. Holding a benefice. be-nef'i-cent, 1 bi-nef'i-sent; 2 be-nef'i

çent, a. Doing good; charitable; kind. -ly, adv.-be-nef'i-cence, n.-ben"e-fi'cial, 1 ben"-fish'al; 2 ben"e-fish'al, a. Conferring benefits; helpful. -ly, adv. ben"e-fi'ci-a-ry, 1 ben"ı-fish'i-e-ri or -a-rı; 2 ben"e-fish'i-a-ry or -a-ry. I. a. Pertaining to benefits or benevolence. II. n. [-RIES, pl.] A recipient of charity, benefit, or profit; the holder of a benefice. ben'e-fitd, 1 ben'i-fit; 2 běn'e-fit. I. vt. & vi. To be helpful or useful to; profit; improve. II. n. 1. Profit; advantage. 2. A favor bestowed; privilege. be-nev'o-lence, 1 bi-nev'o-lens; 2 beněv'o-lěnç, n. Desire for the good of others; charitableness; charity; humanity. -be-nev'o-lent, a. Characterized by benevolence; kindly; charitable. -ly, adv. be-night'ed, 1 bi-nait'ed; 2 be-nit'ěd, pa. Overtaken by night; ignorant; depraved. be-nign', 1 bi-nain'; 2 be-nin', a. Gracious; generous; genial; propitious; mild. -ly, adv.

1: artistic, art; fat, fare; fast; get, prey; hit, police; obey,gō; not,ōr; full, rule; but, burn.



be-nig'nant, 1 bi-nig'nant; 2 be-nig'nant, a. 1. Kindly; benign; gentle; gracious. Helpful; salutary. -ly, adv.-be-nig'ni-ty, n. [-TIESZ, pl.] 1. Kindliness; beneficence. 2. Healthfulness; salubrity. ben'i-son, 1 ben'i-san; 2 ben'i-son, n. benediction; blessing.


bent, 1 bent; 2 běnt, imp. & pp. of BEND, 0. bent1, n. 1. Tendency; disposition. 2. The limit of endurance or capacity. bent2, n. A stiff wiry grass.

be-numb', 1 bi-num'; 2 be-num', vt. be-num's, To make numb; stupefy.be-numbed', pa.

ben'zene, 1 ben'zin; 2 běn'zēn, n. A colorless, inflammable liquid obtained chiefly from coal tar.


benʼzin, 1 benʼzın, -zın or -zin; 2 běnʼzin, ben'zine, J-zin or -zïn, n. A colorless, inflammable, and explosive liquid obtained from petroleum, used to cleanse clothing, [der used in preserving food. ben'zo-ate of so'da. Chem. A white powben'zo-in, 1 ben'zo-in or -zein; 2 běn zo-in or -zŎin, n. 1. A fragrant medicinal Oriental gum resin. 2. A shrub of North America and eastern Asia, the spice-bush. 3. A product prepared artificially, as from oil of bitter almonds.-ben-zo'ic, a.

be-queath', 1 bi-kwith'; 2 be-kweth', vt. To give by will; transmit by inheritance. -be-quest',1 bi-kwest'; 2 be-kwěst', n. The act of bequeathing; a legacy. be-rate', 1 bi-ret'; 2 be-rat, vt. [BERAT EDd; BE-RATING.] To chide harshly; scold; rail at.

be-reave', 1 bı-riv'; 2 be-rev', vt. [BEbe-reav', REAVED', BE-REAVD's, or BEREFT', 1 bi-reft', 2 be-reft'; BE-REAV'ING.] To deprive, as of something valuable or beloved: despoil: rob.- be-reave'ment, n. The act of bereaving, or the state of being bereaved; an afflictive loss.

berg, 1 burg; 2 bērē, n. An iceberg. Ber-mu'da lil'y. The Easter lily. See LILY. ber'ry, 1 ber'1; 2 běr'y, n. [BER'RIES", pl.] 1. A small succulent fruit. 2. A coffee bean or the like.

berth, 1 burth; 2 berth, n. 1. A bunk or bed in a vessel, sleeping-car, etc. 2. A place in which a vessel can lie. 3. A place of employment, as on a vessel. birth†. Ber"tillon' sys'tem, 1 ber"ti"yōn'; 2 ber"ti'yôn'. A system of human measurements for identification.

believer bestride

ING.] To ask with supplicating earnestness; implore; beg; entreat. be-seem', i bi-sim'; 2 be-sem', v. I. t. To be

becoming to; befit. II. 1. To seem.-beseem'ing, pa.- be-seem'ing-ly, adv. be-set', 1 bi-set'; 2 be-set', vt. [BE-SET'; BE-SETTING.] To attack; harass; embarrass: waylay.-be-set'ting, pa. Constantly assailing.

be-side', 1 bi-said'; 2 be-sid'. I. adv. Close by: at hand. II. prep. At or by the side of; near; in comparison with; in addition to; apart from; except. be-sides', 1 bi-saidz'; 2 be-sids'. I. adv. 1. In addition; also. 2. Aside from. II. prep. In addition to; other than; except. be-siege', 1 bi-sij'; 2 be-seg', vt. [BESIEGED'; BE-SIEG'ING.] To lay siege to;

beset or harass.-be-sieg'er, n. be-smear', 1 bi-smir'; 2 be-smēr’, vt. To smear over; sully.

be-smirch't, 1 bi-smurch'; 2 be-smirch', vt. To soil; stain; defile. be'som, 1 bf'zam; 2 bēʼşom, n. A broom; something that sweeps away or destroys. be-sot', 1 bi-set'; 2 be-sot', vt. [BE-SOTTEDd; BE-SOTTING.] To intoxicate; infatuate. [BESEECH, v. be-sought', 1 bi-set'; 2 be-sôt', imp. & pp. of be-speak', 1 bi-spik'; 2 be-spēk', vt. [BE

SPOKE; BE-SPOKE or BE-SPO'KEN; BESPEAK'ING.] 1. To ask for in advance. best, 1 best; 2 běst. 2. To give token of; indicate.

I. a. [Superl. of GOOD.] Most excellent. II. n. The most excellent; the highest degree; the utmost. III. adv. [Superl. of WELL.] In the most excellent manner; with the most favorable result; to the utmost degree.


be-sted', 1 bi-sted'; 2 be-stěd', pa. be-stead', uated; circumstanced; beset. bes'tial, 1 bes'chal; 2 běs'chal, a. Beastly; animal; brutish; sensual.- bes"ti-al'i-ty, 1 beschi-al'ı-tı; 2 běs ̋chi-ăl'i-ty, n. Character or conduct befitting beasts. -ly, adv. be-stir', 1 bi-stür'; 2 be-stir', vt. [BESTIRRED', BE-STIRD'S; BE-STIR'RING.] To move vigorously; arouse. be-stow', 1 bi-sto'; 2 be-stō', vt. 1. To

confer as a gift: with on or upon; present. 2. To use: apply.-be-stow'a-bl(e", a.-be-stow'al, n. The act of bestowing


be-strew', 1 bi-stru'; 2 be-stru', vt. [BESTREWED' Or BE-STREWN'; BE-STREW'ING.] To sprinkle; scatter about. Compare BE


ber'yl, 1 ber'il; 2 běr'yl, n. A precious stone, commonly green in color. be-seech', 1 bi-sich'; 2 be-sech', vt. [BESOUGHT, 1 bi-set', 2 be-sôt'; BE-SEECH'-be-stride', 1 bı-straid'; 2 be-strid', vt. [BE1: a = final; 1= habit; aisle; au= out; oil; iù = feud; chin; go; n=sing; thin, this.

bestrow billet


STRODE', 1 bi-strōd', 2 be-strōd', or BESTRID', 1 bi-strid', 2 be-strid'; BE-STRID'DEN or BE-STRID'; BE-STRID'ING.] stand over or sit upon astride; step over at a stride.

be-strow', 1 bi-strō'; 2 be-strō', vt. Same as BESTREW.


edge to; have a sloping edge. II. a. Oblique; slanting; beveled. III. n. A sloping edge, or an instrument for measuring it, called a bevelsquare.


bev'er-age, 1 bev'ar-j; 2 běv'er-ag, n. Drink; liquor for drinking. bev'y, 1 bev'1; 2 bev'y, n. A flock of birds; a small group, as of


[BEV'IES, pl.

bet, 1 bet; 2_bět, v. [BET or BET'TELd:
BET'TING.] I. t. To stake or pledge on
an uncertain issue. II. i. To wager
money, etc., upon some uncertain matter.
bet, n. The act of betting; wager; stake.
be-take', 1 bi-tēk'; 2 be-tāk', vt. [BE-
TOOK', 1 bi-tuk', 2 be-took'; BE-TAK'EN;
BE-TAK'ING.] To resort (to); take (one-be-ware', 1 bi-wār'; 2 be-wâr', vt. & vi.
self), remove, or go (to).
be-think', 1 bi-think'; 2 be-think', vt. &
vi. [BE-THOUGHT', 1 bi-thot', 2 be-thôt';
BE-THINK'ING.] To remind (oneself); take
thought; deliberate.

be-wail', 1 bi-wēl'; 2 be-wāl', vt. & vi. Το
mourn for; lament.

be-tide', 1 bi-taid'; 2 be-tid', vt. & vi. [BE-TID'EDd; BE-TID'ING.] To happen to; betoken.

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be-times'. 1 bi-taimz'; 2 be-tims', adv. In good season or time; soon. be-to'ken, 1 bi-tō'kn; 2 be-tō'kn, vt. Το be a sign of; give promise of. [TAKE, v. be-took', 1 bi-tuk'; 2 be-took', imp. of BEbe-tray', 1 bi-tre'; 2 be-tra', vt. 1. To deliver up or disclose treacherously: lead astray; seduce. 2. To reveal unintentionally; show signs of.-be-tray'al, n.be-tray'er, n.

be-trota't, 1 bi-troth' or bi-trōth'; 2 betrôth' or be-troth', vt. To engage to marry; promise in marriage.-be-troth'al, n. Engagement to marry. be-troth'ment‡. [prove; surpass; excel. bet'ter, 1 bet'ar; 2 bět'er, vt. & vi. To imbet'ter, a. [Compar. of GOOD.] Superior: preferable; surpassing; improved in health: convalescent. [2. A superior. bet'ter1, n. 1. Advantage; superiority. bet'ter2, n. One who makes bets. -tor‡. bet'ter, adv. [Compar. of WELL.] In a su

perior manner; more excellently; more correctly; in a higher degree. bet'ter-ment, 1 bet'ar-ment or -mant; 2 bět'ĕr-ment, n. Improvement; addition to value of real estate.

be-tween', 1 bi-twin'; 2 be-twen'. I. adv.

In the interval; at intervals. II. prep. In the space which separates; intermediate in relation to; with relation to both of; common to. [prep. Between. be-twixt', 1 bi-twikst'; 2 be-twikst', adv. & bev'el, 1 bev'el; 2 běv'ěl. I. vt. & vi. [BEV'ELED or BEV'ELLED, BEV'ELDS; BEV'ELING OF BEV'EL-LING.] To give a sloping

To look out for; be wary of; be cautious or wary; look out: often with of. be-wil'der, 1 bi-wil'dər; 2 be-wil'der, vt. To confuse; perplex; daze.-be-wil'derment, n.

be-witch', 1 bi-wich'; 2 be-wich', vt. To be-wich', gain magical power over; charm; fascinate. be witch'ing, pa. Charming; captivating.-be-witch'ing-ly, adv.-be-witch'ment, n. The act or power of bewitching, or the state of being bewitched. bey, 1 bē; 2 be, n. The governor of a Turkish town or district; also, some other Turkish official of high rank.

be-yond', 1 bi-yend'; 2 be-yond'. I. n. That which is on the other side or farther on; the future life. II. adv. On the other side of something intervening; yonder; far off. III. prep. Farther or later than; out of reach of; superior to: more than.

bi-, 1 bai-; 2 bl-, prefix. Twice; doubly; two; as, biannual, biweekly. bin-t; bis-+. bi-an'nu-al, 1 bai-an'yu-al; 2 bi-ǎn'yu-al, a. Occurring twice a year; semiannual. -ly, adv. bi'as, 1 bai'ǝs; 2 bi'as. I. vt. [BI'ASED* or

BI'ASSED, BI'ASTS; BI'AS-ING or BI'ASSING.] To cause to incline; influence unduly; prejudice. II. a. Running diagonally across the texture; cut slantingly, as cloth. III. n. [BI'AS-ES OF BI'AS-SES, pl.] 1. A line, cut, or seam running obliquely across the threads of a fabric. 2. A mental leaning or prejudice.

bib, 1 bib; 2 bib. I. vt. & vi. [BIBBED, BIBD; BIB'BING.] To tipple. II. n. A cloth worn under the chin by children at meals.- bib'ber, 1 bib'ar; 2 bib'ēr, n. A tippler.

Bi'ble, 1 bai'bl; 2 bibl, n. The Sacred Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments.- Bib'li-cal, 1 bib'lı-kal; 2 bib'll-cal, a. Pertaining to or in harmony with the Bible.

1: artistic, art; fat, fare; fast; get, prēy; hit, police; obey, gō; net,ēr; full, rüle; but, bürn.

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