Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση
[blocks in formation]





From the


METRIC SYSTEM).- D. C. Da capo (from the beginning), Deputy Consul, District Court, District of Columbia.- Del. Delaware (official).-D. G. Det gratia (by the grace of God).- dg. Decigram (see METRIC SYSTEM).- dial. Dialect, dialectal, dialectic, dialectical.- Dict. Dictator, dictionary.dl. Deciliter (see METRIC SYSTEM).— dm. Decimeter (see METRIC SYSTEM).- do. Ditto. - doz. Dozen, dozens.- Dr. Debtor, doctor. - D. S., D. Sc. Doctor of Science.-D. V. Deo volente (God being willing).- dwt. A pennyweight.

A. Academy, America. Augustus.-a. Ad-| Dak. Dakota (official).- dal. Decaliter (see jective, acre, are (see METRIC SYSTEM). A. B. Same as B. A.- ab init. beginning.-A. C. Ante Christum (before Christ), Arch-chancellor, Army-Corps.-acc., acct. Account, accountant.-A. D. the year of our Lord.- ad fin. Ad finem (at the end, to the end).- ad inf. Ad infinitum (to infinity).- ad init. Ad initium (at the beginning).- ad int. Ad interim (in the mean time).- ad lib. Ad libitum (at pleasure).- ad loc. Ad locum (at the place).æ., æt., ætat., Etatis (of age, aged).- Ala. Alabama (official).- Alas. Alaska.-A. M. Anno Mundi (in the year of the world), ante meridiem (before noon).- A. M. Same as M. A. Am., Amer. America, American.Anon. Anonymous.- app. Appendix.A. R. A. Associate of the Royal Academy. - Ariz. (official), Ari. Arizona.- Ark. Arkansas (official).- A. S. Academy of Science, Anglo-Saxon.-A. U. C. Anno Urbis Conditæ, or Ab Urbe Condita (in the year of, 1. e., counted from, the building of the city [Rome]).- Auth. Ver., A. V. Authorized Version.

B. A. Bachelor of Arts, British America.Bart., Bt. Baronet.-B. C. Before Christ, Board of Control, British Columbia.-B. C. L. Bachelor of Civil Law.-B. D. Bachelor of Divinity.-B. I. British India.- Bib. Bible, Biblical.- bot. Botanical, botanist, botany, bought.-B. Ph. Bachelor of Philosophy.-B. Sc. Bachelor of Science.


Cæsar, Catholic, Centigrade, Congress.Cal. (official), Calif. California.- Can. Canada.- can. Canon, canto. C. B. Cape Breton, Companion of the Bath.-C. E. Civil engineer.- Cent. Central, centum (hundred), century.- ef. Confer (compare).

- cg. Centigram (see METRIC SYSTEM).ch. Chaldron, chapter, child, children.Chap. Chapter.-chem. Chemical, chemist, chemistry.- Chin. China, Chinese.cl. Centiliter (see METRIC SYSTEM).- cm. Centimeter (see METRIC SYSTEM).- Co. Cobalt, company, county.-C. O. D. Cash (or collect) on delivery.- Colo. (official), Col. Colorado.- Con. Consul.-con. Conclusion, contra (in opposition to), conversation. - Conn. Connecticut (official).- cos. Consiliarius (counselor), cosine.- cp. Compare. -cres. Crescendo.- Ct. Connecticut (see CONN.), Count, Court.- ct. (CTS., pl.] Cent, centum.-cwt. Hundredweight or hundredweights.

E._Earl, east, eastern, English.- ea. Each.E. C. Eastern Central (London postal district). e. g., ex. gr. Exempli gratia (for the sake of example; for instance).-E. I., E. Ind. East India. East Indies.-E. N. E. East-northeast.- Eng. England, English. -E. S. E. East-southeast.- esp., espec. Especially.- Esq., Esqr. [ESQRS., EsqS., pl.] Esquire.- et al. Et alibi (and else where), et alii, aliæ, or alia (and others).etc., &c. Et cetera; and so forth.- et seq., sq., or sqq. Et sequentes, et sequentia (and the following).- etym., etymol. Etymological, etymologically, etymology.- Eur. Europe, European.

F. France, French.-F., Fah., Fahr. Fah-
renheit.fl. Florin, flourished.- Fla. Flor-
ida (official).- Flem. Flemish.- fm. Fath-
om.-fo., fol. Folio.- f. o. b. Free on
board.-F. R. S. Fraternitatis Regiæ Socius
(Fellow of the Royal Society).

G., Ger., Germ. German, Germany.-- g.
Gram (see METRIC SYSTEM).- Ga. Gaelic,
Gallium.-Ga. (official), Geo. Georgia.-
Gael. Gaelic.-G. A. R. Grand Army of
the Republic.-G. C. B. Grand Cross of the

ha. Hectare (see METRIC SYSTEM).- H. B. M.
His (or Her) Britannic Majesty.-hhd.
Hogshead.-H. I. Hawaiian Islands.- hl.
Hectoliter (see METRIC SYSTEM).-H. M. S.
His (or Her) Majesty's Ship or Service.-
Hon. Honorable, honorary.-H. R. H. His
(or Her) Royal Highness.

I. Idaho (see Ida.), Island.- 1.


(undying), intransitive.- Ia. Iowa (official). -ib., ibid. Ibidem (in the same place). id. Idem (the same).- Ida. Idaho.-1. e. Id est (that is).-I. H. S. Jesus Hominum Salvator (Jesus Savior of Men).- Ill., Ills. (official). Illinois.- incog. Incognito.Ind. India, Indian, Indiana (official), index.

Ind. T. yd.

-Ind. T. Indian Territory (official).— in loc. In its place.- inst. Instant, institute, institution, present (month).-I. O. U. i owe you. Ir. Ireland, iridium, Irish.- Ire. Ireland.- Is., Isl. [ISLS., pl.] Island, islands, isles.-It., Ital. Italian, Italic, Italy. J. P. Justice of the Peace - jr., jun., junr. Junior.

Kan., Kans. (official), Kas. Kansas.-K. C.

B. Knight Commander of the Bath.-K. G. Knight of the Garter.- kg., kilo., kilog. Kilogram (see METRIC SYSTEM).- kl. Kiloliter (see METRIC SYSTEM).- km., kilo., kilom. Kilometer (see METRIC SYSTEM).Knt., Kt. Knight.- Ky. (official), Ken. Kentucky.

1. Liter (see METRIC SYSTEM).- La. Lanthanum, Louisiana (official).- Lat. Latin.- lat. Latitude.-lb. [LBS., pl.] Libra (pound).— L. C. Lower Canada. - 1. c. Left center, letter of credit, lower case.-L. H. D. Doctor of the more Humane Letters or university studies.-lib. Liber (book).- LL.B. Bachelor of Laws.- LL.D. Doctor of Laws. - Lon., Lond. London.-lon., long. Longitude.-L. S. Linnean Society, locus sigilli (the place of the seal).-1. s. Left side. -L. (or £) s. d. Libræ, solidi, denarii (pounds, shillings, pence).- LXX. Seventy, Septuagint.

M. Marcus, Marius, Marquis, member, middle, Mille (one thousand), Monsieur.- m. Masculine, meridiem, meridies (noon), meter (m.2, square meter; m.3. cubic meter) (see METRIC SYSTEM), mile.-M. A. Master of Arts.- Mass. Massachusetts (oficial).

M. C. Master Commandant, Member of Congress, Member of Council.-M. D. Doctor of Medicine, Middle Dutch.- Md. Maryland (official).- mdse. Merchandise.-M. E. Methodist Episcopal, Middle English. Me. Maine (official).- Messrs., MM. Messieurs (gentlemen).- Mex. Mexican, Mexico.- mg. Milligram (see METRIC SYSTEM). Mich. Michaelmas, Michigan (official).- Minn. Minnesota (official).misc. Miscellaneous, miscellany.- Miss. Mission, missionary, Mississippi.— ml. Milliliter (see METRIC SYSTEM).- Mlle. Mademoiselle.- mm. Millimeter (see METRIC SYSTEM).- Mme. [MMES., pl.] Madame.Mo. Missouri (official), Molybdenum.Mont. Montana (official).-M. P. Member of Parliament, Methodist Protestant, Metropolitan Police.- Mr. Mister (Master).- Mrs. Missis (Mistress).- MS. [MSS. pl. Manuscript.-Mt. [MTs., pl.] Mount, mountain.

n. Name, noon, noun.-N. A., N. Am. North America, North-American.-N. B. New Brunswick, North Britain, North British, nota bene (note well).-N. C. New Church, North Carolina (official).- N. Dak. North Dakota (official).-N. E. Northeast, northeastern.-N. E., N. Eng. New England.- Nebr. (official), Neb. Nebraska.


contradicting, t. e., unanimously).- Nev. Nevada (official).-N. H. New Hampshire (official).-N. J. New Jersey (official).N. Mex. (official), N. M. New Mexico.N. N. E. North-northeast.-N. N. W.

North-northwest.-nol. pros. Nolle prosequi (to be unwilling to prosecute).- non. seq. Non sequitur (it does not follow).— N. S. New School, New Series, New Side, New Style, Nova Scotia.-N. S. W. New South Wales.-N. T. New Testament, new translation.-N. V. New Version.-N. W. Northwest, northwestern-N. W. T. Northwest Territory.-N. Y. New York (official). -N. Z., N. Zeal. New Zealand.

0. Ohio, oxygen.- ob. Obiit (died), obiter (by the way).-O. K. All correct. (Öll korrect.)- Okla. Oklahoma (official). Ont. Ontario.- Ore. (official), Oreg. Oregon.O. S. Old Saxon, Old Style.- oz. [oz. or ozs., pl.] Ounce.

p. Page, part, participle, past, piano (soft), pint, pipe, pole, population.-p. a. Participial adjective.- Pa. (official), Penn. Pennsylvania.- per an. Per annum (by the year).- per ct. Per cent.-Pg. Portugal, Portuguese.- Ph. D. Doctor of Philosophy. - Phil. Soc., Ph. S. American Philological Society.-P. I. Philippine Islands.- pinx., pnxt., pxt. Pinxit (painted [it]).-P. J. Justice of the Peace, Police Justice, Presiding Judge, Probate Judge.- pkg. (PKGS., pl.) Package.- pl. Plural, place.-P. M. Past Master, paymaster, peculiar meter, postmaster, post meridiem (afternoon).- pm. Premium.-P. O. Post-office, Province of Ontario.-P. O. D. Pay on delivery, Postoffice Department.-D. D. Past participle.


pp. pages, pianissimo (soft).-P. P. C. Pour prendre congé (to take leave).- p. pr. Present participle.-P. R. Porto Rico, Paradise Regained.- pro tem. Pro tempore (for the time being).-prox. Proximo (next [month]).-P. S. Post scriptum [PSS., pl.] (postscript), Privy Seal.- pwt. Pennyweight.

Quasi, query, quintal (see METRIC SYSTEM). -q. e. d. Quod erat demonstrandum (which was to be demonstrated).-Q. M. Quartermaster.-qr. [QRS., pl.] Quadrans (farthing), quarter (weight or measure), quire.-Q. S. Quarter-sessions.-qt. Quantity, quart.-qts. Quarts.-qu., qy. Query. -q. v. Quantum vis (as much as you will), quod vide (which see).

R. Rex (king).-R. A. Rear-admiral, right ascension, Royal Academy, Royal Arch, Russian America.-R. C. Red Cross, Roman Catholic.-R. E. Reformed Episcopal, Right Excellent, Royal Engineers, Royal Exchange.- Réaum. Réaumur.- Rec. Recipe, record, recorded, recorder.- rec'd, reed. Received. Rec. Sec. Recording Secretary. -Rect. Rector.- Ref. Reformation.- ref. Reference, referred, reformed, reformer.Ref. Ch. Reformed Church.-refl. Reflec


ister, Registrar.- reg. Registry, regular.Reg., Regt. Regent, regiment.- rel. Relative, relatively, religion, religious, relique (remains, relics).- rel. pron. Relative pronoun.- rem. Remark. Rev. Revelation, Reverend [REVS., pl.].- Rev. Ver. Revised Version (of the Bible).-R. H. Royal Highness.-R. I. Rhode Island (official).-R. I. P. Requiescat in pace (may he [or she] rest in peace).-R. R. Railroad.-R. S. Recording Secretary, Revised Statutes.- r. s. Right side.-rs. Rupees.-R. S. S. Regiæ Societatis Socius (Fellow of the Royal Society).-R. S. V. P. Répondez, s'il_vous plait (answer, if you please).- Rt. Hon. Right Honorable.- Rt. Rev. Right Reverend R. V. Revised Version (of the Bible). S. Saxon, scribe, segno, Servius, Sextus, sign, Signor, society, south, sulfur, Sunday.- S., Sa., Sat. Saturday.-S., Sab. Sabbath.s. Second, section [ss., pl.], series, set, shilling, singular, sinister, substantive.-S. A. South Africa, South America, South Australia.- S. Am. South America, South American.- Sam., Saml. Samuel.- Sam., Samar. Samaritan.- San., Sans., Sansc., Sansk., Skr., Skt. Sanskrit.- Sar. Sardinia, Sardinian.- Sax. Saxon, Saxony.S. B. South Britain, steamboat.- Sb. Stibium.- S. C. South Carolina, Supreme Court. s. c., s. caps., sm. caps. Small capitals. Sc. Scandium, Scotch.- sc. Scene, scilicet (namely, to wit).- Scan., Scand. Scandinavian.-sch., schol. Scholium (а note).- sch., schr. Schooner.- sci. ence, scientific.- Sclav. Sclavonic.- Scot. Scotch, Scotland, Scottish.- scr. Scruple. - Script. Scriptural, Scripture. sculp., sculpt. Sculpsit (engraved [it]), sculptor, sculptural, sculpture.- s. d. Sine die (without day).-S. Dak. South Dakota (official). -S. E. Southeast, southeastern.- Se. Selenium.- Sec. Secretary. sec. Secant, second.-sec., sect. Section.-Sel. Se



Ind. T. yd.

lected, selection.- Sem. Seminary, Semitic. Semble (it seems).- Sen. Senate, Senator.Sen., senr. Senior.- Sen. Doc. Senate Document.- sep. Separate.-seq. Sequentes, sequentia (the following).-S. I. Sandwich Islands, Staten Island.-Si. Silicium, silicon.- Sib. Siberia, Siberian.- Sic. Sicilian, Sicily.- S. J. Society of Jesus.sq. Sequens, sequentes (the following), square. sq. Same as ET SEQ.- sq. ft., sq. in., etc. Square foot (or feet), square inch, etc.-S. R.. S. Societatis Regiæ Socius (Fellow of the Royal Society).-S. S. Sabbath-school, Sunday-school.- s. s. Screw steamer, steamship.-- SS. Saints.- ss. Semis (half).-S. S. E. South-southeast.-S. S. W. South-southwest.- St. Saint, strait, street. - Ste. Sainte (fem.).- S. W. Southwest, southwestern.- Sw. Sweden, Swedish.Swit., Switz. Switzerland.

t. Transitive, Tonneau (see METRIC SYSTEM). - Tenn. Tennessee (official).- Ter., Terr. Territory-Tex. Texan, Texas (official). U. C. Upper Canada.- U. K. United Kingdom. ult., ulto. Ultimo (last [month]). U. S. Uncle Sam, United States.- U. S. A. United States Army, United States of America. U. S. M. United States Mail, United States Marines.-U. S. N. United States Navy.- ut. sup. Ut supra (as above).


Verb, verse, volume.- Va. Virginia (official).- va. Viola.- vi. Verb intransitive. - viz. Videlicet (to wit, namely).- vol. [VOLS., pl.] Volume, volunteer.- Vt. (official). Vermont.-vt. Verb transitive.Vul., Vulg. Vulgate.

Wash. Washington State (official).-W. I. West India, West Indies.- Wis. (official), Wisc. Wisconsin.-W. N. W. West-northwest.-W. S. W. West-southwest.- wt. Weight.-W. Va. West Virginia (official). - Wyo. Wyoming (official). Xm., Xmas. Christmas. yd. [YDS., pl.] Yard.

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