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Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

AB: FG:: BC: GH.

BC: GH:: CD: HI.

Therefore, AB: FG:: AB+BC+CD: FG+GH + HI (95); wherefore AB is to FG as the perimeter of the polygon ABCD is to the perimeter of the polygon FGHIK.





129. The areas of similar polygons are as the squares of their homologous sides.
Let the polygons be ABCDE and FGHIK; from any
angle, A, draw the diagonals AC, AD; and, from the homo-
logous angle F, draw the diagonals FH, FI; then the
triangles ABC, ACD, ADE, are respectively equiangular,
and similar to the triangles FGH, FHI, FIK.

Therefore the triangle ABC : triangle FGH :: AC : FH2
And.... the triangle ACD: triangle FHI :: AC: FH'.
Therefore the triangle ABC: triangle FGH :: ACD: FHI.


In the same manner it may be demonstrated that the triangle ACD: triangle FHI :: ADE. FIK, and so on, if the polygons consist of more triangles. Hence (95) the triangle ABC is to the triangle FGH as the sum of the triangles ABC, ACD, ADE, to the sum of the triangles FGH, FHI, FIK; but the sum of the triangles ABC, ACD, ADE, compose the whole polygon ABCDE, and the sum of the triangles FGH, FHI, FIK, compose the polygon FGHIK; wherefore the triangle ABC is to the triangle FGH as the polygon ABCDE is to the polygon FGHIK; but the triangle ABC is to the triangle FGH as AB' is to FG'; therefore the similar polygons are as the squares of their homologous sides.

130. COROLLARY.-If three similar figures have their homologous sides equal to the three sides of a right-angled triangle, the figure made on the side opposite to the right angle shall be equal to the other two.



131. In any triangle, ABC, the square of AB, opposite to one of the acute angles, is equal to the difference between the sum of the squares of the other two sides, and twice the rectangle BD x DC, made by the perpendicular AD, to the side BC.

There are two cases, according as the perpendicular falls within or without the triangle. In the first case, BD=BCCD; and, in the second case, BD=CD-BC.

In either case

But (124)

and (124)


BDBC2+ CD2-2BC x CD.

· AB'= AD2+BD'

Therefore, by addition,--------- AB'= AC' + BCa— 2BD× CD.


132. In any obtuse-angled triangle, the square of the side opposite to the obtuse angle is equal o the sum of the squares of the other two sides, and twice the rectangle, BC x CD, made by the perpendicular, AD, upon the side BC.



Therefore,------- BD2=BC2+CD2+ 2BC × CD;

But, (124)---- AB'-AD'+BD'

and (124).. AD'+CD2= AC2

Therefore, by adding these three equations together,

AB' AC'+BC2+2BC x CD.



133. If any two chords, in a circle, cut each other, the rectangle of the segments of the one is equal to the rectangle of the segments of the other.

Let AB and CD cut each other in O; then OA x OB = OD × OC.

For, join AC and BD: then, in the triangles AOC, BOD, the vertical angles at O are equal; also the angle A=D and CB (92), consequently the triangles AOC and DOB are similar, and their homologous sides proportional.

Whence AO: OC:: DO: OB
Wherefore AO x OB=ODX CO.


134. If any two chords, in a circle, be produced to meet each other, the rectangle of the two distances, from the point of intersection, to each extremity of the one chord, is equal to the rectangle of the two distances from the point of intersection to each extremity of the

other chord.

Let AB and CD be two chords, and let them be produced to meet in O; OAX OB=OD × OC.

For, join AC and BD; then, in the triangles AOC and DOB the angle at O is common, and the angle A=D (92); therefore the third angle, ACO, of the one triangle is equal to the third angle, DBO, of the other; consequently the triangles AOC and DOB are similar, and their homologous sides proportional.

[blocks in formation]

135. In the same circle, or in equal circles, any angles, ACB, DEF, at the centres, are to each other as the arcs AB, DF, of the circles intercepted between the lines which contain the angles.

Let us suppose that the arc AB contains three of such parts as DF contains four. Let Ap, pq, qB, be the equal parts in AB, and Dr, rs, &c. the equal parts in DF: draw the lines Cp, Cq, Er, Es, &c.; the angles ACp, pCq, qCB, DEr, &c. all are equal; therefore, as the arc AB contains

4th part of the arc DF three times, the angle ACB will evidently contain of the angle DEF also three times; and, in general, whatever number of times the arc AB contains some part of the arc DF, the same number of times will the angle ACB contain a like part of the angle DEF. ·


136. In two different circles, similar arcs are as the radii of the circles. Let the circles AFG, afg, be each described from the centre C. Draw the radii CA, CF, then the arcs Af and aƒ are similar. Draw CB, indefinitely, near CA, and the sectors Cab, CAB, will approach very nearly to isosceles triangles, which are similar to each other; therefore, Ca: CA :: ab: AB; let BF be divided into small arcs, each equal to AB, and draw the radii from each point of division; then bf will contain as many arcs, each equal to ab, as the arc BF contains arcs equal to AB; therefore af is the same multiple of ab that AF is of AB; whence Ca: CA :: af: AF.


137. The circumference of circles are to one another as their diameters.

For, let the circumferences ABCD, abcd, be divided into quadrants by the radii OaB, ObB, OcC, OdD, then the quadrants AB, ab, ▲ will be similar arcs;

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therefore, OA: Oa:: AB: ab

wherefore, OA: Oa :: 4AB: 4ab.



138. To make an angle at a given point E, fig. 1, in a straight line, DE, equal to a given angle ABC, fig. 2.

From the centre B, with any radius, describe an arc gh, cutting BA at g, and BC at h; from the point E, with the same radius, describe an arc, ik, cutting ED at i; make ik equal to gh, and through the point k draw EF: then the angle DEF will be equal to the given angle ABC.

[blocks in formation]


139. To bisect a given angle ABC.

From BA and BC cut off Be and Bf, equal to each other; from the points e and ƒ, as centres, with any radius greater than the distance ef, describe arcs, cutting each other at G, and join BG, which will bisect the angle ABC, as required.



140. Through a given point, g, to draw a straight line parallel to a given straight line, AB. From g, draw ge, to cut AB at any angle in the point e: in AB take any other point f; make the angle Bfh equal to feg, and make ƒh equal to eg, and through the points g and h draw the line CD; then CD will pass through g parallel to AB, as required.




141. At a given distance, parallel to a given straight line, AB, to draw a straight line, CD. In the given straight line AB, take any two points, g and e; and, from the centres, g and e, with the given distance, describe arcs at h and i; draw the line CD to touch the arcs h and i; then CD will be parallel to AB, at the distance required.


142. To bisect a given straight line, AB, by a perpendicular. From the points A and B, with any distance greater than the half of AB, describe arcs cutting each other in C and D ; join CD, and this line will bisect AB perpendicularly.


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143. From a given point, C, in a given straight line, AB, to erect a perpendicular.

In the straight line, AB, take any two points e and f, equally distant from C: from the points e and f, with any equal radius, greater than the half of ef, describe arcs, cutting each other at D, and draw CD, which will be perpendicular to AB.


For further elucidation and examples refer to the Introductory Chapter to Practical Carpentry,



144. The COMPLEMENT OF AN ARC is the difference between that arc and a quadrant or quarter of a circle.

Thus, the arc BC, which is the difference between AC and AB, is the complement of AB; and AB is, in like manner, the complement of BC.

145. THE SUPPLEMENT OF AN ARC is the remainder between that arc B and a semi-circle.

Thus, the arc given being AB, its supplement is BC.

146. The SINE OF AN ARC is a straight line, drawn from one extremity of the arc, upon and perpendicular to a radius or diameter.




Thus, BM is the sine of the arc AB; and here it is evident that an arc and its supplement have the same sine.


147. The Co-SINE OF AN ARC is the sine of the complement of that arc. Hence, BO or IM is the co-sine of the arc AB; and, therefore, the sine of the complement BC.

148. The TANGENT OF AN ARC is a straight line drawn from one extremity of the arc, where it touches it, to meet the prolongation of the radius through the other extremity.

The line AK, touching the arc at A, and extended to meet the radius IB produced, is the tangent of the arc AB.

149. The Co-Tangent of an ARC is the tangent of the complement of that arc.



Thus, CL is tne co-tangent of the arc AB, or the tangent of the arc BC.




Trigonometry is that branch of Geometry which treats exclusively on the properties, relations, and measurement of

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