Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

3. A commission merchant sold 250 barrels of sugar, each weighing 350 pounds, at 9 a pound and 158 barrels of molasses, each containing 48 gallons, at 77¢ a gallon. Find his commission at 2%.

4. A real estate agent sold a house for $4450 at 11% commission. What sum did he send the owner?

5. Rule a sheet of paper and copy the following account sales, making the necessary extensions :

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6. Prepare an account sales under date of January 10, for 5000 bushels of wheat, sold by J. J. Campbell & Co., Springfield, Mass., for the account of Walter Bros., North Adams, Mass., Sales, No. 25; 500 bushels at $2.08, December 30; the remainder at $2. Charges: freight, $91; cartage, $15; storage, $15.50; insurance, 1%; guaranty, 1%; commission, 21%.

7. Prepare an account sales under date of October 15 for the account of J. C. Brown & Co., sold by Thomas Moody & Co., both of Chicago, Ill., October 3; 50 barrels of W. R. flour at $9.25; 100 barrels of K. A. flour at $9.80. Charges: freight, $50; cartage, $14.50, both under date of Oct. 1; Oct. 11, storage, 150 barrels at 4¢ a barrel; insurance, 1%; commission, 33%.

8. Put the following in the form of an account sales : William C. Jones, St. Louis, Mo., sold for account of Charles W. Franklin, Chicago, Ill., the following goods : August 4, 7 pieces of summer silk, 284 yards, at $1.85; August 13, 5 pieces black silk, 216 yards, at $1.50; August 17, 16 pieces calico, 798 yards, at 19¢; September 3, 19 pieces alpaca, 548 yards, at 38¢; September 10, 25 pieces diagonals, 587 yards, at 75¢. Charges: August 1, freight and cartage, $65.48; insurance, 1%; commission, 4%. Find the net proceeds.

9. Arrange the following in the form of an account sales E. P. Clark & Co., Peekskill, N. Y., sold for account of John Mason, the following: November 1, 300 bushels potatoes at $1.95; November 16, 200 bushels at $1.85; December 1, 240 bushels at $1.90. Charges: November 1, freight, $85.45; cartage, 21¢ per bushel; storage at 2¢ per bushel; commission, 41%. Find the net proceeds.

10. Rule a sheet of paper and copy the following account purchase, making the necessary extensions.


Purchased by F. J. BOWEN & Co.

UTICA, N. Y., MAY 10, 1919

For the Account of E. L. GREEN, ROME, N. Y.

[blocks in formation]

11. In accordance with the foregoing form prepare an account purchase of tea purchased by W. L. Thomas, Feb. 21, for the account of Jones, White & Co., both of Boston, Mass.; 10 half-chests of J. tea, 600 lb., at 47¢; 5 half-chests O. tea, 250 lb., at 45¢; 5 cases C. tea, 250 lb., at 50¢; 8 half-chests E. B. tea, 480 lb., at 49¢. Charges cartage, $8.80; commission, 4%.

12. Prepare an account purchase for the following: David Carey, New York City, bought of the account of Henry Grant & Co. of Newark, N. J., August 16, 1916, 68 yd. fancy prints at 25¢; 42 yd. colored silk at $1.25; 1 dozen ladies' felt hats, $30; 18 yd. black cassimere at $1.50; 3 suits boys' clothing at $10. Charges: packing and cartage, $2.40. Find entire cost, commission being 5%.

13. Prepare an account purchase for the following: March 18, 1916. A. B. Morse & Co., Trenton, N. J., bought for account of Harris & Price, of Philadelphia, Pa., March 18, 150 bbl. Dakota flour at $9.75; 80 bbl. buckwheat flour at $12.40; 480 bu. ground feed at 60; 500 bu. bran at 30; 20 bbl. G. M. flour at $11. Cartage, $7.90, commission, 4%. What is the entire cost?

14. A merchant in Boston shipped to his broker in New York a carload of potatoes, 967 bushels, which were sold at $2.25 a bushel. What was realized on the sale if the broker charged 41% for selling and the freight was $67.96? How many pounds of Java coffee could be purchased with the proceeds of the sale of potatoes if coffee is 45¢ a pound and the broker charges 2% for buying?

References 313, 314, 315.

49. 1. A commission merchant working on a 4% commission earned $240.50 for selling a consignment of flour. What did the flour sell for?

2. My commission for selling goods at 2% amounted to $250.50. What was the selling price of the goods?

3. I bought goods, receiving $75.30 as my 5% commission. What did I pay for the goods and what was the total cost to my principal?

4. A commission merchant whose charge is 11% finds that his total receipts for commissions for 3 months amount to $4856. What was the value of his sales for the same time?

5. A collector charges 5% for his services. In order that he may clear $3000 a year, what must his collections amount to?

6. I receive $736.96 as the net proceeds of the sale of goods through a commission merchant, the only charges being 2% for commission. What was the gross sales?

7. My lawyer sends me $77.80 as the proceeds of a claim which he has collected for me. What was the claim, his commission being 5%?

8. We have received a check for $344.75 as the net proceeds of a sale on which the commission was 11%. What was the total sales and what was the commission?

9. I sent my commission merchant $138.65 to pay for goods purchased by him, including commission of 31%. What did he pay for the goods?

10. I received $185.40 from J. C. Bryan to cover the amount of goods purchased and my commission of 3%. What was the amount of the purchase?

11. I received $564.20 with instructions to purchase certain supplies, my commission to be 11%. What amount will I invest in supplies and what will my commission be?

12. A commission merchant received $1606 to invest, after deducting a commission of 3%. How much can he invest?

13. We received $145.50 as the net proceeds of a consignment. The rate of commission was 2% and other charges $2.50; what was the selling price of the goods?

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