Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

To Read Numbers

a. Begin at the right and point off the numbers into periods of three figures each.

b. Begin at the left and read each period separately, giving the name to each period except the last.

[blocks in formation]

Write the following numbers:

13. Ninety-seven.

14. Three hundred sixty-eight.

15. Two thousand four hundred seventy-five.

16. Thirty-seven thousand one hundred ninety-six.

17. One hundred thirty-six thousand three hundred


18. Five million three hundred six thousand five hundred three.


26. Roman Notation employs seven capital letters to express numbers, as follows:

Letters I, V, X, L, C, D, M.

Values 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000.

These letters may be combined to express numbers according to the following principles:

1. Repeating a letter repeats its value.

Thus, II represents 2; XX, 20; CCCC, 400; DD, 1000.

2. When a letter is placed after one of greater value, its value is to be added to that of the greater.


Thus, VI represents 6; XV, 15; XXI, 21; DC, 600; DCX,

3. When a letter is placed before one of greater value, its value is to be taken from the greater.

Thus, IX represents 9; XL, 40; XC, 90; CD, 400,

4. When a letter of any value is placed between two letters, each of greater value, its value is taken from the sum of the other two.

Thus, XIV represents 14; XIX, 19; LIX, 59; CXL, 140. 5. A bar placed over a letter increases its value one thousand times.

Thus, X represents 10000; XL, 40000; CD, 400000.

[blocks in formation]

4. Ninety-nine. 9. Six hundred forty-five. 5. Eighty-four.

14. 23480.

10. Seven hundred sixty-one.

15. 76103.

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30. Addition is uniting two or more numbers into one number.

31. The Sum or Amount is the number obtained by adding.

32. The Sign of addition is an upright cross +, and is read plus. When it is placed between two numbers, it shows that they are to be added. $3 + $2 is read 3 dollars plus 2 dollars, and means that 2 dollars are to be added to 3 dollars.

The sign $ is used for dollars, c. or cts. for cents.

33. The Sign of equality is two horizontal lines, and is read equal or are equal to. 2 + 5 7 is read 2 plus 5 equal 7. 34. When the amount of each column is less than ten.

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1. A farmer raised 232 bushels of corn, 142 bushels of wheat and 223 bushels of oats; how many bushels did he raise in all?

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7. What is the sum of 321, 142 and 323 ?

8. What is the amount of 213, 152 and 401?
9. What is the sum of 3232, 2323 and 4102?

10. I paid $212 for a wagon, $150 for one horse, $210 for another horse, and $11 for a set of harness. What did I pay for all?

35. When the sum of any column is greater than 9. 1. Find the sum of 3164, 2247, 4234 and 3232.


2247 4234 3232


EXPLANATION.-The sum of the units 2, 4, 7 and 4 is 17 units or 1 ten and 7 units; write the 7 units under the column of units and add 1 ten to the column of tens. The sum of the tens 1, 3, 3, 4 and 6 is 17 tens or 1 hundred and 7 tens; write the tens under the column of tens and add the 1 hundred to the column of hundreds. The sum of the hundreds 1, 2, 2, 2 and 1 is 8 hundreds; write under the column of hundreds. The sum of the thousands 3, 4, 2 and 3 is 12 thousands or 1 ten-thousand and 2 thousands; write the 2 thousands under the column of thousands and the 1 ten-thousand in the place of ten-thousands. The result 12877 is the sum required.

1. Units of the same order are written in the same column; and when the sum in any column is 10 or more than 10, it produces one or more units of a higher order, which must be added to the next column. This process is sometimes called "carrying the tens."

2. In adding, learn to pronounce the partial results without naming the numbers separately; thus instead of saying 2 and 4 are 6 and 7 are 13, simply pronounce the results 6, 13, 17, etc.

From the foregoing examples and illustrations we deduce the following:

To Add Whole Numbers

a. Write the numbers so that figures of the same order are in the same column.

b. Begin at the right and add each column separately.

c. When the sum of any column is greater than 9, place the right-hand figure of the result under the column added and add the remaining figure or figures to the next column.

d. Write at the left the sum of the last column.

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18364 26480 102154 279562
360 27147 62849 864209
214 14006 38297 56783 579135



how many?

14. 128324 + 116 + 893 +246 + 427 = 15. 1265 + 3482 + 2149 + 3625 + 1304 + 107 = how many?

16. 2860324567 +39042 +16841 +40218 how many? 17. Find the sum of $347, $962, $375, $842 and $636.

18. What will be the amount of $3476, $1924, $4822, $3965 and $7180?

19. Add 8765 feet, 5678 feet, 6758 feet, 7685 feet and 3629 feet.

20. Add forty-nine, seventy-six, three hundred twenty-five, nine thousand six hundred thirty-three, five thousand one hundred ten and sixty-two thousand four hundred eleven.

21. Find the sum of three hundred seventy, two thousand eighty-one, seven thousand four hundred sixteen, fifty thousand one hundred twenty-nine and four hundred forty-four thousand six hundred ninety-three.

22. A paid $762 for hogs, $1869 for cattle, $3796 for horses and then had $9240 remaining. How much had he at first?

23. I sold six cows that weighed as follows: 1824 pounds, 1369 pounds, 964 pounds, 2217 pounds, 1746 pounds, 1940 pounds. How many pounds did they all weigh?

24. A farmer bought four farms. He paid $3221 for the first, $5680 for the second, $4216 for the third and $2645 for the fourth. How much did he pay for all?

25. I paid $212 for a wagon, $154 for one horse, $210 for another horse and $65 for a set of harness. What did I pay for all?

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