Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση



ALTHOUGH it has been the special design of
the present work to speak of the first efforts of art
in assisting the proper development of the mental
and moral faculties, I shall take the liberty of
indulging in a few remarks on the method at
present adopted in the more advanced stages of
education; as seen in our National and Sunday
Schools. I need, I am sure, offer no other apo-
logy for so doing, than the fact, that it is in these
institutions, the infant poor must complete their
education-it is in these schools, the budding
faculties must either ripen, or perish- and the
moral principles become confirmed or weakened.
Certain I am, that it is the wish of all concerned
in these praiseworthy institutions to do their best
for the attainment of this object-the welfare
and improvement of the rising generation of the
poor classes; and therefore I the less reluctantly
offer a few thoughts on the subject, which it is my
humble opinion may not be altogether useless.
With regard to National Schools, I must say, M
there is too much form, and too little of the
spirit of instruction, to be found in their manage-
ment; the minor faculties are attended to in pre-

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ference to the higher ones: it is the memory alone which is called into action: the understanding is suffered to lie in a state of torpid inactivity. Their lessons, their plan of using them, and their discipline altogether, are of that monotonous nature, that the children always seem to me to be dosing over them. I know it will be pleaded that the number to be taught at once, renders this defect unavoidable; that it is impossible to teach a large body of children, in such a way as to secure the attention and activity of the whole. And it is so far true, as to its being impossible to detect and reform every idle pupil, who finds an opportunity of indulging his idleness in the divided attention of his teacher;- but I do think, if it be impossible to cure the evil, it may be in a great degree prevented. Make your system interesting, lively, and inspiriting, and your scholars will neither be able nor willing to slumber over it. Every one knows what an effect is produced on the physical faculties, by a succession of the same sound-for instance, by the long-continued chiming of a single bell; it induces a drowsiness, which we find it impossible to resist, except by turning our attention to another subject; but, let a number of bells strike out into a merry peal — how quickly we are aroused-how lively we become whilst their various changes secure the attention and interest, which their pleasing and spirited tones first excited. And just so it is with the mind in the matters of education; you must give a variety of tones, a newness of aspect to your lessons, or you will never be able to keep up a lively attention in your scholars. For this purpose I would particularly recommend to the attention of all concerned, the chapters in this volume,

on geometry, conversation, pictures, and likewise that on the elliptical method. By adopting the plan recommended in these chapters, the children will have something to do, and to do that something they must be active. The first object of the teacher is to excite a thirst for knowledge; not to pour unwelcome information into the mind.


It will probably be said, that however well adapted the plan recommended may be for the infantine scholars for whom it was designed, yet, it does not follow that it may be equally advantageous for those of a more advanced age; and if by this it is meant, that the very same lessons, &c. are not equally applicable in both cases, I perfectly agree with the truth of the objection; but a it is the principle of education that I recommend, and would affirm to be as applicable to children of the most advanced age, as to those of the youngest. It is not sufficient to store the memory, we must give employment to the understanding. It is not sufficient to talk to the children of piety and of goodness; we must present them with a living example of both, and secure an imitation of such example.

As applicable to Sunday Schools, I would particularly recommend the use of picture lessons on scripture subjects, for the use of the junior classes, to be used as a sort of text for conversation, suited to the state of their mental faculties. I am convinced that the knowledge acquired by this method is likely to make a deeper and more lasting impression, than that imparted in a less interesting mode. Nor should the lessons on natural history be neglected, in my humble opinion, in the system of Sunday School instruction; inasmuch as, the more the children know of the won


ders of creation, the greater must be their reverence of the Almighty Creator; in addition to which it will enable the teachers to supply variety, a thing so agreeable, and, indeed, indispensable, in the instruction of children. For these reasons, I think it could not justly be considered as either a mis-employment or profanation of the Sabbath-day. For the elder children, moreover, it would be advisable to have occasional class lectures, simplified for the occasion, on astronomy, natural history, &c.; and although it might be unadvisable to occupy the hours of the Sabbath-day with the delivery of them, they might be given, in some week-day evening, and should be made the medium of reward to good behaviour; such children as had misbehaved themselves being proscribed from attending. When thus seen in the light of a privilege, they would not fail to be interesting to the little auditors, as well as conducive to good behaviour.

It is with some degree of reluctance and apprehension, I touch upon another topic that of religious doctrine. As schools for gratuitous instruction have been established by most of the religious sects extant, it is obvious that some dissimilarity of sentiment on religious subjects must exist, as imparted in such schools. Let it not be supposed, that I would cast a censure on any religious body for establishing a school devoted to such a blessed purpose. On the contrary, I rejoice to see, that however various their theories may be, their opinion of Christian practice, as evinced in such actions, is the same. But, one thing I would say, to each and to all-let a prominence be given to those fundamental truths of love and goodness which Christianity inculcates.

Let the first sounds of religion which salute the ears of infancy be that heavenly proclamation, which astonished and enraptured the ears of the wakeful shepherds, "Peace on earth and goodwill towards men.' It was the herald-cry by which salvation was ushered into the world, and surely no other can be so proper for introducing it into the souls of children. I must candidly own that I have occasionally witnessed a greater desire to teach particular doctrines, than the simple and beautiful truths which form the spirit of religion; and it is against this practice I have presumed to raise a dissentient voice.

I would further beg leave here to recommend to the attention of all engaged in the work of instruction, in classes, where the children are of a somewhat advanced age, the ingenious method pursued by Mr. Stoat, master of the Islington Parochial Charity Schools, and which he has denominated the system of circulating classes.

I have not the little work at present by me which Mr. Stoat has published, explaining and recommending his plan; but the spirit of it may be learnt from the following account. It is the present practice in most schools to arrange the scholars in their classes, according to their attainments and merits, the best or cleverest scholar being reckoned and placed as the first boy. To the ambitious, or rather I should say, the active and emulous, this station of honour is of course an object of desire, and its attainment the object of their continual endeavours; but, having attained this station, having achieved all that it is possible for industry or ability to achieve, there being no further point of attraction,-the attention and merit of the possessor are frequently found to

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