Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

III. Republican simplicity of dress;
IV. Filibustering;

V. Enlistment in foreign armies;
VI. Right of search;

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VII. Freedom of trade on the high seas."

5. What was the nature of our international danger during the Civil war?

6. What was the European idea as to the strength of the Union?

7. What caused this idea to prevail?

8. What instance in connection with our early war relations with Great Britain demonstrated Lincoln's diplomatic skill?

9. Give an account of the diplomatic handling of the Trent affair.

10. What was the attitude of each of the great European powers toward the Union?

11. Compare the injuries we suffered from France with those suffered from Great Britain.

12. Tell the story of Adams' greatest diplomatic victory. 13. How did the "plain people" of England receive the Emancipation Proclamation?

14. What did the newspapers call it?

The first Book Number of The School Journal was issued September 28. Seven pages were devoted to reviews of works of fiction and other books, including many illustrations. This issue also contained the monthly educational review.

The School Board Number of forty-four pages was issued October 5 In this was continued Superintendent Greenwood's article on "Present Daties." Prin E. L. Cowdrick told "How We Started a Leeture Course." Other features were school equipment notes, trade notes, notes of new books, books under way, letters, etc. On October 12 the Method Number was issued.

The November Teachers' Institute contains a great variety of practical article and he usual number of illustrations. Among the articles are Local Geography in the City Schools," "Autumn Work in Drawing." "A Lesson in Parliamentary Procedure," "A Sixth Grade Writing Class," "Cane, Rush, and Raffia Weaving," and A Lesson on a Steel Pen." Besides there are practical problems in arithmetic, a lesson in bookkeeping, blackboard drawings, paper cutting, and brushwork. The supplement is a study of wheat. Price, $1.00 a year.

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I (a) How do the bones of a child differ in composition from those of an old person? (b) Why is this provision a wise one? (c) What objection is there to a child's walking at too early an age?

2. Explain the structure of the knee joint.

3. (a) Name two kinds of glands found in the skin. (b) State the purpose of each.

4. What is (a) the location, (b) the size, (c) the shape, (d) the structure of the heart?

5. What is (a) the glottis, (b) the epiglottis, (c) the esophagus?

6. How does alcohol affect albumen?

7. State (a) the number, (b) the location, (c) the purpose of the salivary glands. (d) About how much fluid do they secrete daily?

8. Is more food needed by those engaged in sedentary pursuits, or those doing hard physical labor? Why?

9. What is (a) the cerebrum, (b) the cerebellum, (c) the medulla oblongata?

10. Draw a diagram to illustrate the different parts of the ear and name each part.


1. (a) They have a larger proportion of animal matter and are softer and more elastic; (b) because they are less liable to be broken. (c) The bones are so soft that they may lose their


2. It is a hinge joint, protected by cartilage and the synovial


3. (a) Sebaceous and sweat glands; (b) the former serve to lubricate the skin, the latter eliminate waste matter.

4. (a) Between the two lungs, mostly on the left side; (b) about three in length; (c) pear shaped; (d) muscular.

5. (a) The opening from the pharynx into the larynx; (b) a lid that covers the glottis; (c) the passage from the pharynx to the stomach.

6. It coagulates it.

7. (a) Six; (b) in the mouth; (c) to moisten and help digest the food; (d) about three pints.

8 By those doing hard physical labor, because the exertion causes greater waste of tissue which must be renewed.

9. (a) The upper division of the brain; (b) the lower division of the brain; (c) the upper part of the spinal cord.

[graphic][merged small][merged small]

a, the external ear; b, the canals of the labyrinth; c, the auditory canal; e, the anvil bone; f. the cochlea; g, the tympanic membrane; k, the middle ear (tympanum), in which the little bones are placed; i, the Eustachian tube.


1. State three qualifications which each voter at a school district meeting must possess.

2. Name three duties of a trustee.

3. State the term of office of (a) a sole trustee; (b) one of three trustees.

4. What is the penalty for failure to comply with any provision of the law relating to the teaching of physiology and hygiene (a) as regards the district, (b) as regards the teacher? 5. What is an attendance officer required to do with a child arrested for truancy?

6. State the requirements of the law in regard to the selection of a librarian.

7. (a) How shall the funds for purchasing a flag be procured? (b) when and where shall the flag be displayed?

8. Mention three duties of the state superintendent of pub lic instruction.

9. What sum of money may a school commissioner order a trustee to expend (a) in abating a nuisance on the school grounds; (b) in erecting a new school-house?

10. (a) What is the minimum number of days a school must be taught during a year to entitle the district to draw public school money? (b) What deficiency may be allowed in this time?


1. He must be of full age, a citizen of the United States, and a resident of the district for at least thirty days next preceding the meeting.

2. To call special meetings, to make out tax lists, to hire teachers.

3. (a) One year; (b) three years.

4. (a) State funds may be withheld; (b) his license shall be revoked.

5. To deliver him to someone in parental relation to him, to the teacher, or, in case of habitual truancy, to a magistrate. 6. The board of education or trustees shall appoint one of the teachers librarian.

7. (a) By taxation; (b) on all days when the school is in session.

8 To apportion school moneys, decide appeals, submit a report of the condition of the schools to the legislature each year. 9. (a) $25; (b) $800.

10. (a) 160; (b) legal holidays and three weeks' attendance at Teachers' Institute.


1. (a) What is a congressman-at-large? (b) What conditions necessitate the election of such an officer?

2. (a) How many amendments have been added to the constitution of the United States since the Civil war? (b) What was their gene al purpose?

3. State (a) two duties of a surrogate; (b) his term of office. 4. (a) For what purpose was the appellate division of the supreme court of the State of New York organized? (b) How are the judges of the appellate division chosen?

5. (a) Name three town officers; (b) the term of office of each; (c) a duty of each.

6. Which one of the executive departments of the national government has control of (a) the bureau of education; (t) the collection of customs; (c) correspondence relating to treaties?

7. Name three powers the governor may exercise in regard to persons convicted of crime.

8 (a) How are United States senators elected? (b) Give their term of office.

9. Name (a) three county officers whose term of office is the same; (b) a duty of each.

10. Name two ways by which a bill may become a law without the approval of the governor.


1. (a) One elected by the voters of the whole state; (b) Con gress has increased the number of representatives of the state and the state legislature has not yet re-districted the state.

2. (a) Three; (b) to prohibit slavery and to give political and civil rights to the negro.

3. (a) To grant letters of administration in cases of deceased persons and to have general oversight of the property of minors. (b) Six years.

4. (a) To hear appeals from county courts and the general terms of supreme court. (b) They are appointed by the gov


5. (a) Supervisor, collector, commissioner of highways; (b) two years; (c) to represent the town in the board of supervisors, to collect taxes, to have charge of the building of bridges, respectively.

6. (a) The interior; (b) treasury; (c) state.

7. He may commute a sentence, pardon the criminal, or grant a reprieve.

8. (a) By a joint ballot of the two houses of the legislature; six years.

9. (a) Sheriff, clerk, treasurer: (b) to take charge of those charged with crime, to keep the records of the county court, to take charge of money collected for the county.

10. By a two-thirds vote of each house or by the failure of the governor to return the bill to the legislature within ten days.


1. (a) Were the Iroquois Indians of New York generally friendly or hostile towards the French of Canada? (b) Give reasons for your answer.

2. Give a brief account of any two of the following named persons in their relations to the colonial history of America. Sir Edmond Andros, King Philip, Nathaniel Bacon, James Oglethorpe.

3. State a compromise made in the formation of the constitution, (a) between the large states and the small states; (b) on the question of slavery.

4. Mention three prominent political issues before the country between 1820 and 1850.

5. What did the Kansas-Nebraska bill provide?

6. Name two important events that occurred during Grant's administration.

7. What was the chief occupation of the early settlers on, (a) Manhattan island, (b) in Virginia, (c) in Massachusetts.

8. Write an account of the "Trent affair" and state what international difficulty it caused.

9. Give two important results of the surrender of Burgoyne. 10. Mention the most noted American (a) diplomat, (b) naval commander, (c) financier of the Revolution.

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