Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

6. The product of three numbers is ; two of the numbers are 24 and ; what is the third?

7. A housekeeper bought 6 mahogany chairs at 34 dollars each, and gave for them 2 ten-dollar bills and one five-dollar bill. What change ought she to receive?

8. Find the sum of 17 +31

9. A box contains 345 eggs.

$.163 a dozen?

+ 418.

What is their value at

10. If ğ of an acre of land cost 101 dollars, what will of an acre cost?

11. Reduce 8165 to an improper fraction.

12. Subtract of from 83 + 24.


[blocks in formation]

14. If of an acre of land is worth $794, what is 1 acre


15. Reduce

좋 of t

to a simple fraction.

16. From what must 63 be subtracted to leave of 31? 17. At of a dollar per bushel, what will be the cost of of a bushel of potatoes?

18. of 27 is

19. From of

20. Simplify

of what number?

take of .

42 X 18 X 75 × 6

25 X 17 X 14 X 9

21. A merchant paid 851 dollars for 15 tons of coal. How much did the coal cost him per ton?

22. Simplify 84 27—3163 - 53.

23. 150 is 10 of what number?

24. $150 was paid for a horse and saddle. If the cost of the saddle was of the cost of the horse, what was the cost of each?

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

26. Find the quotient of 204 ÷ 1 of 8385.

27. How many lemons, at of a dollar a dozen, will pay for 80 oranges at 2 cents each?

28. Four loads of hay weigh respectively 1723§, 23173, 15478, and 1357 pounds. What is the total weight of the hay?

29. Reduce 1232 to its lowest terms.


30. A farmer had of his sheep in one pasture, in another, and the remainder, which were 77, in a third pasture. How many sheep had he?

31. If I give A. 3 of my money, B. 1 of it, and C. of it, what part of my money have I left?

32. The divisor is, and quotient 253. What is the dividend?

33. A man bought land for $5130, and sold gain of the cost, the gain being $3 per acre. acres did he buy?

it so as to How many

34. After buying a suit of clothes for $60 I found I had of my money left. How much had I at first?

35. What number, diminished by the difference between and of itself, leaves a remainder of 34?

36. Divide of 3 by & of 18.

37. If 33 bushels of oats will sow an acre, how many bushels will it take to sow 7 acres?

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

39. Find the value of 5+ 64-770 + 38.

40. The circumference of a bicycle wheel is 7 feet; the circumference of another bicycle wheel is 79 feet. How many more times will the smaller wheel turn than the larger in going 5280 feet?

41. Divide (3) by (— 2).

42. Reduce 15 to 786ths.

43. If of a cord of wood cost $64, what will 10 cords cost?

44. Find the sum and product of 7, § and §.

45. What is the value of (of of 33 + 83) ÷ (101⁄2 752)?

[ocr errors]

46. A shepherd, being asked how many sheep he had, answered that of of the whole number was 45. many had he?


47. Find the G. C. D. and the L. C. Dd. of 833, 1127, 1421, 343.

48. What part of


49. If 3 yards of cloth cost 84 cents, how much is that per yard?

50. The reciprocal of is 1÷7. What are the sum, the difference, and the product of and its reciprocal?

51. Reduce to a common denominator and add § × 1 × 5, ,, and .

52. A lot which cost $400 was sold for $480. What part of the cost was gained?

53. How much is the sum of 1,, greater or less than 3 of the sum of}, }, †?

54. If bricks cost $8.50 a thousand, what is the cost of one brick?


55. Simplify

Give the principles involved.


56. A regiment lost in battle 250 men, which was of the regiment. What was the number of men before the battle?

57. Divide 98 by 111, and multiply the quotient by of 83.

58. Reduce 6, 12, 14 to their L. C. D.

59. A barrel of beef, which holds 200 pounds, was full. How many pounds would there be left in it after 53 pounds were taken out?

60. A man having $51 bought a knife, and then had left $4. How much did the knife cost?

61. Mr. Gould sold a cow for $30, which was of what she cost him. How much did he lose?

62. At 91 dollars a barrel, how many pounds of flour can be bought for $31? [One barrel = 196 pounds.]

63. When hay is worth $93 a ton, what will of 3 tons cost?

64. A. and B. kill an ox. A. takes and B. the remainder. If B.'s share weighs 361 pounds, what is the weight of the ox?

65. What fraction of 183 is 63?

66. If 23 acres of land cost $220, what will be the cost of 177 acres? Indicate the work and cancel.

67. If 15 men do a piece of work in 10 days, how long would it take 5 men to do the same work?

68. If 5 be added to both terms of the fraction, will its value be increased or diminished?

69. If A. can do a piece of work in 5 days and B. in 8 days, how long will it take both to do it?

70. There are two numbers whose sum is 140, one of which is the other. What are the numbers?

71. The product of two numbers is 6, and one of them is 1846. What is the other?

72. If 3 dozen lemons cost $11, what will be the cost of 56 lemons?

73. If 7 pounds of rice cost $.90, how many pounds can be bought for $1.10?

74. A clerk carns $13 a day, and spends $ a day. How much does he save in a year?

[blocks in formation]

77. Margaret, in attempting to divide a fraction by 18, inverted the dividend instead of the divisor, and obtained a quotient of. What was the given fraction?

78. If a man's brain is of his weight, and weighs 332 pounds, what is his weight?

79. Which is the greater, 40% or 11⁄2?

80. When land is worth 100 dollars per acre, what part of an acre will be worth 26 dollars ?

81. A cistern can be filled by one pipe in 15 hours, and by another in 20 hours. In what time can the two pipes fill it flowing together ?

82. What part of 12 is ×?

4 1/4

83. What is the quotient of 11⁄2 divided by its reciprocal?

NOTE. The reciprocal of a quantity is 1 divided by that quantity.

84. Change to a fraction whose denominator shall be 35.

85. Find the least number of apples that, arranged in groups of 8, 9, 10, or 12, will have just 6 over in each case.

86. Three times a number plus of it, plus 4 times the number plus of it, are how many times the number?

87. If of a steeple casts a shadow 833 feet long, how long is the shadow cast by 1⁄2 of it?

88. A man has 4 bushels of potatoes, which is 5 of the quantity that he planted. How many did he plant?

89. A man who received of his father's property gives to his own son of what he received. Who then has of the whole?

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