Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

special efforts have been made to develop the principles of the science ni harmony with the order and methods found in works on arithmetic where both the oral and the written process are used, but giving a greater number and variety of problems for oral solution than could profitably be given in a book in which both processes are combined.


A. N. R.





1. A boy has 1 right eye and 1 left eye; how many eyes

has he?

2. If I have 2 apples in one hand and 1 apple in the other, how many apples have I?

3. Mary has 2 books and her sister has 2; how many have they together?

4. Mary had 3 cents and found 1; how many had she then?

5. A boy had 3 dollars and earned 2 dollars more; how many dollars had he then?

6. James found 2 apples and George found 3; how many did they both find?

7. Tabby caught 3 mice and Tom caught 3; how many did they both catch?

8. A pencil cost 4 cents, and some pens 3 cents; how much did they both cost?

9. If a boy has 5 cents and his sister has 2 cents, how many cents have they together?

10. How many cents are 6 cents and 1 cent?

11. A man earned 4 dollars on Monday and 4 dollars on Tuesday; how much did he earn in the two days?



12..James has 5 cents and Samuel has 3 cents; how many cents have they together?

13. How many are 6 cents and 2 cents?

14. How many are 7 cents and 1 cent?

15. Henry had 8 dollars, and earned 1 dollar more; how many had he then?

16. If George has 7 apples and I give him 2 more, how many will he then have?

17. Sarah baked 4 loaves of bread last week and 5 loaves this week; how many loaves did she bake in the two weeks? 18. A boy paid 6 cents for paper and 3 cents for pens; how much did he pay for both?

19. How many are 2 boys and 7 boys? 3 cents and 6 cents? 4 apples and 5 apples? 1 orange and 8 oranges? 20. Harry had 5 cents and earned 5 cents more; how many had he then ?

21. There are 4 boys in one class and 6 in another; how many are there in both classes?

22. A man has 3 horses and 7 cows; how many animals has he?

23. A boy has 8 turkeys and 2 hens; how many fowls has he?

24. If a boy earns 1 dollar and his father earns 9 dollars, how much do they together earn?

25. How many are 9 dollars and 1 dollar? 6 men and 4 men? 7 apples and 3 apples? 8 days and 2 days? 5 cents and 5 cents?

[blocks in formation]

*If the learner find difficulty with the abstract numbers, let him at

first use counters.

[blocks in formation]

1. William had 10 cents and found 1 cent; how many cents had he then?

2. There are 10 eggs in one nest and 2 in another; how many eggs in both nests?

3. A boy has 10 hens and 3 ducks; how many fowls has he? 4. There are 10 boys in class and 4 girls; how many pupils in the class?

5. A coat cost 10 dollars and a hat 5 dollars; how much did both cost?

6. I had 11 dollars and earned 1 dollar more; how many dollars had I then?

7. A boy had 11 books and bought 2 more; how many books had he then?

8. If I pay 11 cents for a slate and 3 cents for pens, how much do I pay for both?

9. Mary gave me 11 plums and Henry gave me 4; how many plums have I?

10. Bought a slate for 12 cents and sold it for 1 cent more; how much did I get for it?

11. A farmer sold 12 sheep to one man and 2 to another; how many sheep did he sell?

12. A pupil answered 12 questions correctly and 3 incorrectly; how many did he try to answer?

13. George is 13 years old, his sister is 1 year older; how old is she?

14. James rode 13 miles and walked 2; how far did he travel?

15. Harry jumped 14 feet, but William jumped 1 foot farther; how far did William jump?

16. How many are 2 cents and 10 cents? 3 books and 10 books? 4 men and 10 men? 5 horses and 10 horses?

17. How many are 1 boy and 11 boys? 2 peaches and 11 peaches? 3 hats and 11 hats? 4 pens and 11 pens?

18. How many are 1 pencil and 12 pencils? 3 dollars and 12 dollars? 2 slates and 12 slates?

19. How many are 1 bell and 13 bells? 1 box and 14 boxes? 2 pins and 13 pins?

20. How many are 9 cents and 3 cents? 9 cents and 4 cents? 9 cups and 5 cups? 6 apples and 9 apples?

21. How many are 6 boys and 5 boys? 6 hens and 9 hens? 8 sheep and 6 sheep? 7 men and 7 men?

22. How many are 7 plums and 5 plums? 6 peaches and 7 peaches? 7 miles and 8 miles ?

23. How many are 8 boys and 4 boys? 6 men and 8 men? 8 cows and 5 cows? 8 feet and 7 feet?

[blocks in formation]
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